• Published 30th Apr 2016
  • 13,958 Views, 41 Comments

Royal Cuddles? - Grasshopper Keller

2nd HiE Story with 'Anon' telling his feelings to the 3 Princesses, resulting in cuddles.

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Princess Cadence

Like all of the ponies who lived in the Crystal Empire, you knew that it was going to be a cold day. Day in and day out, it was normal for the temperature outside to make you bundle up with more clothing than what the ponies wore. And yet, the ponies around you are unaffected by the cold. It must have been one of those perks of being born with a shiny body, you thought to yourself.

As it stands, you had heard about how Shining Armor and Princess Cadence had been separated after their divorce. And apparently, the Prince's sudden departure from the Crystal Empire was because of how the pressure of hiring guards for his guard was getting to be too much on his nerves. So much so that he was not going to be able to keep the romance going for much longer.

But despite how it was made official that they could not go on as a married couple with a mutual desire to stay as friends, you had the instinctive gut feeling that the whole story was taken out because of some scandal. You were not a paparazzi pony, nor were you a reporter pony. You were just a resident human with a feeling that the Princess of Love (comically known as Love-Butt to some fans) was lonely. And that she was in need of some company.

You walk through the obviously crystal hallways of the castle, given that it was your routine as a human who specializes in diplomacy between your resident kingdom and the neighboring countries north, south, east and west of it. The title of diplomat definitely had its perks, given that was more than just ponies that would come down to discuss something official. From tax disputes, to opening trades, and anything in between. If your boss, Princess Cadence, wanted your opinion on the matter at hand (or hoof, because of pony dialect ruling), you would put in your honest opinion.

Within the same hallways that you successfully navigate after a few minutes of remembering your daily routine, you open the door to your office and begin to file through the papers that have been placed on your crystal desk. You shake your head, thinking that such a perk was still undeserved in your mind.

The five hours that you had spent with going through your workload today had produced more than half of the paperwork being checked, inspected & stamped if any of the papers could pass your's and your boss' criteria. Given that you've had quite a lot of experience with macroeconomics in the past, you give yourself a small confident smug as you see the work piling up on the reject and accept files.

You then see a small note on your desk, one that you did not see when you first entered the office. It read:

Meet me in the throne room. I wish to discuss something with you. Don't bring your paperwork.

Love, Cadence xoxo

"Don't bring my paperwork? X-O-X-O? What's going on here?" you ask yourself before putting the note into your left pant pocket and rising up from your seat. You open the door and exit your office, just a few feet away from the door before you take a moment to look yourself over. Once you see your reflection on the wall, you fix your appearance up a little bit and make your way to the throne room.

A few moments later, you see the Princess on her throne. And as you see her, the same trifecta of colors on her mane and tail, from what you could see, was still as beautiful as when you first saw it. The memories of how deeply affected you were by her presence, the interview for the job, and even a few luncheons had quickly passed by before you remembered how much you just want to hold her in your arms in a deep hug. The same kind of hug, as you so wanted in your heart, that only a great friend could give to a person, or pony, when someone was deeply hurt from something that broke their heart.

"Your Highness," you bow to her. "I, uh... *ahem* I got your message. Did you... want to speak to me about something?" you then ask her after clearing your throat. She looks at you, and once again you find yourself blushing again. Seeing that beautiful face of hers always made you blush. The smile that she had on her face was genuinely warm. It didn't matter if you were a human at all. You were in a much different world from your own, so falling for a pony (for any reason at all) was normal. Plus, inter-species relationships are greatly encouraged in the country that you lived in.

"Oh, Anon!" she cheerfully calls to you from her place. She carefully calls you over with her hoof, prompting you to step up closer to her. Once you take enough steps to her, Cadence rises from her throne and begins to trot her way up to meet you. "It's really great to see you," she says while making her way to get close enough to you.

You then bow to her, given that it's always in respect for the mare who was both your boss and your ruler.

"My thoughts exactly," you reply with your own smile. She then moves up close enough for you to catch the strong, but not overpowering, scent of roses and vanilla lingering in her perfume. "Hmm... Rose and vanilla, huh? Smells wonderful," you then say to her while keeping that friendly smile on your face. But the rest of your face betrays what your heart was supposed to have hidden.

"Aw! Thanks, Anon," Cadence blushes from your compliment. But then, she does the one thing that still surprises you, even though she has been known to do that to you as a sign of her friendship to you from time to time: She hugs you with her front forelegs wrapping around you while standing on her hind legs.

But this was not an ordinary mare hugging you. This is the same Princess who runs the same country that you live in. But not only that, she is also the one who keeps you busy with the workload that you're given on a daily basis. And yet, none of that even mattered to you. You were furiously infatuated with her, but you never had the courage to ask her out on a date. But you had no choice but to hug her back. Not doing so would perceive you, in the eyes of the other friends that you've met, as a jerk.

"You're welcome," you sigh to her while wrapping your arms around her, making sure to be careful to not hurt her wings as you pat her shoulders. When you both part from each other just a few feet away, you take a good look at her face. "And I see that you went through your daily bath before you got here," you observe from seeing her face. "It really shows on your fur," you quickly say to her as you see her blush a little bit.

"My fur?" she asks while looking over herself.

"Yep. Being clean is always a necessity, as we both know," you nod to her while stifling a laugh that would've made you look loony.

"You like the way that my fur looks?" she then asks you with an innocent face.

"Uh... y-y-yes! I do! I like how it's well brushed," you stammer as your face burns up with the blush that hits all over you. "Oh that's just great, Anon! Smooth words, you big idiot!" you scold yourself as you try to look away. The next thing you hear is not some bit of anger. Instead.... it's a big giggle. The kind of giggle that you had heard from mares who were on a first date with a scared stallion. "Uh...."

"Oh, Anon!" she giggles some more at your expense. "If my instinct is right, and I know that it is right now, I'd say that you're infatuated with me, right?" Her grin turns into a wicked one, almost as if it, along with the wearer, was teasing you for being such a nerd.

Your immediate instinct was to run away from the Empire and find a frozen cave to hide in, never to return to whatever remains of your social life near your home. But before you could even take the first frightened step towards the entrance door of the throne room, Cadence stops you with her hoof on your arm. When you look at her hoof, you feel it tremble despite your arm being clothed.

"C-Cadence?" you nearly squeal before you notice.... tears?

"Why didn't you say anything before?" she softly asks you with a sad face. And at that moment, all bets were off.

Before she even had a chance to react, you fall down to one knee. You were about to risk your job, and your own life, but this was what was needed of you to do, unless you wanted your soul to be as cold as the weather outside of the protective shield that keeps the Empire only slightly cool. And with nothing to lose, you plant a big, lingering kiss on her lips while closing your eyes.

The taste of the sweetest honey and roses just flows over your lips as they made contact with hers, leaving you with the overwhelming desire to never let them go from you. You feel her lips relenting with a kiss back to your lips, sending your soul into a higher level of consciousness that helps you to realize that there is such a thing as romance. When you feel the feathers of her wings covering you, along with her front forelegs wrapping around your shoulders, you began to believe that your feelings for her were mutual. No words could ever be found from how much better you were feeling from the kiss.

As soon as you part, the two of you are almost literally breathless. It felt like an eternity, even though it was about five minutes, tops.

"Wow..." was all that you could muster from the oxygen nearly depleted from your lungs. As soon as you took your breath in and out, you felt the same rush still coursing through you as you stand back up on your two feet. When you stand up, you take another breath in and begin to say your piece. "Cadence?"

"Yes, Anon?" she almost dreamily says to you as her eyes have that starry look on them.

"I fell for you ever since my arrival in the Crystal Empire," you began to confess to her. "But I just couldn't bring myself to tell you about my feelings for you because of how Prince Armor was your husband. When I took the job as your diplomat, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I was not going to turn it down. When you and I became friends, everything just.... felt right. And I could only stand by while you and your husband, now your ex, were falling apart. To put myself into your affairs would not have been right.... And now...."

"'And now?'" Cadence parrots your words while keeping her face on yours.

"Now... I feel that the irony is really biting me on my head with how I just kissed you... and you know what? I don't feel bad about kissing you at all," you share with her with a returning confidence in your voice. "I love you, Mi Amore Cadenza! And I don't care what the nobles will say about this! I want for all of the Empire to know that I am your special somepony! And I want the ponies to know about my continuing love for you!" you then proclaim to her as you hold her with your arms around her once again.

"Anon...." Cadence gasps from how flustered she felt. But what you don't realize is that you find yourselves both at a lounge room that has a couch that is just a few feet away from you. "I love you too!!!" she cries at you like a school girl, tackling you to the couch that you soon feel. Before you could even ask how she got you to a couch, she immediately kisses your face and lips in a flurry of kisses that you return to her with a vigor in your heart.

Some minutes later, the both of you pant for air from the furious session of kisses that sealed the deal of how much you both want to be their special somebody/somepony. The both of you also find yourselves in the same embrace as before, not wanting to let the other go.

"Cuddle with me?" you simultaneously ask each other, causing you both to laugh like a new couple would.

"Don't let me go," you say to her as you move your body onto the full of the couch.

"Oh, Anon. I will never let you go," Cadence coos to you as she positions herself on top of you, resting her head on your chest. "At least, well... until we have to get back to work," she giggles from seeing how the both of you had to go back to what you were trying to do.

"Spare an hour for your special somepony and diplomat?" you ask her with a chuckle.

"Yes, Anon," she answers with that same smile before she kisses your lips again. "We can cuddle for an hour," she then says to you as she keeps up her smooches, to which you return.

"I love you, Cadence," you say to her, foregoing her title for that peaceful moment as you kiss her lips for the last time before getting comfortable with the couch below the two of you.

"Mmm.... I love you too, Anon," she purrs into your chest while cuddling up close to you.

And from that moment, until you both had to get to work, you and the Princess of Love were only Anon and Cadence.... special to each other in heart and soul, and even more.


Author's Note:

Next up is Princess Luna! That's right, Luna-ticks! (Heh-heh-heh, bad joke intended for good fun! :twilightsheepish: Sorry.) The next Princess is about to be given her own cuddle time by another Anon. And Celestia will be given the same treatment, because I love all three of the original Princesses!

Feel free to leave a comment below, and may Cadence teach you how to love from your heart and soul.

Love y'all! :heart: