• Member Since 24th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen May 12th


Not much to say about myself -- I'm an Irish guy whose interests include MLP, video games, and occasionally writing fanfics.



Button's all grown up, and finally realised his dream of becoming a video game developer in sunny Los Pegasus. His generous salary has rather started to go to his belly and butt as he indulges in the sweet, sweet vices of junk food and beer. Both of those are sure to make a fun night in!

Contains: fat ponies, anthro ponies, overeating, alcohol and gluttony.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 69 )

How old is Button here? Pretty good story, though i will admit i'm not a fan of drinkers. Not totally against the idea of people drinking beer, but i've seen what alcoholism does to people.

7198172 Mid-twenties. And same here. I won't go into details, but I've seen the ugly side of people who can't handle their drink.

Sweet Celestia! Button realy let himself go. First the water temple then this. He has some 'splanin to do.:rainbowlaugh:

7198213 Ah... nope, you're gonna have to explain that one to me. :twilightblush:

7198283 Yes, indeed. Yes. In. Deed.

I admit, i'm a mite curious about the chapter title. What does amore have to do with getting fat and drunk?

7200229 There's an ad for frozen pizza that's been doing the rounds in Ireland that says "That's Amore!" My mind just made the connection.

He plumped up that much more just from one night of beer and pizza? Button's metabolism must be slower than a snail crawling through molasses during an Antarctic winter.

7200860 Well, it was more a figment of his hangover-ridden imagination. Rest assured that he'll be getting pretty big pretty soon, though.

7200995 How big is he exactly? I'm sure his jiggling plumpness earns him some playful teasing and affectionate nicknames from his coworkers.

7201024 About 260 pounds. And he doesn't really get teased by his coworkers, since a lot of them are rather doughy themselves.

7201100 That big and he doesn't have a full double chin yet?

7201195 He has the beginnings of one.

Despite being spelled like that on Hasbro's official map, i remember a tweet from Mitch "Dammit" Larson saying it was a play on Vegas. He said it wasn't one of his best puns.

7201944 I prefer the go by what the merch says for things like this.

I'd never be able to get any work done if I had Button as a coworker. His big bouncing butt would be too much of a distraction. :derpytongue2:

7203749 Not to mention the shorts and T-shirt climate of Los Pegasus. So much fat on display... :heart: I'd probably be the coworker who got him coffee and doughnuts every morning.

7203752 And add to the fact that Button would probably still have that charm to him that comes from growing up in a small close knit town like Ponyville. "I might have to pay a visit to this "Ponyville" place if they grow 'em as plump and cute as you~ :heart:"

7203770 And then he invites them home some time...

"Button, why have you taken your pants off?"

"Butt on couch, pants come off. This is a universal rule."

So, at 260 is Button one of the fatter employees or are there bigger lardasses? :derpytongue2:

7207039 Dawn Dreamer from QA. She tips the scales at closer to 300, and enjoys wearing denim shorts.

7207099 What i'd do to be stuck working with her!

7207105 "Stuck"? My friend, "stuck" implies that it's a bad situation. And working with Dawn Dreamer is like winning all the lotteries in the universe.

Just be warned... she sweats.

After seeing a few pics of an anthro Button, i gotta say, he's even cuter than i imagined. An anthro button with a big soft growing jiggling muffin top? 1000000 times cuter~!

7207349 And the moobs. Never forget the moobs.

Wonder what Button's mom thinks of her plumped up son?

7207499 If my own mother is anything to go by, she's just relieved that he has enough to eat.

7207524 I think he has TOO MUCH to eat. Not that fat Button Mash isn't awesome. :heart:

You mentioned that working with Dawn Dreamer is like winning all the lotteries in the universe. Dawn must be a really sweet girl if working with her is that great.

7209176 Oh, yeah. Sweet as a plum, and a hard worker too.

Does Button's blubber get him any playful nicknames? :pinkiehappy:

7209516 Nah. If I had to think of one, I'd go with either Blubber Mass or Button Smash.

7209270 Any chance we'll get to meet her in the sequel?

7209613 Nope, that's Star's appearance, I'm afraid.

7209664 I'm almost waiting foe Megapone to ask who Star is. I'm sure the big guy would be right up Mega's alley.

Comment posted by Shamrock95 deleted May 12th, 2016

Button's ass is almost too big for GYM SHORTS? Sweet everloving Celestia, how big IS it?

7211865 Well, they're a pretty small pair of gym shorts -- hand-me-downs from when he was a teenager.

Is swish a term over in Ireland and the UK? I don't think i've ever heard it used here in the states.

Welp, that's Button Mash as a subject out of the way. Now can we talk about a certain adorably precocious British pinto colt?

7220902 Once I get back from France, we can. :twilightsmile:

Don't get me wrong they're great stories and finally seeing (albeit a much smaller than he usually should be) Star in one of your actual stories is a treat, but may i ask why Button is aged up? Hope you write another story him as a little colt. Not saying aging Button up was a bad decision, i'm just curious.

7221610 Put it this way -- writing fetish fuel fics about an underage character would probably result in more than a few bitchy PMs telling me to off myself.

7221628 Hey that didn't stop you from writing those school foal and Button oneshot fics for STBB on DA, did it? Bitchy messages are an occupational hazard, not just for fetish writers, not just writers in general but all content creators on the internet. Do what you want and screw the haters. ;)

I may not approve of beer, but anything that adds rolls to Button's belly and widens his ass is fine by me!

No pizza and no beer make Button something something. :derpytongue2:

"Go crazy...?"


Living alone in that house must be lonely. Perhaps Button could use a roommate that he rubs off on? :derpytongue2:

7290745 What kind of roommate? ;)

7291600 I'll leave that up to you. ;)

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