• Published 29th May 2016
  • 746 Views, 7 Comments

Dear Journal - Nikkori

Soarin like Spitfire. Or so the media wants.

  • ...


Dear Journal,

Rainbow Dash, saw me today.

I love thee, but alas, the media's a cruel thing. They thinks that hey control us like puppets, but they don't know it, but Rainbow Dash is more important. My friend, Fleetfoot. She's a nice pony.

For blackmail.

She knows my secrets. She knows about my dreams. She knows everything. We've known eachother since childhood. Anyhow, she says she'll release everything she knows about me, if I made a move on Rainbow. She's the mare who masterminds the game, the ringleader. She's sold Spitfire a lie, and the devil too. She said I loved her, she said if I don't like Spitfire, I better learn to. She says with any amount of lies- terrible ones- I would be a goner.

"Stay away from Dash-" I believe she said. "-or else I'll make sure you're destroyed. And in prison. I'll say-"

She... said things I would never be able to recover from. I learned to fake it. To put Rainbow down with looks. Verbally, I said things that never really interested me that Rainbow loved. I started to laugh whenever she fell. I moved to another locker room. I wanted to make Rainbow feel as neglected by me as possible. But I never wanted that.

I wanted to make Rainbow cheer up at my smile. I wanted to say our common interests. I wanted to pick her up when she fell. I wanted my old locker right next to her (Fleet took it.) and I want Rainbow to feel loved. I want her to smile again.

"Soary~" I remember Spitfire saying. I was confused, but then she had sat me down and we chatted.

"Soary~" Spitfire had said. "We need to talk." I was so confused.

"About what-!" Spitfire was kissing me then. Cinnamon, and vanilla. She lips tasted like cinnamon and vanilla. The scent of apple pie had assaulted my nostrils.

"So.." Spitfire then said. "A date?"

"Y-yeah. A date."

"So, we need to keep this out of the way of of our work." Spitfire said.

"Of course, Fire." I said, biting back the urge to say Dashie.

"Good. Now drop and give me twenty!"

I abandoned love for my face. Fleetfoot said I had made the right choice. She said Rainbow could have been in serious danger if I hadn't said yes to Spitfire.

Oh why is life a cruel mistress?!

Fleetfoot also said she'd have Spitfire thrown in too. If I told her anything, we were both going down. She said she talk about why Spitfire has every Wonderbolt under control. She said she has potions, things to slip into everyone's drinks.

Lies. Everything about me now is a lie.

I'm not okay.

I don't love Spitfire.

I hate my life.

My "close" friend Fleetfoot is a manipulative-

No. I'll release this to the public.

Media far and wide will know the dysfunction that is The Wonderbolts. Fleetfoot may have pills and potions, but I have this. Anyway, Rainbow is too beautiful to wear the frown I see her wear whenever she's at the compound. Fleetfoot's very-


PG, remember Soarin?

Only pony associated with Fleetfoot as a friend I was to see is Surprise. She knows about Fleetfoot. What Surprise doesn't know is that I'm the one Fleetfoot wants. Prizes always thinks it's a prank. Prize always tells me a joke, or offers me a pie. I like her more than my fake love for Spitfire.

Platonically, of course.

Anywho, Rainbow Dash needs someone better than Fleetfoot. Someone who won't kill another pony just for her. Someone who is a great pony. Not being conceited, but Rainbow needs me.

Fleetfoot's fame has made her corrupt.

"Ponies are things made to be used then thrown away." she commonly said to me.

I know why I'm her target.

I'm a softie. I can't stand up to anypony.

Our conversations scare me the most.



"You know High Winds?"


"Play your cards right, and I won't frame you for-"

Fleetfoot's been controlling me.

I'm a Wonderbolt, not a daisy. The fact that I don't think that I have power in this is depressing. Rainbow shouldn't be losing her happiness because of me. I don't want to make Rainbow depressed because of me.

I won't take it anymore.

But here's my first and final stand-

I'll live a happy life!

After I break up with Spitfire, I was never happy.

We aren't the Media's sweetheart couple.

Rainbow never deserved any of this.

I'm done with this.

This is my last entry before the media knows what happens behind the scenes.

Rainbow Dash deserves happiness.


I think I might smile at her today.

-Soarin Skies, New Stallion.

Author's Note:

Jesus, Rari. Wrote this without thinking, listening to PFUDOR, eating ice cream, while mom makes cupcakes? Writing dark stories with sadistic ponies are my faves.... anyway, oh great Reality- Senpai, please acknowledge my humble gift and notice meh.

And btw, thanks for the follow Reality.

And this story jumps from on place to another because if your head is a scrambled mess, do you expect to have a clean and crisp mind?

And Fleetfoot's character in here is inspired by Matt Engarde and Dahlia Hawthorne from Ace Attorney.

P.S- Sorry Reality! I made your story deeper! And darker! And everything inbetween!

And the talking segments is when Soarin spaces out a bit. In reality he writes I Remember when Spitfire and I got together. and Fleetfoot's less serious threats.

And my sis and I are talking about the difference between choking and drowning. I asked how can you choke on water, but then again, my sister said "I was in the Twenty Oneth episode of this anime..."