• Published 5th May 2016
  • 1,487 Views, 13 Comments

Shattered Hearts - EldinKaiser

Two lovers that are tested by a devastating tragedy.

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Shattered Hearts

Hey, how's it going? My name is Button Mash. I am currently a sophomore at Canterlot's school for graphic designing. My hopes in life are to eventually do what I love and play and develop video games. Granted, my mom says that I won't get an actual future like that, but my marefriend since we were young, Sweetie Belle has hope in me and that's all I need.

Now, I know what you're asking. All this time and we're still not engaged? Well, I planned on asking her that night over a candle lit dinner at her favorite restaurant, Sapphire Garden. Though, one thing that stopped me at the time from asking her hoof in marriage was her sister and to be honest, Rarity use to scare me. Especially with her husband, Spike, by her side. Though, it is something that I overcame. I asked her and everything, but at a turn of unfortunate events. It's been over a year ago since it all happened. I remember it as if it was yesterday.

As I arrive back in Ponyville, the first thing I see is Sweetie Belle playing with the local young foals. "Uncle Button!" Rarity and Spike's foal came running up to me. I smile and kneeled down. "Hey there little guy!" "Do you have any new games, Uncle Button?" He asked.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Not this time, maybe next time." I say, patting the top of his head. He nodded and took back off to play with the rest. As I look back up I see Sweetie Belle standing there, her eyes glistening, the sun reflecting from her mane. I couldn't help but blush when I saw her.

"Hi Button!" She exclaimed happily as she wrapped her forelegs around me in a tender embrace. "Hello, my sweet." She looks at me and smirks playfully. "So, instead of Sweetie Belle, I'm your sweet now?" She playfully mocked.

I smiled and nodded. "Well, of corse you are. Why wouldn't you be?" I say before sticking my tongue out at her playfully. She rolled her eyes and turned around with the both of us walking around.

"So what brings you back to Ponyville. I wasn't really expecting you back for another month." She stated as she walked beside of me. "Well, I need to talk to your sister about something, also I kind of have something planned for us tonight." I say, trying not to grin too much.

She shot me a confused look, but nodded softly. "Well, sis and Spike are home right now, though she's getting dresses made up for Sunset and Twilight's wedding, so it may be a while before you get a chance to talk to her." She replied to me.

"Well, I won't be in too long. Just gotta ask her something and go." She paused and looked at me with a suspicious look. "Button, what are you planning?" She asked me, looking me dead in the eyes.

"W-well, I was going to take you out to a place in Canterlot tonight, I don't know what time we'll be done and then I was going to bring you back to my apartment. That's the part that I need to ask Rarity about." I said trying to hide what else I was going to ask.

She shot me another suspicious look before nodding. "Well, alright then, Applebloom and Scootaloo was wanting me to meet up with them for a few, so I guess while I do that, you can talk to sis." She said, her beautiful smile coming back once more.

I nodded and gave a soft sigh of relief. "Ok, where do you think you may be?" "Probably up at Twilight's, she asked me to sing at her wedding. Scootaloo was asked to fly overhead, releasing a purple and red cloud of smoke, and Applebloom and AJ are cooking. Basically, all we're doing is rehearsals. For the fifth day in a row..." She said, her toned somewhat annoyed.

I nodded softly before leaning in and kissed the top of her head. "Alright, I guess I'll meet you at Twi's castle then?" She blushed and smiled softly. "Yeah, though please don't interrupt anything when you show up. Sunset may have your tail over that." She joked.

I laughed softly and turned to leave, but felt her magic tug at me slightly. "Now hold it. I better at least get an actual kiss before we go separate ways." She teased before leaning up and kissed me softly with me returning the kiss.

"See, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" She asked with me shaking my head. "Not at all." I replied, blushing slightly. She grinned and nuzzled into me softly. "Alright, well, I'll see you here in a little while." She said before we took our separate ways.

I arrived at Rarity's home to automatically hear her constantly bark out orders to Spike. "Oh wow, she really is busy. M-Maybe I should ask about asking for Sweetie Belle's hoof in marriage another time." I say, not realising that Applebloom was behind me. "What did I just here?!" She happily yelled out.

I jolted and spun around, my face a ghostly white. "I-I, um...Hi Applebloom! How are you?" I said, hoping that I could quickly change the subject.

"Oh no no no. If I think I heard you right, you said that you were gonna ask for Sweetie's hoof." She said, a sly grin on her face. Oh sweet Celestia, why did I say that out loud?

I stood there for a second, doing my best to regain my thoughts. "W-Well..." I looked around, trying to come up with something to say, though finally gave a sigh of defeat. "Ok, yes, I am wanting to ask Rarity about Sweetie's hoof in marriage." I say, pulling my hat over my face to hide any embarrassment.

"Excuse me, Button's, but did I hear you correctly?" Rarity's voice came from behind me. Oh great! I thought she was still inside! I turned around, my face probably as white as snow.

"Y-Yes, Ma'am." I stated, preparing for the worse. I know she didn't care for me much because of my future career choices so I was expecting a no. "Well, you make her happy, don't you? What would give me the right to tell you no?" She said, my eyes automatically lighting up.

"Now, granted, I'm not to...fond of you choices in college, but I know you will treat her right and she will be happy and that's all that matters." Rarity said, with Spike coming around the corner.

"Though, let me say this little guy." He said, his eyes meeting mine. "You dare hurt her. I will make sure that you suffer." He said, his voice in a deep growl.

Rarity looked at him, shoving him aside. "Please, Spike, we both know that I could do more damage than you can. Especially when it comes to my little sister." She said before shooting me a menacing grin. I looked at her, gulping down what felt like a whole tree in my throat.

"So, where do you plan on taking her? OH! And also, what does the ring look like?!" She asked me, turning around to walk inside of her house with me following.

"W-Well, I plan on taking her to her favorite place in Canterlot. Sapphire Garden with a candle lit dinner. As for the ring, that's going to have to wait till she shows you." I said jokingly.

She looked at me, practically glaring a hole through me. Spike laughed slightly and patted me on the back. "If you wanna walk out of her with your boy bits intact, you may wanna show her." Spike said. I nodded and pulled out box from my saddle bag and opened it to show a silver ring with two sapphires that surrounded a diamond in the shape of a heart.

Rarity looked at me in awe and smiled. "T-That must have cost you a fortune. Didn't it?" She asked. I smiled and shrugged. "Well, why do you think I never proposed to her? I was saving up until I could find a ring that I was happy with to give to her." I say, blushing once more.

Rarity looked down at me and smiled, tears happily flowing from her eyes. "Button, listen, I know she will be in good hoofs with you. The only reason I give you a hard time is because she's my sister. It's like how Spike will react when our daughter is ready to start dating"

"Never will happen!" Spike yelled out from the other room. "Spike! Don't make me come in there!" She yelled back.

I chuckled softly and smiled. "Well, you need to get going before it get's to dark, my dear. Promise me one thing. Tonight, make sure that her eyes glow. Make sure that you make this the most magical night of her life." Rarity said as she pushed me out the door.

I happily nodded. "If she comes back disappointed, you can send Spike after me." I say, joking around. "Looking forwards to it!" I hear Spike calling out with me feeling my heart sink slightly.

"SPIKE!" Rarity growled out before looking back at me. "Just do your best and good luck, Button." She said before shutting the door.

As I walked towards Twilight's castle with Scootaloo standing in front of it, a happy, but sly grin along her face. "So, Applebloom told me what you have planned." She said.

I paused and turned towards her. "Did she tell Sweetie Belle?" I asked, starting to panic a bit. She shook her head with a wave of relief flowing through me. "Oh thank Celestia." I sighed out.

Scootaloo smiled and walked into Twilight's castle. "Sweetie Belle! You're future hubby is here to get you." She called out.

"Hold on! I'll be done in a minute!" She called out. She stepped around the corner to dart to the other side of the castle in a beautiful dress that slightly swept along the ground.

I felt my face light up instantly, a giddy smile coming along my face. "Think about it Button, that's going to be what she may look like on your wedding day." Scootaloo teased, nudging me playfully.

I grunted slightly, looking up at her. "Not funny, Scoots." "Aw, c'mon it's adorable seeing you all blushy, especially over one of my best friends." She picked at me.

Shortly after Sweetie Belle ran up to me and kissed me softly. "Are you ready to go?" She asked me. I smiled and nodded, starting to fill like butterflies were floating around in my stomach.

We walked away to hear Scootaloo and Applebloom whistling at us. "Go get 'em tiger!" Applebloom called out. "Stop it you two!" Sweetie Belle called out, the both of them returning back inside of the castle.

As we got on the train to Canterlot and sat down. Sweetie Belle sat down and nuzzled up to me. "So what all do you have planned?" She asked me.

"Well, if we get there before it closes. I would like to take you out to Sapphire Garden, then maybe go to the outskirts and hang out there for a while to watch the night sky." I say, blushing deeply.

She looked up at me, slightly in shock. "Sapphire Garden? Can you afford that?" She asked. "Well, I saved up some bits and wanted to treat you a little pampered princess for once." I teased.

She looked at me and grinned playfully, nuzzling back into me. "Trying to spoil me, I see." She joked. "Well, of course, only the best for you." I say, holding her close to me.

As we pulled into Canterlot it was nearing sun down. Which means we still have plenty of time to get there, thankfully. As we walked towards Sapphire Garden, that feeling of butterflies in my stomach continued to grow. I knew that if I could fly, I would have been miles in the air.

When we finally arrived, the sun was finally over the horizon, the moon proudly glowing in the night sky. I walked in and opened the door for her with the waiter greeting us at the door.

"Good evening, sir and madam, is there only two of you?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "Yes, just me and the misses." He nodded and walked us over to our table which was glowing a faint light with two candles at being its only source of light.

I glanced over at Sweetie Belle and smiled. "So, what do you think so far?" She looked up at me, as if she knew what was going on. "B-Button, what are you planning?" She asked me, blushing deeply.

"Just wait, I promise, it will be worth it." I said before kissing the top of her head. She nodded and nuzzled into me once more before we took our seats. The waiter came up and took our orders, she was still shy around me, the blush still showing along her face.

After we got done eating a small choir began to sing an angelic chorus. Sweetie Belle glanced back for a few seconds, which gave me enough time to grab the ring and I walked up beside of her. "Sweetie Belle, I have to ask you something." I said with her looking up at me in curiosity.

"We've been together for years. We've had our ups and we've had our downs. We've been by each others side from day one just about." I said, then paused to bring the ring from my side and knelled down.

She brought up both of her hooves, covering her mouth in surprise as she looked at the ring in surprise, tears began to trickle down her cheeks. "Sweetie Belle. I couldn't imagine being with anypony else. You're the one I want to be with forever and always, but what I'm trying to say is that, Sweetie Belle. Will you do me the honor in being m-" Before I could finish, she reached out and almost tackled me, kissing me happily.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I will Button!" She cried out, holding me close. I smile and pulled the box open to reveal the ring, her eyes lighting up even more. I reached out and placed it on her hoof with the both of us holding each other once more. As we finally broke apart a bit, we began to hear applause from within the restaurant. The both of us extremely giddy. Or at least for the time being.

When we got our bill one of the fellow customers paid off our bill with a 'congratulations' wrote down at the bottom of it. We stepped outside and began to walk around Canterlot. "So what would you like to do now?" I asked her with a goofy smile on my face.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Well, we could go do what you said earlier, or we could go to your place and play a few video games. Either or is fine with me. Besides, I have something I need to tell you as well" She said, nuzzling up to me.

I smiled back down at her, though quickly our happiness was broken by a stammering prince. "H-hey baby, wanna lose that little punk and get with a prince?" He said stepping out of a bar. She hid behind me with me stepping towards him. "Hey, how about you back off." I said, eyeing him down.

He looked at me and laughed. "Please, I'm Prince Blue Blood. I can have either one of you locked away for good!" He said, his voice reeking of alcohol. "I can come up to her and smack her flank if I wanted to and get away with it!" He said in a cocky drunken tone.

"In fact..." He darted behind me and raised a hoof up to slap her flank, I looked and turned to push him away. Though I heard a loud thud as he connected a hard hit against her stomach "Get away from her." I demanded, my eyes not leaving his.

"You dare put your nasty hooves on me?!" He growled at me. "Sweetie Belle, you know where I live. Go and stay there until I come back." I asked her with her nodding and taking off running. One thing I didn't notice was her limping away. "Sweetie Belle? Isn't that the sister of that bitch Rartiy?!" He asked.

He then looked at me once more. "Bah! Leave my sights, I don't want to dwell with the likes of trash!" He said, waving his hoof towards me. I don't know what happened, but I knew I blacked out upon hearing him say that.

Only thing I remember is waking up to see him lying on the ground and me being pulled away from the bar's bouncer. "Listen, kid, we saw what happened, but you need to get out of here. The Prince will get his revenge if he see's you before he wakes up. We'll just tell him that he fell down drunk when he wakes up. We saw what happened, so don't worry about getting in trouble. Just get out of here now." He said.

I nodded and took off towards my apartment. I finally arrived, out of breath and panting heavily. I walked into my apartment to see a few droplets of blood on the ground. My heart automatically sinking. "O-Oh no..." I said, thinking the worse.

"Sweetie Belle!" I called out, tears coming from my eyes. I look around to see another few droplets of blood in front of the bathroom. I push open the door slowly to see Sweetie Belle crying out.

"S-Sweetie? P-Please tell me you're ok." I said. She cried out in pain slightly, her body twitching. "C-Call the ambulance!" She pleaded. I nodded, rushing into the living room and grabbed the phone calling the ambulance service.

As I sat in the emergency room, tears already stained my cheeks. I had to end up calling Rarity, Applebloom, and Scootaloo. I know that Rarity and Spike were going to kill me, but I didn't care. I just wanted Sweetie Belle to be safe.

As they arrived. Spike was the first one to great me with a...more than welcoming hello, I guess. "HOW DARE YOU LET HER GET HURT?!" He snapped at me, slamming me against the wall.

I didn't say a word back to him, he was right. Less than ten minutes of being engaged and I ended up possibly letting her die. "Spike, put him down this instant!" Rarity said.

Spike huffed at me, smoke coming from his nostrils and into my face before dropping me back where I sat. Next was Rarity's turn. Though it surprised me, she sat down beside of me.

"What happened, Button?" She asked me. "B-Blue Blood." I said to the best of my ability, my voice being hoarse from crying. "Prince Blue Blood done this? How?! What happened?!" She said, starting to get impatient with me.

I done my best to clear my throat and began to speak. "As we were walking around, he came out of a bar drunk out of his mind. He tried to smack Sweetie Belle on the flank and I pushed him away which caused him to hit her in her stomach. I didn't know that happened and asked her to wait on me at home. He made a rude remark and I beat the shit out of him. When I returned home, I see blood on the ground in front of the bathroom and went to see what was wrong. From what I saw, she was bleeding, a lot. After I called the ambulance, I tried my best to get her cleaned up and care for her and she fainted. When the medics arrived, she was bleeding from her..." I pointed down to between my legs. "And now we're here..." I said, my eyes not leaving the ground.

Rarity grew silent, though I could see that her body began to shake with rage. "That...That son of a BITCH!" She snapped. I flinched expecting the worst and turned my head away from her.

She looked and wrapped her forearms around her. "Button, you did nothing wrong. You did what you thought was right. You done your best to save and protect her. I'm not mad at you, but I will see to it that son of a bitch is put away." She said. I nodded, but broke down once more, sobbing into her. "I-I'm so sorry Rarity..." I cried out.

She looked at me shook her head. "It's ok, you did nothing wrong, my dear. You did protect her to the best of your ability. That's all I could ask for." She said, trying to calm me down. I nodded, though didn't manage to calm down. I just wanted to see that she was safe.

Finally, an hour passed by with the doctor coming out. "Mr. Mash? Could you come here?" The doctor asked. I jolted up from my seat and rushed over. "Y-Yes sir?" "Well, I got good news and bad news. The good news is that she's perfectly fine. The blood lose just made her faint, thankfully we got her here in time to ensure her safety. Now for the bad news." He said, giving a sigh of grief.

"She is awake and she was wanting to be the one to tell you, but she is so sceptical that it'd probably be best if I told you." He said, more grief in his voice. The only thing I could think of is that she could have been pregnant and that fear became a reality. "She had a miscarriage. You were an expecting father." He said.

My heart sank upon hearing that. "Can I go see her?" I ask with him nodding. I followed him with Sweetie laying up on the bed, her eyes and cheeks stained with tears. I walk over to her and sat down beside of her. "Y-You needed to tell me something?" I asked her.

She nodded and looked over at me. "You're a father." She said, softly, her own voice hoarse. I looked up at her, slightly confused. "That's what I was wanting to tell you, but thanks to Blue Blood, that's not going to happen..." She said, tears beginning to form in her eyes once more.

I stood up and kissed the top of her head. "I-I'm sorry Sweetie...I should have done more to protect you." I said, doing my best not to break down once more.

She looked up at me and shook her head. "It's ok, y-you did your best." She said, choking back her own tears.

"Yeah, but I ended up causing you to lose our first foal." I cried out. She shook her head. "No you didn't, that bastard Blue Blood did. If it wasn't for him, we could have been a happy little family." She said, tears flowing freely from her cheek.

A knock was heard on the door with Rarity standing there. "Sweetie Belle, could I say something?" She asked. Sweetie looked up and nodded slightly. "W-when me and Spike first got married, we ended up losing our first two foals. We were devastated, but we took it like this and I know that you don't want to think like this either, but neither you or Button is ready for a foal. It's a blessing in disguise. You two will always honor your foal's memory and still love it unconditionally." She said, looking at the both of us. We both knew that it was the truth and didn't want to agree with it, but we both nodded slightly.

As I stand here today, me and Sweetie are both happily married, we laid our daughter to rest this time last year and here I am standing over her grave side. Blue Blood was placed in prison for murder of a unborn infant surprisingly enough.

As for Sweetie Belle. She is beside of me, with our newborn unicorn daughter held close. "This is your older sister, Rose Violet. Her name was Golden Canvas." Sweetie said, talking to Rose Violet, tears beginning to flow freely from her eyes. I looked at the both of them and wrapped a foreleg around Sweetie.

"C'mon, let's head on home. It looks like it's going to rain soon." I said softly. Sweetie looked up at me and nodded back. "We love you, Golden Canvas, very much and mommy and daddy misses you, more than anything." She said as we turned to head back home.

Call it what you want, a blessing in disguise or not, a mistake, whatever. All I know is that Golden Canvas is still with us, though instead of being with us in body. She's with us in spirit to watch over us all, especially her little sister.

Comments ( 13 )

It is so heart felt and sad!!! :raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

Aww. Good job, DinKaiser!

BTW, the cover art is really cute:heart:

Ok! A few things.

1. ButtonBelle is a ship that I grew out of. I mean, I don't hate it, or even dislike it, but it's a little bit stale for me. This however, is reminding me of what I liked about the ship. This is a nicely put together story.

2. Prince Blueblood is a dick!

3. That last few paragraphs were very sad, if not heartbreaking. It's very well executed.

Overall, I like to call this story: One Of The Best ButtonBelle Stories I Ever Read! :pinkiesmile: :twilightangry2: :applecry: :heart:

congradulations golden canvas you officially had a shorter life span the harlamshake
(That's an academy record) srsly though da feels:(

But on the other hoof what would be the practicality in a golden canvas when you try to paint a blue sky you get a cotton field and cotton feilds are Rasict

But da feels

Also rairity losing her first two foals isn't surprising SENSE SPIKE IS A REPTILE WHOS SPECIES DOES NOT GIVE LIVE BIRTH I rest my case

7190473 I'm glad that you liked it! ^^

7190703 thank you so much. As for the cover art. It's not something I drew, though I wanted to include a scene with the cover art and that was the greatest thing I saw. ^^;

7190854 thank you for your kind words ^^ as for it being put in one of the best, I dunno about that. But all in all, I understand at falling out of the ship. I'm kind of out of it as well, but I had an urge to write it xD

7191188 Honestly, the reason I picked that name was because as a term for the golden canvas of the sky. Something that can hold amazing beauty. I'm glad that you liked it though ^^

I haven't seen a ButtonBelle pop up for a while now, nor have I read one. I really enjoyed this one, though there were a few grammar mistakes here and there. Definitely a feels warning on this story though, :fluttershyouch: so sad. Nonetheless, this story was very nice :).

I was just trying to be funny was I ?

7192304 ohhh sorry about that, when I was getting to the comments i was half asleep ^^;;;

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