• Published 21st Apr 2016
  • 2,940 Views, 75 Comments

A Gem in Canterlot High - Golden Flare

Before Peridot's ship crashed, another Gem that was held prisoner had escaped and used one of the escape pods and landed in a different version of Earth. Now he tries to live a normal life, but he'll soon realize the past catches up with everybody...

  • ...

Chapter 3: Day of the Fall Formal

2 Days Later...

I gave Sunset's proposal a lot of thought in a two day time frame; if I didn't comply, she'd reveal the real me to the school, jeopardizing my normal life. I had no choice, Sunset's backed me into a corner. I know what my answer is.

On an unrelated note, a new student has joined CHS, she goes by the name, "Twilight Sparkle". Interesting name, to say the least. Anyway, I recently learned that she's competing against Sunset for the Fall Formal Crown, that'll be interesting. This brings up a question: what's so special about that crown that Sunset's dying to get her hands on it?

Maybe there's something she's not telling me.

Then again, I'm no better.

Well, nonetheless, I'm more than likely going to owe Applejack an explanation for why I had Apple Bloom and her friends hole themselves up in the house. Maybe I can come up with a good enough excuse that even Applejack will buy it.

...At least, I hope.


There's the lunch bell.

I left my current class and entered the cafeteria, grabbing my lunch, and headed to my usual table, as expected, Sunset Shimmer and her cronies were waiting for me. I sat down and awaited the interrogation of CHS's Queen Bee.

"So...what's your answer?" she asked.

"I'll admit it, you've got me pinned to a wall with no way out...that being said..." I take a deep breath, "You win. I'll join you."

She sneers, "I told you I always get what I want."

"BUT." I continue firmly, "I'll only do what you say within reason."

Her smile drops and she sighs, "You drive a hard bargain, but okay. Now," she leans in close, "tell me everything."

"About what?"

"Who you are, where you're from, what that creature was, things like that."

I sighed, "Okay. I suppose you deserve an explanation. But what I say doesn't leave this table."

She smiles, "But of course."

I explain to them nearly everything; about Gems, how they become corrupted, Homeworld, even my betrayal of Yellow Diamond. Sunset took everything in stride, but Snips and Snails seemed lost by my words.


After I finished my explanation, Sunset looked like she was deep in thought.

"That's about everything. So, think I'm crazy yet?"

"No. After everything that's happened and what I've been through, I believe you."


What she's been through?

"Good to know I have a trained mercenary on my side."

"I don't do that anymore."

"Then what do you call that battle back at the hick's house?"

"Protecting innocents."

"Whatever. One final question: is there a way for humans to become Gems?"

"...It's completely unheard of. I heard my leader, Rose Quartz, gave up her physical form to give birth to a half human child."

"So basically, for a human to become a Gem, they have to be born one."


She scoffed, "So much for that theory. No matter, I'll gain power one way or another."


Could she be talking about that crown?

"Anyway, we should get going, things to do, you know." Sunset and her little pets stood up and walked away, but Sunset stopped and came up next to me, "By the way..." she turned my head to face her and she kissed me on the lips, "That was for saying 'yes'. See you soon, my prince."

With that, she finally left, nearly bumping into Abyssal Shield along the way.

"Watch it!" she snarled at him.

He sighs as she left the cafeteria, sitting at his own table like me. Soon after finishing my lunch, I took my leave, but not before I heard rhythmic banging and stomping coming separate areas of the room...


I left the classroom and saw a peculiar sight; everyone's wearing the old Canterlot Wondercolt merchandise from three years ago. That's weird, nobody cared for the stuff anymore, why is it resurfacing now? I pushed those thoughts to the side as Sunset, Snips, and Snails were walking in my general direction with smug smiles on their faces.

Sunset reached out and grabbed my arm, "Come with me."

"Whoa, whoa! Where are we going?!" I asked.

"You'll see."

She walked me over to the Vice Principal's office and knocked on the door, said Vice Principal stuck her head out the door as Sunset adopted the most innocent look I've never seen on her features.

"Vice Principal Luna! Something terrible has happened!"

Sunset takes Luna to the gymnasium to show her and me the damage that was done to it; tables and the disco ball destroyed, balloons and trash littered the area, and banners and streamers were ripped to shreds.

Yep, this is definitely Sunset's handiwork, I deadpanned in my head.

"Isn't this just awful? And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect. Why Twilight Sparkle DO something like this?" Sunset said, acting innocent.

"Why would you think Twilight was responsible for something like this?" Luna asked.

"Yeah...why?" I questioned.

"Because I have proof." Sunset handed her a file.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the school's pretty boy and Sunset's ex-boyfriend, Flash Sentry, sneaking away as he eavesdropped on us. I crack a smile, finally seeing one of Sunset's plans go up in smoke. I drop it immediately and develop my usual poker face to avoid suspicion, but inside, I felt utter glee, anxious to see what happens next.

"That should take of her." Sunset said.

"Yeah, but now they're going to postpone the dance." I said.

"I'll think of something, okay?"


"Now...how about we spend some alone time together, my prince?"

"You're never gonna stop calling me that, are you?"


I sigh in exasperation. I really don't wanna know what her idea of "alone time" is.

We sat in a broom closet in the gym with Snips and Snails, watching Sunset's plan unfold.

"This is your idea of 'alone time'?" I question, annoyed.

"Oh that, I was teasing you." she said.

"Good to know..." I said, half sarcastic, half glad.

She opened the door a crack and saw the students leaving the gym, which was now fixed up. Somehow, Twilight Sparkle was able to convince the entire school to help clean up and repair the damage done to the decorations for the Fall Formal. Man, that girl really is something else.

Sunset scowled and turned to her lackeys, "You're lucky she was able to pull this off. Next time I ask you to make a mess of things, try and show a little restraint! I want this formal to happen tonight just as much as she does."

After she said that, she quietly closed the door, waiting for the last of the students to leave.

After THAT little episode, she allowed me to go back home and get ready for the Fall Formal, not like I can, the outfit I'm currently wearing can only be changed if I get destroyed and have to reform myself. Oh well, guess I'll just have to go as I am. On my way back, I run into Applejack and her new group, and she doesn't look happy to see me.

Well, might as well get this over with.

"Ah've been lookin' for ya, Black Crystal! What's the big idea of having ma sister and her friends barricade the house up?!"

"Because there was a dangerous creature in your orchard, I dealt with it personally, and it shouldn't bother you again. I'm sorry for what I told your sister and her friends to do, but it was merely a precaution in case something went wrong."

She raises an eyebrow, "And ya promise not to do it again?"

"Only in case of an emergency, which it was."

"Hmm..." she scratches her chin as she looks into my eyes, "...Alright then, I believe ya."

"Glad that's out of the way." I sigh in relief.


I turn to the new voice and see a girl with lavender skin, purple hair with a lighter purple and hot pink streak in it, and purple eyes.

"Applejack, who's this?"

"Oh! I almost forgot! Twilight, this is Black Crystal, a family friend, Black, this is Twilight Sparkle, a new friend of ours."

"Nice to meet you, Black." Twilight greeted as she held her hand out.

"Likewise." I took her hand and shook it.

"Well, I hate to meet and run, but we have to get ready for the Fall Formal."

"Same. Maybe we'll see each other there."

"That'd be great, see you then!"

Twilight and the others left, leaving me to ponder something I just realized; Applejack and Rainbow Dash appeared to be friends again. But how? Less than a week ago, they couldn't stand to be near each other. Could Twilight have something to do with that? I turn to their retreating backs and smile.

"Twilight Sparkle...you really ARE something else. You almost remind me of..."

Moonstone's POV

I sat atop one of the many buildings of Canterlot City, watching the subject as he appeared to be reminiscing. He turned to leave when I received a communication, I took cover and answered the call.

"What is it? I nearly got caught."

"I've gathered some intel while you've been keeping an eye on the subject."

"And that is...?"

"The subject will be attending an event called the 'Fall Formal' at that educational institute. I estimate THAT will be the perfect time to strike."

"Very well. When will it start?"

"Tonight. A few hours before the moon reaches its peak in the night sky."

"I'll be there. What about you or the others?"

"We'll be in hiding, but we'll stay in contact."

"Alright then. Best not reveal our entire hand before the game has truly started."

"Poetic as always. Labradorite out."

The link disconnected. I swiftly made my way the institute where this Fall Formal is taking place. Once I arrived, I hid on the roof, waiting for night to fall.

Author's Note:

There are still some openings for other Gems to be in here, just to let you all know