• Published 3rd May 2016
  • 3,244 Views, 372 Comments

"Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" - Fluttercheer

Five years after the Crystal Heart incident, Flurry Heart's life seems perfect. She has loving parents, an amazing friend and a deep passion for flying. But life can turn on you whenever it wants and Flurry Heart was about to learn this.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Witchhunt

As Flurry Heart heard her name getting called from the front of the class, she twitched. Her face distorted in an expression of shock and every muscle in her body was tense. Even though it was clearly her turn to step out to the blackboard, Flurry Heart just sat frozen on her stool. Maybe she heard wrong? Maybe it wasn't her name that was called? Maybe she had just understood “Flurry Heart” because of being so nervous and in reality, it was another student's call to tell how he got this name.

The thought eased the little alicorn somewhat. Surely it wasn't her name. Of course not. If it would have been, her teacher would stand in front of her desk now, demanding from her to finally step out, with how long she already hesitated. No, it was definitely not her. A moment later, though, Flurry Heart's hopes were crushed.

Her name sounded across the classroom again, louder this time, impatient. The sound of the voice crawled into her ears, like thick, slimy worms. Thick, slimy and hungry worms, with sharp teeth, who were in this moment busy with eating the insides of her ear canal. Flurry Heart knew this wasn't true..... But this was exactly how it felt to her.

No matter how terrible the voice felt in her ears, Flurry Heart knew this was something she couldn't do. A request that she could not fulfill, she just couldn't. Instead of giving in to the voice and do what was asked from her, Flurry Heart tried to turn the situation around in her favor. In an unusually intimidated way, she addressed her teacher. “Mr. Know? I-I can't tell how I got my name today. I-I'm sorry but it's impossible.”

Austere Knowledge raised an eyebrow while he looked at her with eyes that seemed to pierce right through her. “Can I take from this that you are the only one who has not retrieved the information?” his voice bellowed over to her.

“Y-Yes,” Flurry Heart lied. “There was too much homework yesterday and I was busy. There was no time to ask my parents.....”
Her nervous state made speaking this lie easier than Flurry Heart thought. It was easy to believe if one just closely observed her. Flurry Heart expected a disappointed sigh, more yelling and perhaps more detention from her teacher. But all of this was better than the other option. The consequences of telling the origins of her name would be far worse, Flurry Heart was well aware of this. For a second time this morning, though, she was wrong in her hopes.

With rapid movement, Austere Knowledge dashed in front of her desk. His forehooves crushed down on either side of Flurry Heart's desk and he planted himself in front of her threateningly. When he opened his mouth, there was just one word that he roared at her.


Startled by the loud voice right in front of her, Flurry Heart slid away from her desk, attempting to hide herself between the other students. Austere Knowledge, though, was faster.

His hoof darted forward and one second later, Flurry Heart felt a sharp pain in her ear as her teacher's hoof squashed it. She tried to get away, but his grip was too strong. “I know everything, little princess,” his sharp, condescending voice rang out again. “I know that you asked your mother and I know that she was telling you everything about your name. She was even lying about it at first, I can see where you have this attitude from.”

The heart of the little filly almost stopped as she heard these words. “How can he know?” she thought in distress. “Who told him about it?” Before she could speak out these questions and address them to her teacher, she felt pulled out of her seat by him and dragged in front of the class. “But now the lies are over!” he hissed again. “Now it's time to be honest, princess! Now you will tell everypony what happened! They all have the right to know it, the time of royal secrets is over!” He gave Flurry Heart a last push, then he let go of her ear finally and just looked at her with a smug, expectant grin.

In a last attempt to avoid the horrible situation that was looming for her, Flurry Heart turned to the right and galloped in the direction of the classroom door, but found herself wrapped in the black aura of her teacher almost immediately.

Harshly, he dragged her back to her former spot and put her down with such speed that her hooves made a loud, thumping sound on the floor and started to hurt. “There is no escape, princess,” he mocked her. “You will tell everypony the truth now. Your parents have hidden it for too long. Everypony should finally know what you are!”

Flurry Heart's whole body began to shake. Carefully, she looked over the classroom, trying to delay the inevitable and considering her options. Only to realize that there weren't any. Her excuse had failed. Her attempt to escape as well. And now she was still wrapped in the black magic of her teacher, tightly kept in place by it in a way that made it impossible to try another attempt to gallop away. Everything was over and Flurry Heart knew that her teacher was right. The only thing left now was speaking the truth.

“I..... My name.....” she began in trepidation. The mouth of her teacher formed a broad grin.

Again and again Flurry Heart tried to speak out the horrible truth about herself, in a way that made it sound less awful than it was, and every time she tried it, her attempt fell flat. There was just no way to make everything sound harmless, she realized, and so, she decided to just say it as directly as she could. The longer she stood in front of the class, the more the situation was wearing at her. By now, Flurry Heart was so desperated that she just wanted to bring it behind her. She took a deep breath, then she revealed the horrible truth about herself:

“I have destroyed the Crystal Heart when I was a baby. That's what my parents named me after.”

If there was any reaction Flurry Heart didn't expect after this confession, it was the insufferable silence she was greeted with now. Nopony spoke a word, not even her teacher. And it also wasn't necessary. By looking into the faces of her classmates, Flurry Heart could see what was going through their minds as they tried to process everything.

All of a sudden, she felt the magical grip around her vanishing. Unsure what to do now, she looked up into the face of her teacher, who responded her glance with an icecold expression. “Go to your desk,” he said taut, in a way that made Flurry Heart shudder.

Still perfectly aware of it that trying to flee was useless, she did as she was told and made her way back to her desk at the side of Sunny Spirit, who was now looking at her like all her other classmates, except for a strange glimmer in her eyes that Flurry Heart couldn't explain. She expected Sunny to find her speech first, but instead, it was a filly who sat in the row behind her.

“Did you really do this?” she asked her in a shock-filled voice.
Flurry Heart didn't answer. Incapable of speaking now, she turned away from the filly and dropped her head. But apparently, it was all the answer the filly needed.

“Then you are dangerous,” she continued.

This sentence brought the rest of the class out of its shock state. A murmur went through the classroom and soon, many voices rang up to Flurry Heart.

“Yes, she's dangerous!”

“I bet she has dark magic!”

“Lock her away!”

The shouting of the voices grew louder and Flurry Heart began to shiver as more and more statements and accusations were thrown at her.

“That she destroyed the Crystal Heart must mean that she's a monster!” the filly behind her began again.

“Or a witch!” another filly chimed in. “That's it, just think about it! She is an alicorn and can use magic! She has destroyed the Crystal Heart and what else than dark magic can do this? And dark magic is only used by evil sorcerers and witches! Flurry Heart is a witch!”

Another murmur followed and the fillies and colts around Flurry Heart nodded in agreement with what the filly said. Soon, another filly repeated the words.

“Flurry Heart is a witch!”

“Yeah, a witch!” a colt in the last row shouted as answer and pointed his hoof at Flurry Heart.

More and more foals of the class began to use the terrible word and it took mere seconds until the whole classroom was shouting and chanting while repeatedly pointing at her.

“Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch!”

The voices around her became like a roaring thunder and as Flurry Heart couldn't take it anymore, she pressed her hooves on her ears in a desperate attempt to block out the chanting, but for some reason, the words still came through.

“Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch!”

As her ears began to hurt, she got off of her stool and attempted another escape, though like before, she felt wrapped up in Austere Knowledge's magic. Some of the unicorns made their way to her desk and used their horns to burn the word “Witch” into its wooden surface. Soon, the desk of Flurry Heart was cluttered with the accusation. As they were finished, they joined the other foals again and all of them gathered around Flurry Heart. Forming a tight circle around her, they didn't leave her out of their sight, all while she couldn't move away due to her teacher's magic that kept her in place. Instead of chanting, they began to attack Flurry with questions and statements now.

“Do you even understand what you have done? We need the Crystal Heart to live here!”

“Why did you destroy it? Are you working for somepony who wants to harm the Crystal Empire?”

“How did you do it? Tell us so that we can protect the Heart from you!”

Several times, Flurry Heart attempted to explain the exact circumstances that led to the destruction now that she was confronted like this, but every time she tried, another foal interrupted her.

“Tell us who you work for!”

“Are you already planning to do it again?”

“We can't trust you anymore, Flurry Heart!”

While the statements continously rained down on her, the foals drew ever nearer and the circle around Flurry Heart became tighter and tighter with every new statement or question. Helplessly, Flurry Heart looked around, trying to find at least one foal who was willing to stand up for her.

Her eyes fell on Magnolia Sunshine first, but as always, the rich filly with the white coat just looked at her with a mix of disgust and jealousy. And of course, she wasn't doing any actions to help her.

The next filly her eyes fell on was Fiery Breeze. Flurry Heart hoped that Starry Skies' friend with her strong sense of justice would talk some sense into everypony, but this time, nothing of the sort happened. As soon as she had set eyes on the filly, Fiery Breeze huffed. She spit into Flurry Heart's face. “Don't look at me, witch!”

At her side stood Starry Skies, who averted her gaze as the spit of her friend hit Flurry Heart. Flurry looked at her pleadingly, giving her the signal that she begged her to say something, anything, but Starry Skies just shook her head sadly, then she turned around and disappeared behind the other foals.

With tears forming in her eyes now, Flurry Heart wiped the spit off her face, as she noticed somepony approaching her from the left in the corner of her eye. A sudden feeling of hope emerging in her, Flurry Heart turned her eyes into the direction she heard the hoofsteps coming from. It increased as she saw Sunny Spirit.

“Sunny!” Flurry Heart reached out to her immediately. “Please tell them to stop! I didn't destroy the Crystal Heart on purpose!” Flurry Heart's voice was completely frantic now. “You are a crystal pony, Sunny, if you tell them to stop then they will–“ She was cut off by Sunny's hoof covering her mouth.

“No, Flurry,” she said, while slowly shaking her head, her eyes closed. “I won't tell them anything. I am a crystal pony, yes, but that's why I won't do it. I was born here, Flurry Heart. My parents were too. Even my grandparents were born here. And all my other friends too. You tried to destroy our home, Flurry.”

Terror building up in her face now, Flurry Heart pleaded Sunny more urgently. “But we are friends, Sunny! We always helped each other! Please, Sunny, tell them to stop!”

But once more, Sunny Spirit shook her head in the horrifyingly slow tempo. “Not anymore,” she answered. “It can't be excused what you did, Flurry. I can't excuse it. My parents had to live through King Sombra's reign and they suffered so much..... I can't sympathize with another villain that might let them suffer again.....”

“But I'm not a villain, Sunny! You know this! I didn't destroy the Crystal Heart on purpose, I would never do this! It was an accident, Sunny!”

“It doesn't matter if it was an accident or not, Flurry,” Sunny coldly replied. “My parents rely on the Crystal Heart. Everypony here does. I do. You could destroy it again one day and then everypony loses their lives. We are no friends anymore, Flurry Heart. Something must be done about you.”

Without paying her former friend any more attention, Sunny Spirit turned around and walked away, joining the other foals again.

“So, what should we do about the witch now?” the filly who had started it all asked.

Another filly, the one who had assigned the cruel term to Flurry Heart, answered. “Let's bring her outside. Outside of the protection spell, into the cold. We just leave her there. Then she will know what she caused and how the cold death she almost brought upon everypony feels!”

Whispers were exchanged between the foals, then most of them nodded.

The next one who spoke up was Sunny Spirit. “I don't think she has to die. But she can't be allowed to live in freedom anymore. Flurry Heart must be locked away in the dungeons deep under the ground, as far away from the Crystal Heart as possible.”

Another round of nods happened, although with smaller participation this time.

“But what if her parents refuse?” the filly who called Flurry Heart a witch asked with worry.

The answer from Sunny Spirit gave Flurry Heart chills.

“Then we will force them. Flurry Heart is a danger for us all, if her parents refuse to lock her away for our safety just because she is their daughter, then they aren't good rulers. We will tell them what we want and if they don't do it, we will inform everypony and then storm the castle and lock up Flurry Heart by ourselves. They can't stand in the way of all of us.”

This suggestion of a possible rebellion found broad approval again. Nearly everypony was nodding now, Austere Knowledge even sported a massive grin over the imagination.

The only one who didn't seem to be particularly happy about it was Magnolia. She stepped up to Flurry Heart and enfolded her wings. “I will agree, but only under one condition: Slice off her wings. That way she won't come far if she should ever manage to escape the dungeon. And I always wanted to have them anyway.....”

The suggestion once again found bround approval, only Sunny Spirit's face showed a slight expression of shock. She sighed. “I don't want that Flurry Heart gets hurt, we were friends once. But at least this one time you are right with something, Magnolia, and I agree with you. We must do everything to take care off it that she doesn't come anywhere near the Crystal Heart ever again.”

Flurry Heart's eyes dilated and she began to squirm around, desperately trying to break free from the spell. “No, Sunny, please! I-I promise, I won't try to escape! Please don't do this! Please don't do what Magnolia wants!”

But this time, Sunny Spirit just ignored her desperate pleading and so did the other foals.

The only reaction came from Austere Knowledge. The foals parted and let him through as he approached their circle. In a steady pace, he aimed for Magnolia, a big, sharp knife hovering in his magic in front of him. As he had reached her, he let it glide into her hooves, a gift that the pegasus filly happily accepted. “Do it,” he said in anticipation. “Her wings must become removed before we bring her into the dungeon.”

Magnolia didn't hesitate. She brought the knife into position, then moved it slowly down to Flurry Heart's wings. “Now your wings will be mine! Where you are going now, you won't need them.”

The terror in Flurry Heart's face grew. Streams of tears ran down it now. She could see how Magnolia came ever closer to her wings. As she had almost reached them, Flurry Heart tried to avoid her fate in a last, desperate attempt.

“Magnolia, please don't! I know you aren't evil! You were crying on the schoolyard yesterday! And you proved me that you won't hurt my wings anymore on the cloud! Do you remember?”

Magnolia ignored her questions, though. “Oh, of course I'm not evil! I know this. But you are, Flurry Heart. You are evil!”

She grinned diabolically and without giving Flurry Heart another opportunity to reach out to her, Magnolia finally let the blade of the knife come down on her wings and cut into them.

Flurry Heart started to scream, but before she could feel the pain of the knife cutting off her wings, she suddenly found herself sitting upright in darkness. In an unbelievably loud volume for her small lungs, she continued to scream into this darkness. Her scream was so loud that it startled the pony at her side.

“Hey, everything's fine!” a soft, yet slightly deep, voice rang out to her from the darkness.

Flurry Heart heard hoofsteps rushing towards her, then a bright, blue light shone into her face. She felt two big hooves grabbing her and shaking her little body gently. Panicking, she tried to get the hooves off of her, all while she continued her screaming unwaveringly loud.

“Hey, calm down, everything is okay!” the voice spoke to her again, slightly more hectic.

It was only now that Flurry Heart realized to whom the voice belonged. As sudden as it started, her screaming stopped and she turned her head into the direction from which both the voice as the hooves that were holding her came and found herself looking into the face of her dad, who smiled at her in a gentle, yet worried, way. Flurry Heart needed a moment to process what she saw in front of her, then her eyes teared up and she fell into her dad's arms.

Gently, he wrapped them around her and stroke over her mane, letting his daughter cry on his chest. “I guess you were dreaming about what your mom told you earlier.”

A muffled confirmation came from his chest in between the crying.

“No reason to worry about it anymore!” Shining Armor replied to it. “The dream's over, it's all fine.”

Flurry Heart moved away from him. Sniffing, she dried her tears, then she looked up to him with a haunted expression. “Only until tomorrow,” she said. “Then everypony will know and once they do, I can't show myself outside anymore.....” New tears appeared in her eyes.

Seeing the distraught face of his daughter almost broke Shining Armor's heart. For a moment, he let his head sink, eyeing the bedsheets.

“I guess in the end it was a really dumb idea to call you 'Flurry Heart' based on what happened. We both regret it. I found your mom crying in the kitchen when I returned after the delegates had retreated into their guest rooms.” Hearing this let Flurry Heart almost cry again and a pained expression appeared on her face.

Shining Armor looked up again. “But we're going to fix it, Flurry! The royal decree was delivered on time, the messenger told us when she returned a few hours ago! Nopony will find out.”

Instead of seeing the face of his daughter lighting up, she just cast a sad glance aside. “I'm not sure.....” Her voice sounded weak.

Shining Armor set up the most confident expression and voice he could muster. “Hey, we already altered schoolbooks to cover it up! We can deal with a school assignment!” He playfully nudged her shoulder with his hoof.

Now Flurry Heart looked up to him, giving him a thankful smile. Just a moment later, though, her eyes dilated in shock and she became frantic. “No!” she exclaimed. “How late is it? I still have a lot of homework to do and now there's probably no time anymore!” Hectically, she attempted to jump out of her bed, but Shining Armor held her back.

“Don't worry about this. It's already taken care of!”

Flurry Heart stopped in her movement and looked up to him with big, curious eyes. “How?” she asked. Her face was full of riddles.

“Horn writing imitation spell.” He grinned and gave her a smirk.

Now his daughter's face was finally brightening up, both from being amazed that such a spell existed as from relieved that she didn't have to care about this problem anymore at least. She twined herself around him again, laughing in his coat. “Thank you, daddy!”

“Don't mention it.” He gently put a hoof on her mane. “But now you should go back to sleep. You still look tired.”

At first, Flurry Heart wanted to protest, but then she yawned, which was when she realized that her dad was right. She lied down again and Shining Armor tucked her in carefully. As she was covered by the blanket, Flurry Heart's face grew worried again and she shivered. Shining Armor noticed it.

“Don't worry about any more nightmares. I'll stay at your side and wake you up if you have another one!” He bent forward and kissed the spot under her horn.

Flurry Heart shot him another thankful smile as she felt her eyes getting heavy. She closed them, but was still noticing the bright, blue light from her dad's horn under her closed eyelids. “Don't turn off the light until I'm asleep, okay?”

“Don't worry!” her dad answered and Flurry Heart smiled again.

Shining Armor watched the peaceful, but frazzled, face of his daughter. As her breath had become slower and he heard quiet snoring noises, he stopped casting his light spell and sat down at the side of his daughter's bed again. Only the moon that shone into the room was illuminating it now, softly casting its silver light on Flurry Heart's face.

Wearing a stern expression, Shining Armor watched his daughter's sleep, paying close attention to detect any possible signs of Flurry Heart having another bad dream.....

Author's Note:

There's a small movie reference in this chapter. Can you find it?

And in case anyone wonders about Sunny Spirit's parents having witnessed King Sombra's reign:

Don't forget that, during the thousand years the Crystal Empire was gone, it was frozen in time together with all its citizens.
That's why Sunny's parents are still alive despite having been suffered through his reign more than a thousand years ago.