• Published 24th May 2016
  • 4,182 Views, 30 Comments

But I Am A Girl! - Lunasservant1985

Rainbow always was something of a tomboy, now she wants to feel more like a girl, but can she?

  • ...

And I'll Prove It too!

"Come on you pansies! Try and get past me!" Hoops said as he and his friends Scoreboard and a few others dribbled a basketball on the court. He and another group opposite him on the court rushed and dashed in between each other with gusto. They got rough with each other; shoulders hitting ribs, feet slamming on feet, and shoves hard enough to knock you down. This wasn't basketball...it was basketBRAWL! The one who stuck out the most in all this was Rainbow Dash, with her long rainbow hair tucked into a large trucker cap, her short skirt off and traded for baggy jeans, and her Nikes hitting the pavement as she elbowed Hoops in the side.

"You wanna get tough Hoops? I'll get tough!" she shouted as she bounced a ball off his head and made it sink into the net; he saw stars from the impact as she chuckled in her throat and "yessed!" when it sunk into the net.

"You play too hard bro," he said rubbing the soreness in his ribs she had given him, but his words...they left an impact.

"What...did you just call me?" Rainbow Dash said as they slowed the game to a halt. She looked at Hoops with a glare and a raised fist.

"Easy bro, don't get your jock strap in a twist! It's just guy riffing jeez! You raised by a soccer mom and a sack-less dad?" He says dribbling and bouncing the orange ball. Rainbow gasped as her anger started rising.

"Hoops! IT's ME YOU IDIOT!" She tore off her cap and opened the tightly zipped up wind breaker allowing her rainbow lightning tee shirt and her bust out and let her more girlish build become more noticeable than when she was all bundled up in her baggy clothes. Hoops felt his face blush in embarrassment as he realized what just happened, but he knew how to play spin doctor.

"Wow really? Jezz Rainbow...Crash! it felt like I was going up against another dude for a second." He said before chuckling and laughing at her disheveled hair and scuffs from her en devour with the boys. Scoreboard was the first to jump on the joke...at his friend.

"Wow really Hoops? I didn't know you swung that way dude! HAHAHA!" Hoops was not amused.

"Shut up jerk wad! or maybe you're the one who wants a big man to cuddle with?" The laughter from the other boys (and Dashie) shifted direction like a gale force wind. "Besides, how was I supposed to know it's Rainbow Crash under all that? I mean, she's a chick but she's got more balls than you do Score!'' THIS...was not what she liked hearing.

"What did you just say you little turd?" She asked bouncing and dribbling the ball, hoping it would quell her anger.

"You heard me...you got more balls than the lot of us, and it felt like I was going up against a freaking man! what are you gonna do about it?" he said with his cronies to his side, as soon as the ball returned to her hands, Rainbow Dash sent it full force into Hoops' Face! It made a sick rubber on flesh sound as his nasal bridge snapped and sickeningly broke. He raised his hands to his nose and sneezed blood into them. Everyone there reviled in horror from him.

"Ahhh YOU ITCH! OU OKE MAH OSE!" he said with his hands muffling his words a bit, Rainbow only smirked and flipped her cap back on. Then made her way over to a bike she was borrowing from her boyfriend.

"Serves you right, ass-wipe." She said with little regard on the outside, but inside she knew it wouldn't help her situation.

Rarity Sang to herself happily as she placed the new leather jacket on her friend Sunset Shimmer. It was a dark brown one with faux diamonds bedazzled in the shoulders and red rubies on the back spelled her name with a fire patch surrounding it from the bottom and pegasus wings at the top. The store was mostly quiet save for the two of them. Sunset's old jacket lay on the counter, now meant to be kept as a memento rather than be worn regularly. "I'm really gonna miss that one, not that I don't appreciate the new one Rarity." She said admiring her reflection in the mirror as she straightened out and adjusted the new jacket before turning around to admire the patchwork on the back.

"Oh don't worry about it at all Darling, Fashion is my life's blood, well that and being generous!" she said happily as the shop bell began to dingle, indicating a customer. "Oh excuse me Sunset, but business calls." Rarity darted from the back room workshop to the main showroom, she took note of the person in a trucker cap and denim jacket and the shaggy appearance, she would normally make a comment about said appearance, but she didn't want her customers to feel offended.

"Good afternoon sir, how may I help you?" She asked making the customer's head spring up in her direction with a slight glare. She then recognized who it was.

"Rarity! Do I look like a "SIR," to you?!" Rainbow Dash said as she took her cap off and opened her jacket again, in addition to the minor bruise on her face, she also had athlete's eye black lines under her eyes and it wasn't helping her case.

" I have a bit of a problem Rare...okay maybe a major problem. You gotta help with...I'm begging YA!" Dash said as she tried to apologize for getting angry. Rarity got behind the counter took a seat before offering a stool to her friend.

"Rainbow Dash, it's okay, I shouldn't have called you sir, and I should have recognized you better."Now, calm down and slowly tell Rarity what you're problem is."

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and exhaled, then she began at the beginning. "Okay. I was practicing some B-ball with the boys..."

"Well that's one problem right there." Rarity interrupted with a huff as she tilted her nose up in a slightly snooty manner.

"What do you mean?" Dash asked with a finger to her chin. "Hoops called me 'Dude'! then he made crass and vulgar comments about how I'm more a guy than him! he thought I was a dude! he said I had bigger balls than his neanderthal friends!" She said slightly hurt by the recounting of such a heinous affair. Rarity dabbed some rose water on a purple velvet cloth and wiped a small amount of dirt off Dashie's face, then she examined Rainbow Dash closely. Unkempt hair; dirty face, eye black that is definitely NOT makeup, bruises from contact sport roughhousing, and the baggy over sized clothes that hid all her natural curves and shapes when she bunched up in them? Yup, it all began to add up.

"Well no wonder he mistook you for a..."dude" Dashie!" She said tsking and shaking her head as she gave her "diagnosis."
Rainbow Dash frowned, feeling offended at such a remark, and from her close friend no less.

"What?! What do you mean? Are you saying you actually agree with the trio of douche-bags that used to bully Fluttershy when we went to sport's camp?" She said raising her fist and shaking it.

"Not in the slightest, but there's your problem right there...Take a look and see for yourself." Rarity picked up a body mirror and held it out in front of Rainbow Dash. "Does the reflection really look like a proper young lady to you?" Rainbow Dash paused to stare at her reflection for a moment. If she didn't know any better, she could almost swear she was looking at her cousin from Denver Rainbow Blitz. Who was often mistaken for her twin brother because of how similar they looked, which made most non family members think they were twins.

"Well, of course because I know myself, I know that the reflection is a girl...but... Oh, okay, okay! So I'm a little dirty!...and bruised...and my hair look's like a bird's nest...and my clothes look like I bought them at a Goodwill...Okay I'm a dead ringer for a male, but I don't want to always HAVE to be the overly sporty tomboy! I do like being a girl and acting like one...so long as it's...cool." She said loosening more of her clothes and setting her hat aside. Sunset Returned to see just what all the commotion was from the back room. "I mean look at Sunset here! she wears...boyish stuff like that leather jacket and is a little bit on the tough side, but you still pull of the skirt look and well done hair." She said as she took note of her new jacket.

"uhh thanks Dash...I think." Sunset said with a nervous chuckle. Truth be told, back when she was a pony in Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, SHE often felt like the tomboy. Granted she didn't compete in any sports or act too unladylike, but she did have a bit of attitude problem, which obviously got worse as time went on. None of that changed much when she came here either, baring her face heel turn after the formal of course.

"You're a total mess. But I have to ask, if you always act so...'tomboyish' and rarely care about 'girlish' things, why the sudden panic attack over it now?" Sunset asked as she took a brush from a counter and began to gently stroke the locks of Rainbow's namesake hair back in place as Rarity cleaned the dirt from her and did her best to make the bruising go down. Rainbow Dash hung her head down, then raised when Rarity told her she needed to work on it more.

"Well, I know I always act like that; 'tomboyish', but I'm still a girl, you know? I want to be the best at everything I do and that includes stuff not all girls are into, but that doesn't mean I want to BE a guy or not feel like a girl at all! maybe I just need some help, to feel..I don't know, maybe twenty percent more feminine, that'd be just fine." She said as Rarity and Sunset finished, with her hair and the sporty smudges and marks gone...as best as one could get at least. She did start to look a lot more like a girl than when she came in.

"In your current state, you not only lost twenty percent of your femininity, you gained approximately..." Rarity began, but was quickly cut off.

"Don't say it Rarity!" Dash threatened with a fist raised again.

"...You also gained," Rarity said again as Sunset prepared to hold Rainbow back.

"Don't do it!" Dashie warned again with her ears practically steaming.

"Twenty percent..." Rarity tried to continue.

"I'm warning you!"

"You're also about twenty percent more masculine!" she said making her and Sunset laugh a bit, Rather than be angry, Rainbow only seemed to break down more.

"NOOOOOOO!" Rainbow Dash hugged Rarity in a pleading manner, she began to sob softly. "Please Rarity, ya gotta help me! help me be...more feminine!....please?" Rarity hugged Rainbow Dash' tighter and patted her shoulder gently.

"There there Rainbow Dash, we'll help you, don't worry. I know exactly what you need, and Sunset? care to help out? cause when we're done, you'll be absolutely fabulous and just dapper! a real lady about town!" She said happily her eyes glimmering like precious stones. Rainbow Dash gave an un-amused look. "Ahem, I mean, you are a lady, but when we're done, no one will ever mistake you for an...ahem.."Dude," ever again." Rarity smiled as she made air quotes with her fingers as she said dude.

"I sure hope so." Rainbow said as Rarity Shuffled her into a dressing room.

"Now first than "AUN Sombole," Rarity said with a touch of French in her tone as she spoke. " Has just got to go! come now...off! all of it! every unkempt piece of it!" She said as if she was a mix of a wardrobe consultant...and the warden of a women's prison about to violate the fresh meat in some exploitation movie.

"Why did you shuffle me in here? we're all girls' here you know." Rainbow said poking her head over the top of the door with a slightly annoyed expression on her face.

"Because a proper girl does not expose herself even to other girls Rainbow." Rarity said picking up her denim jacket; her baggy jeans, her heavy big basketball sneakers, and the tee shirt and socks. "Undergarments to Rainbow, this is a total image makeover."

"Oh so I can't get naked in front of you and Sunset, but handling my drawers is perfectly fine?" She said still with a touch of steam in her voice.

"Now Rainbow this is strictly professional in regards to your situation...and if you must refer to your undergarments...please call them dainties; underwear, undergarments, your brazer, or if you must...your panties, but not "drawers" please? it's so...uncouth and mannish to use such a term." She said as she packed her clothes up in dry cleaning bag. "Now just wait there...there's a shower in the back wall with expensive soaps and hair care, feel free to use them while Sunset and I assemble a new wardrobe for you."

"Thanks Rarity...for everything." Rainbow said her attitude changing a bit. As she turned the shower at the back of the changing room on, Rarity wheeled a few racks of her finest designs to Sunset, Who sat on a bench as she and Rarity began to browse the clothes.

"Now I don't want her to feel TOO effeminated...like emasculated, but I don't think Rainbow needs undergarments that lean on the fashionista or intimate side, so let's try to balance function and fashion." Rarity said as she sent the more racy outfits like negligee and lingerie back to the closet. "Ah ha! these should do...what do you think Sunset Darling?" Rarity said as she and Sunset sorted through sets of bra and panty combos. They were more modestly sized, not too skimpy but not exactly granny panties either. Nor did they have things like lace or stockings to go with them. They where mostly average with the bright, vibrant color schemes really being the focus, not seduction or temptation.

"I think these would work on her." Sunset said as she picked out a light blue pair of bikini briefs and a black top that doubled as a loose support bra. "I read that you should substitute a traditional bra every now again with something more like a top or shirt, as constantly wearing a tight bra can weaken the elasticity and hold of the collagen that supports your breasts." She said holding them out to Rarity.

"Good advice, and while the color blends in with her bluish tone some; it does compliment it, and its not too far the spectrum I was going for...you know to be honest, I was half expecting her to hand me a jock strap and wife beater shirt when I asked for her clothes!" Rarity said with a chuckle.

"I heard that!" Rainbow called from her shower. Rarity blushed and set the underwear aside.

"Moving on, I think Some long rainbow socks to match her motif and some finger less rainbow gloves. And so everyone can see those cute socks, and since it is warm enough now...look! short shorts!" She said happily squeaking as she held up a pair of hot pink short shorts. They would be about just over the mid thigh length C.H.S' dress code mandated.

"Hey those would look great on Dashie...I think we could also add a matching top, it'll have to have straps and covered at the shoulders with her jacket due to the school code, but we're trying to make her look femmy not trashy." Sunset said picking out a halter with straps that would just bare her midriff and belly, along with a latex jacket to go over it in light purple to compliment the hot pink.

"agreed...in fact, I think I'll go with a bit more length on these shorts, just to be safe, but the midriff baring at school is fine....surprisingly."

"Hey we don't attend reform school Rarity." Sunset added as they assembled Rainbow's new look together. The Girls went back out to the stall that Rainbow still stood behind, her hair wrapped up in a towel and and her shoulders (presumably) crossed, with a cross look on her face.

"Well?" she asked as Rarity and Sunset handed her the clothes.

"Okay Rainbow Darling, try these on for size." Rarity said as she and Sunset handed her the outfit over the top of the door. Rainbow slightly scoffed at the clothes a bit.

"Well at least there's no skirt or dress to wear, I may want to be more in touch with my femininity...but I'm not crazy." She said as she got dressed. She adjusted her hair a little more and when she was done, opened the door and smiled holding her arms out in a 'well? what do you think?' way.

"Why Rainbow! you look absolutely dashing...no pun intended." Rarity said as Sunset clapped. Rarity took her compact and some make up from her bag...Rainbow recoiled a bit.

"NO! NO !@#$ING WAY! that's going too far Rarity!" She said trying to back away."

"Oh come on Rainbow Dash, I Just want to apply some purple lipstick to compliment you're complextion with a touch of gloss for shine, and a light blush of rouge and a hint of ebony mascara to hide those tired looking bags you have under your eyes, you really should get some more beauty rest, which is surprising given how you love napping so much." Rarity said as Rainbow reluctantly agreed.

"Just don't plaster me up like I'm some...well you know." She said hoping she'd get the jist.

"Good heavens Rainbow! how could you even think that? it was I who opted to add a hint more modesty to the ensemble to begin with. I promise, it's just a little finishing touches to really make you're natural complexion and facial features shine...gee funny how you're so quick to slap barbaric war paint, mud or black grease on your face, but when it comes to wearing something meant to compliment, not hide your face's natural beauty, you turn away from it like it's poison!" Rarity said as she lightly applied some of the makeup to Dash's lips; eyes, cheeks and under her eyes. When all was said and done, she got the mirror from before and a pretty girl in a purple latex jacket; hot pink halter with straps, and matching hot pants, with rainbow sock and matching long gloves and white sneakers looked back at her. Rainbow tied her hair into a loose pony tail and tied it up with an orange scrunchie and brushed back more locks until she could clearly see her own face. She smiled at her reflection warmly as the girls joined her on the sides in the mirror.


Canterlot High...The Next Day.

The first to fall to her new look was Bulk Biceps. He was in the gym pumping iron when he saw her walk by the open door, making him drop the barbell with a loud clang. Thankfully it hadn't landed on anyone's toes but it was enough to freak out the coach. As Rainbow Dash made her way down the hall, boys heads turned. A few couldn't believe this was the same Rainbow dash that not a week ago kicked a soda machine in when it ate her change and got two Snapple bottles out of it. Rainbow Dash opened her locker and admired her reflection in the mirror on the door, even kissing it a bit.

"Is that Rainbow Dash?" someone asked as she continued her strut.

"The girl who hit Chalky Outlines in the nuts with a lacrosse ball that one time? no WAY!" was the response.

"Wow! under that angry tomboy lesbo shell she's hot as s#@t!" That remark hit a berserk button.

I'm not a...you're a dick Scott." She said half tempted to slap him. She continued on her way, her target in sight. Peter Page-turner sat at a bench on the hallway, his glasses sliding down on his nose as it was buried in an issue of DeathStroke. He was clearly swinging on the DC side today. The fact that he had a pusdeo Joker motif going on with the orange tee shirt under a green button up, complimented, topped off, and cemented as a Joker look by a Joker purple hoodie in lieu of a jacket.

"Oh Dead Shot, why they have yet to give YOU, you're own ongoing series eludes me." He said as he read his comic. He was stopped when a light blue hand tapped on the top of the page. "Hey you mind I"m in the middle of a ohhhhh...myyyyy!" He said looking up to see Rainbow Dash in her new look, leaning over him with her eyes flirtatiously lowered at him.

"Hey Petey, like my new look?" She said as she giggled and playfully kissed his cheek.

"Rainbow Dash...you...you look..." He was too flabbergasted to awnser. He shook his head clearing the stars from it and got up packing his comics up in a rush. "Dashie?...does this mean you're...a different girl now?"

"What!? heck no! look...I may wanna try and get more in touch with my feminine side, but I'm no different than who I was before...because you know...I learned something today...I always wanted to say that." She said with a chuckle before continuing. "You see, it's not how someone dresses or acts based on their gender that makes them who they are, It's how they feel about themselves that makes them who they are. There's no rules or standards on how someone should act to feel comfortable in their gender, because there's more than one way to be a girl..and more than one way to be a person too." She said with a mellow tone.

"You marathon watched old episodes of South Park last night didn't you Dashie?" Peter asked as he held her hand and began to walk to class with her.

"Does that really matter so long as I'm happy Pete?" She asked with a scoff.

"No..I just don't like being accused of plagiarism when it comes to these kinda things." He retorted.

"Pete what the heck are you talking about?" Rainbow asked slightly confused at his choice words.

"Oh nothing Dashie, let's just get to class while I enjoy the new you." He said as they held hands and made their way down the halls, a lot of the boys now turning their heads not in enticement...but pure jealousy of the "comic book geek" with the new "hot Dashie" on his side like a cat.

"Sounds like a plan." Rainbow said planting a soft kiss on his cheek and leaving a purple kissing mark on his cheeks.

Comments ( 30 )

Lol this reminds me of Miss Congeniality! :yay:

That lucky bastard.

7243982 actually it was partly inspired by this story by henry101


I'm honestly surprised that the similar bar doesn't link to it, could a swore it'd get an honorable mention


"Come on you pansies! Try and get past me!" Hoops Said

Said should not be capitalized.

The one who stuck out the most in all this was Rainbow Dash; with

That should be a comma, not a semicolon.


This should not have an apostrophe.

"You wanna get tough Hoops? I'll get tough!" She shouted

Pronouns in attributions should not be capitalized if they're after the quotation. ("she", "he", etc.)

she bounced a ball off his head and making it sink into the net

Extra space there and verb tense shift (should be 'made', not 'making'.)

into the net, he saw stars from the impact as she chuckled in her throat and "yessed!" When it sunk into the net.

That comma should be a semicolon; 'when' should not be capitalized.

"You play too hard bro." He said

bro," he said

as they game slowed to a halt.


Easy bro, Don't


He says dribbling and bouncing the orange ball. Rainbow gasps as her anger starts rising.

You switched to present tense here when the story is in past tense.

This is as far as I read until you get this story edited by someone who knows what they're doing. Sorry. I can't read a story with this many awful errors.

There's a lot of grammar mistakes.

7244174 The errors you pointed out are fixed...

7244269 Great! Now fix the rest of the errors I didn't point out.

7244366 I ran through the entire story and modified what I thought were errors similar to ones you pointed out before.

7244394 That's not good enough. You need to get a second person to preread and edit for you.

I gave it a thumbs up.

If only there was a picture of Dash's new look.

Okay, there were some really funny moments and laughed so hard, but you need an editor (try some groups like 'Looking for Editors'), and I thought the ending was a little rushed. Other than that, it was good.

7245405 Thank you it was your story 20% more feminine that inspired this fic so i kinda owe you one :rainbowkiss:

7245579 You're welcome /)

7244667 i love how my cover image makes it look like rainbow is saying all the exposition text...like she's saying

"But I am a girl, and i'll prove it too!" because of how the cover is laid out

I really like stuff like this,when a character questions their look,behavior etc...aspecially if its though girls like Rainbow.Had me entertained all the way.

7244118 I knew this was similar to 20% More Feminine. Kind of obvious. Especially with Rainbow saying it in this story

I quite enjoyed your fic

"Oh nothing Dashie, let's just get to class while I enjoy the new you."

Made me LMFAO because it was right after he said that sentence about plagiarism. :rainbowlaugh:

7309450 I love your avatar :rainbowlaugh:

7331285 Hey Jack, goes well with the name doe.:ajsmug:

This is the exact same story as 20% More Feminine by Henry101. Like almost word for word. Only difference is its in EQG world and not Ponyville. In fact the dialogue with Rarity IS word for word.

7403695 It's not EXACTLY word for word, there are a lot of similarities but i honestly have tried to make this a story told in its own right, for one the ending is different from that one which ended with rainbow ditching her new look because of all the stallions it attracted to her, sunset didn't appear at all given the different settings, and her realization in that story came from a colt mistaking her for a stallion from being in the mud, here it's a basketball game that the players didn't realize she was a girl from how she was dressed and acting. I did have that dioluge but i really meant it more as a shout out to that story because it inspired me to do one like it just my own set in the EQG universe and with my own plot and style.

I do believe Rainbow is going to be sorry once she's arrested.

8112680 thats teenage boys for you, do you really think hoops will openly admit to getting his nose busted by a girl?

Considering he just said she's got more balls than all the guys... yeah. Also, they weren't alone. Any number of them could get the authorities involved, and even if she's not arrested, she may get suspended.

thanks for the reassurement there on the description, i do not want to see any sexual content, if it's mild i can tolerate, but anything above that just left me feeling uncomfortable, let's just hope this would be a good read

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