• Published 5th May 2016
  • 8,450 Views, 242 Comments

Flames of the Rainbows - ShadowFall

When ponies armed with terrifying and strange weapons take hostages in Ponyville, a counter-terrorist team from a far away world offers their services to assess and handle the situation. But they may have ulterior motives, something Celestia fears.

  • ...


“Move, move, move!” Castle shouted as he and his team carried the incredibly heavy crate through the portal. They didn’t even falter or stumble when they exited on the other side, continuing to hoist the supplies with all of their strength.

Celestia could feel several surges of magic collectively gather at opposite end of Ponyville. The portals that were opening gave such a strong signature that Celestia was able to “feel” the energy gather and form on the other side of the town.

“Clark! I can feel the other portals! Where are your-”

“We’re here!” Doc shouted as Celestia saw five more individuals coming down towards the hill that the ponies had taken shelter behind. The crate that they were carrying looked to weigh far more than any group of stallions could possibly lift.

“Okay, I’ll send you in. Get indoors as soon as possible. And… good luck.” Celestia spoke before her horn began to glow with magical energy.

“Alright buddies, just like we’ve drilled,” Smoke muttered beneath his gas mask.

One golden flash, and the five counter-terrorists along with their supplies were teleported straight to the edge of the anti-magic forcefield. They looked up at the castle; the video footage from their helmet-mounted cameras being displayed on the tablets back at the Russian compound.

“Lights are back on. We can’t waste any time turning them all off. Get up, assess the hostages, and prepare for the incoming attack.” Clark instructed through the mic, “Celestia, drop night again. Rainbow Team, do not engage the enemy through any windows that look over the outdoors. We don’t know if the enemy has snipers or rockets. Best not to provoke them.”

“Copy that, Rainbow Six.” Jäger replied back.

The team of operators burst through the front door with their crate. Upon coming inside, they looked ahead at the flight of stairs that lay before them.

“Alright, no delay!” Doc shouted. The operators took their crate and carried it up the stairs to the second floor where the hostages still were. The entire process was grueling, but it was hardly a problem for the well-trained and very well-fit Rainbow Team members.

“We got this, Doc! Go up and tend to the injured hostage!” Castle shouted.

“I’m on it!” Doc went ahead upstairs.

Spike was using a piece of tablecloth that was on a small overturned table to stop Twilight’s bleeding, who was continuously taking painful breaths as the cloth had become red with blood. Starlight had taken a rifle from one of the dead terrorists, and was sitting by Twilight, rifle in hoof to guard her friend’s life.

Then, she heard a shout down the hallway.

“I’m on the second floor! Where is Twilight?!”

Down the hallway, Starlight could see the familiar figure of a human with a clear face shield mounted on his helmet. Instantly, she sighed a huge puff of relief as she lowered the rifle and shouted back.

“Over here!”

Doc rushed towards the injured Twilight Sparkle, who watched with weak vision as the black-armored man knelt down beside her. Doc did not hesitate to open up his medical kit, filled to the brim with all sorts of drugs, syringes, and packs of various fluids.

“Okay, okay,” Doc talked to Twilight, “You’re in good hands now.”

The medic set down his MP5 and dug through his medical kit, taking out what looked to be a massive vial containing what looked to be some sort of white cotton inside of it.

“Little dragon, remove the tablecloth.” Spike was commanded by Doc, and complied. As he did, Doc could see the massive wound that Twilight was struggling to remain alive against. The rifle bullet did serious damage to Twilight’s hip, practically taking a chunk from it. “Alright, we’ll stop the bleeding now.”

Doc took the massive vial, and put the end towards Twilight’s wound.

“This is going to hurt, okay?” Doc looked at Twilight, to which she nodded uncomfortably.

Then, Doc pressed the plunger on the top of the vial, inserting in what turned out to be super-condensed sponges into the wound. Instantly, they started to collect the blood and expand into the bloody mess, turning red. However, the sponges began to dramatically slow the bleeding down. Expanding in the wound, her bleeding eventually stopped in a solid twenty-five seconds as the sponges filled the cavity in her.

Unfortunately, this was probably one of the most painful experiences that Twilight had ever experienced in her entire life, as the sponges began to expand in her injury. She couldn’t help but scream, her adrenaline taking over as she suddenly began to shake frivolously.

Then, the pain slowly went away and she began to calm down as a small injection anesthetic was administered to her at the same time the sponges were inserted.

“You are going to be okay, mon amie,” Doc spoke as softly as he could, “See? The bleeding has stopped.”

The medic could see the rest of his team rushing down the hallway with their crate.

“How is the hostage?” Tachanka asked as he and his team dropped and opened up the crate. The first thing that was out was Rook’s RN-1 Rhino body armor plates, which the operators all took a plate for themselves, opened their vests, and placed the plate inside. They hardly noticed a weight difference. One panel was slid across the floor for Doc to put into his armor.

“We’re getting her stabilised now.” Doc replied, and saw that two Rainbow Six drones had suddenly come out from under a table, and one wheeled down from the third floor.

“This is Thatcher. We are relocating the drones to provide camera feed throughout the castle for the incoming attack. We’ll be parking them in the most advantageous positions. You can view them on your drone controllers.” Thatcher radioed in.

“Roger that. Those bloody ponies will be in for a fucking big surprise.” Smoke replied through his headset, “Alright! Get those walls reinforced!”

Then, Tachanka took a smaller box out from the crate, and opened it up. Inside were bundles of Semtex explosives bounded by tape with a remote detonator on top of the explosives.

Tachanka smiled. Kapkan always comes through.

“Take your Nitro Cells, comrades! Courtesy of Kapkan!” Tachanka tossed bundles out to the other operators to catch.

While the other operators got to work, Doc still wasn’t done with his. Suddenly, the medic hit a massive problem.

“Shit… I don’t know what will happen when we give a pony human blood!” Doc radioed back to Rainbow Team, but then looked at Starlight Glimmer, “Maybe saline would have to do…”

Then, Doc found himself glancing at Starlight Glimmer and Spike.

“Please for the love of God…” Doc whispered to himself, “Spike, Starlight Glimmer, what are your bloodtypes? And what’s Twilight’s?”

“Blood type?” Starlight Glimmer looked at Doc. If what Doc was thinking what she was thinking, she would do it for Twilight in a heartbeat.

Twilight was far too weak to speak coherently, and the anesthetic wasn’t helping too much. However, Spike spoke up, “Actually, ponies don't have advanced antibodies. They can pretty much donate to one another, unlike species like Minotaurs, who have very specific blood types.”

Doc glanced back at Spike, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Twilight got me to read pony anatomy at a pretty young age.”

“Thank Christ. Starlight, Twilight, I need to perform a direct blood transfusion.” Doc spoke up as he got together two needles and a tube.

“I’ll do it.” Starlight did not hesitate as her friend began to slip into unconsciousness. Doc had hooked up a small pulse monitor to Twilight’s fetlock, or where her leg gave way into a hoof to monitor her vitals.

Meanwhile in the same room, Spike watched in amazement as the operators took steel devices from the crate and placed them at the base of the crystal wall, including the base of the hole that was blown into it. The humans then pulled a lever, extending a layer of solid reinforced steel to raise up on top of the surface of the wall, reaching all the way up to the ceiling.

“Wall reinforced!” Jäger shouted as he threw the lever down towards him, setting the anchors into the ceiling above and into the floor.

“Wall can withstand assault!” Tachanka shouted as he finished up on his section of the wall.

“Armor panels deployed!” Castle had rolled down the panels over the windows that had been blown out by the attacking team. Rolling them down like a mat, he took out a massive stapler to further reinforce the panels.

Then, Smoke got a transmission in his radio. It was Celestia.

“I can feel the energy fluctuations! You have hostile ponies on your way!” she notified the defensive crew.

“Alright! Two minutes max! Double-time!” Tachanka finished up reinforcing the wall that separated the kitchen from the living room.

Then, Jäger started to take out his active protection system turrets, and began to stick them onto the walls of the living room. The small and lightweight machines instantly activated, a small projectile was primed and ready to be launched at any incoming explosive threat.

“You can stop worrying about grenades now.” Jäger nodded to the team members.

Then, Tachanka looked at the ground. One of the terrorists that had been killed in the assault had a light machine gun on the ground next to him. He recognised it all to well as an M249 SAW.

“Castle, take that LMG! Jäger! Come with me! We need to deploy two killing zones!” Tachanka ordered.

“Roger that!” Jäger had placed another active protection system down and headed out of the room with Tachanka and Castle.

“Castle, you cover the hallway by the kitchen! I’ll cover the hallway directly coming to the living room!” Tachanka pointed towards another doorway. Jäger had handed Castle two active protection charges and mounted them with a hook on his utility belt.

“‘Preciate it.” Castle nodded and headed off.

Tachanka was now carrying the fully assembled RP-46 machine gun on its standing tripod, and Jäger was also carrying the deployable ballistic shield they had brought to the castle. Slapping the bottom on the floor, Jäger grabbed onto the handle, and pulled the shield up to its full height. It was measured perfectly for Tachanka to keep nearly his entire body behind the shield, with his gun’s barrel pointing clear of the shield’s metal.

Jäger placed around the active protection nodes around Tachanka, as extra had been brought in the crate, and Castle had placed his around.

“Killing zone: North Hallway!” Tachanka shouted.

“Killing zone: West Hallway!” Castle also acknowledged.

Then, Castle got an idea. He went into the dining room, and found a fairly small dinner table that was out of the wall of the main one. Taking the smaller table, he dragged it into his hallway, and kicked it over. He then took an armored panel, and spread it over the front of the table, stapling it down. The operator had just created his own bullet-proof barrier.

Jäger and Smoke went past Tachanka, heading down towards the lobby.

“You ready for this, kid?” Smoke spoke as he got his Nitro Cells ready, as well as his Z8 canisters.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” the German replied to the British.

Coming to the front entrance, Jäger placed the Nitro Cell just above the doorway to the castle. He looked up at the explosive that was stuck to the wall, and looked back at Smoke. The former SAS operator stuck his canister of mystery gas on the wall next to the door.

“Nest ready to knock up…” Jäger could swear that a terrifying grin slowly crawled up Smoke’s face underneath that gas mask as he spoke over the coms.

Smoke patted Jäger’s back, “Good luck.”

Jäger sat back near the top of the staircase, and took a look through his drone controller touchscreen. He now waited…

Apparently, the enemy ponies that were en-route were to be arriving soon. All the while, the Rainbow Team was putting their finishing touches to their “welcome party”.

The blood transfusion was underway, as Starlight gave a part of herself to make sure that Twilight lived through this whole ordeal. They had come so far, and she would be damned if Twilight would never wake up now.

Then, Doc motioned for Spike to come over.

“Alright, I need you to take this.” Doc handed him another syringe full of clear liquid.

“What’s this?” Spike asked the medic.

“Our friend over there that we’ve brought up.” Doc pointed towards what looked like to be an unconscious terrorist pony from before, and on further examination, looked very similar to the self-proclaimed leader of the group, “If he stirs at all, if he moves a muscle, stick this into him and don’t stop squeezing what’s in here until it’s all inside. Do you understand?”

Spike looked at the syringe, then back at Doc.

“O-Okay.” he nodded nervously.

“Good. I need to tend to Starlight and Twilight right now. If you have any trouble, call for me.” Doc patted Spike’s shoulder and gave him a thumb’s up.

“This is Clark. We have a drone overlooking outside. We have a visual on the OPFOR incoming.” Clark was looking through the camera of a drone that he had driven from the lobby of the castle to outside.

“Roger that, Rainbow Six. What are we looking at?” Jäger radioed in.

“Assault weapons, submachine guns, and they are armed with grenades. I can see one with a sniper rifle. I’ve been counting, and there is a total of twenty-five enemies incoming towards your defenses. They are taking their time, though. They might believe that everything is still going okay inside. However, that might change when they remember that our unconscious pal hasn’t sent any more letters back to them.” Clark described what he was seeing.

“Wait, they’re splitting up now. Majority of them are going straight towards the front entrance. We got some coming towards the back side of the castle to access the secondary doors.” Thatcher informed the defensive team.

“Roger that.” Smoke nodded and headed down towards the back doors of the castle.

Night had soon fallen again. Luna had teleported several times, as it was impossible to teleport from one country to another instantaneously. It did drain her energy very well, but she soon found herself coming back to Ponyville.

Then, when she found a group of ponies, she brought herself down towards them.

“Greetings, everypon-”

Celestia immediately came up, put her hoof over Luna’s mouth, and put her on the ground.

“Shhh! Quiet, Sister! There are armed ponies in the town, and we can’t let them realise that the entire population is behind this hill!”

“What? Armed ponies? Why don’t we both deal with them?” Luna asked.

“They… have weapons of untold destruction and lethality. It’s been a long past days, and a big story to tell, but let’s just say that I’ve been getting some outside and professional help.” Celestia huffed as she looked back towards the castle.

“What kind of help?”

“Something isn’t right about this. Seven of you, go around towards the back! You two with the sniper rifles, get on that building over there! The rest of you, come with me to the front!”

The stallions, armed with all sorts of rifles and weapons began to make a beeline for the castle. Rocky hadn’t responded in a while, and from what it looked like, the castle had grown eerily silent. Odd grey panels were now on the windows, which was something that the first group that had gone in did not take.

However, the anti-magic barrier was still on, so that was a promising sign that the stallions were still well and controlling it.

Then, the stallion directing the group took something else from his back. Now in his hooves was a Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, or a SMAW. The SMAW was a rocket launcher that the White Masks had managed to obtain by paying for a weapon’s cache that the Taliban had ended up looting from a Marine base, but not before the White Masks had killed their dealers shortly after.

The stallion loaded in a rocket in it’s case into the back of the launcher, and ordered the stallions to head to the front while the others took a detour.

Jäger was on top of the staircase that overlooked the main doorway to the castle. Looking down his red dot sight, his shortened 416-C rifle was poised towards the door. He was hiding behind the wall corner at the top of the staircase that lead to the second floor.

Then, he heard a shaking at the door. The stallions were here, and they must have realised that the door was locked.

A shotgun was heard, and the lock in between both of the doors was destroyed.

“I have contact! First floor, main entrance!” Jäger braced himself.

The door flew open, and a large group of stallions began to muscle their way inside.

“Detonating Nitro!” Jäger called out on the mic as he pressed the button on his detonator, blasting the plastic explosives. The explosion sent two of them flying outward, as their back were turned to the explosive that had been stuck on the upper wall behind them, and one of them who was under the explosive practically vanished in the smoke and explosion.

Jäger opened fire with his rifle, placing accurate and consecutive shots into the group of enemies. Amidst all the confusion, another gadget went off, spraying yellow smoke all over the ponies. The fine mist clung to their eyes and skin, making them feel as if they were on fire, and smoke of it came straight into their respiratory system, forcing violent coughs and wheezes from the unfortunate victims of Smoke’s Z8 compound.

At the other doorway in the back, Smoke had let the stallions bash down the door, and gave them a healthy dose of his chemicals as well, getting them to cough and struggle to see who was aiming his gun at them. Smoke’s FMG-9 went off, filling whoever’s body was in front with bullets.

As the smoke cleared on Jäger’s end, six stallions lay dead at the doorstep as the others managed to come in. He fired again at the group, and dropped another one that rushed in. Then, he could see a stallion what what obviously was some sort of rocket launcher being aimed at him. At this, Jäger immediately pulled away from the staircase and ran down the hallway.

A thump was heard, and the rocket exploded where he once was, shards of crystal wall being thrown everywhere as Jäger looked back at his last position, which seemed to have been reduced to a scorching blast mark.

Smoke began to withdraw from his area, and quickly made a detour into another room that held a staircase to the second floor. Smoke took what was a rolled up barricade of wooden planks, and rolled it down over the doorway he went into. He kicked it into place, and placed a Nitro Cell above the doorway.

“That outa slow them down.” Smoke said to himself as he began to head up towards the rest of the operators.

“This is Jäger! Hostiles inbound to second floor! Be advised, one is armed with a rocket launcher!” Jäger notified his teammates.

“That’s why we have active protection up here!” Tachanka slapped the disk magazine on top of his LMG, “Lead them into the killing zones!”

Jäger and Smoke each bolted up the staircase, with Smoke stopping briefly to detonate the Nitro Cell he had left when he heard the ponies attempting to break down the barricaded door. Screams were heard as the massive thump went off in the castle. As Jäger and Smoke came up their separate staircases, they quickly slid down another rolled-up wooden barricade across the doors at the top of the staircase, and ran towards where their friendlies were waiting.

When Jäger turned away from the barricades, and quickly glanced out a window, the glass instantly shattered and the crystal wall next to him ended up having shards thrown out of it.

“Shit! Snipers on the east side! Keep your head down from windows!” Jäger alerted his teammates.

“Roger that! The killing zones are free of windows!” Castle kept aiming down the hallway with the captured M249 machine gun behind his self-fabricated cover, while Tachanka was doing the same in his hallway with his RP-46.

“The transfusion is complete. Starlight, don’t make any sudden movements, or you’ll pass out.” Doc bandaged up the donation wound that Doc had made with the needle, as he did with Twilight.

“Is she going to be okay?” Starlight asked, lightheadedly.

“She should be. She had more blood-”

Then, Twilight’s vital signs dropped.

“Shit!” Doc turned around, and took the portable defibrillator kit mounted on his chest.

“T-Twilight!” Starlight Glimmer tried to shake Twilight to wake her up, but was blocked by Doc’s arm.

“Don’t do that!” Doc primed the device, and placed the two pads to twilight’s chest.

“Stand clear!” Doc pumped a burst of electricity into Twilight, making her twitch once in a violent fashion.

“Clear!” Spike looked in horror at Doc and Twilight, one trying to revive the other. Doc had now started to administer CPR to Twilight, giving chest compressions and rescue breaths.

“Clear!” Doc tried again, and with this zap, the vital monitor began to beep again. Doc opened up his face shield, wiping his forehead.

“That was too close…” Doc huffed as he turned to Spike. “She’s okay! How is the terrorist doing?”

“He hasn’t moved yet!” Spike looked back at the pony that those hostage takers referred to at “Rocky”.

“This is Smoke! We have the bastards coming up to the second floor! We’re luring them into the kill zones!” the radio lit up with activity.

“Copy that! We’re waiting and ready!” Tachanka’s eyes narrowed to the end of the hallway.

Jäger could hear the barricade he put over the door he went past get shot down by gunfire. The stallions weren’t taking any more chances as they tossed a grenade into the doorway, trying to blow up any sort of explosive device that had been left there.

The explosion sent shrapnel down the hall, but not before Jäger had turned the corner, avoiding the blast.

Smoke was leading his group of stallions towards Castle’s emplacement, while Jäger was leading his towards Tachanka’s.

“Jäger, we have ten stallions following you! Smoke, you got five on your tail! That’s ten for Tachanka, five for Castle!” Doc had quickly monitored the parked drones in the castle to give the heads up as the stallions went past.

“More for me…” Tachanka kept his gun trained at the end of the hallway.

Then, he saw Jäger burst down the hallway, running as he fired two shots back around the corner he came around. He ran straight for Tachanka’s emplacement, and vaulted over the deployable shield that he was behind.

“They’re coming!” Jäger took his rifle and aimed over the deployable shield with Tachanka.

“I’m linking up with you! Castle can handle the group on me!” Smoke vaulted over the bulletproof table that Castle was behind, the American nodding at the British as he went past.

Then, the stallions rounded the corner of Tachanka’s machine gun and realised too late what was poised at them.


The two stallions in front met a grisly demise as their bodies were pumped full of machine gun bullets from the mounted gun. Blood sprayed all over the walls behind them as Jäger too began to fire back. Bullets sailed back and forth, with the shield stopping the enemy’s bullets from doing any sort of harm to the operators. Jäger shoved his head to the side as he felt a rifle round sail past, and pressed a button on his detonator, exploding the Nitro Cell that was hidden under the carpet the group of stallions were on as they fired back.

Castle unleashed his own hail of gunfire on the armed ponies coming for him, his M249 literally tearing an arm off of one stallion as the operator gunned him down. The gun spewed forwards a massive amount of smoke, bullet shells clattering around him as he squeezed the trigger down in long bursts.

Suddenly, Castle’s machine gun went dry as he had slain another stallion, giving his killcount two so far.

“Fuck!” Castle cursed as he quickly got behind cover as the terrorists, taking advantage at the pause in fire suddenly turned the corner and began to fill the table with gunfire, knowing all too well that their rifles could penetrate the wooden furniture.

What they didn’t know was that Castle’s tactical panel mounted behind the table absorbed all of the bullets effortlessly, bulges being made in the solid layer of pure kevlar-ceramic armor.

He hid behind the table, taking out his M1014 shotgun, loaded with buckshot ammunition. Castle waited for the right opportunity.

Then, the gunfire stopped, and Castle heard clicks on the other end. The stallions’ magazines had run dry.

“Amateurs,” Castle remarked, burst from the table and fired a blast at the stallions. One of the pony’s throats instantly poured red as a pellet had torn straight through it, and the other three dropped the magazines they were attempting to load into the gun to hide back into cover out of panic.

Castle looked over the barricade and began to fire towards the stallions who were behind the corner of the hall. As he did, he took out a Nitro Cell, and simply flung it to the end of the hallway.

He got back down, and hit the button right as it landed at the end of the hallway, right around the corner of the stallions who looked at the tape-wrapped Semtex that had landed at their feet.

The massive explosion was heard as Castle braced behind the table. Looking over, a massive black scorch mark was where the stallions were, as well as a massive plaster of red all over the walls.

He then hopped over the barricade and advanced down the hallway.

“This is Castle! My hostiles have been dealt with! I’m flanking around to engage Tachanka’s enemies!”

“Roger that!” Tachanka gunned down another stallion who stupidly tried to peek past the cover.

Rocky’s eyes were beginning to come open again. He had a throbbing pain on his chest. His hearing still had that incessant ringing inside of it, but rapid and ample thumps were among the other sounds he could discern.

He looked over, and found a human.

They were here?

How? And why? He wasn’t expecting the White Masks themselves to come already.

Then, he looked closer, and found that the human was dressed in black armor, and was tending with the hostages that he had already taken before.

It was a counter-terrorist.

Rocky suddenly tried to get up, but found that his hooves were bounded by cable ties, just as he had done to Twilight and her friends. He could see a purple silhouette standing above him. It wasn’t very tall, and he soon recognised it. It was Spike, Twilight’s assistant.

Spike found that Rocky had began to move again, and quickly called to Doc.

“H-He’s moving again!” Spike pointed to the dazed Rocky.

“Give him the injection! Don’t delay!”

Rocky heard those words too well, and knew all too much what was coming to him. He struggled to somehow break free of the cable ties. He grit his teeth, and yelled as he tried to thrash about.

Then, he felt a sharp pain enter his side, and everything began to slow down once again.

Spike kept squeezing the plunger down. He couldn’t look away from the eyes of the terrorist. Spike in his life had never seen a look of such hatred and horror in another living being’s eyes, like what he had found in Rocky just as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Tachanka was now standing in bullet shells as he quickly reloaded his machine gun. Jäger covered him by firing his rifle again at the stallions, who were well in cover.

“Done!” Tachanka once again, opened fire at the stallions down in the hallway. Collectively, the operators reduced the ponies’ numbers drastically, as now only six hostile ponies remained inside of the castle, with a sniper threat located outside at the east side.

Then, one stallion quickly rounded the corner, and aimed up his SMAW.

“Rocket!” Jäger got behind cover, knowing exactly what was going to happen next. He tried to pull Tachanka down with him as well, but his hand slipped on Tachanka’s shoulder.

Tachanka tried to pull himself down, but the rocket had fired out. Immediately, Jäger’s active protection system detected the incoming explosive and fired out its intercept projectile. The two collided in the middle of the hallway, and a massive blast erupted, sending a huge shock wave at both ends of the hallway. Tachanka was blown clear off his feet from the blast, as well as Jäger and the shield had toppled over.

The blast yield in that rocket was no joke. Jäger groaned as he turned around on his back, and fired back at the stallion, dropping him. Because the terrorist was fazed by the explosion, it was an easy kill. However, Tachanka wasn’t moving. He had been knocked out.

“Tachanka’s down! We need backup in the north hallway!” Jäger radioed in.

Suddenly, the stallions turned towards another side of the hallway as Castle opened fire with his shotgun, flanking the enemy and taking them by surprise. This allowed Doc and Smoke to come into the hallway, with Smoke tossing his gas grenade into the middle of the hallway. Detonating it, the noxious smoke was so thick that it blocked view of the downed operator, just like a traditional smoke grenade.

Doc unholstered his stim pistol, and fired the syringe into Tachanka’s back. Almost immediately, the Russian was violently awaken by the chemicals, and pushed back into the living room by Jäger.

Smoke rushed through the gas cloud, his mask preventing any of the fumes from getting in his system, and emerged right in front of the remaining five stallions behind the corner of the hallway. His submachine gun roared to life, filling the stallions with 9mm ammunition. Taken by surprise, they fell one by one, with the last two standing as Smoke had his weapon empty by now.

The British operator, one who reveled in battle and quite possibly had the most questionable psychological profile of all the operators immediately engaged in close-quarters combat, drawing his knife and punching one stallion in the face. The pony dropped his rifle as he recoiled and dropped to the floor as Smoke sliced his throat with his blade. The other stallion aimed his rifle, and tried to fire, but Smoke grabbed the barrel of the AK-74, and pushed it against the wall.

Bullets ran alongside the hallway as the stallion let go of the gun after exhausting his magazine, and headbutted Smoke.

Smoke purposely fell flat on the ground, knowing what was behind him. Right as Smoke was out of the way, Castle blasted the last stallion inside the castle with buckshot, throwing him back against the wall and killing him instantly.

“We’re not out of the woods, yet! We got snipers-” Castle was cut off as a window he hadn’t put a tactical panel on blasted open from a bullet coming from outside, “Fuck!”

Then, Doc got an idea.

“The stallion that had the rocket launcher!” Doc rushed over, and took the launcher from the stallion. Examining it, the launcher was still able to be operated. The French operator was thankful of American construction that wasn’t cheap for once.

“Smoke! Get a drone to locate the enemy! Castle, get the crowbar! Meet me at the windows in the living room!” Doc took the launcher, and scavenged the body to find that he had two more rockets. Only one would be needed.

“Roger that!” Smoke knew immediately what Doc planned to do, “Jäger! Get our hostages out of the backblast zone!”

“On it!” Jäger rushed into the living room. Upon entering, he found that the panels that had been placed over the windows of the hostage room had a few bulges in them. The snipers had been taking shots.

“That’s not a good idea! I think the sniper has their eyes at these windows!” Jäger pointed out.

“The third floor turret! Upstairs!” Doc motioned for Castle to come up with him. On the third floor, Castle had also barricaded the windows of the turret in case they had to further fall back from the living room.

Smoke drove the drone outside, and began looking up at the various houses. The night vision aided in him locating two ponies on up on the roof of a house, with very noticeable scoped rifles in their hooves.

“Marking.” Smoke painted two digital dots on the ponies. The HUD came online, and Doc took the rocket launcher. He aimed directly at the window panel that was supposed to be facing the east side, where the snipers were. He lined up the iron sights with exactly where the dots were located, ensuring that when he fired, the rocket would find its mark.

“Count of three. One, two, three!” Castle wrenched the armored panel off the window with his crowbar.

The ponies with the sniper rifles noticed light emerge from the turret, and aimed their rifles up. Unfortunately for them, Doc and the SMAW had already known where their targets were.

The entire room and its debris from before “whooshed” into the air as the backblast shot backwards. The rocket flew out, and almost immediately found its destination. The snipers never knew what was coming as the entire roof of the house was blasted into pieces, along with them. Roof tiles fell from the sky, and Doc could swear that he saw a wing come down too. One of them must have been a pegasus.

Doc dropped the rocket launcher on the floor and nodded to Castle.

“This is Castle. We’re seeing no more enemy activity. We can prepare for extraction now.” he radioed in after a few minutes of the operators casing out the town with their drones.

Clark breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He knew that even after this, Rainbow Team’s job would be far from over.

Author's Note:

Really sorry about getting this chapter out late. I've had some things I had to attend to, but I'll be wrapping up this story before the end of June.
