• Published 16th Jun 2012
  • 1,298 Views, 17 Comments

Three Years Gone - DeletePlease

Something happened to Octavia Philharmonica. They had to stop it from haunting her forever.

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Chapter I: On the Last Three Years

The two mares in the dressing room had both been a part of many performances in their lifetimes. Neither had done much acting before, in fact the two of them had only been in one play before, that was when they had met, all those years ago. It seemed like forever since then, a time of innocence and peace. But even moments had seemed like centuries over three years of suffering for one and a rollercoaster of emotion for the other. It all came to a close on this night, though it wasn’t a play like their previous acting experience. In truth, tonight was far from a work of fiction. That night would reveal their lives to the world in whole; the “acting” wasn’t acting as they acted it was, it was just pomp and circumstance for the culmination of the efforts of four individuals. “Are you ready for this?” the white mare asked. She had been unsure if her partner was really ready to take a step like this, revealing events so personal and tragic. “Of course I am, Vinyl. It’s time everypony knew the truth about all of this, that rumors be put to rest.” Octavia hugged Vinyl tightly, “I just wish it could have happened sooner.”

* * *

The crowd grew quiet as an old, unicorn stallion walked up to the microphone. As he looked out across the crowd he grew excited inside. He was glad to be sharing this story; perhaps he could finally regain some respect from his peers. In truth he wasn’t very old at all, but the events of the last three years might as well have aged him thirty years. His mane was grayed and his once beautiful, olive-colored coat had clearly received some punishment. It had all been worth it though, for this moment of triumph and for poor Octavia and Vinyl to finally be able to move on. He cleared his throat and spoke clearly to the crowd in the massive concert hall, made up of his fellow psychologists and news reporters. “My friends, my enemies, and all of you who aren’t even associated with me,” His voice had a distinct British accent to it, but it seemed friendly and inviting. “You may wonder why you have gathered here tonight, for this conference. Before I can tell you that I must warn you, this will not be a short presentation, we may be here until Celestia raises the sun and perhaps until it has set again. For my colleagues, you may wish to leave. For you reporters out there, you should stay; the story which has captivated many will finally be resolved and you don’t want to miss that.”

He waited to see if anypony would leave. He had expected some to do so considering past events, but none moved; all appeared interested in what he had to say. He readjusted his notes, which were just for effect, all that had happened was engraved into his brain, and stepped up to the microphone once more. “Three years ago I announced my retirement from my psychology practice, which was met with outcries from the community of psychologists in Equestria. ‘There are too few of us and you are the best’ or ‘Don’t be selfish with your talent’ you would say to me on the streets. Still, even today, I sense a tension among us, and I am good at sensing those kinds of things.” Some in the audience stirred, looking uncomfortable. They were likely remember some of the things they had said, things much worse that what he had quoted. “There has been a misunderstanding, I did not retire from the field of psychology; I retired from taking new patients. Three years ago I was presented with a case that needed my full attention. This case has been cracked wide open, and the pony I have been treating has been cured of her afflictions. So without any further ado, I, Erik Equineson, present my patient, Octavia Philharmonica and her partner, Vinyl Scratch.”

His audience was now captive as murmurs spread throughout the crowd. “Octavia?” “Did he say Octavia, as in the cellist?” Partner? Who is that white mare?” The two walked out across the stage and cameras flashed. They stood there next to each other, looking genuinely happy, and let the reporters have their time. It took a few moments for the chaos to die down and after it did Vinyl and Octavia strode down to their seats in the front of the massive room. Erik continued, “For those of you who need a refresh on Miss Philharmonica’s story, I will start at the beginning. Octavia was the first to earn her cutie mark in her class; she was exceptionally talented at the cello. In fact, that doesn’t express enough how beautiful her music sounded. Before she had completed her first year of regular schooling she had performed personally for Princess Celestia herself. She was a prodigy.

“Then, in her eighth year of schooling, shortly before she would begin a series of concerts, she stopped playing. Her concerts, some of which were scheduled over five years in advance, were cancelled. Equestria all questioned what had happened, but she never spoke of it. Every time somepony got close to her family they were escorted away by guards. She quickly became just like any other student, she blended in to the crowd and didn’t stand out. The media didn’t let it rest, and up until three years ago, pictures of her in public still surfaced. It was three years and four days ago that she came to me. In actuality she was brought to me by Vinyl, who I’m sure you still have many questions about.” The stallion took a full step back from the microphone to take a breath and gather his thoughts. Had anypony been close enough they would have seen the look in his eyes, one of sadness, one of regret, one of all of the terrible emotions that had been brought out for him. It seemed just like yesterday that everything had happened.

After a full minute he stepped back up, “I’m sorry in advance for any more pauses I may take. I only take them to look back on this story. While this may seem like a well put together show it only all came together a few hours ago. In fact, we only decided to present all of this to you two hours ago. I’m surprised as many of you are here as you are. Now let’s continue, shall we?

“When I first saw Octavia she appeared sad, distant, withdrawn, and strangely regretful. Vinyl asked for my help. I spent four days meeting with Octavia. I attempted a few spells on her, attempting to cure any imbalances that could cause depression. I had never before met a case I couldn’t solve within two days, I couldn’t believe it. I thought I may have been losing my touch, but I remember what happened on the fourth day so vividly; I still have nightmares about it…”

* * *

“How are you feeling today, Octavia?” Erik asked as he walked into the room. This was the first time she had stayed overnight here, but a spell such as the one he had cast the night before would require her to be supervised. She had slept soundly though and awoken at the time Vinyl had said she usually did. He didn’t quite understand her. Vinyl had said she was a famous DJ but he hadn’t ever heard of her. It wasn’t as though he had seen much of the night life but ‘famous’ implies that more ponies would know about her than just the punks that attended such establishments. What surprised him even more was that she was dating Octavia. Even though something was clearly wrong with the mare in front of him she still had class, so why would she date such an unrefined pony. Perhaps that was a symptom of her illness. Octavia had no response to his question, she didn’t even acknowledge him. “Octavia, are you alright?” He took a few steps closer to the bed she sat on the edge of.

There was no sign but the sudden flash of her eyes. She quickly jumped up, rushing at him. She knocked him to the floor, skillfully grabbing his pen out of the air. In that moment, she was truly afraid. She had just experienced a very real, visceral reaction. And she very much meant to kill the source of that terror, by any means necessary.