• Published 21st May 2016
  • 2,345 Views, 27 Comments

The AppleCucking - Pink Rocket

When Applejack visits her girlfriend, she stumbles upon an unpleasant surprise.

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Woo wee! What a mighty fine day," Applejack spoke to nopony in particular as she walked down the path heading to Ponyville. The sun was out and everypony in town was getting snuggly with each other as they enjoyed the spirit of Hearts and Hooves day. Applejack smiled and nodded towards the couples as she entered the town. She was heading on to meet her own special somepony and could feel her own excitement rise as her eyes gazed across the loving couples of Ponyville.

Applejack steadily carried her bouquet of flowers on her back, This is gonna be great! she thought, as she made her way to a particular pony's boutique.

"Hello, sugarcube!" Applejack greeted lovingly as she slammed the door open to Rarity's boutique.

No answer...

Applejack looked around at the deserted main hall of the boutique, but no Rarity was in sight. Walking inside, Applejack closed the door behind her. She walked to the kitchen entrance and peered inside, but Rarity wasn't there either...

"Huh..." Applejack tapped her chin in thought. "Maybe she's upstairs."

As on cue, Applejack's ears flicked as she heard a familiar giggle from upstairs. She smiled and began trotting lightly up the stairs of the boutique. Applejack readied her flowers as she made her way up the second floor. She saw Rarity's door stand ajar and heard yet another murmur and giggle from within the room.

Not bothering with anymore anticipation Applejack opened the door, "Happy hea—"

Applejack's voice got caught in her throat.

She stared with a heavy heart at the scene before her, as the bouquet roses slowly fell from her grasp and hit the floor.

"So you like that, huh?" a pegasus whispered through smirked as she finished a sensual tongue stroke across the horn of Applejack's girlfriend.

Applejack's mouth stood agape as she watched none other than Rainbow Dash, intimately hovering over Rarity.

Rarity giggled playfully, "Well, I don't dislike it— A-Applejack?!" Rarity looked up in shock as she caught Applejack at the door.

"R-Rarity?" Applejack managed to peep out. She felt a sting in her eyes as she watched the event before her. "W-What's going on?"

Applejack was confused... How could Rarity have done this to her? Smiling and giggling in bed with somepony other than her...

"What the heck does it look like?" Dash spoke up boldly, breaking the silence. Applejack felt a lump in her throat as reality came crashing down.

Her eyes got wet, "R-Rarity," she broke out desperately. "How could you..."

Rarity looked away.

"How could she what, AJ?" Dash inquired, "Choose me, a top elite famous wonderbolt over some stinkin' mudpony?"

"Applejack, I..." Rarity tried to intervene, but trailed off.

She had nothing to say...

"You think you dictate over what Rarity wants?" Dash laughed, "Face it, Applejack! You could never satisfy Rarity the way I could. I'm like a million times better than you in every category. And besides..." Dash smirked smugly, "unlike you I can give Rarity something she needs right now..."

"No..." Applejack eyes went wide at Rainbow Dash's ridiculous implication. Rarity would never stoop so low... She was a nice pony. Like Applejack, Rarity liked nothing more than to cuddle and talking about her feeling.

"That's right, Applejack..." Rainbow Dash nodded. "Lewdness."

"B-But that's for married ponies!!" Applejack shouted.

"Oh yeah?" Dash glared into Applejack's tear struck eyes before turning towards Rarity. "Then consider this my wedding proposal."

Applejack watched in horror as Rainbow Dash wrapped her hooves around Rarity's head and pull her into a deep kiss. She could feel every muscle in her body strain as Rainbow Dash kissed her special somepony. She clenched her teeth as a spark of anger rose within her at the shock and betrayal.

But it was all for naught... Because as Applejack watched Rarity slowly close her eyes and lean in to kiss Rainbow Dash back, her heart broke into a million pieces...

Applejack could do nothing but watch as her tears began streaming down her face, seeing Rarity's tongue collide with Rainbow Dash's. The two ponies made no attempt to stop or slow done and Applejack could feel the pain within her chest escalate by the second. A small whimper escaped Applejack lips as the ongoing scene threatened to tear her fragile heart to shreds.

And it didn't stop...

The whimper became loud and eventually ascended into sobbing and kept going louder and louder. Even through the shame of it, Applejack couldn't help herself. Paralyzed by sadness, she fell to her hunches as the loud sobbing roared through the room. Through all the pain she'd felt in her life, nothing was as soul crushing as this moment. She wanted to die...

The tears that filled her eyes had blurred her vision and through the moment that felt like death, she was disoriented. She could do nothing but cry openly like a foal towards her former lover. Shaming herself beyond redemption... But in her current moment, pride had little meaning. All she knew was pain and in her despair, it seemed endless...

She needed to cry right now...

"That's right, Applejack," a voice said. "Keep crying."

Rainbow Dash must have stopped kissing Rarity at some point because Applejack could feel the pegasus hooves wrap around her barrel and her warm breath whisper into her ear. Applejack tried to stifle her crying but, to no avail... She could do no more now than she could before. She felt the tip of Dash's tongue touch the bottom of her cheek and then slowly beginning to move upward, licking up the tears that streamed down from her face until finally reaching the bottom lashes of her eye.

Dash retracted her tongue in a sweet sigh of content...

"Your tears are delicious."

Comments ( 27 )

Dayum, that was some fucked shit right there. :ajsleepy:

B_25 #2 · May 21st, 2016 · · 1 ·

911 words total

9/11 confirmed.


Dash is so out of character...:rainbowderp:

I have no words for this... It's that bad.

Wow Dashie. Yous a bitch. :facehoof:

Also Rainbow Dash wouldn't do such a thing or at least in a malicious and petty way. That's some bad characterization right there.

Your writing wasn't bad and the story coherent the only problem I can see is Dash was out of charechter but it seems some of commenters have a stick up theyer butts, when they where the ones to clicked on this story knowing what it would be about and then complain? That isent helpful criticism is just bitching that he messed with your idea of a ship, chill out,
So over all the story gets a 6.5/10 in my book.

7234773 Actually, the reason I was annoyed about this story was just how OOC Rainbow was. Should have clarified that, sorry.:twilightsheepish:

Well, I sense a sequel coming on, justifying Rarity's actions.

Yep... with how obsessed the internet seems to be with "cucks" now knew something like this was only a matter of time.

And of course it'd be these 3, the 3 involved in the most bitter ship war in the fandom

Woah! What's up with Rainbow Dash? She's so out of character!

Well RD racist, out of character and Rarity seems perfectly fine with that. The story has no other point but to make Applejack sad and other than that goes nowhere and does nothing, we see very little of the consequences or anything that results from this. Its pretty much just "hey mudpony, screw you" and that's it, if there was anything else to talk about here I would have. If it had an ending I might be able to talk about that but it just kinda stops.

I'm not satisfied in the whole "Applejack is sad and betrayed angle" because it didn't have any time to develop, I'm not satisfied in the whole "Rarity and Rainbow adultery" angle either because it didn't have time to develop either. I'm not even satisfied with the whole "Applejack and Rarity's previous relationship" because that was barely established not even a single scene of them together in the entire story.

Normally I wouldn't be so harsh on a story but if you make a trollfic, particularly a low effort one like this I don't feel like I need to pull my punches. If it had something establishing farther Rarity and AJ's relationship like AJ spending time picking out something romantic for Rarity that would be something. If there was a scene afterwards where we found out why Rarity and Rainbow were doing this that would be something.

Edit: to those saying "its satire it doesn't need to be good or do anything" can you show me a point where it satirizes something?

Obvious bait for shipping losers. 2/10 m8. Try harder next time.

7235669 You don't understand satire do you mate?

7236656 I do, satire has to have effort put into it. Satire has to understand what made the original work in the first place so it can invert that. You can't just fart onto your keyboard and say "that's satire" that's the kind of thinking that got us to where we are today with satire with movies like Spaceballs and Airplane forgotten memories. If this was "satire" rather than just a trollfic then it needs to be held to even higher standards because of how harshly it fails at satirizing anything. And how hardcore it failed at making me laugh.

This triggered so many cucks. The story is written well, which makes it leagues above most of this site.

You do have a point, there isn't enough depth to make this satire.

There's no way that Rainbow would do something like this, she is written terribly here. This fanfic is honesty just not that good to me, it only serves to make Applejack sad.

I sincerely regret reading this jumble of words haphazardly sewn together by a desperate writer. Few fics have managed to leave me with such a reaction.

I have no regrets reading this masterful piece of literature meticulously crafted by a legendary writer. Few fics have managed to leave me with such a reaction.

This fic confuses me. Why would you publish this? I understand that you for some reason might have wanted to write a short vent against Rarijack or something, but Rainbow Dash is horrifically out-of-character, there's utterly minimal characterization, and the fic seems to serve no purpose but to stomp on Applejack's heart. It makes no sense.

*roblox death sound*

This is probably funny for Sadists, or AppleJack haters. It's kinda weird tbh :applejackunsure::rainbowderp::raritywink:

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