• Published 28th Apr 2016
  • 4,832 Views, 15 Comments

So that's why - JackieFreak

Fluttershy finally confesses to the pony she's been crushing on for years but it doesn't go in the way she'd expected.

  • ...

Two confessions

It was an average Sunday evening, the time to be spent relaxing and not having to fuss over anything. Just pure, relaxation. In other words, a good time to be spent reading. Giggling softly to herself, Fluttershy turned the page of her book to find a cute picture of two puppies playing in a field on a hot, summer day. What'd the pegasus give to be there in the grass with them, playing fetch and tag all day, having a good time. Although not as addicted, Fluttershy agreed with her alicorn friend, Twilight, that it really was nice to just grab a book and read for a while.

Mm, Twilight...

It was a regular occurrence for the pegasus to daydream about her crush, though she tried to stop her thoughts as they always distracted her from doing even the most simple tasks. She just couldn't help herself though, that alicorn really was somepony special. The way she always acts in the most adorkable way whenever someone mentions a book series she loves, how she's always there for a friend in need. She is the Princess of Friendship after all and it doesn't take a genius to notice how attractive she lo-

Fluttershy shook her head furiously, snapping herself out of her trance.

Now's not the time to think of your crush, Fluttershy. I mean, unless she suddenly knocked on your door, there's no need to-

Knock. Knock.

Oh no, what a terrible coincidence.

Fluttershy glanced out of her window, just to be sure it it really was her alicorn friend. Yep, it sure was. Only, the question of why her crush at her door was in mind. What could a busy princess like Twilight want with a shy pegasus like herself? Well, only way to find out. Fluttershy got up from the couch and stumbled as she walked to the door, so much that she ended up tripping over and falling face flat on the ground. She was only standing one foot from the couch. It was an improvement from last time.

Flapping her wings, the pegasus attempted to fly her way to the front entrance, only for her wings to jitter and cause her form to be flung straight into the wall. The world spinning in her view, Fluttershy glanced up at the door that she was only a few feet from, as a familiar voice called out.

"Fluttershy? Is everything alright in there?"

The pegasus nodded, then her hoof collided with her face for the gesture and mustered up the ounce to put on an "okay" sounding voice.

"Y-yess! I'm fine, you can come in." Apart from the fact that she sounded like a squeaky chew toy, yeah, she sounded totally natural. The door opened and in the doorway, in all her glory was Princess Twilight Sparkle. Aka, Fluttershy's long-time crush. The pegasus sighed at the sight before her. She had no chance.

Eyes in another world entirely, Twilight immediately ran inside the cottage to tend to her friend as she took in the scene before her.

"Oh my gosh, Fluttershy, what happened? Are you hurt?" Twilight cried, holding the pegasus close to her chest and checking for any injuries. Meanwhile, Fluttershy's face was a tomato. Hopefully, the alicorn would just mistake that for an injury. Fluttershy nodded once again, putting on a fake but sweet smile as she counted the seconds of her embrace with her crush.

"Y-yes, j-just had a little tumble. N-nothing's wrong, nothing at all, yes. Your fur's really cosy, by the way. Um, what?" Fluttershy let her mane fall over her face, as the realization of the "fur" comment slipping out took hold. Fortunately, Twilight didn't mistake it as anything more than platonic as she breathed out in relief.

"Oh, good, there's nothing major. Though I'm a little concerned at how burned up your face looks," the alicorn stated, placing a hoof on her friend's cheek. She instantly lifted her hoof back up again as it made contact with the crimson skin, letting out a hiss of pain.

"Yikes! Did you pour boiling water on your face?!" The question left Fluttershy pondering to just lie and answer "yes" but she wasn't really in the mood to be rushed to the hospital. Plus, add on to the fact that the doctors would figure out the reason behind her sizzling face and of course, her crush would find out the feelings she'd kept hidden for, oh, so many years. That definitely wouldn't lead to a happy ending. Not knowing what else to do in this situation, the pegasus hesitantly placed a trembling hoof on her friend's shoulder and stared into her eyes, flashing a reassuring smile.

"N-no, I was just...um...reading a romance novel?" Fluttershy pointedly glanced over to the book she'd left sitting on her couch. It took a while for Twilight to understand and when she did, you'd think her eyes could be used as a lamp shade.

"Oh! Right, that explains it," the alicorn giggled for a moment at the idea of her timid friend being into the "lovey dovey" category. She stopped abruptly as the hoof on her shoulder tensed and took place back onto the ground, titling her head at the pegasus.

"You okay there? You look even worse than before, or are you just thinking about the "romance novel" you were so caught up in?" Twilight smirked knowingly, though she backtracked at the expression painted on her friend's facial features.

"Heh, sorry. I just didn't know you were into that sort of predicament, this-is-so-fascinatiiing!" The alicorn gushed, letting out a squee of excitement. You really do learn new things everyday. Curious, Twilight leaned in, earning a squeak from a Fluttershy that could roast marshmallows.

"Sooo, what's the book about exactly? Any hints on the storyline?" No answer, unless a cry of an injured mouse counted. Seeing as Twilight wasn't saying anything else to avoid the awkwardness, Fluttershy peeked out of her mane only to jerk back in horror as the alicorn levitated up the book she'd previously been reading from the couch. The pegasus could only look on in fear. Her face was burning because of a different reason now. Twilight flipped through the pages, even though there wasn't any need to as she'd already figured out what the book was about just from the title alone. She walked back to where the pegasus was sitting, who was seemingly frozen solid.

The alicorn glanced at her friend and back to the book she was holding, repeating this process for a good full-minute. Then, she finally spoke.

"...Romance novel, huh?" Fluttershy could only nod, weakly, putting on a sheepish grin.

"Um, i-it's the latest edition? Tee hee?" Awkward laughter ensued. Twilight sighed, shaking her head and placing the book back onto the couch.

"Anyway, as that book you've been reading wasn't the reason behind your burned face." A pause. "Well, I at least hope it wasn't. Can you please tell me what's wrong? It's okay if you're ill, Fluttershy, I just want to know if you're alright. You've been acting funny ever since I got here. In fact.." Twilight trailed off, wondering on how to put her next words into a sentence that didn't sound offensive in the slightest.

"No offense but...I've noticed how different you act around me than with the other girls. I don't know what it is but you just seem a little, unusual around me. It was fine when we first met but after a couple months, you began to change your behavior. You'd look away when I spoke to you, your words would stutter more than normal, your face would look...well, kinda like right now, actually." The pegasus listened, ears drooping at how distressed her friend sounded as she told her tale. Fluttershy never realized how badly her actions had upset her alicorn friend, she must of been holding these thoughts for ages.

Look at what you've done, you terrible, terrible pony. Upsetting not only your friend but your crush?! How careless, as Rarity would say. You're lucky she's still your friend, even though she's so hurt. How could you do this to her?

Fluttershy felt the familiar sensation of her eyes filling up with tears, even though she quickly wiped them away they just kept returning as soon as they'd disappeared from sight.

No, no, no, no, hold it in, hold it in!

"I've never said anything about this because I was always scared I'd upset you and so I just simply brushed it off."

Come on, don't do this!

"But now...I-I just want to know why you've always acted this way to me."

Not now, please not now!

"We're friends, aren't we?"

No, no NO!

"I just..." Twilight looked up to see her friend's gaze, only to revel back in surprise.


The waterworks finally broke, the broken pegasus not being able to hold back her emotional stress any longer. No matter how much she sucked in her cheeks, or breathed out deeply, or tried to think of something positive, Fluttershy had once again given into her easily breakable side and how she hated herself for doing so.

The alicorn rushed over to her now sobbing friend, pulling her in for a hug. Twilight realized that this wasn't just the normal type of crying Fluttershy sometimes tended to do. No, this was far worse. Something had been tugging at her deep inside and she'd held on for so long but now, she'd finally given into her emotions. Rocking back and forth as if she was comforting a lost foal, Twilight whispered calming things into her friend's ear, as the sadness continued to pour out.

After five minutes, the alicorn chose to break the silence behind the uncontrollable sobbing, though made sure to be simple.

"Fluttershy?" The pegasus glanced up at her crush, eyes puffy and red, as new tears still made their way down her cheeks. The sight pulled at Twilight's heartstrings but she had to be strong, for Fluttershy's sake.

"Do you feel any better?" Fluttershy sniffed, nodding and choosing to be silent for the moment as she rested her head against her friend's fluffy chest. The softness was somehow comforting, though the pegasus pulled her head away as she realized how soaked the alicorn was.

"S-s-sorry. I-I-I m-made y-you a-all w-wet," Fluttershy stuttered, sniffing and rubbing her sorely eyes. Twilight gave her a gentle smile and wrapped her wings around her, pulling her in closer again.

"It's fine, silly. Your feelings are my concern now, Fluttershy." The pegasus smiled, loving the feeling of having her friend's soft wings wrapped around her form. She sighed in happiness, wanting to enjoy yet another warm embrace with her crush, like the last one which had lasted twenty two blissful seconds. Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

"So, tell me and be honest. Why were you crying so hard just now?" Twilight asked, her expression wearing a worried look as she awaited an answer. Fluttershy shrugged, though she obviously had to give a proper explanation than just a simple gesture. Several moments passed. The alicorn didn't care how long she'd have to wait to get a full reason as to why her friend was so upset, though a window showed the sun was slowly starting to set on the horizon. The pegasus finally opened her mouth to speak.

"I-I-" Fluttershy stopped, as she felt the overwhelming sense to cry yet again. She took a deep breath and began, yet again.

"I-I d-didn't realize how much I'd hurt y-you. I-I mean, how c-could I have n-not noticed that you w-were clearly upset all th-these years?" A pause, for more sniffles. Twilight wore a pained expression at the reply, petting her friend's mane.

"Oh, Fluttershy, don't blame yourself for this. I mean, I was expecting an explanation for your actions but-"

"Exactly! I-I should've told you my feelings s-sooner, then we wouldn't b-be in this situation," Fluttershy suddenly sprang up onto all fours, letting her frustration take over. "N-no offense but y-you're wrong, Twilight. Th-this really is all my fault." The alicorn stood up, placing a hoof on the pegasus' shoulder, only for it to be slapped off. Fluttershy covered her muzzle with a hoof.

"S-sorry. B-but I don't deserve your kindness, a-after what I did."


"No, p-please don't spare me your forgiveness. I-I'm a horrible pony." Fluttershy stamped the ground, letting out a snarl of anger. "I'm so frustrated I could just punch something." Then she raised her head, revealing her eyes to be full of mischievousness. "And I know just what." She raised her hoof to her face, only for it to be placed back by a magical field. Twilight grabbed hold of her friend, firmly.

"Fluttershy! Stop this! I wasn't too upset all these years, honest. I was just confused, please stop pinning the blame on yourself. This isn't like you." The pegasus struggled with all of her might and escaped from her friend's grasp, standing back a few feet from the alicorn. Deep breathes followed. Fluttershy glanced up, apologetically.

"I-I'm sorry, Twilight. N-no matter what you say, I-I'm still going to feel like I'm the reason f-for pressuring you with all of this." A small frown of irritation forming, the pegasus scuffed the ground. "A-all this is just for a silly...little...CRUSH!" Stamp. Then, all color seemed to drain from the pegasus, as soon as the words had left her trap. Time seemed to stop and everything went completely silent.



After what seemed like hours, Twilight finally broke the uncomfortable tension that hung in the air. She walked up to where her stiffened friend was, who hadn't moved an inch since her little tantrum.

"A crush?" Fluttershy nodded, without no change to her expression.

"Wow...I...didn't realize."


"...Who is this crush of yours?"

Fluttershy blinked, slowly turning her face towards the alicorn's direction. Thanks to her friend's naiveness, the pegasus could easily make her crush up. Wonderful. But she'd gotten this far, that there was no point in hiding her true feelings any longer. Sighing, Fluttershy looked away as she answered.




"I'm sorry, what was that?"

Fluttershy couldn't take it any longer. She raised her head to stare at her crush in the eyes, knowing that this was one of the most important things she'd ever have to do.

"You! It's you, Twilight," the pegasus began to weep, wondering how she even had any liquid pride left in her. She repositioned herself towards the staircase but before she could even attempt her exit, her legs were sealed to the ground. The alicorn stepped in front her friend, full of confusion and surprise. They both just stood in the center of the room, staring at each other before any sound emitted from their lips. Eventually, the silence was broken.

"Me? I'm your crush?" Twilight questioned, even though she already knew the shocking answer. Fluttershy just simply nodded her head, allowing her face to be covered by a blanket of pink of what her crush could possibly say next. Honestly, Twilight had no idea how to react but she knew that if she just stayed silent then her friend would get the wrong idea. The cottage grounds, including herself were already drenched enough.

"Wow...I, well, I never expected this to be why you always...well, what I mean is...." Not the greatest answer, as Fluttershy covered her face even more and she sent out a muffled reply.

"I-It doesn't matter, I know you d-don't love me back. I-I'm sorry!" Quiet sniffles. "I should've t-told you ages ago, I'm so, so, sorry!" The alicorn couldn't take her friend's sadness any longer and she trotted a two steps towards the pegasus, lifting her mane gently out of her face.

"Fluttershy, look at me. Look at me," she repeated her command, tipping Fluttershy's chin up.

"Please stop apologizing, for me, okay?" Fluttershy gave a reluctant nod, as Twilight gave her a reassuring beam and pushed on with her speech.

"Now, this whole thing is pretty bizarre and new to me. I mean, I've had my own fair share of crushes but liking another mare is something I've never experienced before." The pegasus glanced away at the response, feeling the most empty she had ever been, though she felt a force pushing her face back and she sadly gazed into the eyes of her crush.

"But...what kind of friend would I be if I didn't at least try? As I said, I don't really know for sure if I like other mares so the most reasonable conclusion would be..." she trailed off, as she noticed Fluttershy's ears suddenly perk up as she came to the same realization.

"Y-you mean...?"

"Mm hm. Fluttershy...I'm willing to give this a shot. In other words," Twilight winked, as the corners of her friend's mouth turned up in excitement. "I will go on a date with you." There are no words to contain how thrilled Fluttershy was in that one moment. Let's just say, Twilight ended up on the ground in seconds after she'd spoken. She let out pearls of laughter, as Fluttershy stepped off of her and once again, crimson in the face. That would become a regular thing for sure.

"S-sorry, I-I'm just so happy! I can't believe this is really happening, I-I'm so happy I could just-" the pegasus reared up on her hind legs and as soon as all four hooves came in contact with the ground, she emitted the most happiest sound she could ever make.


"Well, I'm glad that that's settled. But I just need to say, I'm sorry for just ignoring the signs you were giving me, I should have asked you sooner but I was so afraid of causing you any upset," Twilight apologized, ears drooping in the process. Fluttershy flashed her a comforting smile.

"It's alright, you were only thinking of me and I appreciate that. I should've just told you my feelings as soon as I realized them but I was just so afraid that you'd reject me. I mean, you're a princess now and you're always busy with your duties so I thought you'd never be interested in somepony like me," the pegasus admitted, remembering many memories of loneliness all those past few years.

"I can understand that but just because I'm pretty busy these days, doesn't mean I don't have time for such a commitment. Also, why wouldn't I be interested in somepony like you? You're the Element of Kindness after all and much comes from that. I adore how much your assertiveness grows when a friend is in need, no matter how shy you are you're kindness stands above all. Everypony could certainly follow in your hoofsteps, Fluttershy," Twilight finished, smiling. "Phew, is it hot in here or what?" She placed a hoof on her warm cheeks, as Fluttershy stifled a giggle.

"Thank you, Twilight. You really know how to lighten a pony's day, especially mine," she smiled, feeling the warm sensation herself. As the two ponies stood, smiling at how well everything turned out, there was one question that was begging to be asked.

"So...what day is the date going to be, if you don't me asking," Fluttershy grinned, sheepishly. The alicorn ruffled a hoof in her mane in thought.

"Uh, I'm free on Tuesday, I just need to make some rearrangements. How does half seven sound?"

"Sounds great to me."

"Alright, I'll be here around that time. See you then," Twilight replied, opening the front door and stepping out into the darkness of the night.

"Ok- wait!"

"Hmm?" The alicorn stopped in her tracks, glancing back at the pegasus in the doorway.

"Why did you come over today? Did you need something?" Twilight shook her head at the response, smiling.

"I just wanted to see you, it's been a while since I've been to your place. One thing is for sure, if things go well in the future, I'll be over here a lot often," she winked and then giggled at her friend's expression.

"See you Tuesday."

"Y-yeah, see you," Fluttershy waved, watching the alicorn go and then shutting the door. She stared into nothingness for a moment before walking towards the couch, though she once again stumbled and tripped over, though at least she landed on her destination. She lay her head on one of the cushions and breathed out a sigh of content. As terrible as things had started out that evening, at least all issues were finally sorted. Fluttershy felt like the luckiest mare in all of Equestria that day, as a happy smile crossed her features.

You did it, Fluttershy. You really did.

Author's Note:

Thanks for taking your time to read my fanfic, though keep in mind that I haven't written one of these in ages so my writing skills might be a little rusty ^^'

I'm pondering whether I should release a new chapter or not, so if anyone requests one then I'll write it. Oh and any constructive criticism is welcome :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 15 )

You do know Fluttershy's not beige, right? She's yellow. Beige is yellow-brown, like sand, and she's certainly not anywhere close to that.

7170516 Hazel: Indeed, she looks to be...I'd say butter
Hester: I thought it was dandelion


Whoops, I didn't realize. I was told before that beige was a light, yellowish colour so I got a bit confused. It's fixed now ^^'

Aww, cute. Though I'm not usually one for TwiShy, this was quite enjoyable and adorable, and the characters felt about right too :twilightsmile:

Just one niggle which caught my eye:

The pegasus glanced away at the response, feeling the most empty she's ever been in a long while, though she felt a force pushing her face back and she sadly gazed into the eyes of her crush.

I think that breaks tense, so it should be 'she had ever been' to maintain tense, then the 'in a long while' could also be removed, but that's entirely up to you :)


Yeah, I've never been that good with keeping in tense so I make mistakes quite often. I've changed it as you suggested, thanks for helping me out :twilightsmile:

As the TwiShy ship captain, I welcome you aboard my humble ship. It's always nice to have more crew around.


even the most simplest of tasks.

Your story was very sweet and gave me a nice little smile. The dialogue felt only the slightest bit out of character, but other than that it was pretty well done.

<3 DarqFox

This was adorable, and I loved it. It was pretty great, and I'm glad I saw this :) I love those two together, I find they work very well together and you captured it quite well. I hope you make more Twishy fics in the future.

7185915 I've corrected the mistake you mentioned, it should look better now. Thanks for the feedback, I'll be sure to improve on the dialogue next time ^^

7269779 I was thinking about writing another story focused on TwiShy, we shall see. I'm glad you liked my story ^^

when you notice twilight has gotten taller then all her friends

I read this expecting purple and yellow flavored cotton candy and I got exactly what I wanted. thank you.

I’d love to see another chapter. Twishy is one of my favorite pairings.

So... cute... can't... words... vocabulary... broken...

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