• Published 13th May 2016
  • 434 Views, 0 Comments

Blast Bolt- Canterlot Smuggler - Spellbounder

Not all ponies in Canterlot are sophisticated, just ask Blast Bolt and Bunker.

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Ch.3-The Escape Plan

Bunker was waiting for Blast down by the pond, bored out of his mind. He kept thinking that his friend was taken by the royal guard, and that the whole plan was ruined.

“Boss, you better get here soon. Already my scales are tingling.”

He looked out to the distance to see a familiar face running towards the carriage Bunker was hiding in. It was Blast, carrying something on his back.

“You’re here, its about time. What’s in the saddle bag?”

“Just something to help us on our journey to Ponyville.”

He opens the bag and pours out several shiny gold bits, causing Bunker to drool in delight.

“Great Celestia! Look at them! Wait……hold on a sec, where did you get these?”

“I had a talk with our good friend Mr. Tortuga.”

“What!?! Crazy old Tortuga!?! That senile reptile that….”

Blast fell to the floor laughing, confusing Bunker even more.


“Senile reptile! Hahahaaaa! It rhymes! Now that’s hilarious!”

“This is not a game, Blast! Haven’t you forgotten what Tortuga did to you the last time you saw him?”

“So he threatened my life and put a bounty on my head. Big whoop, I’ve seen worse.”

“REALLY? I can not believe you there!”

“Will you just cool it? Things will be different this time with Tortuga. I did some digging and found out where that mystic powder came from. Turns out, its from the castle of the Princess of Friendship!”

“Twilight Sparkle? That Alicorn braniac?”

“The very same! Turns out its made from within the roots of that tree her castle stands upon. So here’s the plan. We use the cash advance from Tortuga to help us on our journey to Ponyville, deliver the goods to DJpon3, smooth talk our way into the castle, get as much powder our carriage can carry, give a share to Tortuga’s men residing in Ponyville to pay off the advance, and use our share to live like kings!”

“But…there’s no way that powder can be worth so much.”

“That’s the good part! Turns out this stuff comes in two forms. The kind that’s worth over a million bits, and the other kind that’s worth barely anything! It all depends on the right root!”

“So let me get this straight. You wanna make things worse for us by making crazy Tortuga even madder by cheating him on the powder, when already we got the guard on our tails. I’m starting to think you hit your head on the way over here.”

Blast rolled his eyes and walks over to the pond, staring at his reflection in the water with a cocky grin.

“You don’t get it. Out of all our smuggling jobs, there’s nothing more expensive I’ve carried than this. Now’s our chance to live the lives we deserve. We’ll be rich, Bunker! Think about it! I can finally afford to fix that issue I’ve been having, and you can buy all the rubies your teeth can handle!”

Bunker began to fantasize the mother load of their future success. He could see a chamber, full of crystals and rubies of many shapes, sizes, and colors. Each would have a different flavor, more delicious than the last! Bunker started to drool again, licking his scaly lips next to a pleased Blast Bolt.

“You don’t need to be a genius to know you’re imagining it. So what do you say? Can I count on my dragon buddy for this one?”

The blue dragon drifts off for a few minutes before snapping back to reality, with a small smile on his face like it didn’t really matter that much.

“Kay, I’m in.”

“Good answer. Now I got a way to sneak past that blockage the guard is placing to stop our delivery. We got the bits for the plan to work, but we just need one more thing.”

The white colt walks over to a large tree and sticks his hoof down the small opening of the trunk.

“Oh, by the way, Bunker? Get that shovel in the back of the carriage.”


As the dragon searches for the shovel, Blast obtains a small key from within the tree, looking around several times to make sure no pony else was nearby.

“Ok, coast is clear. Dig…..ehhhh…..right here!”

He points to a small spot by a patch of flowers, smiling eagerly.

“OK, what exactly are we digging up?”

“Something to aide us just in case things get too violent.”

Bunker digs for about five minutes, before hitting something hard.

“AGH! Found something!”

Blast runs up to him and pulls out a small metal box with a picture of his cutie mark imprinted as the lock. The colt quickly places the small key inside the hole and turns, making a small snapping sound to signal that its unlocked.

“Oh ho hooooo! Now things get interesting!”

Bunker was surprised to see what his friend pulls out of the box, a small crossbow. He held it in one hoof, forming a cocky grin as he walks back to the carriage.

“That thing? I thought that mare you dated took it and tried to kill you!”

“Nope, and thank Celestia too! You have no idea how much I value this baby! It’s gotten me outa more trouble than I can count. Under the circumstances we’ve gotten ourselves into, guess its time to dust it off! Just hope it still works. Let’s see here…hmmm….”

The colt places a small colorful bag of a strange crystalized substance on the end of an arrow. He then loads the weapon and takes a quick shot on a nearby tree, which instantly turns frozen solid in a chilling wave of ice.

“Yeesh…..feels like winter wrap up…..”

“Exactly! And Celestia thought illegal magic altering crystal were dangerous. Ha! I beg to differ! Now let’s ride!”

“Hold up! There’s still something that doesn’t add up! How in the hay did you figure this all out about the powder!?! Oh wait…..let me guess…..you know a guy?”

“What did I tell you about asking things from my past interventions?”

“Ok…sorry…sorry…whatever. Let’s just get going…..this time, you pull the carriage.”

“Wait….what about that stallion we hired?”

“He skipped town once news spread out. Had to pull the carriage here myself! I told you that charade we pulled on him wouldn’t last forever!”

“It wasn’t a charade….we simply stated that we worked for a shipping company….heehee…..it was uhhh….kinda true.”

Bunker didn’t know how to reply to that. All he did was walk back to the carriage, pouting in anger.

“Don’t be like that, Bunker. I hate it when you act all pouty.”

“It’s just….sometimes I question the value of our friendship.”

“Oh shut up, you’re just saying that cause we got the guard on our tail. It’ll get better, I promise. The crystals, Bunker…..remember the crystals?”

“Crystals…….tasty…..juicy…..ALRIGHT FINE!”

“Heehee, your one weakness.”

“Shut up….just pull this thing, will ya?”

“Oh no, my friend….I got a better idea.”

“When I hear those words come out of your mouth…..either something good will happen, or I’ll wind up regretting it.”

Blast climbs into the back of the carriage, ignoring Bunker as he crawls through their cargo, pushing several things away from jars of old dragon eggs, to bags of changling horns.

“Lets see…..hmmmm….AHA! THERE WE GO!”

In the colt’s hoofs were a pouch of large firework, causing Bunker to gasp in shock.

“Oh no”


“No way”

“Yes way, pass me that rope.”

“It’s not gonna work.”

Blast huffs with a grin, moving to the back wheels of the carriage.

“Heeheehee, you underestimate me, pal.”

Bunker can’t help but laugh, as he helps Blast tie several firework rockets to the back end of the carriage.

“You’re nuts, you know that? But heehee….sometimes that’s what makes this job really fun.”

“You ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

Blast ignites a match and lights the rockets, as the two smugglers quickly climb onto the top of the carriage, strapping themselves in.

“here goes nothing, Bunker.”

“The crazy thing is that you never know when its gonna…”

The carriage rockets off into the streets, as Blast and Bunker try desperately to keep their eyes open from the wind blowing into their faces. Many fellow colts and mares leap out of the way as the carriage zooms right past them. Some couldn’t tell what it was by the insane speed. Blast could see the blockade up ahead with what little eyesight he still had, as several royal guards stared in shock at what was coming.

“Uhhhhh captain?”

“What now? Can’t you see that……GREAT CELESTIA! LOOK OUT!!!”

Several guards run for their lives, screaming as the carriage slams through the large wooden gate they built to keep the smugglers from leaving. This caused the fireworks to finally explode, pushing Blast and Bunker off the carriage from impact, slamming their faces into the dirt as debris fell from the sky around them, from pieces of wood to the remains of what was left in their cargo. Bunker managed to hold on to the large bag of powder and bits before take off, but everything else was history.

“Ow……well….that went better than I thought it would.”

“Yeah……ow……brilliant……my ears are ringing!”

“Bunker, get up….before….”


Once again, they were surrounded, but Blast planned to make things different for this encounter with the guard. He quickly leaps to his feet and grabs his crossbow from his saddle bag, pointing it straight at Shining Armor.

“Ok…….every pony just calm down, ok? No need to make things ugly.”

“Ugly!?! You rammed a carriage into the gate in a blaze of fireworks!”

“That’s beside the point!”

“Look kid, just give up. There’s no way you can get outta this. If you come with us peacefully, maybe Princess Celestia won’t send you two to the moon!”

“Can’t do that Shining. Gone too far for this one.”

“Blast please, this has to stop!”

“Did Daring Do stop? No.”

Bunker slowly stands, still dizzy from the fall.

“Ow….uhhhh boss, Daring Do isn’t really the best term of inspiration at the moment.”

“Shut up! Now this is how things are going. Me and my friend here are leaving. No questions ask. I suggest you go back to guarding the princess…heeeeheee….like that Alicorn even needs protecting. She can raise the sun! She’s basically guarding you!”

“The better reason for you to give up! This conversation is over! Men, take him in!”

“Uh oh. WARNED YOU!”

Blast immediately fires the arrow at Shining Armor, who protects himself within a shield. The arrow ricochets off him and hits Flash Sentry in the flank, trapping his entire lower body in ice.


“AAAAHHHHAAAHAAA! So….c…c….c…c…c…cold!!!”


This makes Shining mad, as more guards move in on the two smugglers.

“Blast……please tell me you got a backup plan.”

“Yeah….as a matter of fact…I do.”

“What is…..”


The two flee from the guards as fast as they can, as reinforcements from above arrive, shining a light on the two smugglers.

“Great…..they got eyes in the sky! I don’t have enough arrows to take them all out!”


Blast follows Bunker into a small area of trees over by a mountain. The colt had to fire off a few more arrows to keep distance from the guards. They kept their trail on them for several hours, before finally losing them completely.

“Sir, I don’t know what to say...we just…lost them.”

“They’ll get themselves killed! Without the train, those two will have to climb down the mountain on their own. Keep searching men! We gotta stop those smugglers!”

The two could barely stand, slowly walking down the mountain after losing he guard at that small section of forest. Finally, Bunker calls it quits, collapsing on top of a rock.


“We got out, didn’t we?”

“NOW WHAT!?! We’re gonna die out here!”

“Calm down, Bunker.”

“Those crystals…I knew those crystals would be the death of me!”

“You are a such a whiner! I outta…..wait…..do you hear that?”


“Move up, pal. We got a train to catch!”


Author's Note:

Chapter three! If you enjoy this story so far, feel free to comment! Would love the feedback if any.

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