• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 702 Views, 4 Comments

Applejack's Lament - Darkblaze15

Applejack struggles to cope with a terrible event that is haunting her from her past.

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Chapter 1: A Legacy Lived


The sun rises slowly across the sky, bathing the prosperous farmland in its precious morning glow. The local rooster cranes its neck and utters its famous yet tired-out phrase before returning to its slumber. No pony in the large farmhouse gives this daily call any extra thought, and they soon fall back asleep - all, except one. Applejack, the pride of the Apple family, the Element of Honesty, rises slowly from her bed, dreading the rooster's call as soon as she hears it, for it can only mean one thing - the day has finally come.

She wipes the sleep from her eyes, tears already starting to form, as she glances over at the largest picture frame sitting on her dresser; within its borders contains a photograph from years past, the portraits of two ponies holding each other in their embrace. The larger of the two, a handsome cream stallion with dusty brown mane and cowboy hat, stands proud next to the smaller one, a beautiful magenta mare with golden locks similar to her own. Applejack sighs heavily as she places the portrait of her parents back in its original position and sits in the middle of the floor, silently sobbing.

A rapid knocking suddenly came from the door; "MORNIN' APPLEJACK!!" Applebloom screeches in greeting from behind the barrier. After a pause, she knocks again, this time, more reservedly, "AJ? Helloooo-ooo. . ." she asks again but continues to receive no response. As the realization of the date slowly creeps across her face, however, Applebloom hangs her head and trots downstairs to leave her sister wallowing.

Eventually, Applejack gets over herself long enough to clamber downstairs to be with the rest of her family. Granny Smith and Big Mac are preparing breakfast while Applebloom watches them, keeping herself entertained. "Oh, hi Applejack," she says, noticing her sister coming down the stairs.

"Morning," Applejack says sullenly.

"Hey honey," Granny Smith greets AJ warmly but receives the same somber response from her grandfilly. "Now, what's the matter, child?" she asks, concern in her voice, "Come on, spit it out."

"I don't wanna talk about it," Applejack says as she plops down at the table, letting out another heavy sigh.

"Um, Granny," Applebloom says, "I think we should just let her be."

"And why in Equestria would I do such a thing to my own grandfilly?" Granny Smith asks.

"Our parents' anniversary," Big Mac says matter-of-factly.

Realization sweeps over Granny Smith's face, "Ah, I see now. Now I remember; how long has it been now - 10 years, I believe?" She suddenly sees she is not helping to improve Applejack's mood, so she cuts herself off. "Oh, sorry, honey, I know how much they meant to you-"

"It's alright, just-" Applejack responds tersely, "I don't want to talk about it right now if that's okay with the rest of you."

The rest of the Apple family look at each other, concerned for Applejack's well-being, as she storms out to start her chores for the day.

Granny Smith sighs, "I wish she wouldn't be so hard on herself about this."

"I know," Applebloom agrees, "She's no fun when she gets like this, and it's not like she can do anything about our parents being gone. Why can't she just accept it like the rest of us, instead of acting all mopey and sour to the rest of us?"

Big Mac says nothing as he looks out at Applejack somberly starting her work. Only he know why Applejack acts the way she does on this day, yet he cannot tell any pony else because of the promise he made to her, to protect her from harm.

* * * *

Later that day, Applejack is sent into Ponyville to pick up some new gardening supplies to replace the old ones. As she walks through town, she keeps her head down in sadness, hoping nopony will approach her on this depressing day. She shortly realizes that this will be impossible by having Pinkie Pie as a best friend, who just happened to be bouncing past when she sees her fellow Earth pony friend.

"APPLEJAAAACKKK!! Hi! How are you? Isn't it such a nice day! Well, I was just on my way to Sugarcube Corner when--" Pinkie rambles on, "Um, Applejack? Are you okay?"

"Hey, Pinkie," Applejack mumbles in greeting without lifting her head, "I'm fine, just, I'd like to be--AAUUGGH!" she cries as she suddenly falls into a pit disguised as the road. An amused cackling suddenly comes from a nearby tree.

"Hahaha, got ya!" Rainbow Dash flies out of the tree and inspects the victim of her latest prank. "Oh, no, Applejack," she gasps as Applejack clambers out of the pit, "I-I didn't know it was you. I didn't mean for this to happen to you."

"Yeah, alright," Applejack says, "See you two later," and she trudges along her path to the gardening store. Pinkie Pie watches her trot away and cocks her head to the side.

"Wow, Applejack must really not like your pranks anymore, Dashie," she says to her cerulean friend.

"No, I'm sure it wasn't my prank that's got AJ so down in the dumps," Rainbow Dash admits, "I think today's the day, again."

"What day is it?" Pinkie says confusedly.

"You know, the day her parents died," Rainbow Dash says in a hushed tone.

"Ooohhhhhh, that make sense," Pinkie Pie says, suddenly feeling less enthused than before, "So, we should just leave her alone - as usual?" she adds.

"Yeah, best not ruffle her fur for a while," Rainbow Dash says as they trot away. Meanwhile, Applejack had been hiding in an alley listening to their conversation, feeling a heaviness behind her eyes.

"It's not their fault my parents died," she says to herself as she continues her journey. Once at the gardening store, she begins collecting her items when she bumps into Fluttershy.

"Oh, sorry, exc-" Fluttershy stutters before turning around, "Oh, hello Applejack," she says more confidently, "how are you doing?"

"As good as I can be, I guess," Applejack replies sullenly, "What are you doing here?"

"Angel and I were going to plant some flowers for my cottage, and I was hoping to find some tools that would fit tiny bunny paws," Fluttershy answers, then notices Applejack's somber mood; "What's wrong, Applejack? You don't seem yourself today."

"Isn't it obvious what day today is?" Applejack says dejectedly.

"I don't know, what day-" Fluttershy suddenly realizes and sighs, "So, it's come around again, has it?"

"Yeah," Applejack says, "No offense, Fluttershy, but I'd rather be left alone until this passes, okay?"

"Well, um, okay Applejack," Fluttershy responds as Applejack pays for her materials and departs as quickly as she entered; she sighs again.

"I wish Applejack woudn't be so hard on herself about all this," she says to herself, "After all, it was only an accident," she adds as she continues to look around for bunny-sized gardening tools. Applejack was just outside the door when she heard Fluttershy's statement; she sighs as well.

"If only they knew," Applejack says to herself. But despite valuing honesty above all else, she knows this is one secret she can never let out in the open.