• Published 30th Apr 2016
  • 11,958 Views, 1,177 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Numerous - Monty Eggman

Based on the Equestria Girls movies and Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, this series tells the story of Sunset Shimmer in her quest to locate a series of dangerous cards that corrupt those who find them. It's time to Duel!

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RANK 24: The Spy Who Dueled Me:

Author's Note:

This episode came a bit later than I intended, but I wanted to make sure it got up on here before the end of the month.

This episode focuses its spotlight on one of the minor characters for a change, as well as give a bigger role to a previously-seen antagonist. The Decks that I chose for them both seem to fit them quite nicely, in my opinion. As far as the cards used by the villain characters, don't be dismayed if they happen to use a Deck that you use/like. I have nothing against those Decks (if I did, I wouldn't have built them), it's just that they fit a villainous role better than a heroic one. So again, it's nothing personal.

RANK 24: The Spy Who Dueled Me:


In Canterlot High School, every student is wild over the world's most popular trading card game: Duel Monsters! Every day, players of the card game, known as "Duelists", go head-to-head to see who among them is the best around. Among the Duelists in attendance at CHS, one of the best is a young teenager named Sunset Shimmer, a girl from another world...

As Sunset's battles with the Number cards continue, she and her friends are convinced that someone is after them, and are using blank Numbers to possess people close to them, forcing them into battles against those people. This was the case with Vinyl Scratch, who had a Number Card planted on her by an unknown individual. After coming to this revelation, Sunset and the others are now beginning to realize that things are only going to become more perilous for them.

Sunset and her friends are not the only ones concerned for their safety: Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, having witnessed several of Sunset's battles against the Numbers, are worried not only for them, but also for the safety of the rest of the school. The worst part about it - for them at least, is the fact that, despite their status as former Pro Duelists, they are powerless to directly assist Sunset and her friends in the recovery of the Number cards.

However, Celestia is determined to do what she can to ensure the safety of Sunset, her students and staff, and the school as a whole. As of this moment, she is preparing to send the cross-dimensional girl some additional help...


It was Monday in Canterlot High School, around 11:30 a.m. In the office of Principal Celestia, the light pink-skinned woman was busy looking over some papers... as well as some VHS tapes containing raw footage from the school's security cameras. Celestia then inserted a tape into the TV's built-in VHS player that was labeled, "SECURITY FOOTAGE - BAND ROOM - SEPT. 14th".

After the video came on, the principal began fast-forwarding through the footage until she reached a point when she could see two students all by themselves in the room; they were Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody. The video feed showed Vinyl leaving the room for a moment, and then Octavia looking at a small paper nearby where her friend was sitting. Upon picking it up, the TV showed the cello player holding her head, seemingly in intense pain.

"Hmmmm..." hummed Celestia as she once more pushed the fast forward button.

She then saw and heard what had happened after Vinyl returned. "I'm back, Tavi..." she said to Octavia after placing several snacks and drinks on the desk in the room. Pulling up a chair, she then sat down backwards on it and added, "Alright, let's get this overwith already... I wanna do something that's a lot more interesting sometime today..."

"Oh... you do not believe that my music is interesting at all, do you, Vinyl?" Octavia asked in a low, slightly menacing tone.

Celestia gasped as she continued to watch the security footage, which showed Octavia - under the possession of the Number card she picked up, violently swinging her cello at her friend. "Oh dear...!" the woman said. "And this was because she picked up that card??" She then continued to play the video, which then showed Sunset's Duel against Octavia. It also showed the red-and-yellow girl taking the Number card away from the cello player and undoing the damage it did to her.

"Hmmm... I suppose this serves as suitable evidence as to the danger these Number cards possess..." Celestia said to herself. Ejecting the tape, the Principal then inserted another one. This one was labeled, "SECURITY FOOTAGE - B. LOCKER ROOM - SEPT. 17th". This tape showed footage of Sunset's Duel against Photo Finish, when the latter was possessed by a Number card, and just like before, after Sunset claimed the Number, Photo Finish was back to her normal, sane self.

"Most troubling..." Celestia said to herself. "These Numbers... where are they coming from...? And what is it about them that cause people to lose themselves...? I wish I knew..."

"Sister? Is everything okay?" asked Luna's voice from nearby. The elder sister quickly turned away from the TV screen to look over at her sibling, who was carrying a full cup of coffee, straight black as she always liked.

"Luna..." Celestia said. Sighing a little, she then told her, "Forgive me... I didn't notice you coming in."

"Sister, is something the matter with you?" Luna inquired again. "You seem to be in deep thought... You never go into deep thought unless there is something troubling you. If this is so, then please tell me."

Managing to form a smile, Celestia knew that her younger sister was only asking out of concern and decided to talk with her about it. "I've been going over some of the security tapes just now..." she told her. "After re-watching the video feed from the last Fall Formal, I went over some of the footage from the days before then... I saw the other Duels Ms. Shimmer had been involved in regarding the Number situation."

"Oh... I see." Luna replied, now getting why her sister seemed so worried. "And what have you figured out?"

"Unfortunately, besides seeing the effects that the Numbers have on people, including on Ms. Rarity and our friend Manny Roar," the Principal told her, "I'm afraid that I haven't figured out anything new... And that isn't good, especially since it seems as though more of these cards are showing up around the area... The question is why? And how? Where are they coming from?"

Humming a bit in thought, Luna tried her best to come up with any sort of answer to her older sister's question. Suddenly, she managed to remember something important. "Hold on...!" she began to say. "There is one thing that I heard from Ms. Shimmer and her friends... It was on the day that Ms. Fluttershy and Ms. Scratch had been absent from school."

"Hm? What did they say?" asked Celestia.

"Well, on that day, Vinyl had picked up a Number," Luna stated, "but the odd thing about it is that she didn't remember getting it. She didn't appear to be lying about it, so Ms. Shimmer and the others had come to the conclusion that someone had planted the card on her, intending to target Fluttershy."

"Oh my...!" gasped the light-pink woman. "Are you sure that's what they said?" Luna nodded yes. Thinking some more, the Principal added, "Now that I remember, I did hear some reports from both students and staff that they had seen some strange people in and around the school grounds... but they could never see these intruders for more than a second before said intruders would suddenly vanish, leaving no traces behind... Those reports came in around the same time that Ms. Mulia Mild had disappeared from her classroom, and also around the time that an earlier incident had taken place from within the Home Economics classroom..."

"Do you believe that they may be connected?" asked Luna.

"The coincidence is hard to ignore," Celestia replied, "but if my hunch is right... there is most certainly someone in this school - perhaps in this city and even in the suburbs, that is knowingly possessing people with these Number cards!"

"That does sound troubling, indeed..." the dark-blue woman responded. "But what are we to do about it?"

"That is a problem..." Celestia said, pondering. "Sunset and Twilight are the only ones that can fight the Number cards, because they own Numbers themselves... But we can't just obtain Numbers of our own, or we may end up in the same state as all of the other people possessed by them."

"In other words, we have no way of fighting other Number users ourselves." Luna concluded. "But we cannot just sit idly by and not lift a finger while all of this is going on!"

"I couldn't agree more, Luna." the Principal stated. "Which is why we'll have to assist her in a different way: If we can figure out who it is that is placing these Number cards in the hands of our students, we can prevent them from causing any more damage than they have already done."

"That does sound like a good idea..." said the Vice Principal. "But we cannot just get up and leave our offices; we have other important duties to attend to. We can't just roam the halls and try to find this criminal whenever we want..."

"No... but there is someone who can." stated Celestia. Getting her cell phone out, she then told Luna, "I have an idea; I need you to make an announcement to summon Ms. Shimmer to our office. I'll handle the rest."

"Understood." Luna replied, heading over to her desk to do just that.

Meanwhile, in Math Class, the students in attendance were about to see the results of a test they took last Friday. "I have to say," said the teacher, Cranky Doodle, "I'm quite impressed by most of you; on average, you all did quite a fine job on last week's test. But don't let it go to your head, or you might end up making an embarrassing mistake when you can't afford it, so make sure you're good and ready for the next one."

Sunset and Twilight were given their test results as the teacher was speaking. Not surprisingly, they both had gotten an A. "Not bad, if I do say so myself." Twilight commented, always pleased to see a good mark on any work that she had done.

"I agree." Sunset chimed in. "This one was pretty challenging for once. But it wasn't anything that you and I couldn't handle. I have to say, I had some doubts that you'd be able to handle one of my five-hour study sessions back at the apartment."

Giggling a little, Twilight then told her, "You should see me back home at the castle. For me, five hours of nothing but studying isn't difficult; that's just Thursday afternoon." That comment elicited a chuckle out of Sunset as well.

At that moment, the voice of Vice Principal Luna was heard over the loudspeaker. "Attention please, attention..." she spoke. "Would Ms. Sunset Shimmer please come to the Main Office immediately? I repeat: Would Ms. Sunset Shimmer please come to the Main Office immediately?"

"...Huh. That's weird..." stated the black jacket-clad teen. "What was that all about?"

"I don't know..." Twilight replied, "but if Celestia and Luna want you to see them, it must be important."

"Either way, I don't have much of a choice, it seems." Sunset said, getting up out of her desk. "I'll go and see what's up and come back as soon as I can." She then left the room, leaving her Princess friend wondering what could have happened that would have warranted Luna's sudden announcement...


A few minutes after the announcement was made, Sunset walked into the school's Main Office. Walking over to the counter, she then spoke to the clerk sitting there, saying, "Um, hello? I'm Sunset Shimmer. I was called to come here."

"Hm?" the clerk responded, looking up from her work. "Oh, yes... The Principal and the Vice Principal are expecting you. They're in their office right now, so just go on in."

"Thanks." Sunset then walked past the front desk and stood in front of the door leading to Celestia and Luna's office. Still wondering what was going on, she took a deep breath as she opened the door. But what she saw next took her by surprise. Celestia and Luna were there, just as she expected... But there was a third person with them as well that the red-and-yellow girl immediately recognized. "...Bon Bon?!"

Indeed, the person sitting in the office with the Principals was Bon Bon, easily recognizable by her pale yellow skin, her short, swirly indigo and pink-colored hair, and white dress. "Hello, Sunset. Good to see you again." the young girl greeted.

"Um, yeah... likewise." Sunset responded, not sure what was going on. Looking over at the principals, she then asked, "Um, You asked me to come here, right? What did you want to see me for? And just to be clear; I'm not in any trouble, am I?"

Chuckling a little, Celestia told her, "Don't worry, this is a friendly visit. However, there ARE some important matters that I want to discuss with the two of you. So, if you would, please take a seat, Ms. Shimmer." The jacket-wearing girl nodded and sat down next to Bon Bon. "Now, as for why I have called the two of you here," Celestia began, "there are some important matters concerning recent events that I need to discuss with you. But in order to do that, I must first tell Ms. Shimmer the secret that we all share. Do you understand, Ms. Drops?"

"I do." Bon Bon replied.

"Secret?" asked Sunset. "What secret?"

"Sunset... Sweetie Drops - or Bon Bon as you and most others know her by," the Principal told her, "is the Hall Monitor of Canterlot High School."

That statement caught Sunset off-guard. "Hall... Monitor?" she asked, a bit confused. She then paused for a moment, and added, "I didn't know the school HAD a Hall Monitor."

"Of course you didn't know." Bon Bon told her. "Besides the principals, you're the only one who knows this. But yes, there has been a Hall Monitor here at the school for some time. In fact, I believe it was not long after you came here that plans for establishing one were in the works."

"Oh... I see." the red-and-yellow girl replied, feeling a little awkward after hearing that.

"Don't worry, it had nothing to do with your... behavior at the time, Ms. Shimmer." Luna assured her. "It is merely a coincidence, so there is no reason to feel bad about it. I can assure that you were not the reason for there being a Hall Monitor."

"Oh, okay then." Sunset replied, feeling a little better. She then asked the two women, "But there's just one thing: Why does Bon Bon being a Hall Monitor have to be a secret? I'm just a bit curious."

"Two reasons." Luna responded. "The first is that, if the students and staff at the school were aware that Ms. Drops was the school's Hall Monitor, it would hinder her ability to catch troublemakers in the act. They would instead feign being honest and act within the rules, but then go right back to misbehaving as soon as she would leave. Does that make sense to you, Ms. Shimmer?"

"Yeah, I think I understand;" the inter-dimensional teen told her. "because no one knows that she's the Hall Monitor, they wouldn't act any different around her as they would with anyone else. But even so, what does she do when she sees something wrong?"

"It's very simple, Sunset." Bon Bon chimed in, deciding to explain some things as well. Showing off her cell phone, she continued to tell her, "If something bad is happening, I call Principal Celestia or Vice Principal Luna directly. I tell them what's going on, they call the wrongdoer to the office, and after that, they handle the rest; and the troublemaker has no idea what hit them."

"So... in a way, it's like you're a spy, right?" asked Sunset.

"You could say that." the pale-yellow girl told her. "To put it simply, I'm basically Celestia and Luna's eyes and ears outside this office. Since they can't go around to police the halls themselves, they hired me to do it for them. And even though the teachers here don't know that I'm Hall Monitor, they do know that the principals could call me to assist them at anytime, so I don't have to worry about not being able to leave class when they need me. Luckily, I don't have to do that too often, so I don't miss too much that I can't make up later."

"Well, it sounds like you have this whole operation figured out, huh?" Sunset commented. "But what's the other reason that this has to be a secret? You said that there were two..."

"Well," Celestia began, "if anyone knew that Ms. Drops is the Hall Monitor, then someone that may or may not have been caught by her would try to retaliate against her out of revenge. So it's also for her own safety that no one else is to know, do you understand?"

"Hmmmm, yeah that certainly does make sense." the black jacket-clad girl replied.

"And for that reason especially," Luna told her next, "you MUST promise us that you will not tell anyone else what we have just discussed. Can we count on you to keep that promise?"

"O-of course! Absolutely!" Sunset guaranteed them. "I won't tell anyone else!"

Satisfied by that answer, the two Principals then decided to move onto the main issue. "Now that that's out of the way," Celestia began, "Let us move on to why we have called you both here: As I'm sure you know, there have been several reported incidents here at school and in the area involving Duelists using Number cards. Ms. Shimmer, of course, knows about all this quite well, and I recall that you, Ms. Drops, were present when Ms. Rarity used a Number, am I right?"

"Yeah, I was there." Bon Bon confirmed. "She had that giant crab-thing that made her go crazy."

"Well, concerning that," Luna continued, "we've recently gotten some distressing reports that there have been some unwanted visitors at Canterlot High School. And these reports have come around the same time as recent happenings involving the Number cards."

"Unwanted visitors?" asked Sunset. She then pondered, (Could they have anything to do with those Skyes Academy people...?) She thought that after recalling the unwelcome company that had paid Applejack and her family a visit some time ago.

"It has been some time since the last incident involving a Number," Celestia told them, "and I have a hunch that these intruders may strike again... especially since you seem to believe that they are after you and your friends for whatever reason... That is why I called the two of you here: I want you to work together and try to find some evidence that may have been left behind by the intruder or intruders. When you find anything particularly significant, let either me or Luna know."

"Understood." Bon Bon replied. "I'll do what I can."

"And Sunset," Luna told her next, "in case this unsavory guest of ours decides to pay our school another visit, make sure Ms. Drops remains safe."

"Got it." Sunset replied with a nod.

"In that case, I wish you both the best of luck." Celestia said to them. "The two of you are now dismissed. Do your best, but most of all, come back safely." The two girls nodded and left the office together. After the door closed behind them, Celestia let out a sigh and said, "It's all up to them now..."

"Do not worry, Sister." Luna reassured her. "Ms. Drops has performed quite well since we gave her the job. Her track record, along with Ms. Shimmer's knowledge of the Number cards, will most certainly see them through."

"I hope so." the light-pink woman replied, a hint of concern still in her voice.


Minutes later, after making a stop to their lockers, Sunset and Bon Bon (a.k.a. Sweetie Drops) began their search in the hallways of CHS. They both had their backpacks on their backs, as well as their Duel Pads strapped to their arms, just in case they ran into any trouble. "So, where should we look first?" asked the red-and-yellow girl.

"Well, before you arrived," Bon Bon began to say, "Principal Celestia showed me some of the security footage of your Duels against some of the students that used Numbers. I saw your matches against Octavia, Vinyl, and with Rarity, as well as the Duels that your friend Twilight had against both Shining Spoon and Ms. Mulia." After explaining all of that, she then suggested, "I think we should start looking around those areas first, and see if we can find anything there."

Nodding, Sunset told her, "Sounds like a good idea to me. We could start in the Home Ec. room; I don't think there's a class in there right now." Bon Bon nodded, saying that she agreed. As they made their way over there , the inter-dimensional girl then asked, "So... when the principals said that you being a Hall Monitor was a secret... does that mean that your friend Lyra doesn't even know?"

Sighing, the pale-yellow girl answered, saying, "Yeah... that's right. Lyra doesn't even know about what I'm up to... And believe me, keeping that secret from her isn't easy. We're practically inseparable, in case you didn't already know. She knows just about everything else about me... The fact that I've been able to keep this from her up to this point surprises even me."

"I see..."

"But that's not the only thing:" Bon Bon continued. "Not only is it literally hard to keep this from her... it's also hard in the figurative sense. I want to tell her, but-"

"But you're afraid that she would get angry at you for keeping a secret like that from her, right?" Sunset interrupted, finishing her sentence.

"Well, I was concerned with her accidentally slipping up and telling someone else..." she told her. "But yeah... that too. What would she think of me if DID tell her? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be happy about it..."

"Well, while I wouldn't recommend telling her, of course, since Celestia and Luna are trusting you to keep it a secret and all," the jack-wearing teen told Bon Bon, "if you two are as close as you make yourselves seem, I'm sure she'd understand why you had to keep it from her. Yeah, maybe she will be angry at you, but real friends look past things like that and try their best to understand your feelings. Believe me, I know that first-hoof... excuse me, first-HAND."

Thinking about it some more, Bon Bon managed to form a smile and said, "Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess I shouldn't worry about it that much. I don't plan to tell her about it anytime soon... but if it comes to the point where I can or have to come clean about it, I'll take your advice into account."

Smiling as well, Sunset then told her, "I have to say, I'm a bit surprised that you were willing to open up about something like that to me. Before the last Fall Formal, Rarity told me that you and Lyra still didn't trust me much, like most everyone else did at the time."

"It's true, I did have some concerns about you," she admitted, "but I suppose if Rarity and the others are okay with you, and if the principals are willing to trust you enough with my secret identity, that's more than good enough." At that moment, the pair stopped in front of the currently-empty Home Ec. classroom. "In any case, we have work to do, and that's all I want to focus on for now. So let's start looking around for any traces of this unwelcome guest."

"Yeah, let's do it, Bon Bon." Sunset said. "Or should I say, 'Special Agent Sweetie Drops'?"

"Hmmmm... I like that." the pink and blue-haired girl commented. "It's got a nice ring to it." Bon Bon then reached into her purse and pulled out a key, which she used to unlock the classroom door.

Having a feeling as to what it was, Sunset then asked her companion, "That key... is that-?"

"Yep. It's a Master Key to the school." she answered. "Principal Celestia gave it to me for situations just like this one." Opening the door, she allowed both Sunset and herself into the room.

As it turned out, the room wasn't completely empty; Ms. Mulia Mild was already inside, sitting at her desk and watching her favorite ninja movies. She was really getting into it; so much, that she didn't even notice her unannounced guests coming in. "Oh my..." she said, watching a scene involving a pair of ninja, a male one in a blue outfit, along with a female one in a white outfit. The two were seen embracing each other in what appeared to be a love scene. Mulia, shedding a small tear, said with her voice breaking up, "this part always makes me cry... Blue Dragon and White Dragon.. they love each other, but their connections to their respective clans keep them from acting upon it... Oh, how tragic...!"

"Um, Ms. Mulia?" asked Sunset's voice.

"Wh-what?! Who was that?! Who's there?!" exclaimed the teacher, quickly pressing the PAUSE button on her portable DVD player. After a bit of heavy breathing, she then glanced over and saw the two girls standing next to her. "Ms. Shimmer? Ms. Drops? What are you two doing here...??"

"Principal Celestia sent us to do some work for her." Bon Bon explained. "Forgive us for dropping in unannounced; she wanted to talk to you about a few things, but she's currently too wrapped up in her work to do so. It involves the Number cards that have been popping up all over the school lately."

"Oh... I see." Mulia responded, beginning to understand what this was all about.

"We just want to ask if you remember anything about the day that you got your Number card." Sunset explained. "I know your memory of that day isn't completely clear, but if there's anything that you DO remember, it would be very helpful to both us and to the principals."

As Sunset had said, Mulia's memory of the event was cloudy because she was among the few that lost her memory of the time that she had her Number. But she tried her best to recall the day in her mind. "Well... the only thing I can seem to recall is that, before I blacked out and ended up at the Infirmary, I was preparing to go on my break, like I am right now... I was about to pop some popcorn for myself, so I went to the cupboard to get a bowl and then... nothing."

"You... blacked out?" asked Bon Bon. "Just like that?" As she asked that, Sunset decided to take a good look at the cupboard herself, just in case there was anything still in there that seemed out-of-place.

"I'm sorry that I cannot tell you anything else..." the teacher said to them. "But all I can really say is that, after the so-called 'mac-and-cheese' incident, Shining Spoon had told me that he had found a strange card in one of the cupboards before things went out of control... Unfortunately, I didn't find anything afterwards; had I not been in such a rush for another appointment at that moment, I might have had more time to look and I probably would have found it. And by then, I had completely forgotten about the whole thing..."

"Hmmmm... well, I guess some information is better than nothing." Bon Bon figured. "Thanks for telling us what you could. We'll take our leave now." And with that, she and Sunset left the room to allow Ms. Mulia to enjoy the rest of her break.

"Well, unfortunately there wasn't much to figure out from what she was able to tell us..." Sunset commented. "And I didn't see any other Number cards in the cupboard."

"Perhaps it wasn't much, but if we look around some more, we can start putting together a puzzle that'll help us figure out the whole thing." Bon Bon told her. "It's all a matter of getting every piece we can find."

"I'm a bit surprised by how willing Ms. Mulia was to tell you all of that." the red-and-yellow girl pointed out. "I thought you said that the teachers didn't know about your secret."

"All they know is that I do side work for the principals; nothing about my status as a Hall Monitor." the pale-yellow teen informed her. "Principal Celestia had informed them in a memo when I started this job, so they know to tell me anything I need to know."

"Hmmm... I guess that sounds plausible." Sunset replied, satisfied. "Anyway, let's move on. The gym is close by, and it was in the locker rooms that I had a Number Duel with Photo Finish."

"Well, we can't just walk into the Boys' Locker Room! Especially now, since there's a class going on..." Bon Bon stated. "Even though I'm Hall Monitor, that still doesn't allow me to go in there like we did in the Home Ec. room!"

"Perhaps not," Sunset told her, "but there's a good chance that one of the gym coaches might be able to talk with us. It's worth a try." The pink and blue-haired girl nodded to say that she agreed. With the idea fresh in their minds, they made their way over to the gymnasium, hoping to dig up some more clues.

"You're askin' Iron Will if he's seen anything weird around here?" asked a large, muscular blue-skinned man wearing a coach's outfit (and for some reason, a black necktie) after Sunset and Bon Bon approached him and explained everything.

"Please, if you know anything about any intruders or Number cards, you need to tell us, Coach Iron Will." Sunset implored him.

"She's right." Bon Bon added. "If someone is breaking into the school, it could mean trouble for everyone here."

Humming a bit in thought, the man replied, "That does sound troubling, Iron Will admits... But there ain't been anyone that I've seen that's gotten in here! Not that they COULD of course! You see, before he became a high school coach, Iron Will here once underwent training to be an official bodyguard for Mayor Mare!"

"No way, really?!" exclaimed Sunset.

"No, but I THOUGHT about doin' it!" he replied. This elicited a groan out of both girls. "But even so, nothing EVER escapes the eye of Iron Will! Iron Will is vigilant, observant, eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, EVEN turtle-eyed for anything that goes down on his home turf!" As he was going into his self-praising, Sunset glanced around him to look through the window to his office in the Boys' Locker Room. "Intruders, nuisances, or even robbers: Mess with Iron Will, and they'll get clobbered!!"

"So, you said that you didn't see anyone?" asked the red-and-yellow girl. "And that no one could ever get into your office without you knowing?"

"That's right, missy!" the coach assured her.

"So that must mean that the person that I see near your desk in your office is just a friend of yours, huh?" she then asked rhetorically, pointing to the window as she did so.

"Yep, just a friend of mi-wh-wh-wh-WHAT?!?!" realizing what Sunset had just told him, Iron Will quickly turned around and saw a person covered in a black cloak in his office. "What're you doin' in Iron Will's office?! Get over here!!!" he shouted, waving his fist.

The stranger, noticing the muscular man's presence, quickly ducked out of the way of his punch, swiftly countering with a kick to a... certain area. "URRK!!" he grunted. As tough as Iron Will was, even he was brought to his knees by the swift attack and was helpless as the intruder sped past both him and the two girls. Sunset then noticed as they were escaping, the stranger had pocketed a small object it was holding while inside the coach's office.

"He's getting away!" shouted Bon Bon.

"Not for long!" Sunset told her companion. "Call Celestia and have her get some help for Iron Will while we chase down that guy!" Bon Bon nodded and phoned up the principal as they both pursued the mysterious individual.

The intruder was quick, but Sunset and Bon Bon stayed close behind them. "Grrrr... these meddlers...!" the stranger scowled as they turned a corner.

Still managing to keep up with the unknown guest, Sunset told Bon Bon, "This person's pretty fast, whoever they are...!"

"Maybe, but I'll bet they don't know this school as well as we do!" the pale-yellow teen pointed out. "Chase him down the North Hallway, Sunset! I'll see if I can cut him off!"

"Got it!" the jacket-wearing girl said with a nod as Bon Bon slipped down a side path. Sunset, meanwhile, kept her chase with the stranger going. "I don't know who you are, but if you're gonna cause trouble here, you'd better expect some trouble coming your way!!" she shouted in an attempt to distract the perpetrator.

The stranger simply growled under their breath as they reached another fork in the road. Sunset then began stepping off to the left side, hoping to cut off an escape in that direction, only for the intruder to turn right. However, they were now heading down the North Hallway, which was what the red-and-yellow girl was really trying to get them to do. And as they got towards the end of the hallway, Bon Bon stood in their path, cutting off any possible escape for the stranger. Frustrated, the stranger had no choice but to stop; Sunset and Bon Bon were on either side of the intruder, preventing them from getting away.

"You're trapped now, buddy." Sunset informed the stranger. "You might as well give up now, unless you want to get the proper authorities involved..."

"That's right." Bon Bon told the intruder, showing her phone. "One call to 911 and you'll be in police custody for trespassing and assault! So what's it gonna be?"

Annoyed, but not ready to give in, the stranger threw off the hood of their cloak, revealing themselves as a woman - age possibly eighteen or so, with dark grey skin and long purple hair. "Hmph..." she began to say, "you ACTUALLY think you have me right where you want me, do you? Don't kid yourselves."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" asked Sunset. "Just who do you think you are, anyway?"

"Who am I?" the strange woman asked. "You may call me Windmistress. And what I have to do here is none of your business, so do me a favor and don't interfere! Or I WILL make you regret it, just like that lunk-head of a coach that tried to stop me earlier!"

"Not happening." Sunset refused. "There's no way that I'm gonna let you plant that Number card here and possess someone with it."

"What...?!" exclaimed Windmistress. "How did you know that I had-" Pausing for a moment and chuckling to herself, she said to her, "Ah... so you must be Sunset Shimmer, then... I had a feeling that it was you when I saw you returning from your little trip to that old barn a while ago."

"Old barn...?" asked the inter-dimensional teenager. "Then... then YOU were the one that gave Vinyl that Number card, weren't you?!"

"I am indeed." the dark-grey woman admitted. "My orders were to give it to your little shy friend, but even so, my Mistress still got what she wanted out of it, so I suppose it doesn't matter that I mistook Little Miss Vampire Girl for her."

"You... how dare you!" shouted Sunset. "You put my friends in danger, and you don't even seem to care! Forget the cops! I'LL take you down and make sure you can't use those Numbers to hurt anyone ever again!"

"Hmmm... while it would be satisfying to inform my Mistress that I took down Sunset Shimmer and took her Numbers," Windmistress stated, "I'm afraid I have not the time, nor the power to deal with you at the moment." Looking over at Bon Bon, she then added, "But as for your meddling little friend here, I cannot say the same." Turning to face her, Windmistress informed her, "You stuck your little nose where it didn't belong, and now you shall pay for it! So prepare to face me in a Duel right now!"

Huffing, Bon Bon then asked, "And why should I? If Sunset's so important to you and this 'Mistress' person, there's no reason you need to fight me. Why do I need to be your punching bag?"

"Because I just told you: You need to be taught a lesson in minding your own business and not to interfere with the actions of others...!" the dark-grey woman answered her. "And if you DON'T duel me right now, I'll make sure this whole school knows about your secret Hall Monitor work!"

Gasping, Bon Bon was a little shocked that this intruder had already known about her secret identity. But she quickly regained her composure and said, "Fine then, it that'll make you happy. You've got yourself a Duel!"

"Bon Bon, are you sure about this?" asked Sunset. "What if she has a Number?"

"Then I guess I'll have to figure out a strategy to beat it, then." the pink and blue-haired girl casually told her companion as she got out her Duel Gazer. "Besides, my job as Hall Monitor is to keep this school safe. I can't just sit here and let her get away with what she's done, now can I? Just trust me: I'll be fine."

Sunset still wasn't pleased at the idea of Bon Bon taking on a presumably-dangerous opponent in a Duel, but she understood what she was talking about. "...If that's how you feel, then do you feel you must do." the red-and-yellow girl told her. "Just be careful. I don't trust that woman at all... There's no telling what she'll try to do to you in this Duel."

"I don't think you'll need to worry too much about that..." Bon Bon assured her. Activating her Duel Pad and Gazer, she asked her opponent, "You ready to do this?"

Windmistress activated her devices, drew her first hand, and answered, saying, "I am always ready to show how powerful I can be..." Throwing her cloak off completely and revealing her jet-black leather outfit, she then told her foe, "By the time this Duel ends, you'll be groveling at my feet!" (Windmistress: LP 4,000)

"We'll see who grovels before who!" the pale-yellow teen replied, drawing her opening hand as well (Bon Bon: LP 4,000). "Now let's Duel!!"


Sunset put on and activated her Duel Gazer so that she could watch the Duel between Bon Bon and Windmistress. The intruder had already revealed that she was behind Vinyl's Number possession and was not to be trusted. "I sure hope Bon Bon knows what she's doing..." the inter-dimensional girl commented. "That Windmistress person doesn't look like the type of person who will allow anyone to overcome her..."

Bon Bon, smirking a little, said to her opponent, "I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's my job to kick you out of our school! Not only are you causing trouble for my classmates, but that outfit of yours is a blatant violation of the school's dress code."

"Hmph... I'd say that I'd like to see you try and kick me out, but honestly, I wouldn't allow that to happen. So you can forget about giving ME the business!" Windmistress shouted. Looking over her hand, she then thought, (I'll teach you a lesson... and then with my Mistress's help, I'll get my revenge on that bleach-blonde know-it-all as well!!) Taking a card from her hand, she began her turn, saying, "First, I shall Summon my Harpie Channeler in Attack Mode!"

The woman's first monster was mostly human-like in appearance; she was a young woman with short, red hair tied up into stylish pigtails. Her outfit was a white dress that had a hole in it that exposed her bellybutton, along with a pair of white stockings. The parts of her that weren't quite human were the large, black wings on her arms, and instead of having hands and feet, the woman had claws, much like a bird's. In her "hands", she carried a long staff, and a collar with a chain attached (Harpie Channeler: Level 4 / ATK 1400 / DEF 1300).

(A Harpie Deck?) thought Sunset. (Interesting choice... Reminds me of that other Duelist who used them...)

"Now I activate Harpie Channeler's effect:" Windmistress continued. "By discarding a Harpie card from my hand, I can Special Summon any Harpie monster from my Deck in Defense Mode! So I'll do away with Harpie Girl and Summon forth Harpie Lady 1!" Her second monster was much like the first: A human-bird hybrid. The differences in their looks were that the new one had long, hot-pink hair and green wings instead of black ones. Her outfit was also more revealing than the other one; while the long, purple stockings covered up her legs well, it didn't leave much of the upper body to the imagination.


Harpie Lady 1
(Effect Monster/Winged Beast/WIND/Level 4/ATK 1300/DEF 1400)

(This card's name is always treated as "Harpie Lady".)
All WIND monsters gain 300 ATK.


"Now that she is on my field, all my monsters shall be more powerful!" the dark-grey woman shouted (Harpie Channeler: ATK 1400 + 300 = 1700) (Harpie Lady 1: ATK 1300 + 300 = 1600). "Next," she continued, "I will play Hysteric Sign from my hand. By doing so, I am allowed to add a specific Spell Card from my Deck to my hand!" Taking the card in question, she revealed it and added, "And that card is my ever-so-useful Elegant Egotist! Finally, I'll set two cards face-down before ending my turn!" Smirking, Windmistress then asked her enemy, "So, does my power already make you feel inadequate compared to me?"

But Bon Bon huffed and told her, "Please... you're not even close yet, lady. You'll have to do a lot better than that before you can even make me flinch. Now it's my turn!" She then drew her first card of the Duel. Sunset, in the meantime, watched what was going on, impressed by the girl's self-confidence, even though she was going up against someone that not only planted Numbers on people, but may even have some to use for herself.

"Now... what should I try to do first...?" Bon Bon muttered as she looked over her hand. Smiling as she thought of an idea, she then said, "Of course! It's so obvious!" Taking a card from her hand, she shouted, "I play the Continuous Spell Card, Convulsion of Nature!!"

Everyone else gasped a bit as the area around them began to flip upside-down. Now, at least within the AR vision display, the three of them were now standing on the ceiling of the hallway instead of the tile floor that was now above them. "What is the meaning of this?!" asked Windmistress loudly. "Why is everything upside-down??"

"Mostly for effect." Bon Bon replied. "But as for the card I played, Convulsion of Nature, it forces us both to turn our Decks upside-down, just like the room we're in!"

"What? What's the point of that?" asked the dark-grey woman, confused.

"You'll see." the pink and blue-haired girl responded. "For now, just flip your Deck and put it back into your Duel Pad." The two Duelists then did just that.

"Hmmmm... On the surface, Convulsion of Nature doesn't really seem to do anything significant." Sunset commented. "Sure, they'll now be drawing their cards in reverse... but I'm willing to bet there's some other reason Bon Bon has for playing that card."

"Are you going to make a move that matters, or are you just going to continue fooling around with cards like that?" inquires Windmistress, clearly not amused.

"Well, if you insist." Bon Bon replied. Taking a card from her hand, she shouted, "I Summon a monster to my field!" After playing her card, the sounds of helicopter blades could suddenly be heard. Sunset and Windmistress looked up to see the aerial vehicle hovering above them. Before a word could be said, a figure leapt out of the copter, dropping down to the ground below. The figure was a human female in a skin-tight bodysuit. However, the figure threw off the suit and revealed her true appearance:

The woman had medium-length red hair and wore a white suit overtop a blue-violet undershirt. She wore a medium-length white skirt, along with a pair of high-heeled shoes. She had a black glove on her right hand only, wore a small blue and violet necklace, large blue earrings and carried a red purse. The woman then turned to face Bon Bon and said to her, "SPYGAL Misty, reporting for duty." (SPYGAL Misty / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 1600).

Nodding, Bon Bon then told her monster, "As punctual as ever, I see. You always have a knack for showing up when you're most needed. Plus, the jump from the copter was a nice touch."

Sunset and Windmistress were a bit startled by what they were seeing. (Is... she actually talking to her card?) thought Sunset.

"What do you think you're doing?!" shouted the leather-clad intruder. "You're here for a Duel, not a friendly conversation!!"

A bit annoyed, Misty then stated, "Quite a rude opponent you have here, Ms. Drops... Shall I teach her some manners? At your order, of course."

"Granted." Bon Bon said with a nod. "I activate the effect of SPYGAL Misty! When she is Normal or Special Summoned, I am allowed to draw a card from my Deck!" Pointing towards her opponent, she then added, "That is, IF I can win a little guessing game first!"

"Guessing game?" asked Windmistress.

"Yes, in order for Misty's effect to work, I have to guess whether the top card of your Deck is either a Monster, a Spell, or a Trap. If I get it right, THEN I can draw a card."

"So you're going to try and guess my cards?" asked the dark-grey woman. "But you only have a 1-in-3 chance of getting it right! The odds are way against you!"

Bon Bon chuckled a little and told her, "That's not quite true... Did you already forget about my Spell Card? The first one I played? Because of my Convulsion of Nature, our Decks are now upside-down."

"So? What about it?"

"...It means that I can now clearly see what's at the top of your Deck." the pale-yellow teen informed her.

"What?!" Still not quite getting it, Windmistress looked at her Deck... and her heart sunk when she saw that, just as Bon Bon had told her, the front of the card was there for them both to see. "Oh no!!"

"So, now that explanations are out of the way, I'm going to guess that the top card of your Deck is a Spell Card, isn't it?" asked Bon Bon, already knowing the answer. "And to be more specific, it's a Field Spell: Harpie's Hunting Ground, correct?"

"Grrrr... yes, it is..." grumbled Windmistress, revealing her top card to her foe.

"I had a slight feeling." Bon Bon replied, smirking a bit as she drew her extra card.

"You may be able to look at my Deck, but that's about as much as I'm going to allow your monster to do to me!" shouted the dark-grey woman. "I play my Trap Card, Shadow Spell!!' At that moment, several black chains shot out from the revealed card, wrapping around each of Misty's wrists and ankles, as well as her midsection. "Thanks to this, your monster can no longer attack or switch out of Attack Mode! Furthermore, she loses 700 of her attack points!"

Misty struggled, but wasn't able to get herself free from Windmistress's trap (SPYGAL Misty: ATK 1500 - 700 = 800). "Urrgh...!" she grunted. "These chains are... too strong...! It seems I won't be of much more use to you, Ms. Drops."

"Don't worry... As your superior, I will not leave a valued agent to fend for themselves!" Bon Bon assured her monster. "But before I make good on that promise, I'll activate a second Spell Card! SPYRAL MISSION - Assault!"


(Continuous Spell Card)

Destroy this card during your 3rd End Phase after activation. Once per turn, if a "SPYRAL" monster you control destroys a monster by battle, or if you destroy a card(s) on the field with a "SPYRAL" monster's effect you control: You can draw 1 card. You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 "SPYRAL" monster from your hand.


"I'm afraid you have no choice but to leave your so-called 'valued agent' at my mercy!" Windmistress informed her foe. "That is, of course, assuming that I actually SHOW any mercy to her! Hahahaha!!"

"Actually, I don't think you'll have to worry about anything like that..." Bon Bon told her. "Misty's not going anywhere anytime soon, and you'll soon see why!" Taking a card from her hand, she then shouted, "I activate the effect of a monster in my hand! And it happens to be my favorite card! SPYRAL Super Agent!!"

"Woah... she actually has that card?" asked Sunset. "I guess I should have figured that, seeing what Deck she's using, but still... I never would have thought she'd own one of those rare cards."

Bon Bon then said to her opponent, "Now listen closely, Windbag..."

"It's WindMISTRESS..." the other woman scowled.

"Sure, whatever." the pale-yellow girl replied in a sassy tone. "Just listen: I can Special Summon Super Agent from my hand during my turn! All I have to do... is guess the type of card on the top of your Deck!"

"Urrrgh, no! Not this again!!" protested Windmistress.

"So, I'll just, y'know, go out on a limb and say that... you have a Spell Card at the top of your Deck." Bon Bon said casually, like it was nothing. Windmistress, getting more and more frustrated, simply growled in response. "I guess I'll take that as a 'yes'." Bon Bon assumed. She then placed her Monster Card onto her Duel Pad and shouted, "Report to the field now! SPYRAL Super Agent!!"

At that moment, a flashy red car drove into the upside-down room and stopped just behind Bon Bon and Sunset Shimmer. The two of them, along with Windmistress, watched as a male figure in a dark brown suit leapt out of the car and stood right next to Misty (SPYRAL Super Agent: Level 4 / ATK 1900 / DEF 1200). Glancing over at Bon Bon's other Monster Card, the man said, "Well, well... Misty... Looks like you've gotten a bit 'wrapped up' in your work, I see..."

"Not exactly a good time for the bad puns, Super." Misty replied, not amused by his joke. "This is humiliating enough."

"I guess you have a point." Super replied casually. Turning to face his controller, he then said, "So, Ms. Drops. What do you need my help with this time?"

"Well, your partner over there could use a little hand." Bon Bon told him. "In case you didn't already know, she's in a bit of a bind, so to speak. Think you could take care of that?"

"No problem. It'll only take a sec." Super replied as her got out his briefcase and pulled out a small pocket watch, which he wore upon his wrist. But soon, everyone would see that it was no ordinary watch, as Super Agent pointed it at Windmistress's Shadow Spell Trap Card and fired a laser at it. In only two seconds, the Trap was destroyed, along with the chains that held Misty down (SPYGAL Misty: ATK 800 + 700 = 1500).

"What?!? What just happened?!" screamed the dark-grey woman in shock. "What did you do to my Trap Card?!"

"I'll explain it for you." Bon Bon replied. "When SPYRAL Super Agent is Special Summoned by the effect of a SPYRAL card - in this case, his own effect, I can target and destroy any Spell or Trap Card you have out! And I chose to eliminate Shadow Spell!"

"Rrrrgh... no, this cannot be...!" protested Windmistress.

"Not only that," the pale-yellow girl continued, "because I did that, I can draw one more card, thanks to my SPYRAL MISSION - Assault!" She then did just that, drawing another Monster Card. Putting into her hand for the moment, she then shouted, "Now for the Battle Phase! Misty, attack Harpie Lady 1!"

"Understood!" the red-haired woman replied. She then rushed towards Windmistress's Defense Position monster. As she drew closer, Misty reached into her purse and pulled out a stun gun, which she used to give the opposing monster a nasty shock. The monster was immediately destroyed, meaning that its effect was no longer active either (Harpie Channeler: ATK 1700 - 300 = 1400).

"And now that she's been weakened," Bon Bon continued, "Super Agent, attack Harpie Channeler!"

Super nodded and leapt into the air, stylishly landing in front of Windmistress's other monster. "Normally, I'd never hit a lady..." he told the Harpie moments before moving out of her sight. Before Harpie Channeler knew it, he was behind her, and the agent delivered a powerful karate chop to the back of her head, knocking her down instantly. "Unfortunately, orders are orders... So don't take it personally." he finished as Harpie Channeler vanished from the field.

Windmistress just stood there in shock as she watched both of her monsters falling so easily (Windmistress: LP 4,000 - 500 = 3,500). Growling a little, but maintaining her composure, she calmly but firmly told her foe, "Don't think you have any sort of edge over me just because you made one good move. I assure you, I will put an end to your beginner's luck when my next turn comes."

"We'll see about that." Bon Bon replied. "I'll set one card face-down and end my turn." (SPYRAL MISSION - Assault: 2 End Phases left)

(Bon Bon made quite a strong play for her first turn...) Sunset thought to herself. (She's managed to gain an advantage over that woman in both monsters, back row cards, and even Life Points... Who would've guessed she was this good?)

But Windmistress wasn't going to let Bon Bon be the only one to make a strong move in this Duel. "It's my turn! I draw!" she said, pulling her next card. "And since we both already know what card this is, I'll play the card I just drew right away! I activate the Field Spell Harpie's Hunting Ground!!" After playing the card, the area around them transformed into a large, barren field of dirt with a few trees circling around it. Off in the distance were several large mountains and in the sky, there were flocks of birds flying by (of course, everything was still upside-down because of Bon Bon's Convulsion of Nature). "Now, thanks to this card," the dark-grey woman explained, "all Winged Beast monsters on the field get a 200-point increase to both their attack and defense!"

"That's sounds pretty good, but in case you forgot, I destroyed both of your monsters last turn." Bon Bon informed her opponent.

"Hmph, yes you did... but that was only temporary!" Windmistress then flipped over her face-down card and shouted, "Activate Call of the Haunted! I'll use this to revive Harpie Lady 1 from my Graveyard!" In an instant, the scantily-clad human-bird creature reappeared on the field in Attack Mode. And thanks to the Field Spell and her own effect, she became a lot more powerful (Harpie Lady 1: ATK 1300 + 300 + 200 = 1800 / DEF 1400 + 200 = 1600).

"Uh oh... that's not good..." said Bon Bon, now getting a little worried.

"No it's not." Windmistress stated. "And not simply because my Harpie is now stronger than she was before... but by Summoning her, I can use the second effect of my Hunting Ground. It permits me to destroy any Spell or Trap on the field! So I'll eliminate that pesky Convulsion of Nature!" In an instant, the Continuous Spell was destroyed, causing the field to turn right side-up again. "And that means our Decks are flipped back face-down, meaning you can no longer sneak a peek at ANY of my cards!"

Bon Bon made no reply to that statement. She stayed on guard, not even flinching a tiny bit.

"Hmph... silent, are we?" asked the woman. "Then perhaps this will get more of a reaction out of you! I now activate Elegant Egotist! This Spell lets me Summon any copy of Harpie Lady OR Harpie Lady Sisters from my Deck! And I think I'll go with the second option." After playing the card, a kaleidoscope-like sheet of glass appeared in front of her Harpie Lady 1, creating a split image when looking through it. "Now prepare to pay for your insubordinate attitude threefold!! I Summon the Harpie Lady Sisters!!"

Suddenly, the glass sheet shattered, and in its place were a trio of human-bird creatures. They looked similar to first one, except that two of them had different hairstyles (one had short, orange hair and the other had spiky blue hair), and they were all wearing gold body armor with spikes on them (Harpie Lady Sisters ATK 1950 + 300 + 200 = 2450 / DEF 2100 + 200 = 2300).

"MORE of them?!" exclaimed Bon Bon.

"Indeed!" Windmistress responded. "And once more, my Field Spell will activate and destroy a Spell or Trap Card on the field! But not to worry... I won't destroy any of your cards this time..." Pointing to her own card on the field, she shouted, "I destroy Hysteric Sign!" And with that, her own card was eliminated.

"Huh? She popped her OWN Spell Card?" asked the pale-yellow girl. (I was expecting her to destroy my Assualt card... or my face-down card...)

"Careful, Bon Bon..." Sunset warned her. "I don't think she destroyed that card for no reason; she has to be up to something."

"Perhaps I am... but you'll have to wait until later to see it." Windmistress told them both. "But first things first, it's time for my Battle Phase! I attack SPYRAL Super Agent with the Harpie Lady Sisters! Go!! Triangle Ecstasy Spark!!" The three bird-women then went into a special formation and began to charge up a blue energy sphere in their clawed hands. Lines then connected the spheres to form a triangle, and inside the triangle, a red ball of light appeared, followed by a letter X. A ray then fired out of the X, striking Super Agent and destroying him.

"AAAAAGH!!" screamed Super Agent as he left for the Graveyard. His controller also took a hit to her Life Points as a result of the battle (Bon Bon: LP 4,000 - 550 = 3,450).

"No! Super!!" shouted SPYGAL Misty out of concern.

"Don't worry, young lady..." said Windmistress in a cruel-sounding tone. "You'll be meeting him in the Graveyard very soon." Pointing ahead, she then shouted, "Harpie Lady 1!! Attack her now with your Scratch Slash!!" The other monster obeyed and flew straight ahead towards Bon Bon's remaining monster, unleashing a powerful slash that took her out of the fight as well. "So much for your so-called 'skilled agents'... Perhaps if you were more firm with them as I am with my monsters, they wouldn't have failed you."

Bon Bon huffed a bit as she recovered from the attacks that she received (Bon Bon: LP 3,450 - 300 = 3,150). "And what's that supposed to mean?" she asked her opponent.

"Don't you know?" asked Windmistress. "You're more ignorant than I thought you were. In a Duel, your monsters are your servants. And as your servants, they must follow your orders to the letter and give you only the best results... even if you have to force those results out of them! Simply put, if they can't perform their duties the way you want them to, then they're not worth using!"

"That's not true!" Sunset shouted, not happy to hear something so insensitive coming out of the troublemaker's mouth. "Is that how you really feel about your cards? That they're nothing more than slaves to do your bidding? If that's so, you have no right calling yourself a Duelist!"

"Hmph, it is how it is, Sunset." Windmistress replied casually. "Don't get angry at me just because that's how things work in a Duel. Your cards are nothing more than tools to crush your foes; their only purpose is to ensure your victory. And that's why I'll win over imbeciles like you that actually care about your cards like they were living things!"

Sunset was getting even angrier at this woman for her heartless attitude. But before she could say a word, the two of them heard Bon Bon chuckling. Smirking, she then asked, "So that's what you REALLY believe, Windy? If so, then it's YOU who's the ignorant one."

"Excuse me...?" asked Windmistress, not sure if she heard her foe correctly.

"If you treat your cards so callously, how can you expect them to perform well for you?" the girl then asked. "Just because you're the one controlling them, it doesn't give you the right to disrespect them. Trust me, if you keep going the way you're going, those misguided thoughts will come back to bite you in the end... After all, what's to stop your so-called 'servants' from becoming fed up with how you treat them? What's preventing them from turning against you?"

"Peh... you know nothing, girl." the dark-grey woman stated. "I always make certain that my servants know their place, and I'll use whatever power I have to make sure that they remember that!"

"Then let's see how well that goes for you, then." Bon Bon replied, still smirking. "Now go and finish your move already."

"Very well. I have no more time to listen to your opinion of how I should be treating my cards, anyway." huffed Windmistress. "On my End Phase, I activate the other effect of Hysteric Sign: Since it was sent to the Graveyard, I can add three different Harpie cards from my Deck to my hand. And I'll select these three!" She then pulled out three cards from her Deck and showed them to Bon Bon.

"Hmmmm... Harpie Channeler, Harpie Harpist, and Harpie Girl." the pink and blue-haired girl said, looking closely at each card. "I see... that's why you destroyed your own card; to refresh your hand. Not bad, but it won't stop me!" She then drew a card from her Deck and looked at it. "And now that you went and said all of those bad things about your cards, there is no way I'm going to allow you to win this Duel."

"What??" the woman responded, not sure what that meant.

"On my Standby Phase, I activate my face-down card!" Bon Bon shouted as she flipped the card face-up. "Go! SPYRAL MISSION - Rescue!!"

"What does that do?" asked Windmistress.

"Well, to put it in terms that you will understand," Bon Bon continued, imitating something her opponent had said previously, "you may have destroyed my Super Agent last turn, but that was only temporary! Because this Continuous Trap allows me to return any SPYRAL monster from my Graveyard to my hand! So I'll take back my Super Agent!"

"Rrrrgh... no!" the woman grunted out of frustration.

"So, I'll be ready to bring him right back into the mission with his effect." the pale-yellow teen stated. "You can't keep a good agent down for long!"

But Windmistress chuckled and asked, "And how do you plan to do that? If I recall, the only reason he was able to give me even the slightest trouble was when you used his effect to Special Summon him. That required you to guess the top card of my Deck. But since I destroyed your Convulsion of Nature, you have no idea what I'm drawing next! So the odds are thoroughly stacked against you!"

"I know that." Bon Bon replied. "So perhaps before I rush into things, I'd better get some inside info on you first."

"Huh? Inside info?"

(Now what's Bon Bon up to...?) thought Sunset, interested to see what she had in store for this woman next.

"I activate the Spell One for One!" the hall monitor declared. "By sending a monster from my hand to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon a Level 1 monster from my hand or my Deck!"

"And what could you possibly be planning now?" asked Windmistress.

"Just watch me." Bon Bon told her. "I'll send SPYRAL Master Plan to the Graveyard... and bring out my SPYRAL GEAR - Drone!!" After she said that, a small mechanical buzzing sound was heard by everyone. They looked up, since the source of the noise was coming from above, and saw a small silvery-grey drone floating in the air. It slowly lowered itself so that it was just above its owner (SPYRAL GEAR - Drone: Level 1 / ATK 100 + 300 = 400 / DEF 100).

"A... drone?" asked Sunset. "What does it do?"

"I'm glad you asked, Sunset." Bon Bon began to answer her. "When it's Normal or Special Summoned, SPYRAL GEAR - Drone lets me look at the top three cards of Windy's Deck and rearrange them however I want!"

"Wh-WHAT?!?" screamed Windmistress. "That can't be!!"

"You heard me." the pale-yellow teen told her. "So let's see what you've got here..." Immediately, the images of three cards appeared on Bon Bon's Duel Pad screen. Looking at each of them, she thought to herself, (Okay... she has Harpie's Feather Storm, Harpie Queen, and Nightmare Wheel... Hmmm... that first card could be trouble if she were to pull it...)


Harpie's Feather Storm
(Normal Trap Card)

If you control a WIND Winged Beast monster: Until the end of this turn, negate any monster effects your opponent activates. If you control a "Harpie" monster, you can activate this card from your hand. If this card in its owner's Spell & Trap Zone is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can add 1 "Harpie's Feather Duster" from your Deck or GY to your hand.


(Well, there's no way I'm gonna let her pull that card anytime soon... So I'll go and put it on the bottom.) Bon Bon said in her mind. (Then Nightmare Wheel... and then Harpie Queen on the top.) After she made her decision, Windmistress's Duel Pad automatically rearranged the cards. Putting on her smirk again, the girl then asked her opponent, "Guess this means I know what's at the top of your Deck after all, huh?"

Grumbling, the dark-grey woman said in a low voice, "Just finish your move..."

"Gladly." Bon Bon then revealed her SPYRAL Super Agent card once more and said, "I special Summon SPYRAL Super Agent from my hand by declaring that the top card of your Deck is a Monster Card. Was I right? Tell me I was right... I was right, right?"

"Grrrr...! Yes, you're correct!!" shouted Windmistress. "So shut up and Summon your monster already!!"

Chuckling a little, Bon Bon did just that, bringing her favorite card back into the game. After he reappeared in Attack Position, he then said to his controller, "Glad to be back on the mission, Ms. Drops."

"Same here." Bon Bon replied. "And I think you know what you have to do next, right?" Pointing ahead at her opponent, she then told him, "Take out that Call of the Haunted card!"

Nodding, Super told her, "You've got it, Boss. Just leave it to me." He then readied his laser watch once more and shot a ray at Windmistress's Trap Card, destroying it.

"No!! My Call of the Haunted is destroyed!" screamed the dark-grey woman. "That means-!"

"It means that since it's not on the field anymore, neither is your Harpie Lady 1!" Bon Bon said, finishing her opponent's sentence. And just as she had said, a dark-purple vortex appeared behind Harpie Lady 1. Out of the vortex, a ghostly hand came out that grabbed the bird-woman and dragged it inside. "That also means that her effect on the field is gone, too!" (Harpie Lady Sisters: ATK 2450 - 300 = 2150) (SPYRAL GEAR - Drone: ATK 400 - 300 = 100)

"Maybe so, but my Field Spell is still able to give my Harpie Lady Sisters enough power to destroy your pathetic agent!" Windmistress reminded her.

"She won't for long." the hall monitor stated with confidence in her voice. "I Summon another monster to the field in Attack Mode! Go, SPYRAL Tough!" After playing her card, another human man entered the field, this time on a jet pack. The man had short, spiky, dirty-blonde hair, green eyes, wore a blue suit, and wore a red and black-striped tie that looked exactly like Super Agent's (SPYRAL Tough: Level 4 / ATK 1900 / DEF 1500).

Noticing him, Super glanced over at Tough and asked him, "A little late to the party, aren't we?"

"Aheh... sorry, Super." the newly-summoned agent told him. "I would've gotten here sooner, but these gas prices are ridiculous, especially when you're fillin' up a jet pack!"

Noticing something about her foe's new card, Windmistress asked, "Your new monster's attack points aren't any higher than the other one, so how, exactly, do you plan on getting rid of my servants with him?"

"You'll see right now." Bon Bon replied. "I activate SPYRAL Tough's effect! He lets me destroy any card you have on the field if I can correctly guess the top card of your Deck!"

"This again?!" shouted the woman, getting really annoyed by this move.

"And I'll say that, with 100% certainty that... the top card of your Deck is a Monster!" the girl then declared.

"Since you already knew what my card was, I'm not exactly impressed!"

"But since I am, that means I can destroy one of your cards now." Bon Bon reminded her. "SPYRAL Tough, disarm that Field Spell of hers!"

"You've got it!" Tough responded, opening his briefcase and taking out some sort of taser-like weapon. He then fired it at the AR projection of the Field Card itself, sending bolts of electricity all over it. Seconds later, it was destroyed, and the field returned to showing the school's hallway.

"Now that the Field Spell is gone," Sunset began to say, "Harpie Lady Sisters return to their original attack power (Harpie Lady Sisters: ATK 2150 - 200 = 1950). She still has fifty more attack points than either of Bon Bon's monsters..." Smiling a little herself, she added, "but with the way this has been going so far, I'd bet every bit that I had that she's still got one more trick up her sleeve."

Bon Bon then drew a card from her Deck after SPYRAL Tough eliminated the Field Spell (thanks to her SPYRAL MISSION - Assault). After doing that, she then announced, "Now I'll activate the second effect of my Drone! By releasing it, I can give SPYRAL Tough 500 extra attack points for every card you have on the field!"

"You're doing WHAT?!" shouted Windmistress.

"For someone who called me an imbecile earlier, you sure seem to have trouble listening to me when I make my moves." the young girl told her. "To make a long story short, your Harpies aren't gonna survive this one!" As she said that, her SPYRAL Tough monster became more powerful, gaining an extra 500 attack points from the one card Windmistress had left on the field (SPYRAL Tough: ATK 1900 + 500 = 2400). "Alright, SPYRAL Tough..." she then said to her monster, "now that you're even tougher, get in there and make fried chicken out of those Harpies!"

"It'd be my pleasure!" Tough replied. He then reached into his suit pocket and pulled out what appeared to be several strings with weights attached. Not wasting any time, he swung the weights on the strings before tossing them at the Harpie Lady Sisters. The strings then wrapped around them and tied them up together. They tried to struggle out of it, but Tough then took out a remote control from his briefcase and clicked a button on it, causing the weights to explode (as it turned out, the weights were actually small explosives, triggered by the remote). The monsters were all destroyed, and Windmistress took some damage as a result (Windmistress: LP 3,500 - 450 = 3,050).

"You're up next, Super Agent!" Bon Bon shouted. "Attack her directly! SPYRAL Wrist Laser!!" Super nodded and fired his watch laser once more, this time aiming it directly at Windmistress and knocking out a sizeable chunk of her Life Points (Windmistress: LP 3,050 - 1900 = 1,150). "Sorry, Windy..." the girl replied, still smirking, "but I'm afraid you're not quite at my level yet."

"W...what... did you... say...?!" snarled Windmistress. Something about Bon Bon's last comment to her seemed to have made her angry. It also seemed to have triggered some sort of memory within her mind...

A few years ago...

"This Duel is over!" announced an MC at the end of a match in a major Duel Monsters Tournament. The two Duelists that were competing had fought a heated Duel with one another, but it seemed that there was finally a result. The woman on one side looked exactly like Windmistress (because it WAS her), except she was still in her mid-teens (not to mention she was wearing a more age-appropriate outfit). She had fallen to her knees after having lost the match.

Her opponent was an older adult woman, possibly in her late 40's or even early 50's. She had blonde hair and piercing purple eyes, wore a dark-purple short-sleeve jacket over top of a small, white tube top, along with a dark-purple miniskirt. She wore purple high-heeled boots on her feet and white fingerless gloves on her hands. Although she had some small wrinkles under her eyes, she looked positively stunning despite her age (possibly because she was using make-up to keep a youthful appearance).

"Not bad, hon." the blond woman told her opponent as she removed her Duel Gazer. "You've got some talent, but I'm afraid you're not quite at my level yet."

The dark-grey girl grumbled a bit. "I don't understand...! I had the perfect strategy! But my Deck... I couldn't draw what I needed! Every time I drew a card, it was the worst thing I could possibly get! I had no control over it!!" she complained. "Why did I have to lose because of something like that...?!"

"Hey... take it easy, girl..." the blonde told her, trying to put her at ease. Extending an arm out towards Windmistress, she then told her, "So, you got a few bad draws; it's nothing you need to get all worked up over... Listen, I'll tell you what, maybe I could-"

But the bitter teen slapped her opponent's hand away and shouted, "Quiet! I don't need your pity!!" Storming off, she then told her, "Just you wait... I will not allow such a fluke to happen to me again!! I will not allow my cards to fail me again!! I will see to it that they know just who is in charge around here... And once I do, I'll be back for you... you'll see!!" And with those angry words, the dark-grey girl left the stadium, not aware of what was happening behind her.

The older woman just stood there, a bit stunned by her opponent's outburst. "I... was going to say that I'd help you fix up your Deck after the tournament, that's all..." Sighing a little, she figured there was nothing else she could do about it.

"Mai? Is everything okay?" asked another woman's voice. This woman was about the same age as the blonde, though probably a bit younger. She wore a yellow Chinese dress, red high-heeled shoes and had her black hair done up into a pair of buns. "What was that all about?"

"Oh... nothing you need to worry about, Vivian." the blonde woman replied. "She must have been frustrated about losing that Duel. Kind of like a certain someone I know that had a bit of a hard time in the tournament back at Kaiba Land U.S.A.?"

Knowing that Mai was referring to her, Vivan huffed and told her, "Oh please... You know I've gotten over all of that. And a good thing too; as much as I hate to admit it, I was pretty immature back then... Letting a little girl get on my nerves and actually trying to blackmail Yugi into a Duel... Believe me, I'm not exactly proud of all that."

"Well, we've come a long way since our personal problems, Viv." Mai replied. Looking back at the arena exit where Windmistress had left the stadium from, she then added, "I just hope she can work out hers as well before SHE does something she'll regret..."


Back in the present, Windmistress was growing angrier after unconsciously recalling that memory. (Grrr... that pompous bleach-blonde know-it-all... The way she snubbed me at that tournament still irritates me to this very day... And now THIS upstart thinks she can do the same to me?!?) Growling, she then shouted, "I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!!!"

"Um... not allow what, exactly?" asked Bon Bon, confused. "And what are you getting so mad about?"

(Yeah... what's going on with that?) Sunset asked in her mind. (Why is she getting so worked up like this? Sure, she's losing, but it seems like there's more to it than just that...)

Deciding not to ask anything more about it, the pale-yellow girl took a card from her hand and said, "Well, anyway... I'll just set this face-down and finish my turn." (SPYRAL MISSION - Assault: 1 End Phase left) (SPYRAL MISSION - Rescue: 2 End Phases left)

"Oh, you'll most certainly be finished indeed..." Windmistress snarled in a low voice. "I'll see to it that you'll pay for defying me, you little brat!! Once I'm through with you, you'll be begging me for mercy!! You hear me?!" She then violently drew the next card from her Deck and grumbled, thinking, (That's what I'd like to do; to shut her and her stupid monsters up once and for all... The problem is, I don't have anything I can use in my hand to defeat her... And there's nothing else in my Deck that I can think of that would help me, either!)

But then... a thought came to her. (Wait... there is... one thing that could work...) Opening her deck box, she pulled out a card from her Extra Deck. It was none other than the blank Number card that she had planned to leave in Coach Iron Will's office. (The Numbers... they say that your desires and feelings are what gives them power...) she recalled in her mind. (If I break the spell that suppresses this card's power, I could craft it into a worthy servant that can defeat that brat once and for all... Mistress Chrysalis intended for me to plant this card on someone in this school, but if I tell her I was able to use it to trounce both Sunset and her annoying little friend and obtain more new Numbers for her, she will honor me greatly for it! And after that... I'll deal that irritating blonde woman a truly ironic defeat!! I know what I must do...)

"Are you gonna make a move, Windy?" Bon Bon asked after about a minute into Windmistress's turn, in which nothing had happened since her Draw Phase.

"Oh, I'll move, alright... and then you'll know just what it means to defy my will!!" the dark-grey woman told her. Taking the card she drew, she revealed it and said, "I discard Harpie Queen to the Graveyard to activate her effect! This allows me to get a replacement copy of my Harpie's Hunting Ground Field Spell, which I shall reactivate!!" After taking her Spell Card and playing it, the field returned to the open dirt field surrounded by trees and mountains. "Next I Summon another Harpie Channeler from my hand in Attack Mode!!" Instantly, the red-haired bird-woman reappeared on the field, flying in from the air (Harpie Channeler: ATK 1400 + 200 = 1600). "And because she is treated as Harpie Lady while on the field, that triggers my Field Spell and allows me to destroy your SPYRAL MISSION - Rescue!"

"Urrrgh!" grunted Bon Bon as her Continuous Trap Card was eliminated. "Is that the best you've got?" she asked, not scared of her opponent.

"Believe me, you don't want to see what my 'best' is..." Windmistress said with an evil smile on her face. "Which is too bad, seeing as how you'll be experiencing it in mere moments!" Discarding her Harpie Girl card, she then shouted, "I use Channeler's effect and Summon a new Harpie monster from my Deck! And as you'll soon see, it's a creature that, unlike you, knows what its place is! Now come forth, Harpie's Pet Dragon!!"

In an eruption of flames, a large creature sprung forth from the center of Windmistress's field. The monster was a reddish-pink dragon with green eyes, small wings on its forearms, a metal adornment on its forehead and a shiny, gold collar around its neck with a long chain attached. Harpie Channeler casually picked up the chain and smirked as she did (Harpie's Pet Dragon: Level 7 / ATK 2000 / DEF 2500).

"Hahahaha!! Behold, my Harpie's Pet Dragon!" Windmistress cackled. "A mighty beast trained by the Harpies themselves! Thanks to their overwhelming dominance, my Harpies can tame even the most ferocious of dragons and turn them into their loyal servants! Oh, but don't worry; this dragon is more than happy to serve its masters... So much so, it gains an extra 300 attack and defense points while one of my Harpies is present!" (Harpie's Pet Dragon: ATK 2000 + 300 = 2300 / DEF 2500 + 300 = 2800)

"Hmmmm... not bad, I'll admit, but there's something you may have overlooked, Windy." Bon Bon told her. "Because you Summoned it with Harpie Channeler, your 'loyal dragon' is stuck in Defense Mode, so it can't attack me this turn." Pointing to her monsters on the field, she then added, "And next turn, I can use Tough's ability to wipe it out before it can even launch one attack!"

But Windmistress chuckled in a low, sinister-sounding voice and told her, "Very observant girl... Too bad that I never planned on attacking with my dragon in the first place..."

"Huh?" asked the pale-yellow teen. "What do you mean by that?"

"Harpie Channeler has a secondary effect." the grey woman explained, still smirking. "If I happen to have a Dragon monster on my field with her, she changes her Level to seven!" After she said that, the bird/human creature began radiating a green aura that strengthened her (Harpie Channeler: Level 4 > Level 7).

"So she's Level 7 now, so what?" asked Bon Bon.

But Sunset knew what was up and told her friend, "Because now she has TWO Level 7 monsters on her field: Her Harpie and her dragon!"

Gasping, the pink and blue-haired girl began to say, "T-two Level Sevens?! But that means-!"

"You're finally catching on, aren't you?" asked Windmistress. "I'm surprised a couple of simpletons like you could figure it out THAT fast... But it won't matter now, because you'll be vanquished all the same!" Pointing to the skies above, she shouted, "I overlay Harpie Channeler and Harpie's Pet Dragon, both Level 7 and create the Overlay Network!!" Her two monsters then began to glow green as the grey woman revealed the card that she had pulled from her Extra Deck to the two girls.

"That's her Xyz Monster?" asked Bon Bon. "But... the card's blank! She can't Summon a blank card!"

"Maybe..." Sunset told her, "but I have a feeling that it won't stay blank for long..."

Holding the card and surrounding herself in a shadowy mist, Windmistress, in a crazed voice, began to say, "Now... I break my Mistress's seal on this card... and unleash its true power!!" Thrusting the card into the air, she shouted, "Number card!! Bend to my will!! Obey me now and form into a being worthy to be my servant!!" As she said that, the card began to glow a deep purple, and in an instant, a picture appeared in the blank artwork, and Astral World text began writing itself all over the card. Windmistress's eyes began glowing red as a red mark resembling the number 74 began glowing on the hand that was holding the card. "Now come to me!! Number 74: Master of Blades!!"

Windmistress's two monsters then transformed into a pair of green lights that were drawn into a galaxy-like portal that appeared in the center of the field. Afterwards, the portal exploded, leaving behind a red 74 in the area where it used to be. Everyone looked up to see what appeared to be a large dagger in a blue sheath descending to the ground, surrounded by two orbiting orange spheres. The dagger then unsheathed itself, and shone a blinding bluish-white light as it did. When it faded away, the dagger and sheath were replaced by a young man wearing a mostly blue outfit that consisted of a turban-like hat (where his number symbol was also displayed) a short top that included metallic armor that protected his chest, and long, Arabian-styled pants and shoes. The top of his pants were decorated with all sorts of gold adornments, and a long cape flowed behind him. In his hands were several short daggers, ready to be thrown at his enemies.


Number 74: Master of Blades
(Xyz-Effect Monster/Psychic/EARTH/Rank 7/ATK 2700/DEF 2300)

2 Level 7 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. When a card or effect is activated that targets this face-up card (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, then you can destroy 1 card on the field.


"No... she Summoned a Number card...!" Sunset said, her heart dropping at that moment. "And without any Numbers of her own... Bon Bon is about to be in serious trouble...!"

"So that's a Number card..." the pale-yellow-girl said, staring down at the monster before her. "It was one thing seeing Rarity's Number card, but facing it... it's a totally different experience...!"

"Man, is that thing weird..." said Super, getting a bit concerned.

"Yeah, I hear ya, Super... That guy gives me the creeps..." Tough replied, not feeling very tough right now.

Windmistress chuckled and told her opponent, "Your monsters should be scared, little girl... They have no chance at defeating my Number monster... He shall defeat YOU, and you'll learn first-hand that I am not one to be trifled with! After all, it's your fault that you have to face this creature in battle; this was the Number card I was planning to leave in the office of that lunk-headed coach of yours... until you two disrupted those plans, that is." Pumping her fist into the air, she then shouted, "But now you shall learn a proper respect for your betters! Just as this Number card knows not to defy my will, so shall the two of you! Hahahaha!!!!"

Sunset simply grumbled a bit at the woman's words, not liking her attitude one bit. But as she looked at Windmistress's Number monster, she suddenly felt that something was... a bit off about it. (What's this...?) she asked herself. She then looked at her key necklace and saw that it was giving off a faint glow. Clutching it, she then said out-loud, "It's strange, but... for some reason, I can feel something from that Number card..."

"...So it's not just me, then." Bon Bon spoke up.

"Wait, you can feel it too?" asked the jacket-wearing teen in surprise.

"Yeah..." the pale-yellow girl responded. "And it seems like... that Number is sad about something... Like it doesn't want to be where it is."

"What do you mean?" Sunset inquired further. "And how can you know what it's feeling?"

"The same reason that I'm so close to my SPYRAL cards..." Bon Bon began to explain to her...


When I was just a little girl, I was... well, let's just say I didn't feel like the most important person out there. While most kids my age were running around, playing and talking to each other, becoming friends with one another... I just sat there, far away in the background, not having any notable impact in their lives. I was too shy to say or do anything with others, and for a long time, I was pretty much ignored by everyone, as if I wasn't even there.

For a long time, that was my life: Just sitting around and doing nothing but existing and staying out of other people's way. Deep down, I really wanted to be with other people and have fun with them... but I could never work up the courage to do it. So, there I sat, quietly off in the distance, while other important things were going on all around me.

Then one day, while my mom was doing some shopping at the drug store, I heard a voice nearby. "...Huh? What was that?" I asked, looking around. But there was no one around... or so I thought. Then I heard the voice again:

"...ey ...me ove... here..."

It was hard to make out, but I knew that I heard something. When I followed the voice to its source, I saw a display rack with packs of different kinds of trading card booster packs. I looked over them all and saw that the voice was coming from a pack of Duel Monsters cards. I had heard about the card game, but never collected any of the cards at the time. But something was telling me that something in this pack was special. Luckily, I had some of my allowance, so I bought the pack just as my mom was finishing up.

After taking it back home, I tore the package open and looked through all the cards in it. But among those nine cards that I got, there was one that seemed... different somehow. I picked it up and stared at it for some time, and before I knew it, I could hear that voice again, this time much more clearly. "...Sweetie Drops..." it said, "I've been waiting a long time to see you... Boss."

"H-huh?" Startled, I dropped the card in front of me. "Did... did you just talk to me??" I asked it.

"I don't see anyone else in your bedroom, so I guess I was talking to you." the voice spoke once more.

Needless to say, this was a confusing moment for me right now. "But... but cards can't talk to people..." I said to it. "Only people can talk to people."

"Well, that's 'cause I ain't like most cards." it replied. "You could say that I'm priceless; one-of-a-kind and all that. And I've been waiting for the day that we'd finally meet, Ms. Drops."

"You wanted to... meet me?" I asked. "But why?"

"Because we need each other, Ms. Drops." the card answered. "That's just how we Duel Spirits are: We all wait until the day that our chosen handlers come to claim us, and we do everything we can to help them. And I want to help you out... It's the least I can do for gettin' me out of that booster pack. To tell you the truth, I was getting cramped and sweaty in there."

I giggled a little at what he said. "You're really funny, Mister." I said to him. "And you seem really nice, too... I've never had a friend before, but I would really, really like it if we could be friends!"

"Of course I will, Ms. Drops." the card replied. "And if you'll let me, I'll help you make even more friends and get you to come out of your shell. You can't stay out of the action forever; in fact, you oughtta be gettin' right into the middle of it; havin' fun with others and all that jazz."

"Hmmmm... I guess you're right." I said to him. "Now that I know how it feels to have a friend... I don't wanna be all by myself anymore. I want to have friends and have fun just like the other kids! And you'll really help me do it?"

"You've got it, Boss." my card told me. "And as long as you treat me well, I'll help you make some new friends. You promise?"

"I promise! I promise!" I told him. "Thank you so much, Mr... um... what is your name?"

Chuckling, the card said to me, "I guess you haven't learned how to read yet, huh? Otherwise you would have known by lookin' at the top of the card. Very well then... My name's SPYRAL Super Agent. But you can call me 'Super' for short, Boss."


Sunset was astonished by Bon Bon's story. "Wow, it's hard to believe it... a real Duel Spirit! I've heard about them, but never saw one..." she stated.

Smiling, the pale-yellow teen told her friend, "That card's been with me to this very day. Thanks to him, I learned to be more confident and get myself out in the open more. Not long after our meeting, he taught me how to make new friends, and it all started with working up the courage to talk to others... That's when I met Lyra, and she became the first friend I ever had; well, the first one that wasn't printed on paper, that is."

(So Bon Bon can sense the presence of Duel Spirits...) thought Sunset. (Is that how she was able to feel what that Number card was feeling, even without this necklace?)

Putting on a more serious look, Bon Bon then told her classmate, "And that's the reason I can't stand people like that Windmistress person: Duelists who treat their cards as nothing but tools or slaves don't deserve to call themselves Duelists! Whether they have a spirit in them or not, our cards need to be treated with as much respect as we would like to have!"

"Hmph... how ridiculous." Windmistress said with a huff. "Our cards nothing more than that. They're nothing but objects that perform a duty, and that duty is to help their owners win. Anybody who gets sappy over their servants in such a way are among the most pathetic and idiotic kinds of people I know!"

"That isn't true, Windy." Bon Bon informed her opponent. "And I'll defeat you to prove it!"

"Defeat me? You've no chance, little girl." the grey woman said in a cocky tone. "You cannot destroy my Number monster with your monsters' little toy gadgets! Just face it: you can't beat my new servant and you never will!"

"...I never said I was going to defeat your Number." the pink and blue-haired girl stated. "I said I would defeat YOU!"

"Wh-what is that supposed to mean?!" asked Windmistress. "You're not making any sense!"

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you wouldn't be able to understand, Windy." Bon Bon responded. "From what I can tell, your Number monster doesn't exactly like his current situation. He's just an innocent victim, controlled by a horrible so-called 'master' and forced to do things he doesn't like doing!" As she said that, Master of Blades' eyes showed a surprised expression. "I'm not going to have your Number card take the fall for you! You'll be the one that pays for your cruelty, not him!" Growling, Windmistress was getting annoyed by what Bon Bon was saying, but still didn't quite get what she was talking about.

"Wow... Bon Bon was able to see all that just from looking at her card?" Sunset asked herself. Holding her key necklace, she then thought, (Is what she said really true? Is that woman's Number card really unhappy with having to follow her orders? It may be possible... after all, Numbers take on their forms based on the feelings of those who hold them, so it must have sensed the woman's cruel personality as it formed itself...) Letting go of her necklace, she then said to herself, "Still, I wonder what Bon Bon is planning...? She doesn't sound like she wants to destroy that woman's Number card, so how is she going to win?" Sunset was quite interested to see what her new friend had in mind...

Windmistress chuckled and asked her foe, "So how do you plan to defeat me without defeating my Number? There's no way it can be done!"

"Oh there is, Windy." Bon Bon replied with a smirk. "And I'll be more than happy to show you!" Taking a card from her Graveyard, she announced, "I banish my SPYRAL MISSION - Rescue card to activate its effect! This allows me to bring back a SPYRAL monster from my Graveyard to my field! And I choose my SPYRAL GEAR - Drone!" After that, a dark-purple portal opened to allow her drone monster to reappear on the field in Defense Position. "And now that I've done that, I can activate my face-down Trap Card! Go, SPYRAL MISSION - Recapture!!"


(Continuous Trap Card)

Destroy this card during your 3rd End Phase after activation. Once per turn, if a "SPYRAL" monster is Special Summoned to your field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 monster your opponent controls; take control of it until the End Phase, but it cannot attack directly this turn. If a "SPYRAL" monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can banish this card from your GY instead of destroying 1 of those "SPYRAL" monsters.


"Of course!" exclaimed Sunset. "By taking control of her monster, she won't have to destroy it!" Then, all of a sudden, she realized what she had just said. "Wait... she's taking control of a Number card?! Even though she knows they're dangerous?!" She then called out to Bon Bon, "Don't do it!! If you take that Number card, it'll possess you, just like Rarity's did!!"

"I didn't forget about what happened to Rarity, Sunset..." the pale-yellow teen told her, "but trust me: I know what I'm doing, and I know this is for the best!"

"I sure hope so..." Sunset responded, still worried about what could happen if Bon Bon were to take control of a Number card.

Suddenly, Windmistress began laughing manically. "You actually think you can control MY Number card?! You're more of a fool than I thought!! Unlike me, you don't possess a strong enough willpower to harness it! You'll fall under its possession just like the others!"

"I'll take my chances!" Bon Bon replied. "I use my Trap Card to take control of Master of Blades for the rest of this turn!"

"Hmph... as humorous as it would be to see you fall under the card's power," the grey woman told her, "I'm afraid my pride will not allow me to let you take control of any of my servants!" Taking a card from underneath her Xyz Monster, she shouted, "I use the effect of Master of Blades! By removing one Overlay Unit, I negate any effect that targets him!" The monster then absorbed one of its two orbs (Number 74: Master of Blades: OLU 2 - 1 = 1) and then, hesitating at first, tossed one of his daggers at Bon Bon's Trap Card, stopping its effect and destroying it.

"No...!" said the pale-yellow girl.

"And it gets worse, I'm afraid." Windmistress told her. "Now that my servant has negated your pathetic Trap Card, he can then destroy a second card on the field! Go, my slave! Destroy her rusty drone!!" The Number monster sighed sadly, but did as he was told to do. He threw another dagger that stuck itself into SPYRAL GEAR - Drone, causing it to explode.

"No... her plan didn't work..." Sunset said to herself. "And her monsters don't have enough attack points to survive that Number card's power..."

Chuckling evilly, Windmistress told Bon Bon, "Now do you see? Now do you understand why it is foolish to be so soft with yours and others' cards? If you were even just slightly more commanding over your servants, you would not have even attempted to try and 'save' my Number... Let this defeat show you just how weak you are compared to my power!!" Pointing forward, the grey woman yelled, "Master of Blades, obey me!! Wipe out her so-called SPYRAL Tough!!" The Number hung his head in slight shame, but decided that he had no other choice: He jumped forward, ready to attack.

"No! Bon Bon!!" Sunset cried out.

"Hahahahaha!!! That's right!! Fall before my power!!" cackled Windmistress. "It's time for you find out just where your place is!" As she gloated, the 74 on her hand began glowing brighter than before.

But all of a sudden, Bon Bon began to chuckle herself. "Oh, I know where my place is, Windbag..." she told her in a confident tone. "But it's NOT where you think it is!" Taking a card from her Graveyard, she shouted, "I use the other effect of SPYRAL MISSION - Recapture! By banishing it from my Graveyard, I prevent SPYRAL Tough from being destroyed!"

"What?!?" said Windmistress, having been caught off-guard. At that moment, an energy shield projected itself around Tough. When Master of Blades struck the shield, its power held out long enough to repel the attack, sparing the blonde-haired man from certain doom, even though his owner took a slight blow (Bon Bon: LP 3,150 - 300 = 2,850).

Bon Bon glared at her opponent with a smirk and said, "Tough break, Windy. But I knew I could count on your brutal attitude to give me an advantage... I had a feeling you wouldn't let me take control of your Number card, so I planned ahead to make sure my monsters wouldn't be taken down."

"What are you saying?!" shouted the grey woman. "Are you telling me that you KNEW your Trap Card wouldn't succeed in taking my monster?!"

"Exactly." the pink-and-blue haired girl told her, confirming her opponent's assumption.

"Amazing..." Sunset said to herself. "Bon Bon had the perfect defense all set up... and Windmistress walked right into it without even realizing it..." The jacket-wearing teen then thought about possibly dueling Bon Bon at some point, seeing her as a worthy opponent.

Growling at her enemy, Windmistress shouted to her, "It doesn't matter anyway, little girl... That stunt you pulled only buys you one turn, and it won't help you at all! You waste your time and your cards protecting your servants and for what?! They won't be of any use to you against my Number card! Just accept it; your stupid little 'friendship' with your monsters puts you nowhere NEAR my power!!"

Drawing her next card (and seeing that it was The Eye of Truth), Bon Bon told her, "You're right about one thing, Windy: My power IS nowhere near yours... But that's only because you're so weak compared to me and even weaker compared to Sunset!"

"I-I-I beg your PARDON?!?!" yelled Windmistress. "You dare to call ME weak?!?!"

"You bet I do." the pale-yellow teen answered. "You control your cards and monsters so viciously, like they're worthless compared to yourself. But why is that? I'll tell you: It's because you're scared." That comment elicited a small gasp from Master of Blades, as if he had not realized it before.

"What?! What are you talking about??" asked the grey woman.

"It's obvious: You're afraid of losing control. The thought of not having control over anything is something that clearly upsets you." Bon Bon told her opponent. "And that's the reason you feel like you need to have such a commanding presence, to make others feel like they have to do whatever you tell them. And you treat them harshly to hide the fact that, should they decide to turn against you, you have no way of stopping them." Master of Blades seemed to be listening very carefully to the young girl's words as she spoke them.

"That's... that's ridiculous!!" protested Windmistress. "Ridiculous nonsense!!!"

"...Facing up to your weaknesses is often more than people like you are able to handle." Bon Bon continued. "And if you refuse to accept them, then I suppose I have no choice but to teach you your character flaws the hard way!" Looking at her two monsters on the field, she said to them, "Super... Tough... thank you for all of your help in this Duel. You know as well as I do that Windmistress needs to learn the error of her ways, and there's only one way I can do that. Can I count on you two do your part?"

Nodding with a smile, Super told her, "I understand, Boss. I'm more than happy to help."

"Me too!" Tough chimed in. "You saved my skin last turn, so it's the least I can do."

Smiling and doing her best to hold back a tear, Bon Bon told them both, "Thank you both... I know I can always rely on you, along with all of our friends, both the ones in our Deck..." She then turned over to Sunset and added, "...and the ones out of it."

Nodding with a smile, the red-and-yellow girl told her, "You can do it, Bon Bon. Teach that woman a lesson she'll never forget!"

Knowing what she had to do, Bon Bon took the other card in her hand and raised it into the air. "I now release SPYRAL Tough and SPYRAL Super Agent for a Tribute Summon!!" In an instant, the two secret agents vanished out of sight. And in their place, a dark cloud was forming above.

"Wh-what's going on...?" asked Windmistress, trying to hold back any signs of worry. Her Number Card just stared into the darkening sky, not making any visible reaction.

"What's she Summoning...?" asked Sunset, not sure what was going to happen next.

"Powerful creature who sleeps on the outskirts of our star system," the pale-yellow girl chanted, "awaken from your slumber! Emerge from the darkness and reveal your unsurpassed power! Come forth, The Suppression Pluto!!"

After playing her card, the dark clouds in the sky began to draw themselves to a certain point in front of Bon Bon. As all of the fog pulled down from above, the sky was revealed to have turned into a nighttime setting. And in the night sky was a small dwarf planet that seemed to be cold and dark on its surface. As for the dark clouds, they began to form into the shape of a ferocious demon-like creature; its was mostly dark-blue, dark-violet, and black in color, with shiny, white horns on its head, sharp claws, numerous whip-like tails and eerie-looking eyes on its chest area. One look at this beast told you it was not one to be messed with (The Suppression Pluto: Level 8 / ATK 2600 / DEF 2000).

"N-no...! That's impossible...! How does she have that card?!" asked Windmistress, not expecting to see such a powerful card.

"Unbelieveable...!" said Sunset. "The Suppression Pluto... One of the Legendary Planets!" Taking out her Deck and looking at it, she then thought, (A monster that's supposed to be every bit as strong as The Supremacy Sun, the Planet card that I have... Who would have guessed that Bon Bon would have one in her Deck?)

"It's over, Windmistress." Bon Bon told her opponent in a serious voice. "This card, Summoned with the help of the friends I keep in my Deck, will defeat you! Your mistreatment of your cards ends today!"

"Hmph... you're still as foolish as ever, it seems..." Windmistress responded, huffing. "Your monster has only 2600 attack points, which is one-hundred less than my servant's attack power. Not that he COULD destroy him anyway; after all your monster isn't a Number! Your move was completely pointless!"

But Bon Bon chuckled. "Don't you remember what I said to you last turn?" she asked her. "I said I was going to defeat YOU, not your Number."

"You're still going on about that?" asked the grey woman. "You tried to steal my slave from me last turn, and you didn't succeed! What makes you think this turn will be any different?"

"You'll see, Windy..." the pale-yellow girl told her. "I activate Pluto's effect: This effect allows me to take control of one of your monsters... But ONLY if I can guess the identity of one of your cards."

"What?! This again?!?" grumbled Windmistress.

"It's not quite the same as it was with my SPYRAL cards." Bon Bon explained. "I have to guess the one that's in your hand, not the top of your Deck. And furthermore, I have to guess it by name. But if I do, then Master of Blades will have a NEW master by the end of this Duel!"

Windmistress began to laugh. "You've got to be kidding me!" she mocked her foe. "You think you can actually guess what's in my hand?! That's impossible!! There's no way you'll get it right!"

"...Don't get so high and mighty, Windbag." the Hall Monitor told her. "I actually happen to know EXACTLY what's in your hand."

"Y-you lie!"

"I'm not." Bon Bon rebutted. "And it's actually thanks to you that I know. See, when you destroyed your Hysteric Sign a few turns ago, you took three Harpie cards out of your Deck, which my D-Pad showed me in order to confirm that you pulled the correct kinds of cards. On your next turn, you drew one more card, giving you four on that turn."

"And your point is?" asked Windmistress.

"I'm getting to it." the young girl continued. "You discarded Harpie Queen to get Harpie's Hunting Ground, which you then activated. Afterwards, you Summoned Harpie Channeler, and then discarded Harpie Girl to the Graveyard to Summon your Pet Dragon and use both to Summon your Number card. That just leaves one card left in your hand; the only one of those four that you didn't play... Harpie Harpist!"

Windmistress gasped. "No...! How did you manage to know that?!?" she asked, not believing what had just happened.

(Amazing... Bon Bon remembered all of the cards that were in that woman's hand...) thought Sunset. (She was planning this from the very beginning; that's why she had all her SPYRAL monsters looking through her opponent's Deck... So that she would be able to know what she had in her hand, and thus, be able to use her monster's effect!) Showing a look of concern, she then wondered if taking control of Windmistress's Number card would cause Bon Bon to fall under its power, just like the other Numbers had done to their wielders.

"Alright, since I managed to guess your last card correctly," Bon Bon started to say, "that means your Number card is going to MY side of the field!"

"Hmph... I'll admit, I was surprised that you managed to guess my card correctly," Windmistress told her, "but it makes no difference! My servant cannot be taken from me! I'll use his effect and destroy your monster before it can!"

"Oh really?" asked the pink and blue-haired girl. "Look again!" At that moment, Pluto then radiated a shadowy aura around itself and thrust out its claws towards Master of Blades. As Windmistress looked on, her monster's eyes flashed purple for a moment before he turned around... and showed his "master" the angriest face she had ever seen.

"Wh-what happened...?! Why is he looking at me like that?!" asked Windmistress, unable to contain her fear. "How can this be?! His effect should have worked!! The moment he is targeted by an effect, he negates it!!" she then protested.

"That's just the problem, Windy." Bon Bon told her. "Pluto's effect DOESN'T target. Nowhere on the card does it say that it targets your monster. In other words, Master of Blades can't use his effect to stop it! Though even if he could have, I have a feeling that he probably wouldn't have done it anyway."

Growling, the woman then shouted to her monster, "Don't you even THINK of betraying me, you hear?! You are MY servant!! I am YOUR master!! I OWN YOU!!!"

But it was clear even to her that the Number card was not even the least bit intimidated by her empty threats. Without hesitation and certainly without regret, Master of Blades leapt off of Windmistress's side of the field and onto Bon Bon's. After doing so, he turned to face his new master and knelt down in front of her to show respect.

Sunset was quite surprised by this. "Amazing..." she said. "Bon Bon took that woman's Number card... but it doesn't appear to be controlling her!" The inter-dimensional girl wondered if Bon Bon really had that strong a willpower to control the Number card, or if it was something else.

"Master of Blades..." Bon Bon began to tell the Number card, "I knew how sad you felt having to be bossed around by someone like her, but you're safe now. You won't have to do anything she says anymore." Master of Blades nodded slowly in response, understanding her. After he stood upright again, the young girl then told him, "There is ONE command that I'd like you to carry out, though: Why don't you go over and show your former 'master' just how much you appreciated her leadership?"

Getting the message crystal-clear, Master of Blades gave off another angry glare at Windmistress. "N... no... no you wouldn't...!" the woman said, now trembling in fear. But the Number card would... and he did. He ran towards his former owner and tossed several of his blades at her, which succeeded in knocking away the rest of her Life Points. "AAAAAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!" she screamed, dropping down to her knees in defeat (Windmistress: LP 1,150 - 2,700 = 0) (WINNER: Bon Bon).


"Alright!! You did it, Bon Bon!" cheered Sunset. "You beat her! I knew you'd pull it off!"

"Thanks, Sunset." the pale-yellow girl replied. She then looked at her Deck and thought, (And thanks to all of you as well... We earned this victory together.) At that moment, phantom images of Super, Tough, Misty, and even Pluto appeared, nodding as if to say, "you're welcome".

Windmistress, still kneeling down on the linoleum tile floor, was in total disbelief at having lost the Duel. "This... this makes no sense...!" she said, quaking in both shock and anger. "How could I have lost... to such a soft-hearted weakling like her...?!"

Sunset and Bon Bon then approached the intruder to give their final word. "It's over, Windmistress." the pale-yellow hall monitor told her. "You've lost... Now if you would, please leave our school immediately, or the cops can come in and force you out."

Growling under her breath and becoming more frustrated at what had happened, Windmistress was not about to take this quietly. At that moment, her Number card had fallen off of her Duel Pad, which she then noticed. Picking up the card and staring at it with angry eyes, she said, "You... this is all YOUR fault...! I give you form... I give you life... and this is the thanks I get?!"

"Don't go blaming your card for losing you the Duel." Bon Bon told her, not impressed by the woman immature behavior. "You lost the Duel because of YOUR mistakes! Blaming someone - or something else, is totally childish!"

"Be quiet!!" yelled Windmistress. Looking at her Number card again, she then said to it, "You dared to betray your master..." She then placed her other hand on the card and added, "And this is the price you pay for going against my orders!!"

Gasping Sunset began to ask, "Wait a second... she's not going to-?"

Trying to stop her, Bon shouted, "Hey! Don't-"

But it was too late: Windmistress tore the card in half and threw the pieces to the floor. Crazed and angrier than ever, she yelled, "See?! See what happens when you don't follow my commands?!" Eyes bloodshot now, she shouted at her Deck, in a slightly insane tone, "And that goes for the rest of you as well!! Disobey me and you'll be punished the same way!!!" And with that last temper-tantrum, the grey woman ran out of sight and out of the school.

"Grrrr... what a jerk!" Bon Bon said, unhappy with the intruder's outburst. "Tearing up a card over something like that?! I feel sorry for the rest of her cards to have to put up with her attitude!" She then noticed that Sunset had now walked over to the two halves of the card that were now on the floor. Kneeling down, the red-and-yellow teen just stared at now-permanently destroyed card. Kneeling down beside her, Bon Bon told her, "Sunset... I'm sorry..."

"...It's not your fault, Bon Bon." Sunset responded. "If anything, you gave this Number card the first taste of freedom it ever had since it formed. Now that I think about it, that might be why it didn't possess you; it was grateful to you for saving him from her... She may have torn it up, but at least now it won't have to be abused by anyone ever again." She then picked up one of the two halves of the card.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Sunset." Bon Bon replied, trying her best to look at the bright side of all this. She then picked up the other half and added, "At least... at least he was shown the respect he truly deserved... even if it was just once..." The two girls just stared at the card halves that each of them had, not saying another word.

Then, all of a sudden, Sunset's necklace began to glow. "Hm? What's with this thing now?" asked the inter-dimensional girl.

At that same time, Bon Bon then noticed something else happening as well. "Hey, look!" she said. "The card pieces... they're glowing too!"

The two teenage girls sat there, staring at the brightly shining card halves, wondering just what was going on. Then, the two pieces turned into pure energy and flew into Bon Bon's Duel Pad, causing it glow as well. Sunset and Bon Bon stared at the device, having no guess as to what was going on inside of it. Finally, after about 10 seconds or so, the glow faded, and out from the D-Pad's Graveyard slot, the Number card was ejected out, good as new.

"A-amazing!" said Bon Bon. "The card fixed itself! But how??"

"I have no idea..." Sunset admitted, the glow from her necklace fading away as she spoke. "Do... do you think it felt our sympathy towards it?"

"Who knows?" the pink and blue-haired girl responded. "All that matters is that this card is back to normal and that Windbag jerk is out of this school. I'd say this ended perfectly!"

"That just leaves one more question:" Sunset told her. "What do we do with this Number card?"

Bon Bon took the card out of her Duel Pad and smiled before telling her, "I think the answer that question is obvious:" She then put out her hand holding the card and said, "I think you should take it, Sunset."

"Me?" asked the jacket-wearing teen, slightly astonished. "But you won the Duel... In all fairness, it should go to you, especially since you treated it so nicely."

"Perhaps, but you're the one that's trying to get all of the Number cards." Bon Bon replied. "My orders from the principals were to help YOU find and collect them, they never said that I had to collect any myself. And besides, that Windy person is already sore at me for beating her in that Duel the way I did; I don't need to give her another reason to come after me or him. I think this card is best put in the hands of someone that truly has the power to protect him from jerks like her."

"I suppose you have a point, Bon Bon..." Sunset stated, seeing the logic in her companion's words. "But are you really sure that I should have it?"

"I am." the pale-yellow teen said, nodding her head. "As far as I'm concerned, the moment that Windmistress threw this card away like it was a piece of trash, she forfeited her ownership of it. And besides, I'm sure the card would be happy to be with you."

"You really think so?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah, I am." Bon Bon told her. "When Rarity told me a while back that you were trying to become a nicer person, I'll admit, I didn't believe it at first... But when your risked you neck to save her from the Number card that she had... and when you showed so much compassion for Master of Blades after it got torn up... I can see she was right about you. You've come a long a long way since you first got here, and you've proven that you really are a good person. And that's why I know this card will be treated well in your care... so go on and take it."

Thinking about what Bon Bon had said to her and smiling, Sunset knew what she had to do. "After what you just told me, there's no way I can refuse to take it now." she told her. "I'll accept the card, if it's okay with you." Bon Bon nodded to say that she did, and with that, Sunset had now added a new Number to her collection. but not only that, she also felt that she had inherited a portion of Bon Bon's spirit along with it. Still smiling, the jacket-clad girl placed the card safely into her deck box.

As they both stood back up, Bon Bon then told her friend, "We should go and tell Celestia and Luna about what happened; hopefully, they'll be able to make sure that Windmistress chick can't get back in here."

"I think I can help with that." Sunset told her, revealing her cell phone. "I took a picture of that woman when she wasn't looking, so maybe the princes- er, the PRINCIPALS could use it to print some copies to hand to the school's security or even the police. If all goes well, then I doubt that woman will show her face around here again."

"Quite impressive, Ms. Shimmer. Impressive indeed." the pink and blue-haired girl told her. "We've done a great job in making sure our friends and classmates are safe from people like her; I'm looking forward to working together with you again."

"Same here." Sunset replied. "And don't be a stranger; you're welcome to hang out with me and my friends anytime you want. Lyra, too."

"I'll have to take you up on that offer." Bon Bon responded, happy to have gotten to know Sunset a lot better today. "In the meantime, we still have some work to do, so let's pay the principals a visit before we get back to class."

The inter-dimensional girl followed her new friend down the hallways towards the main offices. As they did, she began think to herself about the woman that Bon Bon had dueled against. (She may not able to cause any trouble at the school anymore..) she thought, (but I know that we haven't seen the last of her... or those other people that are with her, either... But no matter what, I'll make sure they don't get what they want, whatever that may be!)

-- To Be Continued...



Sunset Shimmer (12 Numbers total):

- Number 74: Master of Blades


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