• Member Since 7th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Quillian Inkheart

I'm still here! I just don't write as often.

Comments ( 17 )

This concept sounds rather like that Blair Witch Project movie that came out awhile back.

Might this be partly inspired by that one?

Color me intrigued. I'll be watching this closely.
Keep up the good work, and remember...
Don't blink.

Not quite. Good guess though.

Never blink. He's worse than Weeping Angels, that guy...

7246109 Hmmm, okay.

And where that guess came from was the video camera thing and that pic of Sweetie Belle, which kinda reminded me of that one bit in BWP that showed part of that one girl's face.

Hehe. Click on the cover-art and enlarge it. You'll get a pretty big hint as to what this is based off of.

7246329 Ah. I get it. It's based off of Slenderman.

Just because you posted about it, now I can't resist taking a look.

Have you ever considered a career in full-time advertising?

Overall, well writen, with few grammer/spelling errors. Definitely going to follow this.

It's the subtle touch that wins the day. We call that Subliminal Messaging, kids!

But no, no I haven't.

Thank you very much. :twilightsmile: I don't mean to self-promote- (:pinkiehappy:He totally does! :pinkiehappy:) -silence Pinkie! - but I have three other stories in the works. Give them a peek. :ajsmug:
Also, if you notice any errors that are particularly glaring, feel free to point them out to me. I am generally good at avoiding errors, but there's always one or two I miss.


Well, I'm not scared yet, but these things tend to take time. A lot of great horror doesn't really get to you until the twist, or else there's an idea that clings on and creates a monster in your reader's head after the fact. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for achieving the latter a few times. I feel like this one is going to have both of those elements once it's finished. It's certainly long enough for a lot of things to happen.

Actually, I haven't settled on a length yet. But most of my works are considerable, and I'm a huge fan of this style, so it'll probably be lengthy. Also, I'm still testing out the strange imagery from the Intermission chapter and making sure it works.


A face leaned around the door; it was wearing a bleached white mask, the eyes crossed off with frantic scribbles of black and twin tears of red depicted rolling down the face. The mouth was a manic grin, twisted by a level of instability Applejack had only seen in the mentally unstable.

I re-read this paragraph a couple of times. At first I thought it was You-Know-Who, but I realized that couldn't be right.
After going over it in my head a few times, it finally clicked in place:

I was originally reluctant to suggest that this was inspired by Marble Hornets, but now I have no doubt. Not that it's a bad thing, far from it. If anything, that just makes it more frightening.!

Oh, that's not entirely true. Slenderman has numerous proxies, depending on what version of him you're looking at. For instance, another mask-wearing proxy is Kate the Chaser from The Arrival.

Many people believe it's a side-effect of overexposure to Slenderman's presence or direct contact with the entity in question.


Funnily enough, Kate and The Observer were two other examples I had as part of my original comment, before deciding on just Masky.
Now I'm left wondering who it is. None of the ponies that have vanished so far had yellow manes. In fact, the only pony in Ponyville with a yellow mane I can think of is Derpy. And the CMC didn't record her on their camera.

Although Daisy and Lily do have manes that are yellow-ish in color...

Nope. Daisy's mane is lime.


And those are only the proxies from video games and vlogs; I'm not even counting the ones from regular Blogs.


Please continue this awesome story, I am eager to read more.

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