• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 36,068 Views, 396 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Wrong universe - Dalek IX

Sometimes, things don't go exactly to plan. Other times, you tick off the wrong planet alltogether.

  • ...

Wrong Universe #3 - Fury of the Green Sun

The following was not written by me, it was written by Kamin 989 of the Spacebattles forums, and is posted here with his permission.

Fury of the Green Sun

The man walked calmly into the throne room of Canterlot, Celestia looking nervously at him. He was...human, but odd, very odd. For one, he had four arms, and his eyes glowed bright burnning green, smoking like windows into endless furnaces.

'Celestia,' he said. 'I must regret to inform you-'

'Who are you?'

'I, my dear lady, am Ligier, also known as the Green Sun,' he said, bowing politely, with a shred of barely-contained rage in his voice. 'As I was saying, there is an obscure loophole in those treaties of surrender we made long ago. For, you see, while we are forbidden to manifest on this planet without express invitation, those rules do not apply to the territory contained by-'

'What are you?'

'My dear lady, I am a Nihilem of Malfeas, better known as his fetich - the core aspect of his personality,'

'And who is this...Malfeas?' the Princess asked.
'Why, are you so ignorant? Malfeas is our City and our King, the leader of our people and their empire as one. You don't know what that...draconequus really was, do you?'


'Ah, therein lies your ignorance. He is an...aspect of Oramus, one of the King's kind dreadfully incapacitated as of the present time - in your country on some business, probably. Anyway, I'll make it clear - in about...five days we, by which I mean the Yozi, rightful rulers of this reality, are arriving, and...we will not like what you are doing to the world we made.'

'I command the Sun! What makes you think your pitiful green spark will compare?'

'Oh, now Milady, you've made me angry. Barely containing the rage...graargh...I will take my leave.'

In a sudden flash of emerald fire, Ligier vanished, tendrils of viridian flame lancing out, shattering a chandelier and incinerating several guards.

Celestia glared.

'Keep up the Conversion! Expand the Barrier!'


The City did not appear suddenly.

The mirage-towers loomed over Ponyville impossibly. For about four days they had been shimmering nearby.

But it did, on the morning of the fifth day.

They tore themselves up from the ground, leaving cracked, charred earth where the walls met Equestrian soil. A group of pegasi and unicorns went in.

The city itself attacked them. They were dragged into the streets, sealed up under pavement stones or into walls. There was one survivor, and she was found at its edge, mane falling off in clumps, wasting away.

She died a day later, leading Celestia to declare war.

It was her biggest mistake.



She was currently analysing how the sapient equine species reacted to stress. Deconstructing them and the habitations they used seemed a logical experimental method.

So far, there had been 34,578 attempts to escape the situation, along with 1,178 attempts to attack Her spheres. All without impact on the analytic framework or the experiment itself. Currently, She had disassembled 500,000 equines, gaining profound insight into their thought processes, soul structure, metaphysical capabilities and biology.

The ponies below saw none of this. They saw almost ten thousand crystal spheres floating above Manehattan, immune to all harm, blazing with heatless fire. They saw invisible death disintegrating buildings and sweeping over the streets to reduce ponies to a fine, white-grey dust. They ran and hid and died wherever they were.

There were no attachments. No friends, no fetters, nothing holding you down. Just motion, constant motion. Why couldn't these creatures understand? Oh, she had been so foolish back then, but Lillike, sweet Lillike, had died and the River of Torments had become the Silent Wind.

She blew through the streets and the towns and the fields, freeing the poor little creatures from the lives that fettered them, held them back. They had no music to keep her away, after all.

She was spreading the enlightenment, and giggling. Who said you couldn't have fun?


He was in the night. He was in the absence, in the dark, in the black mirror held up to all Virtue. In fact, he was that mirror.

He crept, slithered furtively in the deepest shadows - such was his essential nature.

And in the dark, he encountered a unicorn. The last one he had set his mind to.

The shadows around her took a shape. A very familiar one.

'Oh, Twilight Sparkle. What are your fondest childhood memories?'


Appleloosa screamed in the storm. The sand just kept coming, a flaying, endless wind.

They didn't know who was behind it.

Cecylene kept on the barrage. The wretched creatures held to some idea of law. But there was no law but the basic one essential to all from the lowest wretch in the City to the highest of the high: The Strong Rule the Weak.

Anything other was a lie.


The devastation in Equestria was total. Worse, those ponies who had borne the Elements of Harmony had...killed themselves. Such a thing was unheard of, and Celestia was in a panic. She was alone in her throne-room.

A wind blew into Canterlot, and silence reigned as the royal guards slumped over dead without a sound. Then he came in. A trickle of quicksilver under the door of the palace's most secure chamber, eventually resolving itself into...Celestia. But her eyes were silver mirrors, and with horror she realised what was going to happen.

'You thought the Silver Forest wouldn't have his fun?'

'You-what are-'

'Oh, right now I think I reflect you perfectly. Shame there can only be one of us now.'

Celestia screamed in horror.

'Oh, you're going to die anyway - my brother could crush your silly palace with a single hoof.'

The earth shook.

'Ah. He's on his way. Might as well put my effort in.'


The unicorns were thin-spread right now, but still a large number had been sent to defeat the Thing heading, quite literally, through the mountains. The mountains themselves were somehow not there when they stood in the way of It, that immense boar, its presence twisting the sky around it.

Isidoros himself did not care. The magic striking his flesh caused no harm to Him, the most sovereign creature in all existence, whose will was blocked by no-one and nothing. He pressed forward unstoppably, his hooves ripping craters in the ground, smashing forests and towns beneath them. He kept on moving, and in one hoof-strike Canterlot was obliterated.

He never even noticed.


The all-eating swamp crept and ate Equestria. The silver mirror took Celestia's shape and defeated her. The desert blew with its soul-flaying sandstorms. And the black sky-twisting boar rampaged, smashing Canterlot beneath his hooves and barely noticing.

Seven days after the Yozi had begun their attack, the Barrier collapsed, they suddenly left, and humanity took its first steps on Equestrian soil.

The first ponies they met begged for mercy.