• Published 18th May 2016
  • 327 Views, 2 Comments

Perfect killers - Blackdust

What happens when the two best killers Equestria has ever seen fall in love with one another while on a job to kill each other? You get this story.

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Chapter: Feelings of Sight


Why do I have to kill this harmless girl? I thought as I looked through the spotless records. She was an all star student. Loved by almost everyone in the school. Even the Dazzlings liked her. I should know since I go to school with her. And I'm the only one that doesn't like her. "Discord, sensei, why her? She's as harmless as a bee is to a flower."

"Because she poses a threat to me indirectly. Time travel is a finicky thing and she is from the timeline where I fall. So I need her to die," Discord, a shriveled old man with a dragon and bird wing on either side of his back, replied throwing a punch at me.

I quickly dodged out of the way and continued to read the file. Turns out she has some after school stuff that my scouting everyone in Canterlot High had failed to point out. I knew where Pinkie went after finishing her after school chats with her six friends. I will never look at cupcakes the same way again, let me tell you that much. I knew where Rainbow Dash went after losing a game. She is a fierce fighter when she's pissed off. Twilight and Sunset were boring. They both went to the library no matter what. Fluttershy was similar but she went into the forest. Rarity went off to make dresses and turned stuff out that varied with her mood. Applejack could almost always be found with either her friends at school or her family on the farm.

But Anna? She went to fencing clubs, and supposedly was watching the house where Discord lived. And no, that was not where we were. No assassin syndicate is dumb enough to do business at their home. Last time Discord brought my work to my house it was to recruit me. And let me tell you, it took beating, and cutting, me to a bloody but survivable pulp to convince me to join him. How'd he cut me? Way of the Iron Hand. You apply so much force and speed to your hand that you cut through almost anything.

"Well. This is... unexpected," I said, sitting crossed legged on the floor and finished reading the file. If I were to do this right, I could kill her before the Spring Fling and still tell every girl that tries to hit on me to bugger off. But if I were to slip even a little, I would be dead. Or we both would. It all just depends on how I slip up during the fight.

"So. Do you accept your mission?" Discord asked, even though he knew the answer.

I decided to humor him, so I looked up and gave him my most sadistic and soul chilling smile and said in a just as murderous tone, "Of course."

Author's Note:

These first two chapters are the setup. Please, if you read these, leave a THUMBS DOWN if you liked it and a thumbs up if you hated it. FUS RO DAH!