• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 29,627 Views, 2,040 Comments

My Little Minecraft: At the End - Journeyman

I hold the power of creation in the palm of my hand, yet these creatures still frighten me.

  • ...

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Chapter 25: English, Miner, Do You Speak It!

Chapter 25: English, Miner, Do You Speak It!

Apple. One word. It was not much to go on, but it was better than absolutely nothing.

“So how are we gonna go about and do this? Ah’m not a teacher and neither are any of you.”

Twilight and the creature turned to the farmer curiously. Pinkie was trying her hardest to regain the creature’s attention, but he desired to ignore her for a moment. Whether it was out of curiosity for what Applejack was saying or he found Pinkie insufferable was beyond Twilight.

“I’m not sure, Applejack. I guess we could try to bring Cheerilee with us sometime in the future.” Twilight scrunched her brow in concentration. She was smarter than most ponies; she knew that for a fact. Often enough, whenever she wished to teach a pony something, she would receive a blank stare in return. It was anything from endearing to aneurysm-inducing to know something like the back of her hoof, but be unable to transfer the knowledge when it needed to be done.

Those situations always had the benefit of a pony that understood the basics of what she was trying to teach, or at least a rudimentary understanding. Now, however, she was dealing with a creature that not only did not speak her language, but did not speak period.

“Ms. Fluttershy? May I speak with you?” A Night Guard parted the tent fabric and beckoned the timid mare from her curled up ball from behind Rainbow Dash. “I’m here to take your statement.”

“I’ll go with her,” Rainbow called to the other girls.

“Good idea,” Rarity concluded. “I believe we can manage well enough on our own.”

Fluttershy ducked her head low and walked slowly out the tent. The Night Guard held the tent open for her, but Fluttershy used the moment to sneak a peek at the alien. He, in turn, was looking at her curiously, but only gave a small wave. Fluttershy ducked her head behind her mane and dug her hoof into the ground lightly. Quick as a flash, Fluttershy scrunched her eyes, gave a small, quick wave in return, and dashed out the door. Rainbow took to the air and followed, glaring at the alien the entire time until she was out of sight.

“Now I don’t mind stoppin’ by to help, but I gotta skedaddle back to the farm; Granny Smith is askin’ for help with her canning some veggies.”

“I suppose. I’m sorry I dragged you all here in the first place.”

“You six are cleared to come by anytime,” the senior officer on duty growled. “You can come back if you need to.”

Twilight brightened. “Well, that settles it! Everypony, do what you need to do and come back here when you can. Perhaps we can talk to him after all. Again, I’m sorry for bringing you all here if three of us have to leave so soon.”

“It was nothing, dear. However, undermining an order from the princess truly is poor form.”

“And it was cool to meet an alien! Does that mean you are going to probe us?”


“...I got nothin’.”

“He’s trying to communicate, Applejack.” Twilight squinted her eyes at the crude drawing drawn on the wood. Somehow, he had acquired a chunk of charcoal and was using that to scratch figures and symbols onto wooden signs. It was simplistic, but effective. Now if only she could actually deduce what he was trying to say.

The first two to make it back were Twilight and Applejack. Big Mac and Applebloom had a fair chunk of Applejack’s work done by the time she returned, so she made a beeline back to the creature’s tent. Where the rest were, Twilight didn’t know.

The creature seemed just as frustrated as they were, gritting his teeth at the lack of comprehension on their faces. Although Twilight was sure the creature wasn’t attempting to be intimidating, he exuded such an aura without much effort. Perhaps it was the rippling muscles under his clothes or the fact that, even though he was sitting on a cube of cobblestone, he still loomed over both of them by a good six inches

“I get that much, sugarcube, but what does that,” she thrust a hoof at the two crude symbols, “mean?”

Volumes of text and streaked across Twilight’s mind. Books about lexicons, word morphology, syntax, and grammar came and went, but little helped her. She faintly recalled some books during her stay in Canterlot castle years ago. Starswirl the Bearded was studying ancient griffonic and Germaneighic dialects. Such texts were rare, but their content was well known for one reason...


“Bless you.”

“No, no, no,” Twilight shook her head for emphasis. “They’re graphemes. Logograms.” Applejack stared blankly back at her, who only facehoofed. One such curse of being too smart was having to explain what she considered to be small details to those who had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

“Words are phonograms, meaning each letter of a word is a single sound. ‘O’ and ‘F’ make ‘OF’. Alone, they are just sounds, but together, they’re words. What he is writing is a logograph. Each symbol doesn’t represent a sound, but a word or a group of words.”

Comprehension dawned on Applejack. “Oh, so he’s jus’ drawin’ pictures instead of letters?”

“Precisely. Now what each symbol means is a different matter. But still, we’re getting closer.” Twilight let out a childish squeal of delight. “An alien with a whole new language! I could submit a report to the Council of Magic. Maybe even the Magus Society! Imagine if I could complete a lexicon on a whole new language never before seen in Equestria! I – ”

“Twi, we’re losin’ ya.”

Twilight stopped dead and blushed sheepishly. “Sorry. I can’t stop myself when I get like like that.”

Applejack smiled warmly and gave twilight a friendly nudge. Given the disproportionate size in strength, Twilight was almost sent tumbling into the dirt.

“Butterflies,” growled the warden Night Guard.

“What was that?” Twilight asked.

“Butterflies. The first one looks like butterflies.”

Applejack was the first to put the pieces together, the facts coming into completion with an almost audible click. “Fluttershy! He’s talkin’ about Fluttershy! Three butterflies is her cutie mark.”

Twilight’s smile widened. The guard was right; it did kind of look like a group of butterflies, if crudely drawn. “Thank you, sir.”

“It is not a problem, missus.” The warden nodded in thanks and stayed immobile at his post. The tension had slackened, but the guards were ready to jump at a moments notice.

Twilight took the sign from the creature, whom didn’t seem to mind. The creature got up, stretching its limbs. Twilight and Applejack both winced as a cascade of pops echoed through the room.

“What’s he doing?” Twilight asked as the creature planted a fist against the ground.

“Looks like he’s makin’ a farm, Ms. Twilight,” the same guard responded.

Applejack laughed uproariously. “Ha ha ha ha ha! A farm? Ha, it’s going to take more than – ”




It was so fast, Twilight missed it. In the space of a few blinks, a single whole and nine square meters of tilled ground sprung into being. The blissful blanket of potential knowledge was slowly brushed aside by the knowledge of an impossible act.

“That’s... that’s not...” Twilight’s conscious mind retreated inward to a padded cell where it could remain sane and safe. When the stress of daily activities or lurking deadlines became too great, it was as simple as hitting a switch and Twilight’s conscious mind simply shut down. “That’s... that’s...”

“Not possible...” Applejack finished. her own mouth had gone slack.

The warden pulled her second aside. “Get some backup; we have a potential Lesson Zero-level incident on our hooves.”







It wasn’t exactly a staring contest, but nothing was quite being done, either. Rarity was alone in the tent with the creature and his guards. The animated discussion that dominated Twilight’s stay was blissfully absent. The guards stood in place, as was their sworn duty to do so, but most wished something would happen to lift the monotony that descended whenever they were alone with the creature, or in present company with Rarity.

Why Rarity was so quiet was a mystery to them, and to the creature. When Rarity first entered, the creature smiled warmly and showed her a very crude picture of her own cutie mark. Rarity stayed silent and the creature’s attempts at attempting dialog dissipated into limbo. Soon enough, they both did nothing but stare at each other blankly.

Without a word, Rarity turned around, rose her head in a dignified manner, and cantered out the door.

“...What was with that shit?”

“No swearing, second lieutenant. Twenty laps around the base.”

“That’s no problem – ”

“Without flying.”


Doctor Hemos escorted Twilight to the creature’s tent, droning the entire way. “Take two pills before the onset of anxiety attacks or extreme emotional response, Ms. Twilight. If you ever run out, I know a pharmacist in Canterlot who will gladly refill this prescription.” Hemos tore a sheet of paper with a name and address from his notebook and gave it to her, along with an orange bottle of pills.”

“Thanks, doctor. My friends have been telling me to get checked out ever since...” Twilight prodded the dirt. “Smartypants...” she whispered in a small voice.

Before Twilight could say any more or Hemos could respond, a tiny projectile rocketed out from the tent and hit Twilight near the base of her horn. “Ah!” she yelped and scrambled backwards. Her hoof caught a particularly stubborn stone and she tumbled head over tail backwards and landed in a heap.

Hemos did not even emote at the sudden injection of events. Calmly, he searched the ground for the source of the disturbance. It was a round object nestled in a small patch of thistles, and using his magic, picked it up and observed it. “A marble? Indeed it was a simple marble, green in color with a tiny dollop of rainwater clinging to the glass surface.

Twilight scrambled to her hooves. “A marble? Don’t tell me...” Twilight trotted towards the tent, while Hemos returned to his office. Inside, Twilight found exactly what she expected.

“By hitting the marble at the right angle and knocking it from the ring, you can get your shooter near the center of the ring for your next shot. It’s fun!” Pinkie lay huddled right next to the alien near the border of a circle in the dirt. Pinkie had tug a small trench with her hooves to create a board for a game of marbles. The creature, on the other hoof, was staring at a marble with the most sublime, devotional look she had ever seen in her entire life. He rolled the marble around in the palm of his hand slowly and gaped in surprise.

“Pinkie, have you been spending this entire time trying to teach him marbles?”

“Well, duh,” Pinkie said as if it were the most obvious fact in the entire wide world of Equestria. “He didn’t know how to play, so of course I had to teach him.”

Twilight reached into her saddlebags for the bag of pills before stopping herself, breathing deeply, and giving a long exhale before responding. “...True. Thanks for introducing the concept of fun and recreational sports to the alien.” It made sense in theory, anyway. “But have you learned anything from him?”

“Nope!” Pinkie shot a marble, displacing two other marbles from the circle. The alien lay prone, mouth open, as if such an act was the most amazing act in the world.

Twilight couldn’t help but facehoof. “Pinkie... we need to learn how he talks and teach him our language.”

Pinkie shot up in a surprising feat of agility. She pointed a hoof at herself. “What’s my name?”

The alien snapped out of its reverie with a jerk. Pinkie pointed a hoof to her chest in earnest. With a flash of brown, a burst of energy parted from his chest and reformed into a sign. Twilight’s eyebrow twitched.

Tick tick tick tick


“He doesn’t know what that means, but we’re working on that.”

“Pinkie... well, it’s a start. In fact, this is great!” There was a very real difference between understanding what he was writing, and just repeating what he saw. Monkey see, monkey do appeared to be the case.

Just to test the extent of whatever Pinkie was teaching him, Twilight pointed at her own chest. “My name is Twilight. Twilight Sparkle.”

Ponies were carefree and emotional by nature. They did what they pleased and prided themselves on what they did best. The very mark of their achievements was plastered across their flanks. Every city was filled with carefree souls, all happy to be alive and living tall.

So Twilight was surprised to see the creature’s face fall. He pointed a finger at himself and shook his head.

“No name? Everypony needs a name, silly! Why, I don’t know what I’d do if anypony didn’t have a name.”

The creature wiped away Pinkie’s name and wrote a few more marks in its own glyphic language.

Twilight scrutinized the symbols. An ‘X’ and a line... X...

“The X... That probably means null or no. No... name? No name?” Three symbols now. It was progress.

“What would I say to Mrs. and Mr. Cake if I didn’t have a name for cupcakes?”

The soldiers were silent for the past hour or so. The Miner, as some had started calling him, had begun burrowing underground in order to open up a subterranean hidey hole once again. What he was doing down there was unknown, for none dared venture into the darkness. Although the Miner had long since returned to the surface, the flickering light of a torch illuminated the underground. Such tantalizing lures for knowledge was strong in the guard, but they had a charge to guard.

He was currently crafting items out of diamonds: picks, axes, swords, and armor. As soon as one item was created out of gem and wood, it was quickly stored away.

“Current count?”

“Sir, five swords, three shovels, three picks, two axes, and two sets of armor.”

“Very well then. Keep a count for inventory purposes.”

At that time, the entrance parted once more. Rarity had returned. Her snowy fur was as immaculate and perfectly groomed as ever. Secured around her midsection were her embroidered saddlebags. She undid the clasp with her magic and grabbed the top item, throwing it at the Miner. A shroud of green wrapped around his head and he collapsed in surprise.

“Put on a decent shirt!”

Twilight reviewed her pages of notes before examining the symbols in front of her.

“Okay... the postfix dash on the triangle is a sign of past tense... but...” Twilight rose from her kneeled state, her joints creaking angrily at the movement. Shaking her legs to get them working once more, she walked in a circle around the alien. “I ran,” she said. He wiped away the charcoal smudges on what looked like a fairly expensive new shirt and wrote a new set of text.

“So this circle is a second-pony personal pronoun meaning ‘you’,” Twilight stuck her tongue out in concentration as she thought. “And the horizontal dash is a first-pony nominative case for referring to yourself. “So...” Twilight examined a third set of symbols in her journal, which happened to be the exact same ones as she jotted down. She had asked a pair of guards to jog in a circle for reference in order to understand the alien’s idea of plural and gender-specific terms. Instead, she received the same symbols.

The gears started winding in her head, although much slower than normal. It was getting the afternoon and daylight was burning. Most of her time had been spent understanding the creature’s behavior. It was prooving to be a much more difficult task than she had anticipated.

“So... ‘You run’ and ‘They run’ have the exact same characters... ooooohhhhh.” Twilight faceplanted into her notebook. “I need a break,” she mumbled into the dry parchment and moaned.

The alien tapped her shoulder lightly. Twilight looked up blearily, her mind rebelling against her desire to continue her word. The desire for some coffee or a strong tea reared its head.

“Fluttershy. What about her?” Twilight asked curiously. It wasn’t a shift in conversation she anticipated in the slightest. What did Fluttershy have to do with –

“I got it!” The alien, who had began scratching new symbols on his workboard, jumped in surprise. He sat back on his stone cube, eyeing her warily. “You don’t have a differentiation between singular and plural because you don’t have one!” Her mental list of facts opened up once more and Twilight reviewed every page.

“Before, you said Fluttershy ran away or something to similar effect. I ran, she ran, and they ran,” she nudged her head to the guards standing at the walls. “But you didn’t make any new symbols to include gender; most Royal Guardponies are male. Therefore.” The alien stared blankly at Twilight, not comprehending a single word of what was being said, “you don’t differentiate between plurals or gender, because you don’t think like that. It’s a ‘me or them’ mentality! A term for yourself, and a term for all others as a whole! He runs, she runs, and they run are all grouped together in your language! They all have the same symbols!”

Twilight began pacing. “But why? If you don’t write a differentiation between you and everything else...” It hit her and Twilight stopped pacing. The creature did not have symbols for gender or groups because it didn’t live a life that required them. “...You’re alone, aren’t you? There’s only one of your kind.”

To Twilight, it made sense. The creature didn’t have a word for female because it didn’t know any females. It didn’t know a terms for second or third person pronouns because there was no one to listen or reply. Why have a word for someone who didn’t exist?

Or for that matter, why bother talking when there was no one around to listen?

“Come on! Make a cake for me! Please make a cake! You can, can’t you? Maybe you need some better materials? I can go back to Sugarcube Corner and grab some eggs, flour and milk if that’s what you need. Of course, maybe you use alien eggs? Oh, what does an alien chicken look like? I bet it’s all big and hairy and covered and slime and goes goes “Roar!” when you try to take its eggs.

“What about milk? Do you have any moo moos where you live? Are they cows or do they looks like you? That’d be weird if they look like you. Can you imagine getting yourself milked? I certainly can’t. Although, I did see some of Rarity’s magazines once showing pictures on something similar to that, so she might like that. I’ll ask her later.

“But you make bread, so you have to add grain. DO you preheat the oven or does you make it pop into existence with space magic?”

By that point, the Miner was on his back, trying desperately to claw away from the hyperactive Pinkie Pie. Pinkie would not relent her verbal assault and stood over him with legs on either side.

Pinkie gasped. “Do you have babies I can babysit?”

“Okay, Mr. Miner,” Twilight began. She pointed a hoof at her chest. “What’s my name?”

Tick tick tick


“Great! Now who’s that?” Twilight pointed a hoof towards Rarity.

Tick tick tick


“Good! At least he can understand letters at their face value. It’s not quite the same as learning words, but we’re doing well. Very well, in fact.” Rarity gave a disgruntled but ladylike snort. Somehow.

“Three hours, and he’s already ruined a perfectly fine shirt,” Rarity whined. Charcoal stained the creature’s shirt and streaked across his face and into his beard.

The Miner got up stretching his aching muscles. Twilight, Rarity and Applejack thought the notion of a break was a good idea as well, so they each stretched to loosen up tight muscles. The tent was illuminated by a light sphere at the top of the tent, but the room was slowly darkening due to the diminished light from the dying sun. Twilight was more than tired with all the work that she had done, but the alien looked as refreshed as he was in the morning. How he managed to keep such high stamina evaded her, but she concluded it was most likely a trait indigenous to his kind.

A kind of only one. Twilight’s ears folded against her head sadly. To be alone...

“What’s the fella’ doing now?” Applejack questioned.

“He does this,” the warden growled. “He builds stuff in his free time.”

“An architect?” Applejack asked.

“Sort of, Ms. Applejack. Watch for a moment and you’ll see.

Sure enough, the Miner soon conjured a wooden workbench. His movements were simple, yet practiced. Fingers twitched with precision, conjuring eight stone blocks in a square. The creature slammed its fist down on the simple construct and a an unnoticeable to all but him sliver of power brought new life to the construct. Stone warped out of its solid state, twisting into a malformed mass of quivering gray energy.

As quick as it started, it stopped. In the place of stone was a crude yet sturdy stone furnace empty of kindling.

“Now ain’t that somethin’,” Applejack admitted, her previous objections to the creature’s temporarily forgotten. The creature tossed a nodule of charcoal into the furnace. With no warning, tongues of fire burst into existence.

“Woah, nelly!” Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight scrambled backward at the sudden introduction of heat and flame. “Warn a gal next time!”

The Miner looked at Applejack curiously, but said and did nothing. A ribbon of gray energy sprung from his arm and entered the furnace. Together, they watched as the flames flickered and danced, pony eyes wide with awe as a miracle was made.

The sound of clopping hooves could only be heard inside the tent as soon as they were near the door. A pile of frizzy hair parted the tent flap. “Awwwww.” Pinkie panned her head around the room. The alien was nowhere to be seen. “I’ll come back later then.”

The sound of her hooves faded away. The tent was silent for a long time, but the Night Guard did not seem to mind that their charge was out of sight.


A cube of dirt vanished and a brown-haired head peeked out of the ground warily. The pink menace was gone.

“Okay, Mr. Miner; how many of us are there?” Twilight pointed to herself and her four current friends, minus Fluttershy. To reinforce the notion, Twilight drew the numeral ‘5’ in her notebook.

Tick tick tick

“Hmmm...” That was odd. “I was expecting a count of five, but that looks like an ancient pegasus numeral.”

“What?” Rainbow asked crossly. It was the first time she entered the tent all day, as she refused to do so without her friends, and only did so grudgingly and under much grumbling. “Like how ancient?”

“Pre-Equestrian. This resembles numerical number counting methods before an octal counting system was set in place.” To test her theory, Twilight drew four dots into the dirt with a hoof. The Miner wiped away the charcoal with the back of his hand and drew another symbol.

“It’s a numerical four!” Twilight pranced in place and giggled like a school filly. “Fantastic!” Her four friends smiled uncomfortably at the foalish display of delight. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but faltered. “He... Miner...” She rubbed a hoof over her chin in thought.

“You know, we should name him something.”

“Like what? Trouble?” Rainbow joked. “It suits him well enough.”

Tick tick tick

The five looked at the Miner as he wrote something down. They hadn’t taught him the name he was trying to say.

Rainbow growled at the biped; although Barricade attempted to alleviate their concerns that he had pursued Fluttershy, Rainbow suspicious nature of outsiders, especially concerning her oldest friend, made burying the hatchet much more difficult.

“What about Fluttershy?” Applejack asked.

The Miner continued writing. In all of their communication up to that moment, his messages had been short and simple. That was not the case for his next message.

The group looked at the sign, completely baffled. “Well...” Twilight tried to scrounge up a thought to rationalize or explain the message. “Well... there’s a past postfix on that symbol and that one means Fluttershy...” Twilight sighed and looked out the tent flap. Through the bubble of a magus’ magic, she could see the ruby red shroud of dusk on the western mountains.

“I think we can sort through it later. It’s been a long day, and I think we all could use a rest.” Twilight’s friends nodded in relief; it really was getting late and each had work to be done and sleep, for tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

Minecraft/MLP:FIM crossover.
For chapter updates and my ramblings, visit my page on Fimfiction HERE.
Chapter Commentary: LINK
Edited by: Wolfmaster1337, Maverick Frond, Material Defender

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