• Member Since 29th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Hi, I'm just a simple guy with a love of writing, RPG, dr pepper and anything to do with MLP

Comments ( 113 )

aaaaand... DRAGONSHOUT! I'll be tracking this, to see where it goes. You have my attention, and a few chuckles already.

well , it is canon that the new kid has magick attacks (they are officially refered as such) , and the power of making friends extremly quickly , so maybe celestia will try to track him down like the goverment did.

7236148 In all honesty I wanted him to be a mage in this one. Since he has the friend making ability I thought: Why the hell not? :rainbowlaugh:

7235832 I was hoping somebody would make that Joke :pinkiehappy:
thank you for commenting

He's not a Jew!?!?! But that would make everything so much more funny!

7236968 Oh I know what you mean now. Sorry, been a while since i saw that ending :pinkiecrazy:

7237062 Maybe but for story conveinice i made him a mage

Nah, i played entire game as no-def Thief. Now THAT was amusing

7237662 fair enough. The thief is 'pretty ciool in the game too

IKR, especialy with riot gear or whatever that SWAT armor was called. I just keep stabbing 'em

7237677 yeah it was sawt armor. BTW who did you side with in the end? elves or humans?

i kinda always wished pain to Cartman... Soooo...

7237718 i betray the humans, join the elves and then rejoin the humans just to see cartmans facebook comments. XD

I dont know why we decided to read this, but I think gonna cry out of rage

You made him an Earth Pony!?! Then how's he supposed to be a mage?

Was confused at first, thought this was that.
Good luck with this though :^)

Besides a few weird stuff on the Southpark end, it's an okay start. Wait 'till the princess of friendship witnesses douchebag's amazing ability to make friends.

7242449 Thank you. feeback is appreciated

7243126 thank you. Hopefully it'll continue to entertain you

Please, please, please tell me Rainbow Dash is going to interact with Cartman. I'll still read this story even if that doesn't happen, but I'd just love to see Rainbow get mad and beat him up.

I'm loving it so far. It definitely has the awkwardness Douchebag conveys in the game.

7245100 I hope so. though i must confess i wasnt sure how to write this as most of the time douche will be silent.

How could there not be an interaction between south park and equestria. I knew somepon would ask for it eventually

7245272 True but that's what made it so hilarious! The fact that he doesn't talk doesn't mean you can't cram him full of character.

7245290 yeah a few of my other stories suffer from that :ajsleepy:
Though I will try to add in a bit of development for him.

7245547 Well, if you need help with stuff, don't hesitate to ask.

7245644 I did try to send you a pm earlier..not sure if you got it

7245649 Yeah. Sorry, just noticed that and sent you a reply.

Huzzah! And again I say huzzah. There is a little bit of a few grammar mistakes but nothing too bad. Also someone can't get that they're banished in space and time...again.

7249637 glad you thinks its good. yeah one of the reasons i do these stories is to practice my grammer XD

7235832 no nope nope nope Cup a spell with Hooves

7249640 that is a good way to go about it. Try reading stuff out loud to yourself, that can sometimes work.

This is Getting good also Dragonshout

7249927 I wanted to use cup-a-spell but im not sure how it would look XD

Yes! The Nagasaki has doubled! :yay: Also, ya, you see some messed up shit when you go into Mr Slave's ass. The Princesses were right that he'd...seen things.

Kind of makes me wonder what will be in the next chapter. Having Clyde the Dark lord there is a nice surprise, but shame the others won't share in this weird adventure. :)

Dear gods if all his farts are stronger and farting on another man's balls was already a forbidden power......:fluttershbad:

7253225 dont worry they'll turn up soon XD

Clyde your banished from space and time...... Stop coming back Clyde

You know they are making a sequel right? I can't wait!

7256228 Are they? thats surprising but happy

7257007 yeah they are doing superheroes this time. It's called South Park: The Fractured But Whole

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