• Member Since 20th Dec, 2015
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Romance and Slice of Life Writer


Being sick of the way her hive treats their captives. Lithera escapes her life as a drone and heads towards the surface world. Once there however she finds out that not everything will be easy.

Will the now self appointed earth pony Bluebell find her way to the fabled village called Respite?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 17 )

and so it begins :)

*sticks in tracking*

Oh, yes, I think I'll keep reading this fic as it updates.

Not a bad start, Snow. A few differences from how I planned Respite's 'verse, but given the little information I gave you to keep spoilers out, I have to say you put a nice little spin of your own on things.

Keep it up.

Well I'll be starting on chapter two in a bit and try to learn more from your tales Zommy.

this might turn out to be a good read Tracking. :ajsmug:

7223033 I hope I won't disappoint. :twilightsmile:

So many possibilities for the coming visit to Hoofstead. Will Bluebell be able to keep it together when she sees the devastation firsthand?

i liked the development in this story, keep up the good work snowy

Well, well, well! Seems you have some stories of your own. I do take a look at people's accounts when they put me on follow. Most of my followers either have no stories, invisible stories, or are inexplicably banned. Yours seem to have pretty decent ratings on them! So if you don't mind, I'm just going to take a peek at this one here — all copypasta'd as per my usual shtick.

I had finally made it. My horn was cracked, and my gossamer wings torn, but I had finally made it out of the caverns and into the lush forest. The morning sun warmed my black chitin as I blinked in the bright light, trying to gather my wits about me.

First person! I love that format. Good, strong opening paragraph too.

First, though, I needed a disguise. And seeing as Earth ponies were the kind of pony that were by far the most common in this area, I decided that becoming one of them was my best chance to blend in. It also saved me the hassle of explaining why my horn or wings weren’t functional every time I ran into some passerby.

Fair enough. Her wings and horn don't work and all that. Lucky thing her transformation spell still works with her horn out of commission.

Let’s see… Beige fur? Check. Smooth two tone blue and indigo mane? Check. Bright hazel eyes? Also check. Then, I turned my head for the last detail. Cute flank with flower picture? Yup! Say goodbye Lithera, and hello Bluebell.

Less clumsy than some of my early attempts at pony color description... I'm looking at you, Siege of Castle Harmony. Yeesh... :fluttershyouch:

“Oh please, can anypony help me!” I called out, “I got lost in the woods and have ran out of supplies!” Nailed it. Sure, it was cliché as could be, but the pony—a stallion—perked up his ears and looked my way before quickly scrambling to his hooves.

Why would she address this lone stallion as "anypony"? It may sound like nitpicking, but I imagine the stallion cringing at being addressed to in such a neglectful manner, as I am. I'd imagine she would say something like "Please, mister, won't you help me?" Or something that addresses him specifically. It would be a lot less suspicious for her to have stumbled into him in the woods than called out to him as if she hadn't seen him when she clearly had.

He held me close and caressed my mane tenderly. Making soothing shushing sounds while I eagerly drank from the well of caring emotions he expressed towards me. They tasted delicious, mind you.


He looked at me for a moment and shook his head. “No, Bluebell. Because hating anypony never solved anything.

Then why did we evolve to hate? Surely it did something to help us thrive as a species. Ignoring that snark, it is interesting to read a pony story where the mare explicitly plays off a stallion's patriarchal instincts. That's pretty rare. Usually, the society is portrayed as blatantly matriarchal like the actual show, or egalitarian.

“You’re all right now, filly. I’m Evergreen and I often go camping in these woods. You can stick with me until we get back to somewhere with a bit more civilization if you like.”

He's not curious if any others survived the attack?

If there had been any doubts about Evergreen’s masculinity before, those notions were certainly gone now. Feeling a blush heat up my cheeks, I stared at the situation and swallowed softly. On the one hoof this was really flattering. On the other hoof, embarrassment was a thing.

Ha! Man, that was a Kkat level of riding the line between an M-rated sex scene and a T-rated one. Kudos!

In the end being cozy and warm won out and I decided that social awkwardness could wait until the next morning. Because, to be fair, I had teased him just before bed, so this was most likely my fault. But, to be honest, he was asleep so it probably happened unconsciously right?

Yet, secretly I still hoped I was the cause of it.

The pace is too fast. I'm not really seeing the relationship form organically. Wasn't she just trying to use him to escape or something? Did she change her mind because of one hippie comment about love and tolerance?

My eyes widened and I dropped the cup as I spat the mouthful of coffee into the fire pit. “Blargh! W-What is that foul substance?” I exclaimed, only to find Evergreen trying not to laugh.

Coffee is horrible. I agree with the horsefly on this one.

Having soon collected everything, we lastly made sure that the fire pit was completely doused to prevent fires before we went on our way.

How very conscientious. :yay:

I'm left with some interesting questions to be answered as the story progresses: Why are changelings attacking the ponies? What is the difference between this universe's politics and the canon of MLP? What station does Bluebell normally hold in changeling life? I can judge from the description of the story that she's tired of battle and wants to go to a city where changelings and ponies live in peace, but I still have very little to go on.

Soon I was sweating profusely as I trotted next to Evergreen.

Add a comma after soon.

Whoever designed these season things needed to be kicked in painful areas.

They're all painful if you kick them hard enough! :rainbowlaugh:

The fire had first appeared from a mound of old leaves and nesting material that we kept in one of the side tunnels. In our generally dry hive, the flames didn’t have much trouble spreading, setting more and more things ablaze within minutes.

Panic spread swiftly alongside the heat and smoke and only increased when a few of us couldn’t escape and were overcome by the racing flames. We tried spitting resin slime at it but that only seemed to fuel the fire.

Then our queen, Femora had shown up leading a group of warriors carrying huge bowls of water. She called to us over the roar of the flames, telling us to stay under the smoke and where they poured it flames died away. I would never forget the sights or smells from that day.

This can all be combined into a single paragraph.

“Why do you put those stones around the wood anyway Evergreen?” I asked the earth pony while he placed rocks in a circle around a heap of dry grass and twigs.

He smiled looking at me for a second. “To control the size of the fire Bluebell.

Golden rule of dialogue is to always add commas before the character's name.

If all ponies were like Evergreen, then surely my hive had been totally wrong in their method of harvesting love from ponykind. Because if I kept being fed like this every day I would become a very bloated bug in no time!

Well, there is that one story, Changeling Roun, that's essentially built on this concept. Good story. Such a shame Demon Eyes Laharl has distanced himself from the community.

Luckily I was a somewhat rational changeling and not one of those Locust. Though I had to admit that my former nestmates had been little better than them.

Locusts sound like they might be connected to the raiders that attacked the village earlier. I wonder if that's true?

Besides, Evergreen kept me filled up with love pretty nicely, so I was not exactly craving for a snack at the moment. Yet the sight still left chomping at the metaphorical bit.

"Chomping at the bit" means to be eager to get started on something. Not really a good metaphor, unless you reach for it.

Fully awake now, Evergreen nuzzled my mane and planted soft kisses along my ears. Which in all fairness did soothe my nerves rather nicely. “That’s just lightning followed by thunder sweetheart, it’s storming after the hot day.” He calmly reassured me, earning a shaky nod in return.

He's taking this a bit too unquestioningly, in my opinion. Still, I'm actually kinda into this! It's holding my attention.

He nodded without hesitation and traced my lips with kisses. “I believe you Lithera, or do you prefer Bluebell? If you didn’t care you would have left me after I sent you to the market, is there anything more I should know?” He had a point there.

I disagree with his logic. She's still injured and dependent on him. If she's defected from her tribe, and her tribe is now hostile towards her, she has every reason to maintain her cover and continue the deception. I'm also wondering what he's been doing all this time in the forest. Why did he choose this nomadic existence when he was living in the city? I get that he's lonely, but he's taking a huge risk by throwing in with a changeling he just met and has done little more than have sex with.

Don't get me wrong, this story is actually kind of interesting! I have a firm grasp of the basics of this world: ponies and changelings are in conflict with each other, and two sympathetic opposites find comfort in one another. That's well-worn reliable material to work with. I'll take a good-natured story about two ponies meeting up and falling in love from a newbie writer than some edgy, M-rated gore nonsense involving Sonic The Hedgehog. I'll give this a like. May you continue to write and improve. I'll be watching.

7287143 I'm.. I'm so flattered to be acknowledged by the writer of one of my favorite gentlemanverse stories? I'll certainly try to improve but I've only been writing for four months so kinda new, but thank you kindly.

7287238 If you ever need any help with proofreading and explaining the intricacies of idiomatic American English, I'd be happy to proofread for you. :twilightsmile:

I give a one Daaawwwww. Inwould have to agree with the others, the story seems to be progressing way too fast. Good story tho

This is a fine premise: I do look forward to learning how "Bluebell" and Evergreen's relationship grows, and how "Blue" will deal with her identity as a changeling that requires the love of others to survive. And her personality as a "pony" is intriguing: I wonder if that's how she is as a changeling, or if it's all just an act.

If I have one complaint, it's that the relationship is progressing a bit too quickly: they literally just meant and there's already blatant sexual tension between them. A bit too early for that, I think, but it can still work.

I will be tracking this. I look forward to more!

Time for criticism.

I do enjoy the idea of Bluebell's character, particularly her ignorance of normal pony customs and other things that ponies take for granted. Expanding on this idea would be an excellent idea.

Also, as I said before, the duality of Bluebell vs Lithera is an interesting place to explore, as she struggles to figure out which one is her "true" face between the differences between them. Your headcanons about different changeling hives with their own leaders, territories and cultures is also a fantastic idea and I would love to see you expand on it more.

However, as some have said before, your biggest problem is that Bluebell and Evergreen's relationship is progressing too quickly. They leap from strangers who met under a dire circumstance to teasing each other to lovers within the span of a couple of days. This is, unfortunately, not very believable at all and takes away a bit from the story. Actually seeing Blue start to fall in love, genuine love with Evergreen and coming to care for him as an individual rather than a source of food would be something that I would love to see you explore.

Also, Evergreen suddenly figuring out that Bluebell is a changeling and being okay with it is d'aw-worthy, but it raises a lot of questions: namely, how exactly did he figure out that she was a changeling? How does he feel about it? And how did he come to be okay with it? Figuring out that the pony that you rescued from a forest and had sex with has been lying to you from the start and very likely was just using you is a deep betrayal, and I would imagine that he'd struggle with this revelation for a while before coming to terms with it, at all. The very quick brush-off is just not believable.

One other thing: what exactly were the pegasus couple discussing that was taboo in Lithera's clan? Directions? Why? This is unexplained and sticks out.

You still have a great concept, and I want to see you bring this story to its full conclusion. If you ever need any ideas, feel free to ask.


The emotions he fed me at that moment would go straight to my hips I’m sure.

Too funny. :rainbowlaugh:

7680071 Bluebell is very aware that she's acting too fast with Evergreen, Evergreen on his part figured her out quickly because of things she did and things yet to be revealed about his own past experiences with changelings, also the world building wasn't mine but ZOMG's he created this universe with his story The Village Called Respite. and I promise I will resume this story one day.

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