• Published 10th May 2016
  • 334 Views, 1 Comments

Spellbound Joy - Spellbounder

Trixie needs a new act for her show! But everything changes the day she visits the wizard shop!

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Ch.1-The purchase

“Hmmmm…….nope! This was sooooo three years ago!”

Scanning the shelves around her, the blue mare, well preferred as the Great and Powerful Trixie was searching for new props for her next magic show. The store she was in claimed to have everything, but was really full of cheap useless things that were far beyond Trixie’s interests. Slamming her hoof down onto the wood flooring, she begins to whine like a spoiled filly, unhappy and wanting more.

“OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!! This is hopeleeeeeeeeess!!!! How will the Great and Powerful Trixie please her audience without any new tricks!?! She won’t stand for this!”

She stomps to the front counter of the store and stares at the service colt with the look of anger in her eyes. The poor colt couldn’t tell if she was going to hurt him, yell at him, or worst of all, rob him.

“M…M…May I help you…m…m..m..ma’am?” said the horrified clerk pony.

“How dare you call this place a wizard shop! The Great and Powerful Trixie lowers her hat in shame to such pathetic, useless toys! HMPH!”

She shakes her head in disappointment, only making the colt behind the counter feel more uncomfortable.

“Trixie demands that you bring her something worth buying! Do so and she maaaaay spare you from being turned into a frog!”

“Y…Y…Y…Yes ma’am! R..R..R…Right away ma’am!”

The colt bolts away from his counter and gallops to the back, as Trixie waits impatiently. Behind her was a little filly wearing a top hat, looking up at the mare’s face.

“Are you a wizard?” said the curious little one.

“Huh? Oh no dear little one. The Great and Powerful Trixie is more than just a mere wizard. She is a bringer of fascination and beauty!”

“Can you make a bunny come out of your hat?”

“Ummm….well that’s a little beneath Trixie, but she certainly can if she wanted to.”

“I like you. You dress funny. Heeheeehee”

Trixie could tell that this conversation was going nowhere. Turning away from the filly, with a red blush of embarrassment on her cheeks, she continues to wait for the colt to return, growing angrier as the time went on.


Finally, the colt returns, holding a shining green orb in his mouth. He places it on the counter, panting heavily and dripping sweat.

“I think…..you’ll be…..quite surprised….with this.” said the colt, more nervous than ever.

She looks at the orb in disgust, trying very hard not to smack this colt with her hoof. She lets out a boring sigh and looks back at the colt, who still appeared to be sweating.

“Do you obviously expect Trixie to be pleased? This is nothing more but a mere crystal ball!”

“EEP! B…B..But ma’am…you don’t understand.”

“She hopes you don’t plan to trick her into buying such a thing! Cause if you do, she will be most upset and very violent!”

“N…N…No, I wouldn’t…..this ball is….a…a..a….actually pretty cool.”

“Cool? The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t want cool! She wants breathtaking! Astounding! Extraordinary! Can this stupid thing give any of that to Trixie!?! CAN IT!?!”


The look of curiosity appeared on the mare’s face, as she examined the green orb more clearly.

“Really now? Hmmmmm……perhaps you’re right.”

“I…I am? Uhhh yes….yes I am.”

Trixie looks down at the ball for several seconds before finally reaching her decision.

“Very well then. Trixie will purchase this ball and please her adoring fans! How much?”

“Oh ummmm I’d say….about fifty bits.” he said, feeling more calm.



“Awwww, much better.”

Paying the orb, Trixie places it into her saddle bag and leaves the store with a small smile on her face, as the poor colt hides underneath his counter, shaking in fear. As the Unicorn makes her way back to her home, which was a wagon used for her career as a traveling magician, she pondered in her mind to what exactly this orb could do. Whatever it does, she hopes that it will bring in many ponies to her show, being a little desperate since her failing out last time in Ponyville.

“Ugh….that incident will not stop Trixie from fulfilling her chances to shine! All she has to do is think of her best act yet! It will surely be no surprise that fans from all over Equestria will be pleased with whatever Trixie does. After all, she is great AND powerful! Hmmhmmmhmmm!”

With a smile on her face, she gallops into her wagon and sets the orb from her bag onto a small wooden table, gazing upon it with such curiosity.


She pokes it a few times with her hoof, watching it roll to the edge of the table before quickly using her magic to keep it in place. Trixie began to wonder if she made the right choice buying this object, seeing that all it did was show a dreadful reflection of her face through its gleaming green glow. This was starting to make her mad, feeling like that colt back at the wizard shop had ripped her off, which is the last thing any pony should do to Trixie.

“This stupid thing cost me twenty-five bits!?! IT DOESN’T DO ANYTHING! TRIXIE HAS BE PLAYED!!!!”

In a fit of rage, she hurls the orb into the wall, hearing a loud boom that made her jump. It almost sounded like thunder. Trixie checks outside her window to see if it was raining, but there was clearly not a single cloud in the sky. She looks over at the orb again to notice that it was glowing in a brighter shade of green. The mare picks it up with her magic once more and examines it thoroughly. She wasn’t sure what to make of what just happened.

“Strange, Trixie must be imagining things.”

She decides to place the orb in the trash bin next to her, as it ignites the whole thing in a blaze of green fire, jolting the blue mare to the other side of her wagon. A ghostly moan echoed through the flame, as two black eyes emerged within it.

“Who….daaaaaares…….awake us….......from our sluuuumbeeeeeeer?” he said with a dark cold voice.

Trixie began to shake, unable to cope with what was happening. She tried to speak, but couldn’t with those eyes staring at her.
“Speeeeeeeeak……or suffer the consequences!”

“Uhh..uh…I didn’t know you were in there….I…I thought it was just a stupid orb.”



She quickly gallops over to her bed and hides underneath it, peaking out from underneath the edge as the eyes kept gazing down on her.

“Don’t you know….who……we…..are?”

“N…No….sorry….Trixie doesn’t really understand what is happening right now.”



The orb began to levitate from the fire, as a black mist was released from within, manifesting itself into the form of a tall grey colt, with a glowing green mane and a strange ghost-like symbol appearing on his flank as his cutie mark. His eyes were so dark; you could mistake him for not having any at all. He looked at Trixie with a disturbing frown, causing her to shake even more. The poor magician couldn’t tell what to believe before her, hoping that this was all just a crazy dream. The colt began to speak, with an accent similar to that of Doctor hooves from ponyville, but with a slightly darker tone.

“For thousands of years we’ve been trapped within this orb, hoping to once again be free. You have allowed us to appear as an allusion of our former self. You have awakened Benedict, the great and powerful spellbounder!”

Trixie immediately jolts her head out from under the bed, jaw dropped to what she just heard.

“Say what now?”

“We once lived among you ponies as…..”

“Just hold up a minute! Did you just call yourself great and powerful?”

“Yes, we are such things. You see….a long time ago before….”

“You can’t do that!”

“You can’t do that, that’s my thing.”

“Ummmm…..we once lived in a time where…..”

“Didn’t you hear me!?! Trixie is known as great and powerful! That’s her line! You can’t just steal her line!”


“You do know Trixie can sue you for that, right?”

“Ok, seriously lady, can you please be quiet? I’m trying to tell my origin story here.”

“No! Trixie will not stand for this! That is her line! You can’t just steal her line and expect her to be ok with that!”

“We are a powerful entity! We once…..”

“No! No no no no no no no! That is her line! Trixie is great and powerful!”

“Ok, look lady, you’re really starting to annoy me! Can I just tell my amazing back story before you nag on any longer?”

“How dare you say such things! First you appear out of no where and scare the great and powerful Trixie, then you go as far as to steal her line, then insult her in her own home!?! Shame on you, sir!”

“That’s the point! I’m not a…..I mean we are not……AAAGGHH! Great! Now you made me mess up my whole routine! Thanks a lot!”

Trixie emerges from her bed and stares at the strange looking colt in anger. She already wasn’t in the mood today and this “thing” was only making her day worse.

“You have five seconds to explain to Trixie why she shouldn’t smash that orb into teeny tiny pieces you disgusting vermin!”

“AGGH! FINE! If you want the short version I guess, I’ll tell you! I’m a powerful spellbounder that once dreamed of ruling all of Equestria before I was trapped in this stupid orb for all eternity! THERE! But it would’ve been a lot cooler and scarier if you let me finish my routine!”

“So…….you’re not really here?”

She tried to poke the creature, but her hoof instantly phases through his body like it was made entirely made from mist.
“When you slammed me into the wall, that hurt by the way, it allowed the orb to activate, allowing me to appear before you as a mere image of what I used to be.”

“So…..like a ghost?”

He sighs, slapping his hoof against his face.

“No! Its just a magical picture of what I appeared as my physical state! Oh Celestia, are ponies still dumb and barbaric!?!”

“Trixie can’t believe this. All she wanted was to find something for her next show, and she gets some ghost in a ball!”

“I already told you lady that I’m not a…..”

“SHUT UP! And her name is Trixie! The great and powerful Trixie! Which is trademarked by the way!”

“I can’t believe this….you’re my new master!?!”

Trixie’s eyes grow wide, forming a small smirk.


“Oh bloody hay no…….I shouldn’t of said anything!”

“What do you mean…..master?”

The misty image of the grey pony tried to return to safety of the green orb, but Trixie quickly grabs it with her mouth and swings it over to her bed, causing the image to be hurled with it.


“Tell Trixie….everything!”

“I really would prefer not to…”



“Ha! For a so called great and powerful spellbounder, you act like a crying little filly!”

Anger began to build up with Benedict, wishing he could do something to stop her constant jabber, but sadly couldn’t. He lets out a small sigh and stands up from the bed.

“If I tell you, will you please stop talking!”

“Trixie is starting to get tired, so she may allow this. Now spill….”

“Fine…..as part of my punishment, I am to remain imprisoned until I am broken free by the sheer will of kindness and friendship, that is by helping others and…UGH…..making them happy….something I despise with all my heart.”

“Oh Celestia….this…changes….everything!”

“Oh will you please stop talking!!!!!”

“This is perfect! Simply perfect! Trixie has been searching for the answers for so long, and now its finally here in front of her!”

She stares into Benedict’s eyes with a large happy grin on her face, making the spellbounder both uncomfortable and annoyed at the same time. He attempts to ignore her presence by looking away, but Trixie wouldn’t let him out of her sight.


“Nothing anymore! You have come to make things right for Trixie and her career!”

“Wait what?”

“Trixie has been looking for three things since she finally managed to leave that horrible job at the rock farm!”

“Wait a minute…..why would rocks require a fa……”

“YOU are the answer!”

“Answer to what!?! The bloody hay are you yelling about woman!?!”

“Trixie first was in the looking for a new act……that will be summoning you as my assistant, which is the second thing she’s been searching for.”

“Assistant!?! For what!?!”

“Why for Trixie’s magic show of course! With you by my side, all of Equestria will be amazed at what she can do! I can see it now! We’ll take this everywhere! Canterlot! Las Pegasus! Manehatten! All will love to see Trixie summon a dark scary ghost colt under her control!”

“Wow wow wow…..I’m no magic act OR a ghost you crazy lady! And I am certainly no assistant!”

“But you will be! And you will address me from now on as the lovely Trixie, your new wife!”

“WIFE!?! Oh no! No to all of that! Especially that last one!”

“You can’t say no! Trixie is your new master! And Trixie is far too busy in her schedule to date soooooooooo guess who’s engaaaaaaged??????~”

“This is torture…..there’s no way I’m doing any of this! You can’t do make me!”

“Hmmmm….last time Trixie checked, she can! She’s your master! She’s your wife! And she finally has a way to show that stubborn Twilight Sparkle who’s the better magic user with her very own ghost husband!”

“I AM NOT A GHOST!!!!!!”

“Oh Trixie can’t contain herself! But……..(Yawns)…she must rest……for tomorrow we begin Trixie’s next chapter!”

“I don’t know what’s worse. Being trapped within an orb for nearly two thousand years, or stuck with a crazy blue witch who talks in third person!!!”

“Silence Ben! Tomorrow will be the start of something glorious!”

She immediately grabs the orb and lays in her bed cuddling it, as Benedict tries to get as far away as he possibly can, which is only about a foot.

“Benedict! If you’re going to be Trixie’s new assistant/act/husband, you need to obey her commands. Now come over here and cuddle Trixie!!!!”

“Would the master also prefer me to abandon all hope from here!?!”

“No, now come here now!”

Benedict lets out several grumbling moans, slowly approaching the bed. He moves himself to the right side of Trixie’s light blue bed and places his misty hoof on her presence, cursing quietly.

“Awwww yes…..this was sooooo worth twenty-five bits.”

“That’s how much my life is worth!?! Twenty-five bits!?! And I thought there was no way I could possibly get more depressed.”

Trixie finally drifts off to sleep with a smile, imagining just how different her life will change thanks to Benedict. The spellbounder, however, couldn’t sleep at all, pouting as he listens to Trixie giggle and snore in her peaceful slumber.


Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoy this story! I plan to add more chapters in the future! Please share if you really like it! ^^