• Published 25th Apr 2016
  • 831 Views, 15 Comments

Two Worlds Pushed Into One - Heyah

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Chapter One-The Introduction

Late into the night a man on the back of a creature known as a Pidgeot sneaks out of it. He had bags slung over his shoulders, filled with money. The Pidgeot is a creature known as a Pokemon. Pokemon are powerful creatures that fight alongside people.

"Wait! Stop!" A sandy haired boy yells. He rushes on to the scene, followed closely by a woman on a colossal motorcycle, both wearing bulky police uniforms, looks of determination all across their faces.

Both pull small, red, white, and spherical items called Pokeballs from their pockets, throwing them into the air. Pokemon appear out of them in blinding flashes.

"Go Arcanine!" The woman yells.

Arcanine is sleek and slim. It is a fierce fiery red dog. It has scars on it's face and large muscles in it's legs.

"Go Eevee! Let's make some memories!"

The Eevee on the other hand is like chihuahua with a white scarf. She's not the strongest member of the boy's team. Nor sneakiest. Not even the cutest. But this creature was the first Pokemon he ever got, and that means more than anything else to the moody and overly sentimental boy.

The criminal dismounts from the Pidgeot, smiling cockily. "Well, lookie here, some random cops."

"He's an idiot, isn't he?" He gives his partner his classic I'm-a-twelve-year-old-stuck-in-a-grown-man's-body smile.

"Mac, keep it too the work." She says, examining her nails, ignoring his smile.

"Brave bird!" The criminal yells. The Pidgeot starts to glow a light blue, like a disco light in a liberal person's dance club. He zooms forward with a loud 'SWISH'. The air seems to snap and crackle as he draws near.

"Aha. Looks like he's going straight for the big boy moves." The Eevee nods, as she lets out a 'chirp' of sorts in agreement.

"Yeah. Let's hope we can use the recoil damage to our advantage." She turns to Arcanine. "Retaliate!"

The Arcanine lunges at the Pidgeot, running along the ground, jumping into the air at the last moment. Their attacks hit one another in a blinding light show. Dust flew.

Mac can't see, leaving him to just look blindly about. "Eevee?"

Eevee's ears perk up, she jumps onto his back, knocking him face first onto the ground.

The dust quickly clears and Mac pulls himself up. He holds Eevee in his arms. "Thanks comrade, although I find all that a bit unnecessary."

Eevee shrugs, blushing slightly. "Eevee Eevee Eevee.."


Mac adverts his attention from his partner for a millisecond. The other trainer stands next to Arcanine, who is laying on his side. "I need you to get up! Please! Please!"

The Arcanine's eyes are wide open. He sees something that no one else sees: the shadow of a yellow unicorn.

"Oh. Poor thing. Comrade, could you take down Pidgeot with double edge, or something else, maybe? I'll leave it up to you."


"That's the spirit!"

Eevee runs forward, energy filling her to the brim. A strange energy that she's never felt before. Huh, is this what it's like to evolve? Maybe I could impress Mac with that and take down some more criminals while I'm at it, she thinks, but deep down inside she doesn't buy into that.
She jumps into the air, she rolls forward, executing the move. Her attack hits the defenseless Pidgeot with an extremely loud thud, dust filling the air again.

Eevee jams her eyes shut, pushing herself through it.

She waits. A minute passes. Then another. The dust keeps on flying.

She opens her eyes again. The world is spinning dizzyingly, glowing a light blue.

Eevee just stares, bewildered. Is this a random attack from a far off physic type Pokemon? Eevee doesn't know. She dosen't have a clue.
She then shuts her eyelids again, against her will. She screams for Mac, even though she knows he can't hear her, and even if he did he wouldn't know the full meaning of it.

Then everything turns black.


Eevee slowly opens her eyes. Everything is blurry. She wonders where Mac is.

The room is quite large, the walls dyed light blue and purple. In one corner there's a desk with a typewriter on it. A typewriter? What's with that? There's PCs, computers, and Pokeballs, and this random guy uses a typewriter!? Mac would've given him the benefit of the doubt, and if you must, you'll do it too. A piece of paper sticks out of the top of it. Eevee can only read the top of it: A Review Of Canterlot Carrousel's Newest Dresses.

The room's one and only door is flung open and a creature soars over to Eevee's side. It looks somewhat like a Garchomp. A cute cuddly Garchomp that isn't overly powerful.

It has the head of a chicken and the body of lizard with large bat like wings, and it also has sunglasses on. Maybe this is just a new Pokemon. The professors are always finding those, and I'm in a Pokecenter that's in a new town. Yeah, that'd explain this.

"Who are you?" Eevee says with a slight cocking of her head. The thing is with Pokemon, they can talk, but humans can only hear parts of it.

"Ah. You're probably actually wondering 'what am I, not 'who am I'. I'm a cockatrice. And you're in a world full of ponies."

Eevee cocks her head even more to the left. "What? Do you mean ponies, like as in Ponytas and Rapidashes?"

The cocatrice rolls her eyes. "Fashion Plate told me not to be so candid. The thing is sweet heart," She hands her a photo that was moments ago tucked underneath a wing, "We're in another universe. A universe with Ponyta like creatures. Some of them can do things with their horns, others can cultivate the earth, and even others still can fly. They even have these things called alicorns that can do all three."

Eevee gulps. It's a crazy explanation but it's the only thing that she can believe right now. "Why are we here?"

The cockatrice shrugs. "Heck if I know. Maybe some random group of criminals did this. Oh, I probably should tell you a bit about myself. The name's Clara Mayson. I was once a trainer but now I'm this, and I'm the best. Well, I hope I am."

"And who's Fashion Plate?"

"I'm Fashion Plate!" The door bursts open again and a young adult marches in. He could easily pass as a model, except for a couple of things. Number one: Two blue pony ears sprout from his head. Number two: A blue horn is right in front of the ears. And number three: A gray pony tail sticks out from his rump. It all comes together making him look like a cosplayer from a magical girl anime.

Eevee blinks twice. This weird human can hear me!? How?

The cockatrice laughs. "Look honey, I couldn't believe it the first time either. He has magic. Lots and lots of magic."

Eevee takes in a long deep breath. "This is a lot to process."

Fashion Plate smiles calmly, placing a hand on her shoulders. "I know, right! We'll help you get used to this, we promise."

"Guess we probably shouldn't tell you immediately that Fashion Plate was once a magical unicorn?'

Eevee smiles nervously. "Well, no matter what, I'm going to go get a nap. I feel tired."


Way off in the distance Discord sits on a couch in his own pocket dimension, munching away at popcorn while he watches a horrible movie.

The door suddenly bursts open and a Pokemon known as a Gothorita enters.

Discord just stares at it. He could do so many things to stop it, but he's so startled. "Who are you?"

"Discord, I am hereby here to bring you to-"

Discord scoffs. "Seriously? Taken in to who? Is this some sort of late April fools prank? Is Twilight acting all salty again? Is this how the new dragon lord treats the draconequus in town?"

"No, you're being brought in by Princess Celestia."

"Celestia! CELESTIA! Why?"

"You shoved two universes into one. You transformed many people, ponies, and Pokemon into different creatures."

Discord points at the Gothorita. "What in all of Equestria are you talking about!!"

"You're the only individual with the power. You're one of the few people that wasn't transformed!" Discord starts chuckling and after a matter of moments it becomes ruckus laughter, yet the Gothorita just puts handcuffs on him and drags the draconequus out while he's still laughing like a lunatic.