• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 805 Views, 7 Comments

Put on your Robe(s) and/or Wizard Hat(s) - Fiddlove Enfemme

A group of one to four wizards is tasked with protecting Equestria. The one to four wizards are less than competent at their new job, "Protecting" the population.

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Chapter Two: Electric Boogaloo

The four wizards sat around a table, discussing their plan for managing Equestria.

"I'm the host, so I should be in charge!" boasted Red.

"But I want a turn in charge too!" protested Yellow.

Green looked between Red and Yellow, not wanting to give leadership to either of them. "Why don't we just get along and work together?"

"Not an option!" proclaimed Red.

"It's my turn now anyway." Yellow said.

"Let's compromise. Everyone gets a quarter of Equestria to rule over. And Red," Blue compromised as Red began to protest, "Don't conquer Yellow's quarter. That's cheating.

"We'll divide Equestria in four according to the directions, along the North-East, North-West, South-East, and South-West. The East will be Red's quarter, West is Yellow's, North is Green's, and South is mine. Both East and West border an ocean, the North borders a mostly frozen wasteland with one "Crystal Kingdom". The South borders a desert and has a contested area with several Bison, Gryphon, and Zebra tribes. Any questions?"

"Does my quarter have rubber ducks?" asked Yellow.

"It has all the rubber ducks you can buy with your share of Equestria's funds," said Blue. Yellow clapped gleefully. Red only glared at Yellow.

Suddenly, a royal guard poked his head in. "Discord, could you come he...what is going on in here?" he asked bewilderedly.

Yellow stood and ran over to the guard, frightening him. "We're wizards! We help people!"

Green walked over to Yellow, and shook the guard's hoof. "Greetings, Equestrian citizen. We're your new rulers."

Red scowled and walked over too. "Oh great, a talking horse. When was that ever original?"

Blue also walked up to the guard. "Are there any stockpiles of crude bitumen or gunpowder?

"I-uh-I only w-w-work here. You have the wrong st-stal-stallion!" the nervous guard said.

"Do you, or do you not have the requested items?""Do you need helping?""Are you looking for a handout or something?""A pleasure to meet a working class fellow such as yourself!" the wizards all said at once. The guard visibly began stressing out, and fled down the corridor outside of their conference room.

"After that horse!" commanded Blue.

Yellow chased the horse with a vengeance. With every twist, turn, double-back, and fake out that the guard made, Yellow was right there. He continued to follow until the young guard stallion reached the throne room. "Come back here at once!" shouted Yellow at the top of his lungs. The pony crashed through the enormous double doors, interrupting a group of lobbying nobles. Yellow decided that the best way to catch him was to fling spells wildly until he hit him. A flying flame rock and lightning strike annihilated the unfortunate nobles, who were about to mandate the construction of brown zircon goods.

This sudden danger encouraged the guard to greater speeds. Yellow could almost touch him... and the poor guard pitched himself off of a balcony. Yellow, in a stroke of genius, leaped after him. Unfortunately, it is well known wizards cannot fly as well as pegasi, and he fell into the castle gardens instead. A terrible amalgam of several elements were conjured up, and subsequently fired off in a spectacular explosion. Yellow was gibbed, his belongings were strewn across the garden, and several garden goers were disturbed by little bits of yellow wizard.

Blue, Green, and Red were close behind him, but stopped at the balcony, surveying the smear that Yellow had left. The hapless royal guard had luckily landed in the upper branches of a large tree. Red shouted in glee "He's dead again! Now we can actually get stuff done!"

Blue cued up a tractor beam spell to reclaim Yellow's fallen items, namely the rare staff and sword that Yellow had been using.

Green looked down at the treed guard and asked him "Are you okay down there?"

The guard looked around in a panic and nearly passed out when he saw the trio of wizards on the balcony above him. "Just leave me alone, just leave me here forever." he rasped

Green, being of the sort to respect anothers wishes, did so, and instead resurrected Yellow with a quick Revive spell. "Took you long enough!" said Yellow, happy to be alive again. Blue handed Yellow his lost items, and led the group back to the map room.

Blue addressed the gathered wizards "Now, there needs to be a central location for us to rule from. I've done the math, and the geographical centre of Equestria is... hang on," he trailed off

"What is it, Blue?" asked Green.

"That can't be right! According to my calculations, the geographical centre of Equestria is this tiny little town." Blue gestured at a small, almost insignificant town near an untamed expanse of forest.

Red gasped "What? There's no badass castle to rule from?"

Green began thinking aloud "Small town means small population, which means a tighter knit community. Might be hard to fit into the scheme of things there."

Yellow said nothing, but planted a small flag into the town on the map, which was named Ponyville.

Author's Note:

dun dun DUN