• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 1,110 Views, 32 Comments

Fire Dancer - Lucario247

A Pegasus mare has a fiery ability

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Chapter 2: Fiery Family Feud

Chapter 2: Fiery Family Feud

I was unfortunately grounded for ten days. I couldn't leave the house or practice my fire dancing. But I waited it out. It actually wasn't that much of a bad thing. I was able to play with Pepper and spend a lot of time with her. The fine came in and I worked honestly to pay it off. I'm not exactly sure why I was acting the way I was. Maybe to show my parents how responsible I really am. Or just to prove that my career is in fact very decent and not the least bit scandalous.

On the last day of my punishment, I managed to finish working for the fine. I was lying in my room, exhausted from working in the backyard.

"Wisp!? Can you come down here for a second?!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs.

I groaned but still sat up and trotted downstairs. My parents were standing really close to each other. They were obviously hiding something that was sitting on the table.

"What are you hiding?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well, your father and I have noticed that you have been working really hard to pay off the fine. So we decided to give you a small reward!" my mother said cheerily.

She and my dad moved and revealed a box. I looked at it and gasped.

"This... This is the dress that I wanted..." I was dumbfounded about how my parents had rewarded me.

It wasn't necessarily a party dress. It was more for my performances. The material was completely non-flammable, yet soft and light. The dress would stretch across my back and cover my flanks, while still allowing my tail to hang freely. It was in the pattern of a flame with the cliched colors of red, yellow, and orange. The dress came with a pair of stockings that were embroided with the same flame pattern. A choker would be around my neck, sporting a small metal emblem of a flame. While it would seem more like some sort of elaborate party dress, this would be the perfect outfit for a staged show.

"Mom... Dad, thank you so much!" I jumped up and hugged my parents.

Before they could respond, I grabbed the box and charged up to my room.

"I've gotta try this on!" I thought to myself, "I'll also need to practice in it."

I sat the box onto my bed and practically shredded it open. I pulled the dress out and began putting the clothing on. After I finished dressing I glanced at myself in the mirror. The dresses colors matched my color palette almost perfectly. Also the flame matched my personality and cutie mark.

"If I just put on some eyeliner and maybe some earrings, this outfit would be worthy of Photo Finish!" I thought to myself.

"Wow! You look so pretty!"

I nearly coughed up a fireball from the shock. Pepper had this strange habit of sneaking up on somepony without being noticed.

"Sweet Celestia, Pepper! You nearly scared the cutie mark off of me!"

"Sorry..." she looked genuinely ashamed.

"Hey, it's fine. Wanna watch me practice?"

She nearly went through the roof with excitement, "Would I?!"

A few days later, I was walking through the streets of Fillydelphia. I had run out of oil, so I was going to get some more. I weaved my way through the thick mass of ponies. I stopped trotting and leaned against a wall for a moment. I tugged at the choker that was around my neck. I decided that I wanted to wear that on the way to the hardware store. It was a bit tight, but I managed. I continued to trot to the hardware store.

When I reached the building I walked in and was greeted by an enthusiastic Zeta. She bounced around happily, causing her golden hair to fall into her black face and red eyes.

"Hi Wisp!!! Welcome back!!"

"Hi Zeta..." I said while rubbing my ear

"Oh! You're here for a new jar of oil, aren't you?!"

"Yup." I tried to not come here as often, because Zeta kind of weirds me out.

"I actually ordered a special type of oil, just for you! Why don't you come on back and I'll show you!"

"Gee, Zeta... That's awful nice of you!"

"Anything for our best customer!"

The energetic clerk walked behind the counter and motioned for me to follow her. I reluctantly followed. She brought me to a sort of staff room. She pulled out a jar of a saucy brown liquid.

"This new oil is designed to stay aflame longer, and it also releases fumes that are healthy to the environment!"

"Hm... Sounds interesting. I think I'll give it a shot. How much does...this cost... Uh, what are you doing, Zeta?"

She was holding the string to her clerk apron in her mouth. Her upper eyelids were lowered and she was staring at me strangely, almost like she was drunk. She was blushing slightly and she had a sly grin. She yanked the string and the apron fell to the floor, revealing black and gray striped socks on her four hooves. I watched in horror as she turned and looked at me over her shoulder, in way that might've been a seductive look for a colt.

"Why don't we use this oil for something else?" she cooed, "I was thinking, maybe...lubrication?"

I grabbed the jar and bolted from behind the counter. I didn't even bother going around the counter, I just went over. I literally flew out the door. After I sprinted a good block away, I exhaled in relief. I fortunately knew what days Zeta was off work.

I walked along, trying to forget what had just happened. I knew that Zeta was kinda obsessed with me, but I didn't think she'd go lesbo! It's actually not that I have a problem against lesbians, it's just I have a problem when they hit on me.

"Excuse me, aren't you that fire dancer that preformed at Harmony Plaza?"

I looked up and saw a pretty average colt standing in front of me. He had a mahogany coat with a chocolate mane. He had a suit on.

"Um, yes...?"

"I'm Mr. Daniels, but everypony calls me Jack!"

"Well its nice to meet you, Jack. I guess... Can I ask what you want?"

His polite smile disappeared and was replaced with a look of remembrance, "Oh right." he cleared his throat before continuing.

"I own a bar just a few blocks away from here, and we usually have a band play some songs on Wednesday nights. But when I saw your show a few weeks ago, I was stunned. I'm getting a bit off point so, I was wondering if you would be interested in performing at my bar!"

I was somewhat shocked. I rarely get "invited" to perform at places. Most of the time I just apply for jobs. Although, performing at bars is kinda risky. If I messed up and maybe dropped something, well, let's just say alcohol and fire don't equal happiness and joy. I remember, I performed at a bar once. I think they're still cleaning up the ashes. But that's another story.

"Um, I don't usually get hit with this kind of offer," he gave me a questioning look, "But I'd be glad to! Wait, as long as I can stay fully clothed."

He waved at me reassuringly, "Don't worry, it's not that kind of a place."

I sighed in relief. Jack gave me the time I should arrive to get hair and makeup done. He also told me the pay. 2500 bits! The most I've ever made. That meant I had to take the job.

I waved good bye to Jack and then continued back towards my house. I was happy. But I realized that I was going to have to do some hardcore planning and practicing.

And so I trotted home, thinking of my new job, and the pay.

My parents were reluctant to allow me to take the job. But they still agreed. They thought it would benefit my career planning or something. I quickly got dressed in my new dress and rushed outside. I signaled a taxi to take me to the bar. I didn't want to waste my time walking, so I could have more time to practice. About halfway to the place I realized that I hadn't visited the garden.

"Taxi! Take me to Serenity Park instead."

"We passed that a while ago. It'll cost ya extra. Ya sure?"


He turned the carriage around and headed to the park. I payed him and then quickly dashed into the garden. I sat on a nearby bench and tried to calm myself. I was getting pretty nervous. But I still knew I could do this.

I got up to leave the garden and grabbed my bag of things. The bar was. Lose enough that I could walk the rest of the way. As I cantered to the place, ponies stared at me in my dress. I didn't have time to acknowledge them.

When I arrived at the bar I headed backstage to unpack my things. The bar wasn't what I had expected. It was more of a techno dance club rather than a regular sports bar. I pulled out my special ribbon and the jar of new oil. I was still backstage when Jack came onto the stage.

"Ladies and gentlecolts, I'd like to introduce Wisp, the Fire Dancer."

A short but sweet introduction. And then I walked out from behind the curtain. I was greeted by polite applause and some cat calls from a few of the male audience members. I blushed a little bit.

I took the jar and unscrewed the lid. I dipped the entire length of the ribbon into the oil, save for the handle. After a moment of soaking it, I pulled the ribbon out and let the extra oil drip off. I smiled as I said something I had always wanted to say.

"Um, Please don't try any of this at home, or anywhere else for that matter. I am a professional and have had days of practice."

I got a few smiles and snickers from the crowd.

"Oh, and can somepony bring me a small tub full of water?"

A waiter near the bar hurried into the kitchen and then returned with a plastic bucket with some soap water in it. He smiled at me as he placed the bucket on the stage. I thought I caught sight of a small blush, but he walked away before I could get a good enough look.

I pulled the ribbon away and shook any extra oil off do it. I glanced at the audience for a moment. The group of ponies were watching me expectantly. Some colts were swooning over me in my dress. Some of their dates looked at them disapprovingly.

I took a deep breath as I prepared to begin the show. I took the ribbon and twirled it in the air as I pulled out my lighter. I flicked it on and brought the steady flame towards the oiled fabric. The ribbon instantly caught fire as I continued twirling it. Everypony in the place looked at me in shock and awe. I guess the DJ thought it would be interesting to put on a song while I performed. A poppy techno house song came on.

"Meh." I thought

I didn't necessarily enjoy house, but, it was very easy to dance to. I swayed my flank to the beat of the song as I spun the flaming ribbon in front of me, making an infinity symbol. I then pulled away from the pattern and spun the ribbon above me, encasing me in a spiraling bubble of fire. I stood there for a few seconds, continuing to move my hips to the song. Then I tossed the ribbon into the air. I caught it and made a giant loop in the air. I jumped through the loop. Like a lasso. I continued doing this several times until I tossed the ribbon into the air again. I caught it and quickly dumped the flaming liquid into the tub of water. As the ribbon extinguished with a hiss I turned to the audience, who stared, dumbfounded, at my performance.

Then they all burst out in jubilant applause.

I bowed to them and then continued with the show. It was much like the performance at Harmony Plaza, only the flaming ribbon thing was new. After the show I stood by the bar and received many congratulations and compliments. I was standing there, talking to a beige colt, when somepony else approached me. I finished my conversation with the colt and turned my attention to the newcomer. It was the waiter that brought up the bucket of water. He smiled at me as he opened his mouth to talk

"Hey. You did a pretty good job up there." he gestured towards the stage


"I'm Bud by the way."

"Wisp. Nice to meet you." We shook hooves.

"You must like water a lot." he said

"Huh? I don't understand."

"Well considering you do this for a living, you must find some sort of safe haven in water."

I was surprised. His inference was spot on.

"Um, yeah actually."

"That's perfect. Because, um, well... You seem like the type of mare who likes to swim, and there's a giant pool nearby that just recently opened and-"

"Bud, are you asking me on a date?" I said with a smile

"Um, yeah..."

I looked at him as he said this. He was blushing profusely and staring at the ground nervously. He did look rather handsome. And this was actually the first time a colt has asked me out himself. Usually whenever I had a crush on a colt, I was the braver one and asked him out. But that's a different matter.

"Sure. When can I meet you?"

He looked up, relief in his eyes. We set up a date to meet and then he trotted away to continue doing his job.

Later that night I was at home. I had just gotten back from the club. I placed my costume, supplies, and paycheck in my room as I headed to take a shower. I entered the bathroom and closed the door. I turned the handle for the water just enough so that water could come out the nozzle. I preferred my showers to be lukewarm. I stepped into the cool drizzle allowed the liquid to run down my muzzle.

I couldn't help but fantasize about the date I was going to have. I couldn't wait to get to know Bud and just go swimming in general. My family has had a bad history with water so my parents rarely let me swim. I wondered what this pool would be like. I wondered what I should wear or if I should wear anything. Probably something, like a-

I was torn from my thoughts when the lights in the bathroom suddenly turned off. I stood there, somewhat frightened, as the water continued to pour down on me. I was about to breath some flame to illuminate the room when I noticed a orange glow coming from the skylight. It gave me enough light to see my surroundings. I simply thought that it was a simple blackout. I went back to my shower. My thoughts soon returned to the date as I reached over to grab the mane conditioner.

"I'll probably just wear a short skirt that I won't mind getting-EEEK!"

The water from the shower head suddenly turned ice cold. I almost jumped out of the shower because of the sudden change in temperature. But soon the water returned to normal and I stepped back into the stream of water. I turned and pulled the shower curtain close. But I stopped when I noticed something. The water was still growing in temperature. The shower was becoming really steamy. Soon the water turned to steam before it even hit the bottom of the bathtub. Normally this would scald any other ponies body beyond recognition, however I was immune to the heat. I could still feel the heat of it on my body, but it was rather uncomfortable then painful.

I looked up and noticed that the shower head was glowing red from the heat. I could see cracks forming on the casing. I quickly jumped out of the shower and ducked as the shower head exploded. Shards of metal and plastic imbedded themselves into the walls. I slowly got up and opened the door to the hallway. I heard shouts coming from outside and I quickly ran to the back door. I entered the kitchen as my father came rushing in, carrying my screaming sister. She saw me and rushed to me.

"Wisp! It's Mommy!" she pointed outside. She had tears in her eyes

I nodded and jumped outside. The scene outside shocked me. The city of Fillydelphia was completely trashed. Buildings were on fire. Others were crushed. But the weirdest thing was the closest to me. My mother was standing in the middle of the yard, stating up at a gigantic beast.

"Mom!" I called

She and the creature both turned their heads to me.

"Be careful Wisp!" I heard Pepper yell from the kitchen.

I ran to my mother and stood between her and the beast in a defensive stance. I got a good look at the creature from this angle. I gasped when I realized what the creature was.

The dragon had orange scales that covered all of its body except its stomach. It's stomach and spines were yellow. It's head was more rectangular than the slender heads of dragons I've seen in books. It's claw looked to be about three feet long, and could easily carry me in its palm. It leaned over and came very close to my mother and me.

"Is this the one?" it asked in a deep rumbling voice

"Yes she is..." replied my mother sadly.

I turned to her. I was about to ask her what they both were talking about when the dragon cut me off.

"I must make sure that you're correct."

He took in a massive amount of air. I saw into his mouth. Deep in his throat a yellow glow began to emanate. I turned to my mother, but noticed she was standing several feet away from me. I turned back to the dragon and then realized what he was going to do. I stood, wide eyed as the dragon continued to draw in breath. Before the dragon released, I heard my sister cry out.


And then the dragon breathed fire on me.

The sensation was unbearable. It felt like somepony was dumping hot sand all over my body. All the moisture on my body left from the shower, instantly evaporated. I felt the ground beneath my hooves turn to ash. But then, like it had started, the flames ceased.

I crawled up out of the ashy pit that was left. My entire body was smeared with ash. I saw the dragon shake his head in acceptance.

"This-She is the one."

"What the hell are you talking about!?!" I screamed at the dragon and my mother.

She trotted up, "Wisp, this is Ragnarok, King of the Western Dragons."

I looked up at the giant monster and I anticipated what was coming next.

"And he's your real father."

The shock sent the air right out of my chest. This creature, which just nearly burned me to cinders, is my father. I knew my father was a dragon, but not some humongous giant that destroys things.

"How did you even have...intercourse with him in the first place?" I blurted suddenly

"Well, you should have seen him thirty years ago. That was when, well you know..." she replied

"Thirty years ago? Mom, I'm nineteen."

"Let's just say that it takes a while for dragon eggs to hatch."

"What?!? I came from an egg?!!?"

"Yes. And let me just say it was a very painful experience during the delivery. It was even harder how to explain to the doctor how an egg the size of a filly came out of my-"

"Okay. I don't want to hear this." I said, repulsed at the image.

Ragnarok continued on.

"Because of her dragon heritage, she is to return to Vulcan with me and commit to her duties as dragon princess."

"What?!" I shrieked

"You can't take her away." my mother growled.

"Actually, I can. Because if I don't, this city is as good as ashes."

My mother and I gasped at his threat. We had no choice but to accept his demand.

"Fine." I grumbled

He smirked and laid a giant hand onto the ground. I stepped onto it and looked towards the ground sadly. My life was about to change forever. I didn't even know if I would see Fillydelphia again. I felt tears in my eyes but I stopped them from flowing. Yet, i still felt sad. I would never be able to spend my earned money. I would never go on that date with Bud. I probably would never see my family ever again. The thought of this causes a single tear to fall down my cheek.

"I must be strong. If I falter now, I will be judged as a coward. And I know that I'm not a coward." I thought.

"Wisp?! Were are you taking her?! Wisp!!" called Pepper from the ground, which was now a good fifteen feet below me.

I couldn't talk to her now. If I did I would cry until there was nothing left. But still, she called to me.

"Wisp! Please, don't take her!"

"Pepper! I'm going to be gone for a while."

"I don't want you to leave!" she had tears streaming down her face and dripping off her chin.

"I promise you, I will be back." my voice faltered at the end. Tears began to roll from my eyes as well.

"You monster! Give my sister back to me!" she screamed at Ragnarok

He looked down at her. "Hm... This one is not mine. How is she here?"

Just then, my father ran out to grab Pepper. Ragnarok saw this and made a small smirk.

"Let's see if there's anything extra for the princess to do."

And with that he spread his wings and took off. I heard my sister screaming my name. I screamed hers back. When I didn't hear her anymore, I still screamed. I screamed until my voice went raw. And then I let the tears flow.

I flew alongside Ragnarok as we headed towards this so called "Vulcan". He always flew close to me so I could not escape. I'd already tried. Let's just he has long arms and a strong grip.

We continued flying as the morning sun rose behind us. Tears were still falling, but not as frequently and without the sobs. I let them fall, and I hoped that my "father" saw them. Because, then he would realize how much it hurt to leave my home, my life behind. I hoped he saw these tears and feared that I would never stop trying to return home, because that is what I was going to do.

And so, as we flew to Vulcan, my tears falling to the earth below, I thought of the many different ways to desert this dragon next to me.