• Published 22nd May 2016
  • 6,015 Views, 245 Comments

Spike's Dragon Code for Cuddling - Kevinltk

Spike learns that he has to cuddle with his friends because of his dragon code.

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Cutie Mark Crusaders

Author's Note:

Yay, the first bonus cuddling!

Also, I forgot to mention it at the end of the main story, but I need to give a shout out to jeffh4 and docontra for sending me in fixes and edits for every chapter.

Spike was struggling to stay awake, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. His mind felt like it was being covered by a warm, fuzzy blanket, probably because of the warm, fuzzy cuddle he was in right now.

“Don’t you fall asleep on me now, sugarcube,” came Applejack’s voice, followed by a brush of the same pony’s muzzle on Spike’s head. “It’s about time for us to head out.”

Spike mumbled an incoherent, quiet protest, feeling a twinge of disappointment since his cuddle session with Applejack was over. Still, he was a noble dragon, and he knew Applejack was right. With a yawn and a stretch of his limbs, Spike fully opened up his eyes, seeing that he and Applejack were still resting on the pile of hay tucked away in the corner of one of Sweet Apple Acres’s barns.

“Glad you’re finally up, sleepy head,” Applejack greeted Spike with a grin.

Spike rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, but can you blame me for almost dozing off?”

Applejack chuckled and shook her head. “Ah suppose not. Cuddlin’ sure is relaxin’. Ah nearly nodded off myself. Good thing Ah didn’t because Apple Bloom is goin’ to be home any minute now. Granny Smith and Ah are goin’ to teach her some family recipes.”

Spike immediately perked up. “Oooh, that sounds great. With all the delicious stuff your family makes, having more ponies being able to cook is important.”

Applejack chuckled again. “Well, thanks for the compliment. Ah’ll be sure to try and save you some grub for the next time you’re over. Now, if you don’t mind, Ah need to go and make sure everythin’ is set in the kitchen.”

After Spike and Applejack left the barn and said their goodbyes, Spike started making his way back home. While he had his usual, huge smile plastered on his face, an aftereffect from all of his cuddling sessions, he was waddling faster than usual. The thought of the scrumptious Apple Family food made him pretty hungry, and there was a bag of gems in his room calling his name.

Spike was in such a rush to fill his belly that he did not even notice that he passed a bush with a magenta ribbon poking out of its top.

“Mmm… This is the life…”

“You said it, Rainbow.”

“Thanks for coming all the way out here, Spike. Nothing like a good cuddle to wind down after some awesome flying.”

“No problem,” Spike murmured, pressing himself into Rainbow’s side as they lay in the shade of one of the tall trees in White Tail Woods.

After a few moments of blissful cuddling passed, Rainbow let out a huge sigh. “As much as I want to stay like this, I think I should get going. A bunch of farms ordered a quick shower, so I have to go round up some clouds if I don’t want a mob of ponies on my case tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I understand,” Spike replied as they pulled away from each other and got up. “So, did you get enough cuddling for today, or do I have to make sure my window is unlocked tonight?”

“It was one time!” Rainbow shouted, her wings bristling. “When are you going to stop bringing that up?”

“When I no longer find it amusing,” Spike answered with a cheeky grin.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and then lunged at Spike, putting him in a headlock and giving him a noogie. “You’re so lucky that you’re a good cuddler.”

It only took a few minutes for them to make their way out of White Tail Woods. While Rainbow was not as paranoid as before about keeping their cuddling a secret, she still preferred to be away from any prying eyes.

While Spike watched the flying Rainbow rapidly grow smaller and smaller in the sky, he heard the snapping of a twig behind him. He let out a yelp that might or might not have been more high-pitched than he would have liked and immediately looked behind him. He caught a glimpse of something that was orange and purple dart behind a tree, but it was so fast and brief that he wondered if it was just his imagination.

“Hello? Is anypony there?” Spike called out, his eyes combing the area. After a few moments of nothing, he shrugged and turned right back around.

He assumed that it was the wind or some critter that made the noise, but as he started making his way back home, he could not help but have a nagging feeling that he was being watched.

“Oh, thank you so much for your valuable assistance, Spikey Wikey.”

“No problem, Rarity. Always glad to help you out.”

“Well, since I finished my work early, I do have some free time now. I wonder what I should do with it…” Rarity flashed Spike a coy grin and nodded her head toward the stairs leading up to the second floor of the boutique.

Knowing exactly what Rarity was implying and certainly wanting it himself, Spike nodded enthusiastically. He promptly followed his friend upstairs, but just as Rarity put her hoof on the doorknob to her room, they heard the bell of the front door ring.

“Rarity!” a shrill voice suddenly filled the boutique, making Spike and Rarity wince.

“Sweetie Belle, a lady does not announce her entrance by shouting,” Rarity lectured, heading right back down to greet the filly now standing in the middle of the showroom.

“Oops, sorry…” Sweetie Belle apologized. Her gaze locked onto Spike, who had moved from the stairs to stand next to Rarity. “Oh, hi, Spike,” she said in an even tone.

“Er, hey, Sweetie Belle,” Spike replied with a wave. He was a bit confused with the unenthusiastic greeting. As far as he knew, he and Sweetie were good friends, and he was pretty sure he did not do anything to upset the filly.

“Was there something you need?” Rarity asked.

“Yep!” Sweetie chirped, turning her full attention back to her sister. “I got an art project I need to do, and I was hoping I could get some stuff from you. Also, if you have the time, maybe we could do it together?” She punctuated that last part by pursing out her lips and looking up at Rarity with huge, shimmering, pleading eyes.

“Of course, darling. I would be glad to help, just as long as you’re careful to not make a mess.”

“Yay! You’re the best, Rarity!”

While Sweetie Belle was hopping up and down with joy, Rarity gave Spike an apologetic smile. Spike, in turn, smiled back and waved it off, wordlessly letting Rarity know it was alright.

“Well, I guess I should leave you two alone,” Spike said as he headed for the door. “Hope you two have fun.”

“Feel free to drop by anytime, Spike,” Rarity said. “And thank you again for your help.”

With one last wave to the unicorns, Spike exited the building and started walking down the path. He took a glance back at the boutique, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw that Sweetie Belle was watching him from the window with a blank face.

He hesitantly waved back at the filly, but all he got was a slow nod before Sweetie moved out of sight.

Spike did not know what was going on, but as much as he wanted to talk to Sweetie, he did not want to interrupt her sister time with Rarity. He just had to hope he would be able to get some answers the next time he saw the filly.

The next day, Spike found himself walking through Sweet Apple Acres. However, instead of looking for Applejack for another round of cuddling, he was heading toward the Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse.

He had received a note from the fillies asking him to come to their hangout. There was no explanation why they wanted to see him, and with Sweetie Belle’s odd behavior from the other day still lingering on his mind, he suspected this was not just a simple visit.

Still, he knew the three fillies well enough, and it was not like the Crusaders caused that much trouble.

Spike stopped walking for a moment when a shiver ran down his spine and memories of tree sap ran through his mind. Maybe he should be worried a bit.

After pushing aside his worries of possible incarceration or explosions, Spike pushed on forward, eventually arriving at the clubhouse. With a knock on the door, he called out, “Hey, it’s Spike.”

“Come in, Spike,” Apple Bloom’s voice responded. “We’ve been expecting you.”

“Uh, I would hope so. You sent me a note asking me to come here.”

There was a slight pause before Apple Bloom said, “Just get in here.”

Spike opened the door, but to his surprise, he only saw Apple Bloom standing behind the podium the Crusaders used during their meetings. Walking straight forward, he greeted, “Uh, hey, Apple Bloom. Where are—”

The sound of the door shutting behind him made him turn around. He saw that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had been standing in the corners to the side of the entrance.

“H-hey, girls, what’s going on?” Spike asked slowly, squirming uncomfortably under the gaze of the three fillies.

“Spike, you got some explainin’ to do,” Apple Bloom stated.

“About what?”

“What have you been doing with our sisters?”

“Uh, you’re going to have to be even more specific.”

“You’ve been spendin’ a lot more time with them.”

“So? They’re my friends.”

“We mean a lot more alone time,” Scootaloo clarified.

Spike blinked. “Alone time?”

“Just the other day, I saw you sneaking out of one of the barns with Applejack,” Apple Bloom stated.

“And I saw you and Rainbow coming out of White Tail Woods,” Scootaloo added.

“And you were over at Rarity’s place when I came over,” Sweetie Belle finished.

“To be fair, I’ve been visiting Rarity a lot for a long time,” Spike said in his defense.

“Er, yeah, I guess that’s true,” Sweetie conceded before raising her voice. “But I know you’re up to something!”

Spike sighed. He now knew what the fillies were talking about, and he could not blame them to be concerned about their sisters. After all, neither he nor his friends had really been telling anypony about their cuddling sessions, even if Pinkie was still pushing for a town-wide cuddle party. He actually would have found this misunderstanding amusing if the fillies were not glaring at him.

“Look, girls, you don’t have to worry. I know you’re all just looking out for your sisters, but everything’s alright. This is all just a big misunderstanding.”

“Then what is it?” Apple Bloom demanded.

A tinge of red spread on Spike’s cheeks. “Well, to be honest, it’s a bit awkward to explain, but I assure you it’s nothing bad or anything. We have just been keeping things quiet because we aren’t sure how ponies would react if they found out about us.”

“So it’s true. You are dating one of them,” said Scootaloo.

Spike’s eyes shot wide open. “W-what? You’re all thinking I’m dating one of your sisters?”

“Well, yeah,” Apple Bloom replied with a nod.

“Unless you’re actually trying to date all three of our sisters!” Sweetie accused.

“Th-three?!” Spike sputtered.

“Yeah, like some love triangle!” Sweetie’s face scrunched up in thought. “Or would it be a love square since there’s four of you?”

“Uh, I’m not sure, but it doesn’t matter because I’m not dating anypony,” Spike replied.

“Oh… You sure?”

Spike shot Sweetie a flat stare. “Yes, I’m sure. Where did you get the idea I’m dating anyway?”

“Well, you have been sneaking around with them a lot,” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“You all seem to have like super happy grins whenever you’re done with whatever you’re doing,” Scootaloo continued.

“And those kind of stuff matches up with the ponies I read about,” Sweetie chimed in.

“What ponies?” Spike asked.

“From the books Rarity keeps under her bed. The ponies in there always seem to be running off so that they can kiss and hug and other stuff I’m not so sure about.”

“Oh…” Spike made a mental note to tell Rarity to relocate her romance novel stash. “Well, I guess I can see how it may kind of look like I’m dating somepony, but that’s not the case. You see, I’m just cuddling with your sisters.”

There was a moment of silence when all three fillies slowly blinked, their mouths slightly agape.

“Say what now?” Apple Bloom eventually blurted.

Spike gave a sheepish laugh and scratched his head. “Um, yeah. I recently started cuddling with your sisters as well as the rest of our friends.”

“Uh, okay… Then why all the sneaking around?” Sweetie asked.

“Because cuddling is serious business.”

“You gotta be kidding me…” Scootaloo said with an incredulous face.

“It is! Cuddling is great when you’re someplace nice and quiet without anypony to disturb you, so that’s part of the reason we try to be discreet. We’re also being careful with it since some ponies might get the wrong idea if they happen to see us. You should have seen Twilight when she first found out about it.”

“But all that trouble to just cuddle?”

“Hey, cuddling is awesome,” Spike said with a tone of finality. “When you’re cuddling, it’s like nothing else in the world matters except for the amazing feelings running throughout your whole body. You feel good. The pony you’re with feels good. Everypony wins. Our friends and I are all much happier since we started doing it, and I think all the cuddling has changed us all for the better.”

The Crusaders glanced at each other, mumbling to each other and shrugging.

“Ah guess you might have a point, Spike,” Apple Bloom admitted after a few seconds. “Ah remember when Ah used to cuddle with Applejack, and even though I forget how it feels, Ah know Ah really liked it. Ah also noticed that she’s been able to do get more work done around the farm before she calls it for the day.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Rarity did mention she’s been feeling more inspired recently as well. She’s having an easier time finishing her orders. I like it because she’s been able to spend more time with me whenever I visit her.”

“Same with Rainbow, now that I think about it,” Scootaloo added. “Her flying seems to be even more awesome than usual. She’s also been kind of huggy, which is a bit weird, but I’m not against it at all.”

“See?” Spike said with a smirk. “Cuddling really is the best.”

“Quick, Crusaders, huddle up!” Apple Bloom announced. As the other two fillies ran over to her, she added, “Could you give us a few minutes, Spike?”

“Er, sure,” Spike replied. He watched as the Crusaders formed a circle, stood up on their hind legs, and rested their forelegs on each other's shoulders, allowing them to put their heads together.

Frantic whispering filled the clubhouse, and Spike patiently twiddled his claws as he waited. He guessed that the fillies were planning to do something with him, or at least that was what it seemed like, judging by how often one of the fillies would raise her head and look at him.

“Oh, Spike…” all three fillies suddenly crooned in a sing-song voice as they suddenly broke the huddle to form a line in front of the dragon.

Spike’s dragon senses were tingling, warning him of the impending danger. He knew that glint in their eyes. It was the same glint that the Crusaders often had when they used to try and get their cutie marks.

He started to slowly back towards the door. To his horror, each step he retreated, the fillies would advance closer to him. “Um, you know what? I got… stuff… important stuff to do back at the castle, so I think I’mjustgoingtorunnowbye!”

Spike whipped around to dash for the door, but he was only able to make three steps before he succumbed to the attack. A bloodcurdling yell of “Cutie Mark Crusader Cuddlers! Yay!” rang through Sweet Apple Acres, and Spike was tackled to the floor by the three fillies.

Before Spike was able to move, the Crusaders scrambled to both hold him down and commence their vicious cuddling. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo latched onto his sides, locking his arms in place, while Sweetie Belle lay on top of him, preventing him from getting up. All three of them had their forehooves wrapped around Spike’s neck as they surrounded his head with their snuggling cheeks.

“Gee, you could have just asked,” Spike grumbled.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Scootaloo asked with a giggle.

Despite being slightly roughed up and completely immobilized, Spike had to admit he was not having a bad time.

Cuddling with the Crusaders was a whole different world than the cuddling he had been exposed to with his usual friends. Instead of being much bigger, the fillies were pretty much the same size as him. His entire body was completely smothered by the pleasantly warm bodies of the ponies, and his legs were covered by the intertwining tails and hind legs of the Crusader Cuddlers. It was a group effort, but it felt like every single inch of him was being cuddled.

Even with Sweetie resting right on top of him, he could easily support her without any discomfort or pain. He could not say the same when Pinkie tried the same position with him… multiple times.

Spike was not expecting cuddles when he came to the clubhouse, but he was certainly glad that he was ambushed. Things might have been a bit rocky at the start, but he and the fillies had now settled down into a relaxing cuddle.

Suddenly, the clubhouse door opened.

“Hey, girls. Ah thought you all could use a snack and…” Applejack trotted in with a plate of apple fritters, and she stopped when she saw four pairs of wide eyes staring at her from the cuddle pile on the floor.

“Uh, hey, Applejack,” Spike greeted sheepishly. He tried to wave, but Apple Bloom and Scootaloo still held his arms in place.

“Spike,” Applejack replied with a nod.

“I-I can explain. You see—”

“Let me guess. The Crusaders found out about our cuddling and they wanted to try it out with you.”

“Uh, more or less, yeah,” Spike replied as he and the Crusaders all nodded.

Applejack chuckled and set the apple fritters down on a nearby table. “Yeah, Ah suppose it was only a matter of time. We’re all goin’ to have to talk.”

“Aww, do we have to stop now?” Apple Bloom asked. She and the other fillies tightened their hold on Spike.

“Nah, we can do it later. Ah’m sure Rarity and Rainbow would also like to put in their two bits. For now though, have fun with Spike, girls.”

“We will!” all three fillies chirped before Applejack left, closing the door behind.

“I’m not leaving here for a long time, are I?” Spike asked.

“Nope!” the three fillies replied with giggles.

Spike let out a sigh of amusement. “That’s fine with me.”

It was not until the sun began to set and Applejack had to come back to the clubhouse and literally pry the fillies off of him before Spike was finally able to get up and leave. Walking home with a big ‘I have just been cuddled’ look on his face, Spike was already making plans to visit the Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse more often in the future.