• Published 26th Nov 2011
  • 3,597 Views, 77 Comments

What you've got - Broneyofnoel

Fluttershy is not kind in this universe, she is a stone cold assassin

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"Attention all of yo, we know where all of the rebels are located, they are in my old castle, inside the Everfree forest, there numbers are equal to seven thousand, your commanders will brief you quickly," Nightmare said to her ten thousand men.

Nightmare walked back to the castle, she would be joining he men in battle, that way, she could kill Fluttershy by herself. Fluttershy thinks she can win, but Nightmare is very confident, she outnumbers their army, and they are running out of supplies, now that all of their suppliers have been destroyed.

"Princess, when do we march?" a captain asked.

"Ten hours," Nightmare said coldly.

"Roger that," the captain said, he walked back to his men.

Nightmare walked deep in to the castle, she was going to go visit the secret chasms of the archives, where the darkest secrets were kept. She reached the door, but it would not open, the magical lock on it could only be opened by two ponies, Twilight, and Celestia. Nightmare creamed and shot an explosive spell at the door, she collapsed the whole section of the room.


"Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy walked over towards Pinkie.

"What do you want?" Pinkie said coldly.

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy said, this was the first real remorse she had ever felt.

"Saying your sorry won't bring Cherry back," Pinkie said, she was crying now.

"I didn't mean to kill her," Fluttershy said.

"I know, and I wish you would have killed me," Pinkie said, she was looking at a picture of cherry the day she got her cutie mark.

"Pinkie, I have lost family, I know what it..." Fluttershy was back hoofed.


"Pinkie," Fluttershy was full of regret now.

"Go away, just, go away," Pinkie said.

"I'm trying to.." Fluttershy said, but stopped whe Pinkie turned around, her eyes were pouring tears.

Fluttershy left that room, and she closed the door lightly, she decided to head and talk to Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow, are you in here?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, over here," Rainbow was looking out the window.

"I'm sorry about your double, can you forgive me?" Fluttershy said.

"That's okay, what do you think, she was one of my best friends, and her name was Silver lining, you let her burn, what kind of pony lets another pony burn to death," Rainbow was crying heavily.

"I did not mean to kill her, I I just wanted to get out," Fluttershy aid, tears forming in her own eyes, emotions built up over twenty years are now flowing out.

"Get out of what?" Rainbow looked over at Fluttershy.

"Nightmare's grip, she trained me for six years, and I have been nearly killed twice by ehr, I want to kill her!" Fluttershy yelled the ending, which replaced her sorrow with hatred.

"Who did you lose?" Rainbow asked.

"What?" Fluttershy was confused.

"Who did you lose, you know, died?" Rainbow half asked/said.

"I, I lost my family, they disowned me when I was a filly, that's when i go in to violence," Fluttershy said, her voice low.

"I think you should go," Rainbow said.

"Alright," Fluttershy understood, she had heard things about Rainbow's past.


"Soldiers, it is time to head towards Everfree, MARCH!!" Nightmare yelled, sections of troops, each section containing 400 soldiers, 20 by 20, marched towards Everfree, there were 25 sections of soldiers, plus fifty royal guards.

Nightmare pondered her thoughts on how she would kill Fluttershy, or if she would torture her for a thousand years. She followed her soldiers, all ten thousand marching in unison, it was a beautiful sound.


"Applejack, are you in here?" Fluttershy poked her head through Applejack's door.

"Yeah," Applejack said, she was surrounded by three colts, all of which looked related.

"I, I'm sorry for shooting you, and then trowing you out of a building," Fluttershy said.

"I'm alive, that's all that matters, so you can go now,' Applejack said angrily.

"Alright, are you mad?" Fluttershy didn't quite fully understand emotions yet.

"Yes, I am," Applejack said, and with that, Fluttershy left.

Fluttershy went to visit Twilight, but she found that Rarity was in there as well.

"Girls, I'm, I'm sorry for trying to kill you," Fluttershy said.

"Come in," Rarity said, she was now free from her wheelchair.

"How's your leg?" Fluttershy asked, she actually cared.

"It is fine, why did you shatter it?" Rarity asked, looking closely at Fluttershy.

"To get the information Nightmare wanted," Fluttershy said, she looked down at the floor.

"Did you not want it?" Rarity asked, looking away and then back to Fluttershy.

"No, I was sick of Nightmare," Fluttershy's sorrow was again replaced by rage.

"That makes sense, you would have killed me sooner had you wanted it," Rarity said.

"Yeah, I guess," Fluttershy was nervous.

"Fluttershy, why did you kill my students?" Twilight asked.

"Nightmare told me to, they were 'traitors'," Fluttershy said.

"So, Nightmare told you to kill us all," Twilight said.

"Yes, she did," Fluttershy said.

"And now you want revenge," Twilight breathed.

"Yes," Fluttershy was angry at Nightmare.


Nightmare's troops weer passing through the outskirts of Canterlot, they passed the downed helicopter, wiht Doctor Whooves body still in it. Nightmare laughed at the sight of the dead stallion. Her first enemy of the day was dead, now only seven thousand and one to go.

"Ma'am, we will be in Ponyville in six hours, we then have one week to prepare for the invasion," her general said.

"Excellent," Nightmare said, the next week would be the best of her life, other than killing Celestia that is.

Her troops passed by the broken up police cars, some of the officer were still laying there, some dead, few alive. Nightmare let them die, they were failures, they had not apprehended Fluttershy.


"Blueblood!" a filly burst in, she was probably about 8 years old.

"Yes, little one?' Blueblood asked.

"Nightmares troops, they're in Ponyville!" she screamed.

Blueblood's face lost most of the color it had, even though it was mainly white, he drained of all energy.

"Get Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie!" he said loudly.

"Yes sir," the filly ran out of his office.

The filly ran all over the castle, but found everypony but Fluttershy, she was hiding somewhere.

"Where is Fluttershy?" Blueblood asked.

"Nopony knows," Applejack said.

Just then, Fluttershy walked in and placed the helmet and patch of a royal guard on his desk, the helmet had a huge bullet hole in it. She had shot the guard an hour earlier.

"Royal scout, wasn't hard to kill, they're in Ponyville, but the main army hasn't arrived yet," Fluttershy said.

"Exactly, they're in Ponyville, we've got to prepare for an invasion,' BlueBlood said.