• Published 19th May 2016
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The Magic Exam - Rathbane

Sweetie Belle, Dinky and a few other young unicorns are set to take The Magic Exam, a milestone in every unicorns life. Of course this being Equestria it can't help be more then just a simple test

  • ...

The Test Proper

The hypnotized ponies stopped chanting their mantra and stood before Blissful Trance awaiting commands.

“This can’t be happening again. This isn’t real, this isn’t real,” Blissful Trance whispered to herself.

“Hey, that hypno magic is actually pretty nifty,” Golden Fleece said, walking over to her.

“Huh? How come you’re not hypnotized?” Blissful Trance said in confusion.

“Just lucky I guess,” Golden Fleece said, “You even got the princess…let’s make her do stuff.”

“No! Why on earth would you want to do that?!” Blissful Trance shouted in horror, “Everypony, please wake up right now.”

Responding to her command the spirals faded from the entranced ponies’ eyes and they began to shake off the effects of the hypnosis.

“Spoil sport,” Golden Fleece said in disgust.

“Is…is everypony okay,” Twilight asked, once she had recovered enough.

“I…I think so,” Sweetie Belle said, “That was weird…but kind of familiar.”

“You’ve been hypnotized like that before?” Blissful Trance asked, concerned.

“I think so…maybe it was from that time Princess Twilight cast that ‘Want it, need it spell’ on everpony,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yes, that’s probably it…now let us never speak of that again,” Twilight said.

“That was spooky. I was ready to do anything she asked me to, no matter what,” Ebony Darkness said, “Interesting, but still spooky.”

“I’m so sorry everypony,” Blissful Trance said, hanging her head in shame, “I shouldn’t be here. I’m too dangerous.”

“Don’t say that,” Healing Touch said.

“Yeah, we’re all fine now,” Dinky chimed in.

“We forgive you,” the fillies said in unison.

Blissful Trance flashed as shy smile at them, but went back to hanging her head.

“There’s no need to worry,” Twilight said, “This is why the next portion of the test is so important, to help you one on one with your magic to help you develop it, contain it, and someday master it. So why don’t we break off and I’ll meet with each of you and while you’re waiting your turn, you can do some last minute studying or something to that effect.”

The fillies nodded that they understood and scattered to various parts of the library.

Twilight approached Healing Touch first.

“Thank you for helping Spike after he hurt his head.”

“It was the least I could do,” Healing Touch said.

“I guess you got to demonstrate your healing magic after all.”

“Yeah…I guess so.”

“I just hope it stays to just that one incident.”

“Me too.”

“And I really hope we don’t need you to use your poison removal magic…how did you come to learn that at such a young age anyways?”

“I’d rather not talk about it,” Healing Touch said, looking away.

“Fair enough,” Twilight said, “Now like I said, with hopefully there really being only one case of you demonstrating your magic I can’t really help you develop your individual skills with healing magic in a setting like this. However, you shouldn’t worry about anything going wrong with it since it’s one of the more stable magics out there. There’s no risk of it backfiring. Since it really has just one function, it can’t really be used in other circumstances, and there’s almost no side effects outside of its intended use. Its strength is that it can only become stronger. I think I have an idea that might be able to help you though.”

“What’s that?” Healing Touch asked, perking up.

“I think I’ll talk to Nurse Redheart about you maybe shadowing one of the unicorn nurses at Ponyville Hospital to learn more about healing magic.”

“Really, you’d do that for me?!” Healing Touch said excitedly.

“Of course.”

“Oh thank you so much. I want to learn as much about healing magic as I can so I can help other ponies,” Healing Touch said, as she ran over and hugged Twilight, “Ooops is hugging the test giver against the rules?”

“If it is, I won’t fault you for it. Also you can’t forget one of the most important resources…books!” Twilight said, as she happily levitated some books over to her.

Healing Magic 101, Basics of Healing,…Ow that hurts?” Healing Touch said as she read the titles aloud, the last title resulted in her raising an eyebrow.

“Sorry that’s all the ones I have on the subject right now,” Twilight said, grinning sheepishly.

“I’ll definitely look at them,” Healing Touch said, as she stealthily pushed Ow that Hurts behind her.

“Great!” Twilight said smiling, “Do you have any other questions?”

“Um, is it okay to use healing magic repeatedly on ponies?” Healing Touch asked, “The rest of my family is in Ultra Pony Roller Derby and I help heal them up after their done. My magic won’t stop working on them if I keep doing it will it?”

“It shouldn’t. I’ve never heard anything about healing magic losing its potency. Like I said, its strength is that it can only grow stronger. How did you end up being the odd pony out anyways?”

“I wanted to help other ponies not hurt them,” Healing Touch said happily.

“And that’s a great thing to want to do,” Twilight said smiling at her, “Any other questions?”

“None that I can think of.”

“If you do, don’t hesitate to ask,” Twilight said as she walked away.

After stopping to do some quick research from an old book, the next filly she approached was Ebony Darkness.

“Hi Princess Twilight,” Ebony said happily.

“Hello Ebony,” Twilight said, “I’ve done a little research and I think I found what might be a similar magic to what you were using.”

“Really what’s it called?”

“It’s called shadow blending. It was used by ninja ponies long ago in Neigh-pon. They would literally become one with the shadows, but they weren’t able to move around like you do. Did you try becoming one with the shadows when you discovered you could use your shadow jumping magic?” Twilight asked.

“Nope,” Ebony Darkness said sheepishly, “I like shadows, they’re neat. I like the way they change in the light and all the spooky shapes they can make at night, but I was just goofing around one day thinking ‘what if I could look at the underside of a shadow’ so I focused my magic on a shadow to like I was going to try and lift it up and tripped and fell into it. That’s kinda how I developed my shadow jumping magic.”

“Since you discovered it by accident, do you ever have any trouble with your shadow jumping? I’d hate for you to get trapped in between worlds,” Twilight said.

“Nope,” Ebony Darkness said, as she her horn glowed black and she jumped into Twilight’s shadow, popping out of several others in rapid succession, “I…can…do…it…without…any…trouble.”

She popped back out of Twilight’s shadow and smiled at her.

“I can see that now,” Twilight said, smiling, “So does the distance you can shadow jump have a limit.”

“The farthest I can usually go is to the cherry fields outside of town. Wanna come with me?”

“Er, um…sure I guess,” Twilight said, slightly nervous.

Ebony Darkness wrapped her hoof around Twilight’s and her horn glowed black again and the two of them sunk into a shadow.

Twilight soon found herself in a strange new world. The whole place was sepia toned and below her she could see several dark shapes that looked like trees, and they seemed to be trying to reach up towards her. Several other black patterns faded in out at random. The whole time she was drifting along, almost as if Ebony Darkness was pulling her along through the thick atmosphere. Since it almost felt like she was underwater Twilight was afraid to take a breath.

In another instant though, she found herself flying through another shadow and she now found herself in the cherry fields outside of Ponyville, the pink blossoms littered the ground. Ebony Darkness took the opportunity to flop to ground and make an impromptu snow angel in them.

“So how did you like the Shadow World?” Ebony Darkness asked, “Isn’t it neat?”

“It…it certainly has character to it,” Twilight said, still slightly shaken up.

“Should we go back now?” Ebony asked.

“Sure, but I think I’ll stick with normal teleportation if that’s alright with you.”

“Okay,” Ebony said, as she dove into one of the cherry tree’s shadows.

Twilight’s horn glowed and she vanished in flash of light, only for her to reappear back at the castle.

“I won!” Ebony Darkness said playfully from behind her.

“Wha…but…how?” Twight said in shock, “It took us five minutes to get over there.”

Ebony Darkness smiled as she laughed a little, “No, it only takes five seconds.”

“I guess it just seemed like longer,” Twilight said.

Maybe that Shadow World experiences some sort of time dilation and she’s built up an immunity to it? Twilight thought.

“Do you think if I lose my natural limiter I’ll be able to increase my range?” Ebony Darkness asked.

“You’ve developed a whole new style of magic, so we’ll just have to wait and see,” Twilight said, “Do you have any another questions?”


“Alright then,” Twilight said, before she stepped away.

The next filly on her list was Golden Fleece.

“Thanks for stopping by,” Golden Fleece said, “But I don’t really need a one on one session. My awesomeness will help me through anything. Maybe you should spend some extra time with those other losers.”

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something important,” Twilight said, “Today you’re not just being graded on the results of your written test but your attitude as well, so I can see if you’re mature enough to take on the responsibility of having your full magical potential opened up. Considering how you’ve acted today, as of right now you would need to answer every question right, plus five more to receive something that even remotely resembles a passing grade.”

“Eh, I don’t have to worry about that. My awesomeness is so great I can transcend time and space, so I’ve already gotten infinity correct answers on the written test.”

Twilight stared at Golden Fleece in utter befuddlement before she said, “Whelp, looks like our time is over.”

“See ya,” Golden Fleece said, as she watched Twilight walk away.

Dinky was waiting patiently for her when Twilight approached her.

“Sorry about hitting Spike earlier,” Dinky said.

“That’s okay, it was an accident,” Twilight said, “And it was just a suction cup too. Does that happen often when you shoot arrows?”

“Almost all the time,” Dinky said, “I can hit the target after thirty, sometimes a hundred tries but I miss a lot. Uncle Blazing Sword thinks my natural limiter might impact my aim.”

“Well let’s give it another try,” Twilight said, as she levitated the dart board so it was closer to them.

“Okay,” Dinky said, as she created her bow once more. She took out a practice arrow and took aim. Letting the arrow fly towards the dart board it veered to the right, hit a railing before bouncing off several bookshelves, and off one of the desks, before flying out the window.

“That’s not good,” Dinky said.

“I still don’t see how they’re able to do that,” Twilight said, “It’s like they’re violating the laws of physics.”

At that point Rainbow Dash flew in through the open window and landed in front of them. She wordlessly pulled the practice arrow off her side and glared at Dinky. She then dropped it to the ground before flying off.

“Ooookay,” Twilight said, “I’m guessing that’s not the first time you’ve hit Rainbow Dash with an arrow.”

“I think it was the twentieth,” Dinky said sheepishly

“Well let’s make sure there won’t be a twenty first today,” Twilight said, as she magically closed the window, “Maybe the way you can counteract this is to aim where you don’t want the arrow to go. Perhaps that could help compensate for all this randomness.”

“I’ll give it shot if you think it’ll help,” Dinky said, as she loaded up another arrow, this time aiming to the far left of the dartboard. Surprisingly the arrow veered to the right and hit the far left edge of the board.

“I hit it! I hit it on my second try!” Dinky said excitedly as she jumped up and down.

“Good job Dinky,” Twilight said happily, “We’ll see if your Uncle’s theory about your natural limiter is correct, but if it’s not it looks like we’ve got a solid alternative to fall back on.”

“Thank you so much,” Dinky said, smiling at her.

“You’re very welcome,” Twilight said, “Perhaps we should avoid shooting off any more arrows for now though.”


“Do you have any other concerns?” Twilight asked.

“Nope, you’ve helped me a lot,” Dinky said.

“That’s what I’m here for,” Twilight said.

A short while later Twilight approached Sweetie Belle.

“Hi Sweetie Belle, how are you doing today?” Twilight asked.

“Okay, I guess,” Sweetie Belle said.

“What’s wrong?”

“Every other pony here today has some special magic and all I can do is levitation. Even Golden Fleece has triple levitation,” Sweetie Belle said, sadness filling her voice.

“Sweetie Belle I want you to remember what I said at the start of the test, just because they know unique forms of magic doesn’t make them better then any other pony, it’s just a part of them that makes them, them. Right now you might only know levitation, but it’s just a small part of what you that makes you who you are. Do you understand?”

“Yeah I do,” Sweetie Belle said, perking up, “I guess I just needed to hear it again.”

“Happy to help,” Twilight said smiling, “Speaking of levitation how is yours coming along. Remember the fundamentals of levitation: sand, pebble, rock, stone, boulder, and beyond. Each level represents how easily you can levitate something without straining yourself. So where do you think you’re at right now?

“I think I’m at the stone level since I was able to levitate Pipsqueak a little bit,” Sweetie Belle said.

“That’s great, you’re coming along nicely,” Twilight said, “You’ll be able to levitate Rarity before you know it.”

“I don’t think she’d want me to even if I could,” Sweetie Belle said, smiling.

“Good point,” Twilight said, “Now the best thing to do for now is to just let your levitation develop naturally, don’t force it. You’ll be lifting bigger things and multiple things in no time.”

“Yay!” Sweetie Belle shouted, getting into the pep talk.

“That’s the spirit,” Twilight said, “Like I said, don’t worry about a thing. Enjoy being who you are and have fun out there.”

“What about in here?” Sweetie Belle said, jokingly.

“Of course you can have fun in here. I always had lots of fun taking tests when I was your age,” Twilight said.

“Uhhhh sure,” Sweetie Belle said, rolling her eyes slightly.

“I’ve got one more one on one session to go, so if you feel you need to brush up on anything, now’s the time to do it,” Twilight said.

“Right,” Sweetie Belle said, as she watched her walk away.

Twilight approached Blissful Trance and smiled, since she saw the sad look in young filly’s eyes.

“I’m sorry about what happened,” Blissful Trance said her quiet voice filled with remorse, “I’m not in trouble am I?”

“Of course not,” Twilight said, “It was an accident, and you showed great maturity in bringing us out of hypnosis right away.”


“Yes, for somepony who had unlimited access to our minds, you immediately focused on doing the right thing, and not, to quote Golden Fleece ‘have us do stuff.’”

“That’s why I don’t like being able to take control like that,” Blissful Trance said, “Being able to have ponies do what I ask no matter what, it just seems so scary.”

“I know it seems like it, but really one of the primary reasons hypnosis is used is to help others,” Twilight said, hoping to lift the young filly’s spirits.

“I read a little about it, but since I’ve always had trouble with it going out of control I just always think about hypnosis turning ponies into zombies,” Blissful Trance said, the sadness in her voice returning.

“Does what happened today happen a lot?” Twilight asked.

“Almost every time I sneeze. I had to stay home from school when my allergies were bad.”

“Well don’t worry, I’m here to help you now,” Twilight said, “Now from what I could tell your version of hypno magic is some form of projection magic, but like most projection magic it needs to actually be projected over something or else it can go haywire, like what happened earlier. That’s also why it probably gets cast when you sneeze, since in its current form it isn’t restrained and therefore can manifest itself whenever you’re under some sort of duress or intense distraction.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Blissful Trance said, trying to wrap her head around Twilight’s lecture.

“That also explains why it’s so powerful, even with your natural limiter still active, with the hypnotic projection being unrestrained it’s able to bypass it and tap into raw unicorn magic and that’s why it can hypnotize any pony it targets, even alicorns. So our first step will be getting it under control by finally giving your hypno magic something to project over.”

“Okay,” Blissful Trance said, her confidence growing a little, “Um…what should I project it over?”

Twilight stood in shock for a few seconds since she couldn’t think of anything either.

“Hmmmm, how about….your eyes,” Twilight said, after some deliberation.

“My eyes?”

“Yes, they’re perfect!” Twilight said, getting excited again, “That way in order to utilize your hypno magic you’ll need to look your subject in the eyes so that way it’ll become a more personal experience.”

“I like the sound of that. It makes it less scary,” Blissful Trance said.

“Okay then, now go ahead and try it out.”

Blissful Trance turned around so she was facing the mirror on the wall behind her and closed her eyes. Her horn glowed aqua as she began to cast her spell.

Focus. Concentrate. Project, Blissful Trance thought.

After a few seconds she opened her eyes and saw that they were now red and grey spirals. She let out a surprised gasp.

“It worked Princess Twilight! Look!” she said, as she turned around to face Twilight, before immediately looking away after realizing what she had done, “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.”

“That’s okay,” Twilight said, shaking her head, “It just made me a little woozy. Now that the hypno magic is being cast properly it’s a little weaker, so that means you probably won’t be able to hypnotize any alicorns for awhile.”

“I’m okay with that,” Blissful Trance said, as her eyes returned to normal.

“Now that was just the first step,” Twilight said, “You might not like this next part, but to help increase your ability to contain the magic you’ll need experience in utilizing it properly, that means practicing it on another pony.”

“I was afraid you’d say that,” Blissful Trance said,

“Also hypnosis is all about relaxation. The spirals in your eyes alone will be enough to put ponies under your spell, but if you mention to them about relaxing a little the experience will end up being a lot less trama…I mean intense for them,” Twilight said, catching herself at the last possible second.
“But who would let me practice on them after what happened earlier?”

“I would,” Sweetie Belle said walking over.

“You…you will?” Blissful Trance said in shock.

“If it will help you, of course I will. After all if we’re going to spend time together this summer I don’t want you to worry about hypnotizing ponies every time you sneeze,” Sweetie Belle said, smiling at her.

“Are you sure about this Sweetie Belle?” Twilight asked.

“Absolutely,” Sweetie Belle said, “I’m ready when you are.”

“O…okay…let’s get started,” Blissful Trance said, after she nervously paced back and forth a little.

Blissful Trance turned to face Sweetie Belle and closed her eyes. Her horn glowed aqua again.

Focus. Concentrate. Project, she thought, repeating the mantra from earlier.

She opened her eyes and Sweetie Belle found her eyes locking on the spirals.

“Um, Sweetie Belle I want you to please look into my eyes and relax,” Blissful Trance said in a quiet tone.

“Yes…I will relax,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Please relax and go into hypnosis for me,” Blissful Trance said, hoping what she said was enough to make the experience more pleasant for Sweetie Belle.

“Yes, I will go into hypnosis,” Sweetie Belle said, as her eyes morphed into red and grey spirals. A slight smile spread across her face.

The spirals faded from Blissful Trance’s eyes as she stared at Sweetie Belle in awe.

“Is…is this what actually is supposed to happen when I use hypno magic on a pony?” she said in shock, “She’s not talking about how much she wants to obey me, and she doesn’t look scared, she looks….happy.”

“See I told you that you could make it a pleasant experience for other ponies,” Twilight said.

“Sweetie Belle, are you okay?” Blissful Trance asked.

“Yes…I feel wonderful,” Sweetie Belle said, her voice quiet.

“I should wake her up,” Blissful Trance said.

“I know you’re not really comfortable with this, but perhaps you should try giving her a few suggestions to get a better feel for how your hypno magic works overall,” Twilight said.

“O…okay. Um, Sweetie Belle please raise your right hoof,” Blissful Trance said.

Sweetie Belle wordlessly obeyed and raised her right front hoof into the air before setting it back down.

“Maybe try asking her to do something she wouldn’t normally do,” Twilight suggested.

“Um, Sweetie Belle I want you to please….think you’re a cat,” Blissful Trance said, practically blurting out the command.

“’Think you’re a cat?’” Twilight said in confusion.

“It was the first thing I thought of.”

“Meow! Meow!” Sweetie Belle said as she walked over towards them. She rubbed her head against Twilight and purred.

“At least she’s not acting like Opalescence,” Twilight said, as she absentmindedly began scratching Sweetie Belle’s head.

“I think I’ve learned enough now,” Blissful Trance said, growing uncomfortable, “Sweetie Belle, please wake up.”

The spirals in Sweetie Belle’s eyes faded away and she shook her head a couple of times.

“Wow! That was a lot different. I felt like I was floating and happy the whole time, and I felt like I wanted to do what you told me, not like I had obey you,” Sweetie Belle said happily.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Blissful Trance asked.

“I’m better then okay. I feel like I just woke up from a nap, and I’m not nervous about the test anymore.”

“I’m glad I could…help,” Blissful Trance said, still in shock that her hypno magic had actually benefited a pony for once.

“Thank you for volunteering Sweetie Belle,” Twilight said, before turning to Blissful Trance and raising a pepper shaker with her magic, “Now that you have a feel for how a proper hypno magic session works let’s try something.”

She’s not going to, Blissful Trance thought in shock, as Twilight sprinkled pepper in front of her.

“Ah…ah…choo!” Blissful Trance sneezed, though this time her horn only sparked a little and when her eyes opened, the spirals briefly flashed in them before they returned to normal, “Hey it worked, I could feel myself holding back the magic…..um please don’t do that again.”

“Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking,” Twilight said, grinning sheepishly.

“Thank you so much for helping me,” Blissful Trance said.

“You’re very welcome,” Twilight said, “Now to help maintain this control and even perfect it, you will need to continue practicing.”

“I know,” Blissful Trance said, slightly disappointed.

The library soon filled with a soft chiming sound as the clock struck 11:00

“Alright everypony return to your desks, it’s time for the written portion of the exam,” Twilight announced.

The six young fillies returned to their desks as quick as they could and Twilight stood before them.

“Like I said, it is time for the written portion of the exam. This test will test your knowledge of magic history, magic knowledge, and give hypothetical examples about how you should use your magic in a situation,” Twilight explained, as she set an exam in front of each of the girls, “Keep your eyes on your own papers….and…begin.”

There was a flurry of rustling papers as they all turned to page one.

You enter a bank. Do you use your magic to a. lift a pen and endorse the check you wish to cash. b. rob the bank. c. lift the pen and use it rob the bank? Healing Touch thought, as she read the question, raising an eyebrow at the last option.

Maybe this’ll be easier then I thought, Dinky thought, as she answered ‘a’ for number one, Number two, in what year did the magic council deem that magic blasts and magic rays were to be considered two separate categories of magic…uh oh.

Which of these plants is known to dampen a unicorns magic? a. the saimin orchid b. the spider fuzz fern c. the greater mulapot d. the dark geranium. Mom told me about having to use the greater mulapot on her missions when she was in the stealth forces so I think it’s ‘c’, Ebony Darkness thought.

There is a small rock. On top of it is a boulder. How would you remove the small rock from its position without letting the boulder fall the ground? Golden Fleece thought, before she began writing, Easy, blast it to bits, it’s no longer a boulder so it can’t fall to the ground. P.S. I’m awesome.

True or False Star Swirl the Bearded created the Teleportation Spell in the year 21 ANM? It’s definitely false, Star Swirl the Bearded lived way before that, Blissful Trance thought.

The third chairpony of the Grand Clydesdalian Academy was Neighheart Brown, but who stepped in as a temporary chair when the staff disbanded due to fears of a Changling infiltration? Uhhhhh, Star Swirl the Bearded? Sweetie Belle thought, remembering Rarity’s advice from earlier. She put it down as an answer, and moved on without worrying due to her post-hypnotic de-stressing still being in effect.

The test continued on like that for another 98 questions before Twilight signaled that time was up. Once they handed in their papers she faced them once more.

“Alright now for the final part of the test, well since it won’t really affect your grades it’s not really part of the test, it’s more of a fun extracurricular learning activity where young unicorns learn about alternate forms of magic. Like I said at the beginning, we’ll be dealing with spell books,” Twilight said.

“Isn’t using ‘fun’ and ‘learning’ in the same sentence an oxymoron?” Golden Fleece asked.

Ignoring her, Twilight continued, “Now I want you all to fan out and find a book with a low level magic incantation to try. The books to choose from were marked by Spike last night so they should be easy to find.”

Sweetie Belle and the others once again broke off and wondered around the library, flipping through the pages of the books, looking for a spell they felt they’d be able to easily cast. The books were easy enough to find, since Spike had placed a cartoonish picture of himself flashing a thumbs up as he stood next to Twilight by them. Once they had found the spell they wanted they all returned to their desks.

“So who wants to go first?” Twilight asked.

Golden Fleece started to get up, but Healing Touch was faster, resulting in Golden Fleece shooting her the stink eye.

Healing Touch opened her book to the proper page and her horn glowed white as she read, “Obsecro vos vires volo.”

Once she was done with the incantation, a small glowing circle with an arrow in it appeared in front of her for a few seconds before fading.

“Good job!” Twilight said, “That was a nice low level global speed rune you summoned. Next time remember to include the activator. Why did you choose that particular spell?”

“I was trying to do a localized speed rune. I read in an article by Lixie Twulamoon that if you cast one over a wound it will heal faster. I want to be able to use that along with my healing magic,” Healing Touch said.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Lixie Twulamoon is Trixie’s pen name, and that article’s been proven false already,” Twilight said.

“Awwww,” Healing Touch said, in disappointment.

“Don’t feel bad, your intentions were good,” Twilight said.

Twilight’s encouragement caused Healing Touch to perk back up as she made her way back to her seat.

Golden Fleece practically ran up to the front to take her long awaited turn. She opened up the rather old and worn book she had chosen and began to read as her horn glowed dark green.

“O magnum ad ostium mundo somno. Dolores inferni cirumdenderunt aperire.”

Wait that sounds way too complicated, Twilight thought, her concern building, What is she doing?

“Golden Fleece! Stop right now! You don’t know what you’re dealing with!” Twilight shouted, as the other fillies looked on in horror.

“Somnium aperire mundi salva nos!” Golden Fleece shouted, finishing up the spell.

Once she had finished a blue swirling vortex appeared in front of her. It immediately began creating a strong field of suction.

“What did you do?!” Twilight shouted in both fear and anger, as she tried to not only close the vortex, but keep herself and the others from being sucked in. Her attempts were in vain, as Sweetie Bell flew into it followed by Dinky and the others. Rather then abandon the fillies by teleporting away Twilight then proceeded to dive head first into the vortex, which closed behind her.

Author's Note:

Welcome back to the magic exam :)

Here we get one cliffhanger resolved only to dive into another one ^_^

With Healing Touch I wanted to show that deep down she is a caring pony who wants to use her magic to help others, while at the same time having a slight naive streak to her since she essentially falls for Equestria version of a clickbait article...written by Trixie no less ^_^

Ebony Darkness continues to be the cute perky goth ninja with her getting show off her powers a little more and Twilight getting to see the shadow world she travels through, albeit briefly.

Golden Fleece continues to be a narcissistic jerk.

I also wanted to show that when she can use her hypno magic properly Blissful Trance lives up to her name in that her hypnotic spell is a pleasant experience for those that fall under it with them being happy, following her suggestions with nary a yes mistress/master in sight and the post-hypnotic de-stressing.
I also wanted to add a twist to the hypnotic eye ability in that she doesn't have naturally hypnotic eyes, she's just projecting the hypno-spiral affect over her eyes.
I figured Sweetie Belle would be a great volunteer for her, since not only is a she a nice pony, but some of Rarity's element of generosity is probably rubbing off on her, and what's more generous then allowing yourself to be placed under somepony's hypnotic control.

We also get to see Dinky and her bowcasting some more, with not only the bad aim continuing, but the running gag of her hitting Rainbow Dash randomly coming back as well. Of course with her able to compensate somewhat it'll be less of an issue now thanks to Twilight's unique, but helpful suggestion.

The test questions were kinda fun since I essentially tried to make them sound like equestria versions of SATs and every history test ever. Plus where else would you find a question that one of the answers involves robbing a bank with a pen. Thanks to my friend on DA TF-Circus who helped come up with a couple of them.

And the great water-kirby has brought another of the fillies to life, this time the lucky unicorn is Blissful Trance, check her out in all her glory: http://water-kirby.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Request-Blissful-Trance-614129377

See you next time, your thoughts and comments are always welcome.