• Published 17th May 2016
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I Found Love: Discord and Twilight (Rewrite) - MLP Fangirl

Discord. The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. He couldn't possibly understand what love is, right? Well, with a little help from a purple princess, he's going to understand it perfectly.

  • ...

Unexpected Advice

Discord couldn't stand it. It was becoming stronger and stronger. And, he had no idea what "it" was.

Months ago, poking fun at Twilight Sparkle was easy and very much enjoyable.

Now, he was having a hard time coming up with anything to offend her, even if he didn't actually mean it. For some crazy reason, he couldn't bare to see Twilight upset.

And, why?

What was causing this weird feeling?

Discord wanted to know what he was feeling and if there was any chance of getting rid of it.

But, who could he ask?


Discord was over at Carousel Boutique.

As punishment for ruining one of her most successful line of dresses, Rarity agreed to forgive Discord if he would let her design a suit for him to wear for the next Grand Galloping Gala .

Now, normally he wouldn't have agreed to such a deal. But, when Rarity suggested catsitting Opalescence instead, Discord chose the former.

Discord groaned as Rarity measured his waist, "You know, I didn't have to agree to this. Quite frankly, I could care less if you forgave me or not."

Rarity sent him a glare as she started to measure his sides, "I thought you wanted to prove you were a good friend."

Discord scoffed, "I said I was sorry. Is that not good enough for you?"

"No, it's not. Knowing you, you could have easily been faking."

Discord clicked his tongue, "You clearly have some trust issues."

Rarity set her red glasses onto a nearby table, "Only with you. Now, do be quiet, I need to concentrate."

Discord sighed but closed his mouth and let her work.

He looked over at the white unicorn. Out of all the ponies in the Friendship group, she seemed to be the most mature.

He cleared his throat, "Hey, uh, Rarity?"


Discord bit his talon. His claw went back down to his side. "Okay, so, I know this...stallion. He has some issues he needs sorted out."

Rarity turned to look at him, "Stallion? Do I know him?"

Discord's eyes darted back and forth, "Uh, I doubt it. His name is...Hatrack Mirror." He said after spotting a hatrack and a mirror.

Rarity set her pencil down, bearing a look of confusion, "That is an...odd name."

Discord shrugged, "Yeah, he gets that a lot. He lives in Vanhoover. Way out there. But, he's asking me for advice, and I don't really know what to say."

Rarity turned around in her seat to face him, "Advice, you say? What sort of advice?"

Discord scratched the back of his head, "Well, he's been having this weird feeling. He doesn't know what it is, and he only feels it around a certain mare."

Rarity gained a look of understanding, "Ah, I see. It's really quite obvious. A strange feeling around a mare? It's quite obvious that this Hatrack Mirror has a crush on this mare."

Discord blinked, "A crush? You mean like a school colt crush?"

Rarity shrugged, "I wouldn't necessarily call it a school colt crush. He obviously has feelings for this mare, and if he wishes to pursue a relationship, he should tell her how he feels."

Discord squinted his eyes, "I'm not sure Hatty's going to like that idea. You're saying he's in love with this mare?"

Rarity smiled, "Maybe not in love yet. It depends how strong his feelings are."

Discord looked down, his eyebrows furrowed, "No. That can't be it. Love? Really? That's nonsense."

Rarity raised an eyebrow, "What is so nonsensical about that?"

Discord waved her off, "Oh, nothing at all. Really. But, I'm going to need a second opinion. Who is an expert on love?"

Rarity turned around to face her design, "Well, if you want the expert's advice, talk to Princess Cadence."

Discord slouched, "I have to go all the way to the Crystal Empire?"

"If you want a second opinion, Princess Cadence is the best option."

Discord sighed, "I suppose. I - uh, I mean, Hatrack needs it. Later, Rarity. " In bright flash of light, Discord vanished.

Rarity breathed a sigh of relief.


It was a beautiful day in the Crystal Empire. The Crystal ponies trotted throughout the Empire with not a care in the world.

Prince Shining Armor was out in the fields, looking over the newest recruits for the Crystal Guard.

Princess Cadence sat on her throne, having just settled a housing dispute between two sisters.

After that ordeal, business seemed to slow down. So, the Princess of Love had a moment to breathe and relax.

Unfortunately, that moment didn't last long.

Cadence jumped as a loud drum roll started playing out of nowhere. The guards stationed next to her readied their spears, pointing them at the door.

"Presenting the one and only Lord of Chaos: Discord!"

A red carpet rolled onto the crystal floor, and rolling onto the red carpet was none other than the infamous Spirit of Chaos himself.

Discord gave a low bow, "Greetings, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."

Cadence blinked at the sight of the draconequus. She turned to the guards, "Stand down. He's no threat."

Discord rolled his eyes, "Finally, someone realizes that."

Cadence pointed to the doors, "Leave us. I have a feeling Discord didn't just drop by to say hi."

Discord scoffed, "Like I'd ever do that. Me voluntarily go to a place powered by love? Gag me."

Cadence narrowed her eyes at him then sighed. She gave a nod to the guards, and they left the throne room.

Once they left, Cadence turned back to Discord, who was tapping his cloven hoof against the floor impatiently.

"So, Discord, what are you doing here in the Empire? Assuming you're not here to cause mischief."

Discord took a few steps towards the throne, "You say that right after you declare me not a threat. Am I or aren't I? Make up your mind, Princess. I can accept either one."

Cadence sighed, "I apologize. I know you're no threat. Twilight has been sending me letters often and has included you in some of them."

Discord blinked, "She has?"

Cadence nodded, "Yes, she has. She's been saying how enjoyable it's been to hang out with you. You seem to be making good progress, Discord."

Discord mused over that little tidbit of info. She enjoyed spending time with him? Enough to mention him in her letters to her sister-in-law?


Discord was snapped out of his train of thought, "Huh? What? Oh, well, that's rather nice of her."

Cadence nodded, "So, you haven't answered my question yet."

Discord wrung his hands together, "Uh, what question would that be again?"

Cadence put a hoof to her head, "Why are you here?"

"Oh...that. Right. Uh..." He rubbed the back of his head. It worked for Rarity. Maybe it would work on her.


Discord cleared his throat, "Okay, so I have this friend. He needs some advice on the thing that you know a lot about."

Cadence raised an eyebrow, "You mean love? You need some advice on love?"

"Y - I mean - no! It's not for me. It's for my friend Hatrack Stairs."

Cadence leaned back in her throne. She knew all the tricks, and she knew exactly what he was trying to do. But, she decided to humor him for a bit.

"All right. Tell me about this friend of yours. What problems is he having regarding love?"

Discord shrugged, "Well, he told me that whenever he's around this mare, he starts to feel weird."

"Weird? Would this weirdness happen to include sweating, warmth, tingly feeling in stomach, or shortness of breath?"

Discord pointed to her, "You know, it does. I feel - uh, that he has some major issues. And, as his friend, I'd - uh, like to help him. Yeah."

Cadence smiled, "Well, this stallion obviously has feelings for this mare. It only happens around the mare, right?"

Discord said nothing but his eyes told her everything she needed to know.

Cadence nodded, "So, yes. He likes this mare. And, if he wishes to pursue a relationship, he should tell her how he feels."

Discord grumbled, "That's exactly what Rarity said."

Cadence opened her wings and flew down in front of Discord. She looked up at him, "So, who is it?"

Discord looked from side to side before looking back at her, "Who's who?"

Cadence gave him a pointed look, "The mare."

Discord shrugged, "How am I supposed to know? Hatty never said anything."

Cadence chuckled, "Discord, you can drop the act. I know that you're talking about yourself."

Discord gawked at her and backed up, "What? What are you talking about? I came here for advice for Hatrack Mirror."

The pink alicorn raised an eyebrow, "I thought his name was Hatrack Stairs."

Discord blinked, "Uh..." He scratched the back of his neck, "Well, his brother is also named Hatrack, but his last name is Stairs."

Cadence shook her head, "Discord, you are only making this sound even more ridiculous than it already is. You can't pull a fast one on the Princess of Love."

Discord let out a defeated sigh, "It worked on Rarity."

Princess Cadence smiled, "Is Rarity the Princess of Love? No. So, Discord, I'll ask again. Who is it?"

Discord ran his paw through his black mane, "Are you certain that what I'm feeling is...love? Couldn't it just be that T - uh, that mare is sick, and I'm catching whatever sickness she had?"

Cadence chuckled again, patting Discord's side, "Discord, I'm pretty sure the mare is not sick. It has to be love. Well, maybe not love yet. But, you definitely like this mare, whom I'd really like to know the name of."

Discord turned his back towards her and walked a few feet away. "I really do? Is that what I've been feeling? That weird warm feeling I get is just because I...like her?"

Cadence lowered her eyebrows, "Yes, Discord. Any weird feelings you've had around this mare can only be explained as a like-like type of love. But, I'd really like to know who you're talking about."

Discord put a claw to his face, "I can't be in love. I mean, the Spirit of Chaos in love? Who ever heard of such a ridiculous idea?"

Cadence walked and stood right next to him, "Technically, you're just 'in like' now. And, Discord, love is for everyone. Just because you're the Spirit of Chaos doesn't mean that you can't know and experience love. And, no one will take you any less seriously. In fact, they might very well gain a whole new respect for you."

Discord blinked and turned to her, "Really?"

Cadence nodded, "If you and this mare, who I'd still really like to know who, ever get together, it'll show ponies that you're not a monster or a villain. If they realize that you're capable of loving someone, they might stop begrudging and hating you."

Discord stood and stared out into space, thinking about what he had just heard. He sighed, "I...guess you have a point there."

Cadence smiled, putting a hoof to her chest, "Of course, I do. Now, may I please know the name of the mare you like?"

Discord crossed his arms, "Will you promise not to tell anyone?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Cadence did the motions associated with the promise.

Discord blinked, "Huh. And here I thought Pinkie was bluffing when she said that her Pinkie Promise was used world wide." He let out a sigh, "Oh, fine. But, could we not talk out here? Ponies listen. And, I'd really prefer if no one finds out."

Cadence nodded, "Of course. We can talk in my bed chambers. It's this way."

With that, the Princess of Love led the Spirit of Chaos to her room.


Cadence closed the purple silk curtains in her room. She levitated a fuschia-colored pillow over to her and lay herself on top of it.

Discord summoned an orange beanbag chair and plopped onto it.

Cadence blinked then shrugged. She cleared her throat, "All right, Discord. Tell me the name of the mysterious mare that has captured your heart."

Discord held up his hands, "Okay, I'm gonna stop you there. 'Captured my heart'? Uh, I still have a hard time believing that what I'm feeling is love, so..."

Cadence rolled her eyes, "Discord, I've already told you. It's not love yet. You have feelings for this mare, that much is obvious. But, if it will make you feel better, I'll rephrase. Who is the mare that has been making you feel weird?"

Discord leaned back and crossed his arms, "Why don't you answer that? You're the Princess of Love, aren't you?"

Cadence let out a sigh, "Discord, I can't tell you who you like if they're not even here. I can sense love in a pony's heart when I see them interact or when I see them together with the pony they like. You came alone, so I have no idea who the mare is."

"Then guess. I'm not telling you who it is. You have to guess."

Cadence put a hoof to her face, "You're playing that game, huh? All right, I'm in. Let's see. It's probably a mare you hang out with a lot. Perhaps one of Twilight's friends."

Discord said nothing, his eyes staring at ceiling.

Cadence smiled, "Okay, so that narrows it down. It's one of the six. So, is it Fluttershy?"

Discord shook his head, "She's a dear friend, but she'll never be more than that. I appreciate her, but she doesn't make me feel weird."

Cadence nodded, "All right. Is it Rarity?"

Discord snorted, "Hay no. Please. Rarity can be quite scary when she wants to be, and I'm not a big fan of being her model for hours on end, so... EHH!"

Cadence put a hoof to her chin, "Hmm. Pinkie Pie?"

Discord shook his head again, "Try again, Cadenza."

Cadence narrowed her eyes as she thought, "I have a feeling it's not Applejack or Rainbow Dash. So, that leaves just one..." She gasped loudly.

She looked at Discord with wide eyes, "Discord...is it Twilight?"

Discord sunk into his beanie bag, not wanting to look her in the eyes.

Cadence laughed, "It is! Discord, you like Twilight?"

Discord coughed, "Uh, Twilight who? I don't know any Twilights."

Cadence got to her hooves, ignoring his comment, "Oh, Discord. That's wonderful!"

Discord stood up, too, "Do not say a word. If she found out, I don't know what she'd think."

Cadence raised an eyebrow, "About your weird feelings or about your feelings for her?"

Discord shrugged, "I don't know. Both?"

Cadence's eyes softened, "Discord, you're smart enough to realize your feelings. You like her, and you know it. Denying it won't make it go away. You should tell her how you feel."

Discord shook his head, "Yeah, that's not gonna happen. If I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way, our friendship would feel awkward from then on. I like being friends. I really don't need to be anything more."

Cadence looked him in the eyes, "I understand your reasoning, Discord. But, if you don't pursue this, you might wind up regretting that you didn't. Twilight's not going to stay single forever. She's an attractive mare, a princess. A stallion is going to notice her, and she might notice him. And, when that happens, you'll probably never get another chance, unless things don't work out between them."

Discord flopped back onto his bean bag, "I don't know."

Cadence followed suit and lay back down on her cushion. "Well, I want to know how much you like her. So, tell me, what is it that you like about her?"

Discord huffed, "Talking about my feelings, that's just how I envisioned my day ending."


He sighed, "Okay, fine. You're probably not going to let me leave until I tell you."

Cadence continued to look at him, waiting for him to begin.

Discord ran his eagle claw through his mane, "I guess what I like about her is the fact that she's so unpredictable. Just like chaos."

Cadence blinked, "I've never heard of that as a reason before. Care to explain?"

Discord rolled his eyes, "I feel like I'm being cross-examined in court. But, fine. Twilight acts like order is so important to her. But, deep down, I know she is not the organization freak she claims to be. I never know what she's going to do next. She's caused widespread chaos to get a friendship report in. I know Celestia's morals have been her standards for life, but whether she cares to admit it or not, she has a chaotic side. Something that I wish to see come out more often. But, even if it doesn't, I still enjoy her company."

Cadence nodded, "That is a very interesting reason. Although, I can't say I completely disagree with you. I should tell you about some of Twilight's magic surges when she was a filly. It tooks us days to reverse everything."

Discord chuckled, "I can totally picture that."

Cadence gave a chuckle of her own, "Anything else you like?"

Discord sat up, "Well, that and the fact that she's been standing up for me. I'm not just talking about her giving up her magic for her friends, including me. My betrayal has gained me many haters, but Twilight's managed to get some of them to reevaluate their opinions of me."

Cadence smiled, "So, are you finally ready to admit that you like her?"

Discord's eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean finally? I only realized I had these mushy feelings today."

Cadence maintained her smile, "I think you've known for a while now, you just didn't realize it."

Cadence looked at the clock on the wall. "Shining Armor will be back any minute now."

Discord stood up, snapping the bean bag into nonexistence, "I guess that means I'd better leave. I don't think your hubby's all that fond of me."

Cadence opened the doors with her magic, "That's probably a good idea."

Discord began walking out of the room.

"Oh, and Discord?"

He turned around.

Cadence smiled, "Think about what I've said, all right? Twilight obviously sees you as a friend. I don't know if she shares the same feelings, but you'll never know unless you tell her. It could be the best decision you've ever made."

Discord side-nodded, "Eh, maybe. But, right now, I'm pushing this day to the back of my mind. Thanks for the help though, Cadence."

Cadence nodded, "Any time. And, if you need any more, I'll be happy to lend you some."

Discord smiled. Without further ado, he snapped his talons and disappeared.


The pink alicorn looked over to see her husband who had turned a corner and was walking towards her.

Cadence beamed, "Hi, honey. How were the new recruits?"

Shining levitated his helmet off of his head, "Not too bad. Who were you talking to?"

"Oh, no one."

Author's Note:

Here you go. Another chapter. Told you it'd be out sooner.

So, Discord now knows what he's been feeling. Will he tell Twilight about his feelings, or will he ignore them?

I think you all know the answer to that.