• Published 2nd May 2016
  • 358 Views, 6 Comments

Agony: fractued soul - outerjay

Jason "Agony" Broly was a human child one who has gone throw grate pain, so grate hi soul had broken into 8 pieces

  • ...

CH 2

Author's Note:

much text lots of talking

"Dammit! Now I have to explain what just happened!" Greed exclaimed, realising his mistake of taking control without warning.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF EQUESS IS GOING ON." Twilight exploded, she wanted answers now.

*A couple of moments of intense breathing later. *

"Okay, so now that we've all calmed down and aren’t going to explode we’ll explain what happened.” Celestia turned to Greed. “Should you explain or should I?”

"I’ll do it, Agony won’t let it go if I let you explain it and you get something wrong, probably because I wouldn't care to correct you on any assumptions made." Greed took a deep breath. " All right get comfortable this is going to take a bit. Let’s start with what we are, and by us, I mean Agony and the sins. You see we, are what’s called Fractures, while Agony himself is a Fractured. He’s called this because his soul is fractured. Normally that would leave him in a vegetative state until it fixed it self... normally. His current state was caused by a series of traumatic events, seven to be exact, each one created a split personality to go with the fractures, you can see where this is going right?" he asked, finishing the first part of his explanation.

"I think so, he created each of you to protect him from events he can’t handle on his own, but when he created to many split personalities, his soul shattered from the stress of keeping eight different beings in one space, creating several ‘miniature’ souls if you will, each one being a Sin and all of them within one body. Right?” She asked, buzzing with confidence and near certain in her hypothesis.

"I’m impressed with your theory but no, if his soul shattered under the stress then the weakest part at the time would have been destroyed. You were close though, you see he has an unusually large soul for someone his age. Now as you have said we were created to protect him but somewhere along the way his soul stopped growing, and we started fighting for dominance over the one body and soul. As you can imagine having people fight over your body from within is not fun. We were causing him intense pain. The only one not to fight for control was Wrath. The only one Wrath will ever listen to is Agony, he sees him as a god for some reason and well, he didn't take to kindly to us trying to ...Hehe... Yeah... Anyway he held his own, protecting Agony but never retaliating to our advances, ever, until one day. One day Agony broke down crying and asked for help, to say Wrath was mad is the understatement of the universe. He marked our territory and forced us into them, he took what growth we had and used it to expand Agony, all the while he kept us restricted, managing to overpower all of us. The to finish, he shattered Agony's soul to stop us from causing him more pain. Each one of us became the split personalities, unable to affect the other emotionally like we did before. But like I said earlier, his soul is abnormally large, when it broke it created seven normal spirit flames surrounding a normal sized soul. This has also caused him to age slower he looks young but, Agony is probably around Twenty two. Jesus Christ that was a mouthful." Finally he was done, finishing the explanation that lasted longer than he liked.
Greed yawned and just as quickly as he came he was gone in a dark explosion, leaving every one especially Agony slightly confused as to why he left then , Agony remembered. “He fell asleep.”

"What?" asked a slightly dazed Twilight.

"Greed fell asleep, apparently they can’t stay out to long, it drains too much of their energy." Came Agony's reply.

"Honestly, I’m not surprised, after all it must take a great amount of magic to change into and hold onto a form that is not your natural one." Celestia at this point was just thinking out loud.

"Um... Celestia, after hearing all this I’m thinking you brought me here for some larger purpose than to just meet Agony.” Twilight had it the nail dead on the head.

"You are correct, you see Agony may be an adult by how long he’s lived, but his physical age and mental age are that of a young colt, and as such he needs a caretaker, or at least some one to make sure he doesn't destroy something accidentally. I would like that to be you . As I have said he will have property of his own, but I would like you and your friends to look out for him like you would your own brother." Celestia was nervous, not entirely sure how her student would respond to this odd request. Twilight drifted into deep thought.

Several long minutes later, Twilight had her answer ready. " I would be honoured to take Agony on as my little brother." Twilight accepted with a smile "But I would like to request that he live in the library with me rather than on his own, so I can look after my ‘Little Brother’ better.”

"That would be up to him Twilight; I cannot make that choice for him." They both looked at Agony who had his eyes closed; if it wasn't for earlier they would have thought he was in some standing sleep.

"Well guys what do you think?" he asked mentally.

"If we were back home I’d say screw them, but we don’t know how this world works, I say do it." Pride responded.

"I agree besides, we could do with another sister.” Envy agreed.

"Hey, this house is free and we’d get privacy, so we can be lazy and stuff. " Sloth countered.

"Yea the privacy for...laziness totally..." Lust responded in a rather evasive manner, what she really wanted didn’t evade Agony at all.

"I don’t care." Gula was blunt with his answer

"Great, we are at an impasse and Greed is asleep. Wrath, I know you don't like making these kind of decisions but I don't know what to do."

"Go with her - her aura good - she help." Came Wrath's broken response

Opening his eyes, "Um... I’ll go with Twilight, if she doesn't mind that is." He said meekly

"That’s fine after all, I'm the one that asked first, but if you don't mind, how did you come to your answer?"She said slightly surprised with his answer and his reply.

"Majority rules, as long as it doesn't conflict with my own feelings on certain things or when I’m not sure of what to do.”

"As much as I’ve enjoyed this, it’s getting the late and the last train leaves for Ponyville soon and it'd be best if young Agony was to get acquainted with his new home tonight and the town tomorrow. I’ll be sure to send the deed for Agony's property to you later Twilight, just get him to sign it." And with that Twilight and Agony said there goodbyes and thanks, respectively, to the princess as they left for Ponyville.