• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 5,693 Views, 249 Comments

A Canterlot Courtship - TheDoktor

Big Macintosh goes to Canterlot, pursues romance with Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Hasbro owns everything, I own nothing, just playing with the ponies for a while!

Macintosh awoke the next morning to knocking upon his chamber door. He looked out through the window and noted that he’d slept in much longer than was his custom; perhaps all the time off was making him lazy.

“Hold yer horses, ‘m comin’,” he muttered blearily. The knocking continued as Big Mac finally slid out of his bed and shuffled towards the door. He opened the door and saw a young pony, just a few years too old to be called a colt, dressed in the livery of the Canterlot Castle staff standing before him, one hoof raised to knock.

The servant put down his hoof and nodded politely. “Ah, uh.... Mr. Apple?”

“Macintosh,” Big Mac murmured, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He always hated being called by his family name alone for some reason.

“Yes, sir,” the servant said, his voice cracking slightly. “I am here to inform you that you have a visitor looking for you. They are waiting for you just outside the main gates.”

“Who is it?” he asked.

“A Miss Rarity, Sir.”

That gave the farm pony a bit of a start. “I’ll be down in a just a bit t’ see her.”

“Very good, Sir, I’ll inform her,” the servant said before departing.

Macintosh took a few minutes to get cleaned up before putting on his saddlebags and collar and heading down to the main gates.

Rarity was indeed waiting for him when he arrived. The fashion-pony seemed to fit in naturally with the gathered high-society unicorn ponies, resplendent yet somehow modest in a wide-brimmed white sun-hat. “Good to see you again, Macintosh,” she said with a wide smile.

He gave her a polite nod. “Miss Rarity, ya look right pretty.”

“Oh, this? It’s nothing; just a giant hat, really,” she said with a girlish titter. “I trust you’re enjoying your stay in Canterlot?”

“Well, it sure is big,” he said. “And I ain’t had much chance to do anythin’ yet. But I’m enjoyin’ myself. I haven’t really had a lot of chances to do th’ stuff ya had circled on that map ya made up with Twilight, but I’ll get there. What brings ya up here?”

“Well, shortly before you left Ponyville I’d written to some friends I have here, and mentioned your forthcoming ceremony, and they’d written back to let me know they could get me a place at the Honors Banquet,” she said. “I received the letter right after your train left town, and I immediately made arrangements to depart the next day. Naturally I’d not miss your big moment if I could help it,” she said.

Big Mac grinned crookedly. “Not t’ mention ya could keep an eye on th’ amateur model that’s showin’ off yer fancy clothes?”

Her sly grin matched his. “I can claim it as a business trip on my taxes.”

He chuckled. “Did ya have a chance t’ get any breakfast yet?”

She shook her head. “Actually I was just going to ask you if you wanted to join us.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Ya got somepony with ya?”

“I do dislike travelling travelling alone, and I needed a helping hoof to assist me with some, er... cargo.” She turned to look back down the broad avenue leading away from the castle. “Ah, there she is now.”

Big Macintosh followed her gaze down the street and saw Rainbow Dash approaching, pulling a small wagon behind her loaded with quite a few items of luggage (all in colors that indicated they belonged to Rarity) and what looked like three small barrels. “Sorry I took so long,” the pegasus said to Rarity, “The pony at the cargo-car gave me a hard time about all this stuff. And I thought Applejack had the hardest head in all of Equestria. Oh hey, Mac. You don’t have to tell your sister I said that, just sayin’.”


“So I bet you’re pretty psyched that I get to be there for your big day, huh?” Rainbow Dash said. “You and AJ getting this award-thingy is all over the paper back home, everypony’s talking about it. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “The Wonderbolts giving an exhibition after the banquet has nothing to do with it?”

Dash looked faintly hurt. “So? So what if the trip comes with a perk? That doesn’t mean I’m any less Mac’s buddy. That just makes up for me having to cart your stuff all over Celestia’s creation.”

Rarity sniffed. “I have traumatic history with carts.”

Macintosh was investigating the contents of the wagon as the two mares bantered. Rarity’s wardrobe was not unexpected, but the barrels looked quite familiar. Walking around to the back of the wagon he noticed the markings on the lids. “This is Apple Family cider,” he said.

Rarity nodded. “Indeed, I purchased it from your sister before leaving. The friends I mentioned writing, they are connoisseurs of fine food and drink, and I thought this would be a fine gift since they are being gracious enough to let Rainbow Dash and I stay with them while we’re in Canterlot. After all, even I enjoy it, and I’m really more of a wine pony, myself.”

He carefully noted the markings logging the contents. “This run was a blend of Foxwhelp and Brown Snout. Some o’ the finest stuff we’ve ever made. AJ was right proud o’ it.”

“I asked for the best,” Rarity said.

“How come I don’t get the best?” Rainbow Dash asked with a surly frown. “You Apples been holding out on me?”

“Please, Rainbow Dash, I’m sure when we get settled Fancy Pants and Fleur will be happy to let us sample the cider with them,” Rarity assured her. “But all that can wait; I believe we were discussing breakfast, Macintosh? I happen to know a good café not far from here so... if we could perhaps impose on these formidable-looking castle guards to watch over our wagon while we adjourn for our meal?”

The guards were less than receptive when Big Macintosh asked, but were much more agreeable when Rarity did. As she led them to the café she explained to Mac that it had something to do with eyelashes.

The café was an open-air affair that served a splendid hot tea and some rather amazing fruit turnovers. Macintosh was already halfway through wolfing down his third one when he noticed Rarity was still daintily nibbling on her first, and forced himself to slow down. “So, ya got t’ see AJ, before comin’ here?” he asked her, mostly to cover up his embarrassment.

“Yes, she’s doing quite well,” the unicorn replied. “And very proud of the honor your family is receiving.”

“I was kinda wonderin’ because.. um... I might not be goin’ home for a while,” Big Mac said, feeling strangely nervous about what he was about to reveal. “Princess Celestia has offered me a job, helpin’ get the Royal Gardens in line. If I accept I might not be leavin’ Canterlot for a bit, maybe as long as a few months”

Rainbow Dash looked up from where she was devouring her own pastries. “Well, did ya accept? I think you should, I mean, this is the Princess asking you, it’s a big deal. And she did just, y’know, ask, right? There’s no threat of throwing you in a dungeon if you say no?”

“Now Rainbow Dash, you should know Princess Celestia better than that, by now,” Rarity rebuked her friend.

“Yeah...” Dash said after some thought. “Luna would, though.”

Rarity shrugged a little. “Maybe...but we’re getting sidetracked. Macintosh, have you given the Princess an answer yet?”

He nodded. “Sorta said I’d do it."

“I think that’s the right choice,” Rainbow Dash said. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You have to reach out and grab it!”

“Suppose yer right,” he said, “But I still feel like I’m runnin’ out on m’ family, just a bit. I’ve always been there to help them, always, ever since I was little more than a colt.“

“It’s all very new, very strange, I’m sure,” she agreed sympathetically. “But I agree with Dash. For one thing... this could be helping your family, being here for a time. After all, I understand this honor you’re receiving comes with a new market for your products opening up here in Canterlot? To me, it makes perfect sense for there to be a smart, level-headed pony who’s intimately familiar with the ins and outs of all aspects of the Apple Family’s business to be here to manage the process at this end, especially right now as it’s just starting to get in place. You’re a natural choice for that.”

“I guess I hadn’ thought about all that,” Big Macintosh admitted.

“Truly, this is a critical juncture for your business. Applejack might very well want you to be here herself, if she could do it. There’s simply nopony else she’d trust, I can assure you. You’re the best pony for the job, Macintosh.” She pursed her lips thoughtfully. “If you would permit me, I could make a few introductions to certain ponies I know, at the ceremony and after. I think they could be most helpful to you in this endeavor.”

“I’d... I’d be right grateful for that, Miss Rarity,” he said. “I figure doin’ that an’ tryin’ to fix the Gardens at the same time’s gonna be a hoof-full.”

“That’s all real nice,” Dash interjected, “But that’s work, and there’s more to life than that.” She turned to Macintosh. “Mac, your sis told me that you’ve never been out of Ponyville? Like, never-ever?”

“Eeyup, that’s right.”

“Well that’s lame! This is Canterlot! You should get out, see the sights!” she proclaimed, gesturing broadly with one hoof. “Go to concerts!”

Rarity snickered. “Eat the food?” she suggested, pointing at the crumbs on Dash’s neck and chest.

“Yeah, that too,” she said, brushing herself off without shame. “Point is, there is more to life than just work.”

Macintosh nodded. “I getcha. Well, I got that map with th’ stuff circled on it, n’ I can ask Twilight Sparkle about more things t’ do when I meet her tonight fer dinner.”

Rarity, who had been levitating her teacup to her lips, seemed to fumble for a moment, almost dropping her drink. “Macintosh... did you just say you’re meeting Twilight for dinner? Tonight?” she gasped, her eyes intent.


“The two of you? No family or friends or anypony else?”

“Uh.. eeyup?” he responded, very confused by her suddenly intense manner. “Is there something wrong with that?”

“What? No, not at all! I’m very pleased!” Rarity proclaimed.

“Yeah, it’s awesome that you have a date!” Rainbow Dash added.

“A....” Macintosh felt the breath catch in his throat “Ah...that’s n-not what this is, at all!”

“Aw, c’mon, you can’t deny it,” Dash sneered. “Mac, we all know you totally have the hots for Twilight, it’s plain for everypony to see.”

Rarity looked over at her friend with a strangely amused expression.

“...Don’t even start,” the blue pegasus groused, holding up a fore-hoof in Rarity’s face. “Don’t wanna hear it.”

“Did AJ tell y'all this?” He asked, not wanting to believe his secret had been betrayed.

Rarity gave her pegasus friend one more strange little smile, then turned back to Macintosh. “No, Applejack was as surprised as you are that we knew. Rainbow Dash is right, though. We do know you have feelings for Twilight, and it’s wonderful that you have this chance to make inroads, so to speak.”

“But I told ya, s’not a date, or anythin’ like that!” Big Macintosh objected. “She just invited me t’ dinner, nothin’ more. I’m sure she don’ have any sorta feelings of... y’know, like that fer me.”

“Two points,” Rarity said. “First, you cannot be absolutely sure of that, at all, and second, even if that’s the case, she clearly thinks highly of you and that might give you the opportunity to move her heart in the direction of those feelings. Perhaps she doesn’t see this as a date, but maybe it can be one for you.” She reached over the small table they were sharing and gave his shoulder a gentle pat. “Fortune favors those who are bold, dear.”

“Rarity, Dash I...” Macintosh could feel his face heating up under his fur as the two mares looked at him intently. “...Look, I ain’ got a clue what t’ do on a date in the first place!”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “What, you’ve never been on a date before?”


Her eyebrows shot up. “....Really? Just sayin, because like, around the spa? A lot of the mares like to talk about-”

“Dash, you aren’t helping,” Rarity said quickly, cutting her off. “Macintosh, darling, it’s not as if there’s a set of objectives that one must accomplish on a date, like on a checklist or some such nonsense.”

“Twilight probably has a checklist,” Dash noted.

“Be quiet,” Rarity said absently. “What I’m trying to say is, the most important thing is for you to just be yourself, not go off on some great tangent to impress your lady-love. Be calm, be confident, be natural.”

Macintosh thought he got the gist of what she was saying. “I kinda always thought there was flowers n’ dancing n’ stuff.”

Rarity nodded. “There can be that, too, but it probably would be a trifle excessive for a first date. Especially with Twilight Sparkle; she is not the most socially adept pony, I must admit. I would say you should just treat this almost as if it’s merely a pleasant evening with a good friend - except that you’re paying just a slight bit more attention than normal. Make light conversation. Talk about families - but do stick to the less dramatic stories about them.”

Rainbow Dash was listening also. “He should be sure to tell her she’s pretty, though.”

Rarity opened her mouth as if to object, then stopped and seemed to consider it. “That’s... hm, that’s actually a good idea, Rainbow Dash - as long as he can do it so that it doesn’t come out of nowhere. I don’t think Twilight quite understands the concept of flirtation, but a compliment like that might have a positive impact. I will trust your judgement, Macintosh.”

“I’m glad ya do, Miss Rarity,” Macintosh said. “I know she’s a close friend to ya. I still don’ know if ya have this pegged right, but I promise I’ll do right by her, no matter how this goes.”

Rarity smiled. “I have no doubts, dear. Now... I suggest we settle up the tab and head back to the castle to retrieve our belongings. On the way you can give me more details about this date... did she mention what sort of establishment she’d be taking you to? I’m thinking casual dining, so you shouldn’t need any attire. Hmm... we really should at least see to your mane, though....”


Twilight Sparkle let out a long sigh as she closed the door behind her. “Spike, I’m home!” she called.

Her young dragon assistant came down the staircase from one of the upper levels of her tower, where he’d been cleaning busily cleaning the bookshelves. “There you are, Twilight. I was starting to get worried; you’d said you didn’t expect your meeting at the College of Medicine to be all that big of a deal,” he said as he laid his feather-duster aside.

“It shouldn’t have been,” the unicorn growled. “My paper said everything that needed saying by itself. All the board should have had to do is arrange for some other ponies in the college to perform proper peer review and verify what Zecora had already shown me. But apparently they think that I was just trying to rock the boat and ‘debunk accepted theory’ to make a splash and get noticed, or something. I mean... that’s why it’s theory and not fact! It needs to be tested!” she cried, dropping her saddlebags on the floor as she trotted to the center of the large ground-floor chamber that served as a living room.

“Then what?” Spike asked as he took her book-bag from the floor and moved it to a small table by the doorway.

“Then they all decided to adjourn and said they’d discuss the matter further and get back to me. So basically, I just wasted an entire morning with them.”

“Doesn’t sound very efficient,” Spike agreed. “But the rest of the day is yours, right?”

Twilight thought about it a moment. “I think so... Spike could you check-”

“Already am,” Spike said as he opened a scroll that had been on the living room table. “Hm... today’s the 11th? Hm... yes... yep, that was your only appointment - well, only work appointment. Remember after you came home yesterday? You had me jot down that you were meeting Big Macintosh for dinner tonight, right before you fell asleep on the couch?”

“Oh Celestia, I’d almost forgotten,” she said. “And I haven’t even figured out where to take him.”

"Could take him to Donut Joe's," Spike suggested.

"Donuts for dinner? You can't be serious," Twilight stated flatly.

"Well I think it sounds great," Spike said with a little sniff. "But I would suggest you stay away from all those fancy places over on Posey Lane. Something gives me the feeling that Mac isn't the kind of pony that's into puffed pastries and micro-green salads. He's a stallion, an alpha-male, he needs real food."

Twilight considered the matter a moment before responding. "There is that little bistro near Fyre-Flye Plaza. Very casual atmosphere there. And I seem to recall the food meeting with the approval of the only other alpha-male I know," she said with a knowing grin.

"The hay-fries were awesome," Spike noted, patting his belly. "I think that's a great choice."

“Truly you are the best assistant I could ask for,” Twilight said dryly. “But it is a good choice, the snotty ponies tend to pick fancier places to be seen. I’ve had enough of them for one day, and I definitely don’t think that’s Big Macintosh’s sort of scene.”

Spike nodded. “For sure. Hey, wonder why he’s here, and not Applejack? I mean, It’s great to have a chance to see him again, but I wouldn’t expect him to volunteer to come here. He’s practically a part of Ponyville itself, like a bit of the scenery.”

Twilight snickered. “I kind of doubt he ‘volunteered.’ Applejack’s been talking about trying to convince him to take a vacation for a few years now. And I’m thinking this business with the Honors Banquet gave her an excuse Macintosh couldn’t slip out of. It’ll be good for him I think. He works so hard, and I know he enjoys his work, but he should be able to relax every once in awhile.”

“I wonder if he even knows how to relax?” Spike mused.

“I know, right?” Twilight smirked a little wryly. “Not that I’m one to talk, I suppose. I wasn’t real great at relaxing either, especially not before I moved to Ponyville.”

“You still aren’t exactly a master.”

Twilight responded by sticking her tongue out at her assistant before continuing. “You know, I spent a lot of time with the Apples, but I don’t think I’ve ever talked to Macintosh very much, one-on-one. He was always quiet around me. Not in a rude way, I just got the sense he was a little on the shy side. It’ll be good to get to know him. His sisters both think the world of him.”

Spike nodded absently as he began to go through the books in her satchel, organizing them to be returned to their proper shelves in Twilight’s personal library. “Sometimes I miss it. Living in Ponyville, I mean. I like Canterlot, with all the history, and being so close to the Princesses, but the city’s so....” he made a strange face. “I don’t know how to put it, but everypony here acts like whatever they’re doing is the single most important thing anypony anywhere in the world is doing, even if it’s the most mundane thing. And everypony is in such a hurry; the only ponies who hurried in Ponyville were Rainbow Dash when she overslept and ended up late for work, or Pinkie Pie if she was trying to get invitations out to whatever party she was putting on that week. It was all so much more laid back. Well, except when we had demonic Mares from the Moon or ancient Chaos beings causing trouble, anyway. Then we kinda had to hurry.”

“Not so much of that stuff these days, and that’s something I certainly don’t miss, the dangerous stuff I mean.” Twilight said, “But I do understand why you miss Ponyville. I do too, to be honest. I don’t regret taking the position at the academy - it’s a great honor and I love learning and helping others learn - but I do miss the quiet life.”

“Well, it was usually quiet as long as Pinkie Pie wasn’t around,” Spike observed.


Just then there was a knock at the door, which Spike answered. “Oh, Princess Cadance,” he said upon opening the door. “Good to see you!”

“Good to see you again too, Spike,” the pink alicorn said as she entered. “Hello, Twilight, glad you happened to be in.”

“Something I can help you with?” Twilight asked her old friend. She gave Cadance a critical look. “You look a little tired.”

“That’s funny, because I feel a lot tired,” Cadance admitted as she gave Twi an affectionate hug. “My sleep’s been off lately. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, even though Shining finally badgered me into making an appointment with the doctor before he left. I have that tomorrow, after the Honors Banquet. Ah, and that reminds me, before I forget, Shining should be back from Trottingham tomorrow evening, thought you’d like to know.”

“Thanks for letting me know, we’ll have to get together and catch up once he’s settled back in,” Twilight said. “Now about this not-sleeping stuff?”

“Hmph, you’re as much a worrywart as your brother,” Cadance noted. “But I don’t think it’s a big deal. Mostly I think it’s just from staying up late studying. Celestia’s asked me to lead an informal goodwill visit to the Gryphon Confederation, so I’ve been boning up on their culture so I don’t accidentally start a war, or something. I was wondering if you had any good reference material on them in your collection that I could take a look at?”

“Absolutely! I’ll be glad to show you what I have.” She turned to her assistant. “Spike, would you mind heating up some tea for us?”

“Sure thing, I’ll make up a few snacks too,” he said before heading back into the tower’s small kitchenette.

“You don’t have to go to all the trouble,” Cadance said as Twilight led her up to the second level balcony of her tower. “I don’t want to be a bother.”

“It’s no bother at all,” Twilight Sparkle assured her as she took Cadance to the shelves where she kept her volumes on foreign relations and diplomacy. “These are the volumes on the recent relations between ponies and gryphons. I figured you’d want to stick to the last few hundred years, though I have books going back to the third century of Celestia’s reign.”

Cadance shook her head as she randomly selected a volume and levitated it with her horn. “I don’t know how you can keep all this straight,” she said, looking around at the numerous bookshelves lining the walls of Twilight’s tower.

“I don’t,” Twilight admitted. “You have Spike to thank for that. He’s the one that makes sure everything is in its proper place. I have a nasty habit of just dropping books on the floor when I’m done with them.”

Cadance smiled. “Yes, I never could get you to put your toys away when I was foalsitting you.”

“I’d be lost without the little guy,” Twilight said. “He’s a huge help finding anything around here. Oh, and you can stay here as long as you like and research with his help, I’ll be heading out in a bit. I’m going out to dinner with a visiting friend from Ponyville.”

“Oh, that sounds lovely. Glad I’ll be able to keep Spike company while you’re out with your friend. When are you leaving?” Cadance asked as she glanced through her book.

“If I’m remembering right, I told Macintosh to meet me here around Five o’clock, so I’ve got a few hours yet to help with your research.”

Cadance looked up from her book, her eyes strangely intent. “Macintosh?”

“Mmhmm,” Twilight said as she scanned the bookshelf, selecting the volumes she thought would be helpful.

“That... sounds like a stallion,” the older pony observed.

“Yeah, he’s Applejack’s brother. You remember Applejack from your wedding, right? Orange earth pony, runs an apple orchard? Well, not just apples, they’ve branched out into other things, but it’s the apples that put them on the map.”

“Yes, yes, I remember,” Cadance said absently.

Twilight turned to look at her friend, and was taken a bit aback by the intensely scrutinous look she was on the receiving end of. “What? You’re looking at me like my horn’s on upside-down.”

“Oh, um... just thinking,” she replied, still seeming a bit too intent. “I think... think I’ll go see if Spike needs a hoof with that tea. I’ll be right back,” she said suddenly..

Twilight watched her friend trot off, feeling distinctly confused. “Weird... she must really need to catch up on her sleep,” she said to herself.

Several minutes later, Cadance returned, levitating a tray with a steaming teapot, sugar, lemon, and several cups. “There, tea is served!” she announced with a bright smile. “Spike’s working on snacks for us, or something, he’ll be along in a moment with them.”

“Oookay...” Twilight said, looking at her old friend suspiciously. She certainly was acting a bit odd. “Glad you were able to help with that. I kept your place in the book on gryphon history you’d selected.”

“Thank you, Twilight,” Cadance said as she poured their tea. “No hurry, though, I’ve got all night to read over this stuff and I’m rather enjoying just spending time with an old friend. Things have been so busy lately. With you moving to Canterlot, I was hoping we’d have more time to catch up.”

“Well, I’m sure things will settle down at some point, and we can do some family stuff. Oh, that’s right! You’re family now, so we can use that as an excuse,” Twilight offered. “Citing ‘family obligations’ should let us get at least a day or two off, shouldn’t it?”

Cadance smiled. “I’ll talk to my Aunt about it.” She gave Twilight a grin. “We can start catching up now, though. I know what we can do... remember how we used to style each other’s manes when you were younger? Let’s do that!”

“What... now?”

“Yes! It’ll be fun!” Cadance assured her.

“What about gryphons and-”

“They can wait, this is important,” the Princess said firmly.

“My mane is more important than Equestrian foreign relations?”

Cadance seemed to think it over. “You read the book and tell me what you think I’ll need to know. In return, I’ll make your mane pretty. Sounds very fair to me.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Sounds like we’re flashing back to your college days, to me. I’m not going to win this argument, am I?”

“No, and besides, you used to love this. Now have a seat and we’ll get started.”

Twilight spent the next several hours giving Cadance an impromptu primer on the last several centuries of Gryphon-Pony relations, while having her mane gently manipulated by the alicorn’s magic. Spike made his appearance shortly after they started, carrying a tray of small sandwiches for them to snack on. In appreciation for this, Cadance immediately sent him off to find combs, hair pins, and ribbons, to aid in her work on Twilight’s mane. For all her earlier protests, Twilight did find herself enjoying the treatment, being reminded of the many pleasant evenings she’d spent with her foal-sitter when she was younger.

“Well, I think that about covers the most important recent developments,” Twilight some time later, closing a particularly heavy tome. “I think the Gryphons will be most curious about Luna’s return, so you should watch out for that. We had almost no dealings with their race in the days before the coming of Nightmare Moon, so she’s an unknown quantity to them.”

“Duly noted, and I thank you for your hard work,” Cadance said. “And now...let’s see what you think of my work. Spike, the mirror?”

The young dragon approached, holding up a small mirror for Twilight to see herself in. “I think she looks great,” he said emphatically. “She should get her mane done more often.”

Twilight chuckled. “Spike, you’re silly, my mane is nothing that special.” When she did see what Cadance had done, however, she was very impressed; Her bangs had been left in place, ending just over her eyes, but the rest of her mane had been pulled back into a single amazingly complex braid that hung down over one of her shoulders. Cadance had even taken care to separate the lighter purple and pink streaks from the darker mass, weaving them in and out within the plait in a carefully symmetrical pattern, and securing it all at the end with a purple ribbon. “But I have to admit... this is amazing! Thank you Cadance,” she said sincerely. “I think maybe your cutie mark kind of missed the mark when it came to your special talent.”

“Oh, I’m pretty good with the matchmaker magic too,” She quipped.

The friendly banter continued for a bit longer, until a knock came at the door. Spike rose from his seat on the floor between the two mares, but Cadance was quicker, and seemed to race for the door. Twilight and Spike were just reaching the bottom as Cadance was letting Big Macintosh into the tower. “I’m Cadance, an old friend of Twilight’s,” she said by way of greeting, giving the farm pony a polite little curtsey.

“Ah, Macintosh Apple, Miss- I mean, uh, Princess,” he said, clearly confused at being greeted so by an Alicorn Princess. “Twilight had invited me t’ go out fer dinner, I mean, if that’s still all right, I don’ want t’ be a bother.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile - seeing the huge stallion so deferential to a mare was adorable, even if Cadance was an Alicorn Princess. “Here I am, Big Macintosh,” she called to him.

He seemed to do a bit of a double-take. “Twilight, I’ve never seen ya wear yer mane like that, it’s real pretty,” he said with a smile. “I mean, it always is, but I like that a lot.”

“Do you?” Twilight said, feeling a touch bashful, but enjoying the admiration just a little.

“Eeyup!” Macintosh had refrained from wearing his work-collar. It was a bit odd to see him without it, but it wasn’t a bad change, at all. It somehow made him look rather coltish, especially with his mane combed into a slight semblance of order.

“Well, I’m glad! Oh, we’d better get going, the place we’re going fills up quick.” She turned back to Cadance. “You’re free to stay and study as long as you like, Spike probably can help you better than I can, though he doesn’t have a mane for you to work wonders on.”

Cadance giggled. “No worries. You just have a good time out there, okay?”

“Okay.” She turned back to Macintosh. “Shall we?”

He nodded and led the way out the door. Just as she crossed the threshold, she turned back to her old friend. “Oh, just so you know, in case Spike gets any messages from Celestia, you should-”

“Twilight,” Cadance cut her off. “We’ve got this. Go have fun!” she said, before firmly closing the door.

“Huh,” Twilight said, staring at the door to her tower in confusion, before shrugging it off.

“Somethin’ the matter?” Macintosh asked.

“Oh, no, not at all. She’s just acting a bit... silly.”

Macintosh smiled a bit. “Heck, we all got t’ act a little foalish sometimes, I reckon. It’s a natural thing.”

“Yeah... that’s probably it,” she said. For a moment, it seemed like Cadance had actually winked at her before closing the door, but it was probably just her imagination, really.

As she led Big Macintosh into the city, Twilight made a mental note to keep an eye on her Cadance’s odd behavior, and also to make sure she was properly treated for her apparent sleep disorder before she started acting any more eccentric.


The restaurant Twilight Sparkle led Macintosh to was a modest little place tucked onto a side-street in a quieter section of town, with a cozy dining room with low, warm lighting and rustic decor. Mac was glad to see that none of the rest of the crowd in the dining room were attired in the typical finery of Canterlot society. When he pointed this out to Twilight, she nodded her agreement. “I like this place, very low-key. Kind of reminds me of the sort of place you might find in Ponyville. I mean, I can do with fancy once in awhile, but this is much better, most of the time. Oh, and Spike recommends the hay-fries. I practically had to carry him out of here last time we came.”

“Sounds good t’ me,” Mac agreed as a smiling waitress seated them. “Thought those gemstones were his favorites, though.”

“Yeah, that’s right,” the unicorn replied. “Actually he needs them, especially as he’s growing- the mineral content in the gems gets broken down by a dragon’s powerful digestive system and helps build those hard scales that protect his body, as well as reinforcing their skeletons so that they can support their own weight as they grow massive. If it wasn’t for that they’d barely be able to stand, much less walk, and... and I’m boring you aren’t I?” she asked sheepishly. “I’m sorry, when I get on a subject it tends to kind of take over my brain.”

“No, no!” Macintosh assured her. “I like t’ hear about this sorta stuff. I mean, bein’ a farm-pony, I ain’t had much time or reason for knowin’ things just fer th’ sake o’ knowin’ ‘em, th’ way a smart pony like yerself does. ” Their waitress brought their drinks, a sweet tea for Macintosh and a candy-colored fruit concoction for Twilight.

Twilight smiled a bit at the compliment. “Pure scholarship is nice, but I actually had more time for that in Ponyville than here. I love the teaching I do, but I don’t have much time for my own studies like I used to. And when I get home I pretty much just fall asleep as soon as I get within five feet of anything that has a cushion on it.”

“Ya sound a lot like a farm-pony yerself, with that,” Macintosh noted. “Early t’ rise, early t’ bed. Yer usually too tired much else by the time th’ sun sets.”

She smiled a bit. “I’m really not a morning-pony, at all. But I guess that’s in your blood, with your whole family being farmers for generations back. But then... I think Applejack once mentioned you guys having family in Manehattan?”

“Eeyup, that’s right. Pa’s side, they were farmers as far back as anypony could remember even back when Granny Smith was a filly. Ma though, she wasn’t a farmer, not originally. She was from a classy family in Manehattan, before she met Pa.”

“Now that sounds like an interesting story,” the unicorn said. “Not that I want to pry into your memories of your parents, of course.” She face betrayed a touch of awkwardness at where her curiosity had led her.

“It’s all right, Twilight,” Macintosh assured her. “I like talkin’ ’bout m’ folks. I don’ remember a whole heck of a lot o’ th’ story ‘bout how they got together, though,” he said. Then he remembered some of Rarity’s advice from earlier. “But I’d be right happy t’ share what I do know with ya, if ya want.”

Twilight nodded eagerly. “Absolutely.”

They paused for a moment to order their meal when the waitress returned (A clover and daisy salad for Twilight, hay-fries for Macintosh,) before Big Mac started into the tale. “My ma was originally from Manehattan, sure ‘nuff. Now, back when she was a young mare, right after she she got out o’ school, she told me that she got an itch in her hooves to go travel, see Equestria, just kinda drift around. She got to see Hoofington, Prance, Trottingham... heck, she was planning to take a ship out to see Neighpon, but she kinda ran out o’ money when she got t Ponyville. Now Clementine... uh... that’s my Ma... she was kinda on th’ outs with her own family, on account o’ all her wanderin’. They told her they was only going t’ give her money so that she could go back to Manehattan and start actin’ like what I guess a proper high-class Mare is s’posed to. And that didn’ appeal t’ her a bit.”

He sipped his drink, collecting the little pieces of the rest of the story in his head. “So, she stayed in Ponyville and decided t’ take on a job until she could get th’ Bits to move on. And as fortune had it, th’ first place she looked was Sweet Apple Acres. See, my Grandpa had just passed, an’ Granny Smith an’ her son, they needed an extra hoof for the applebuck, at th’ time. It was just s’posed to just one season o’ work, then she’d move on. But the way she told it, Ma said that the winter that year just ended up bein’ a bit more than she wanted to travel in, so she stayed in Ponyville. And when spring rolled around, she said she didn’t have enough money t’ travel comfortably after ridin’ out th’ winter. So... she helped out in the Acres again, with the spring planting. And then when summer hit? It was just too gosh-darn hot, she said. So, she stayed behind again.”

Twilight laughed a little. “I get the sense she wasn’t staying behind because of the weather.”

“Ya got it. Truth was, she’d fallen for a certain young stallion she’d been workin’ beside in the orchard. Once th’ word got out that she was marryin’ my Pa, the Oranges offered t’ pay Ma’s way home one more time, cuz they weren’t too happy about her marryin’ a workin’-class pony. She told ‘em she didn’ want or need their money anymore.”

“Awww... Macintosh, that’s such a sweet story,” she said, giving his shoulder a little touch with her hoof. “And shame on the Oranges for acting that way, that’s terrible of them.”

“Well, they did take AJ in when she ran off for a bit, “ Macintosh noted. “And they treated her good. But on my end? I don’ particularly like or dislike them. They ain’t ever really hurt us, but they ain’t ever really gone outta their way t’ help, either.”

“They should be ashamed,” Twilight maintained. “Anypony should love to be a part of your family.”

“R-really?” Macintosh said, surprised by her vehemence.

“Really.” She offered him a dazzling smile. “You know, that’s the most I’ve ever heard you talk, Big Macintosh.”

“Oh, uh... I didn’ mean to ramble on,” he said, feeling awkward.

“No, no, I loved it! It’s a beautiful story, and I’m very glad I got to hear it from you! It was very romantic. Could even be a romance novel,” she mused. “‘Love Blooms in an Orchard.’”

He chuckled a bit. “It sounds a lot more poetic, that way. I’m just a plain-spoken sort.”

“The really great stories don’t require a lot of complicated wordplay, though. They have a poetry all their own.” She nodded. “And you should definitely talk more, Mac, I enjoyed it.”

He smiled a bit bashfully, pleased that she remembered to call him by his nickname. “I’ll work on it.”

There was more talk over the meal, though they managed to leave plenty of time for eating, too. Macintosh found the hay-fries were indeed as spectacular as Spike had said. At the end of the meal they settled the bill (which Big Mac insisted on paying, as any gentlecolt would,) and took a leisurely meandering walk back to her tower, so that Twilight could show him a few sights and tell a few tales of her own. During their stroll the setting sun set the sky all ablaze, orange, then pink, then dipped below the horizon. Together they paused and watched Luna’s moon and stars set the night sky alight, with Twilight pointing out the unique ones and sharing their names and stories with him, her natural enthusiasm making him smile.

At some point during their walk home, the two ponies drifted close enough to each other for her shoulder to occasionally brush against his. Those small, fleeting touches made his heart pound in his chest, and set his mind to racing with thoughts that maybe this could all be more than just a dream, after all.


Twilight Sparkle closed the door to her tower slowly, so as not to make too much noise in case Spike had turned in early. Before she even had a chance to turn around, however, a soft voice greeted her.

“Did you have have a good time?”

Twilight turned to see Cadance sprawled out on a couch in the center of her living room, a book laid out before her hooves. “Oh, I kinda thought you’d have gone home by now. And yes, yes I did.”

“Glad to hear it!” she said, smiling. “So what did you do?”

“Nothing fancy, just dinner, good bit of talking, catching up with each other. And we went for a walk around the city, showed him a few sights. Did Spike go to bed?”

“Yes, he spent most of the evening helping me with my research. Sooo... this Macintosh seems very nice. Bit on the shy side, but a very nice colt,” Cadance noted.

“Yes on both counts,” The unicorn confirmed as she walked over to a pitcher of ice water, pouring herself a glass. “Took a little bit of coaxing but he came out of his shell eventually.”

“That’s good, especially if this family business of his is expanding, what with the whole honors thing Spike was telling me about. That makes him a pretty important pony, if you think about it.”

“Yeah... uh, now that you mention it, I suppose it does.” Cadance’s musings were starting to perplex Twilight a little. She took a sip of her water to mask the confusion that must have been on her face.

“Mmhmm.” Her smile turned into a slightly wolfish grin. “Good-looking stallion, too, wouldn’t you agree?”

Twilight sputtered a bit, nearly spraying her drink out of her nose. “Ah, uh, well, I... guess...I mean...hah, sure... yeah, he uh... he looks nice.” She was amazed her face hadn’t spontaneously combusted.

“Oh yes,” her friend concurred in a dreamy sort of voice, seeming to not notice Twilight’s distress. “He’s got great eyes, and a nice coat, too. And the muscles! Not those silly show-off muscles that the stallions these days work out to get. Those are muscles that actually DO things, you can just tell.” Cadance giggled with delight. “I’d say you have a great eye, Twilight.”

The unicorn set down her cup, and shook her head. “Okay that’s it. What’s this all about?” she demanded.

“I beg your pardon? What’s what about?”

“This! You!” Twilight said, having to mentally remind herself to moderate her voice for the benefit of sleeping dragons. “You’ve been acting kooky all evening!”

“‘Kooky?’” Cadance replied, looking rather amused.

“Yes, kooky! You’re driving me a little nuts with the interrogation here.”

“Well I’m sorry,” the alicorn sniffed. “You can’t blame a mare if she just wants to make sure her friend’s date went well.”

Twilight felt as if a pegasus pony had just crept up behind her with a thundercloud and and zapped her with everything it had. “WHAT? Oh, you think we’re... I mean... a date?!”

“Well, two ponies go out to dinner, then walk around and see the sights while getting to know each other, I mean, I’m no scholar myself but I’d say that fits the criteria,” Cadance observed.

Twilight was having trouble getting her mouth to work properly with her overloaded brain. “But I mean, I didn’t know... I didn’t... he and I...with me? He wouldn’t!” she babbled

“Twilight, calm down,” Cadance said in a soothing voice.

She took a deep breath. “I just didn’t intend for this to be a date, I mean,” she said once she’d settled down a bit.

“So, you wouldn’t want to go out with him?”

Twilight started putting the pieces together in her mind. “I... well... um...honestly? I never thought about it. About he and I, I mean. I never would have thought he’d be interested in me. It just never registered.”

“You’re over-thinking this, Twi, it’s not like a chemistry experiment, you know,” Cadance said, “He seems like a good catch, and I’d say he's very interested in you. And I am a little bit of an expert in these things.”

“Well, I... I’d say that’s a nice thought,” Twilight admitted quietly. “He’s a good stallion. Very good, in fact. He’s kind, he’s gentle, he cares about his family very deeply. We just seem so different, like we shouldn’t go together.”

Cadance rose from the couch and walked over to Twilight, putting a comforting foreleg around her neck. “Still over-thinking,” she chided. “Hmm... let’s do it this way. I’m going to ask you a few questions, and I just want you to answer them, without any kind of pondering, okay?”


“Did you have fun tonight?”

“Yes, definitely.”

“Do you want to do it again?”


“Do you find him attractive?”

“I...um... yes?” Twilight almost squeaked out her answer.

Cadance grinned. “Well there you go. Congratulations on a successful first date. Kissing is permitted on the second, just so you know. ”

“But I’ve never been on a date!” Twilight cried. “What if I did it wrong?”

“Twi? That’s not exactly how it works.”

Twilight barely noticed her friend’s objection, with her mind now fully focused. “I won’t be caught unprepared again!” She nodded firmly. “Right, let’s go,” she said before heading for the stairs to her personal library.

“Twilight? What are we doing?” Cadance asked as she followed behind her.

“You said you were an expert on this stuff, right?” Twilight said. “That’s perfect. I can really use that now. We have books to read, research to do and a checklist to make!”

“...Oh dear.”

To Be Continued...


Author’s Note: Again, very special thanks go out to the three lovely ladies helping me with this: Calliope, Badriddance, and They-Call-Me-Orange.