• Member Since 30th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Dawn Flower

Have you ever heard about the theory about how subatomic particles can pop into existence at random? Well, replace subatomic particles with updates and you have my writing style in a nutshell.


Buck Shot is just an ordinary scavenger pony, doing what he can to get by in the cruel and unforgiving Equestrian Wasteland. One day, while he was out scavenging, he meets a power armored pony who has a lot to say about the history and nuances of the Equestrian Wasteland... and like it or not, Buck Shot is going to listen to what he has to say.

The original Fallout: Equestria was created by Kkat
The Storyteller is based on the character from The Fallout Lore Series by ShoddyCast

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 30 )

But that is a story for another day...
Exactly like how the story teller would be like, I was waiting for the scavenger to walk away mid sentence.

I'll check this out later, if your in need of random lore, I got some on the Marewaii Islands and the navy you can use.

A story for another day, indeed. Reading this later for certain.

Your book has been advertised on the new facebook foe group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/foebooks/ :)

there is three thing you make my day a happy one
one is fallout equestria
two is the storyteller
three you just make my day for making this crossover!

continued more lads ^^

It is two in the morning, thought I was going to go to bed but then stumbled across this beautiful crossover and knew I had to stay up long enough to read it.

::::::Translating from been awake for 33 hours to English:::::::

I love it.:pinkiehappy:

Liking the fic so far- you really do a great job of capturing the Storyteller's kind of sarcastic sense of humor here.

sparkle world? huh Nuka world DLC

Very informative, definitely plugged up a few plot hole issues I had with power armor in FOE proper. You do a great job capturing the Storyteller's voice!

I do as well... Hope it's not dead.

Good chapter. Keep it goin.

With the state of the Equestrian Wasteland the way it is, we could certainly use a hero right now, but who knows when one of those will show up.”

With one last forlorn look at the slaver band and their captives in the distance, the Storyteller turned and started trotting away in the other direction, in an uncharacteristic silence, with PINK-E following close behind him. After a moment of hesitation, and one last look back himself, Buck Shot followed after them.

After they had left, there was a muffled sound coming from the ground beneath the spot where had been standing a moment ago: the whirring gears of a Stable door opening.

A new hand touches the beacon, eh?

Question is, who was the being to leave the stable? More importantly, are they a much needed Messiah, a True Mortal set to wander the wastes, or just another Devil out to terrorize anyone in their way?

Only time will tell.

“I doubt anypony short of a wasteland hero would not only consider taking those slavers on and free those slaves, but succeed as well. I’m good, but I’m not that good. With the state of the Equestrian Wasteland the way it is, we could certainly use a hero right now, but who knows when one of those will show up.”

With one last forlorn look at the slaver band and their captives in the distance, the Storyteller turned and started trotting away in the other direction, in an uncharacteristic silence, with PINK-E following close behind him. After a moment of hesitation, and one last look back himself, Buck Shot followed after them.

After they had left, there was a muffled sound coming from the ground beneath the spot where had been standing a moment ago: the whirring gears of a Stable door opening.

And so, the legend begins...

Oh. Em Gee. I am loving this so far! This is definitely getting a like and Fave from me!

So then, what about you’re power armor?


I guess great minds think alike, I'm currently working on an audio drama inspired by ShoddyCast's Storyteller. Though my storyteller is different than yours. :pinkiesmile:

Damn. It's already over. Good job.

Awww, I'm sad now. It's already the end.

Kinda forgot about this story, and I came back all excited. And then it ended. Oof. 😥




I mentioned in a recent blog post that my interest in the Brony fandom has started to die down lately, as well as interest in writing these fanfictions. A lot of my other stories were just cancelled straight out, and for a few, I released a blog post containing some notes on where they were going. However, I really enjoyed writing this story, so I wanted to give it a proper ending.

Understandable, I rarely check into here as well.

“It’s always a possibility. There are so many stories out there, that it’s impossible to keep up with all of them, and some even go unfinished. However, the important thing to remember is that everyone’s got there own stories to tell, and even stories that do go unfinished are still there, ready to be passed on to whoever learns about them; what really matters is that we learn something from it regardless – and even if it’s not me, there will always be people out there to continue telling them.”

So true

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