• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 3,777 Views, 192 Comments

A Marty Stu invades the Multiverse (Chess Game of the Gods) - Keairan

A Human who has seen most everything has once more been dropped into a newish world

  • ...


I looked at my company, and truly saw. A deck of cards, filled with harlequins, a coin forever flipping between a man and woman, a sword never drawn, and so many other things. I blinked, and only saw two 'persons' again. "Oponn, twin jesters of chance? The Malazan ascendant of luck?" I cleared my throat, then continued on. "What in chaos are you doing in Equestria?"

They simultaneously winced at the word chaos, and then the Lady spoke up. "We are in Equestria because you are in Equestria."

"A vast game amongst ascendants with interests in this world is being played, similar to the Terran game of chess." The Lord finished.

"My brother and I arranged for you to be in Equestria as our piece in this game. We know of your power, and thought you would be a most powerful ally."

"So you arranged for my death, and probably the deaths of the rest of my cell, ship me to an Equestria, then have the balls to tell me to my face that you have done this? That's even stupider than underestimating Kruppe." I grabbed the source, and locked the two of them down in Tel'aran'rhiod. "Tell me why I should not kill you now." My voice was ice.

Cool as a cucumber, the Lord answered. "We did not arrange for your death, merely for a deviation in your curse. You would have arrived in Equestria on the same day regardless of when your death was. You would have landed near Hoofington whether your death was by accident, old age, sickness, or any of the other millions of potential deaths out there."

The Lady continued. "For what it is worth, while your cell was obliterated, the rest of the resistance was ultimately successful."

I let go of the power, and undid the lock. "Thank you, and I apologize for assaulting you."

They responded in stereo. "Think nothing of it, it was a poor choice of words on our part."

"So what exactly is it I am supposed to do as your piece in this so-called chess game?"

"For us to win the larger game, you merely have to be the last piece standing. We will not ask you to kill off the other pieces, as we know that is an ultimately futile request. Merely live, and we shall be content." They concluded.

"I get the feeling there is an unsaid 'but' here. What else are you not telling me?"I asked, suspicious.

"What we desire in Equestria is to become their luck deity. If you win the game for us, than can happen." The Lady started.

"But if you do us a favor, we will hit that goal and be able to use the victory condition for something else. Maybe a reinforcement on the barriers against chaos on the warrens." The Lord stopped.

"How altruistic of you. I know of at least one Equestrian ascendant that will balk at that request. Discord loves his chaos."

The Lady laughed without humor. "His chaos and our chaos are like night and day. He creates and destroys with equal fervor, whereas ours destroys, and destroys only. And with our bridging the gap between our worlds... I think that he will be happy to help with that."

"Perhaps. In exchange for my doing your task, you would owe me a favor, correct?"

"Yes, but we cannot return you to your home reality. We know of nothing that can do that." The Lord answered.

"Not surprised. More powerful ascendants than you have said the same thing. I expect it now, more or less." I shook my head, then continued. "I will think upon what you are asking, and get back to you later. Right now, I'm still adjusting to this new world, and some interesting work."

They returned to their creepy double voice "We understand. Take you time. It is not as if we aren't immortal."

"So long as you don't piss off the imass, the wrong ascendant, me, or lose those who use you as a talisman. Anyways, farewell."

They looked nonplussed at this statement, and winked out. I returned myself to my body, prepared for more unpleasant dreams, but was pleasantly surprised with no dreams whatsoever.


I woke up the next day to an interesting predicament. I was wrapped over Violet protectively, and one of my hemipens had decided to say hello. I consciously retracted it, and began to disengage myself from a still sleeping Violet.

"Mmmmm, a bath of toffee sounds simply snickerdoodly..." Violet said in her sleep. I covered my mouth with my hand to dampen my snickers of amusement.

I looked at the clock, and noticed that it was a little before the two of us needed to get up. I decided to cuddle up against Violet, without letting a certain portion of my anatomy brush against her. I laid there for a while, just listening to her breath. Some birds started to sing softly, welcoming the day to come. I laced my fingers into her hair, and started to gently massage her scalp, gently enough to not wake her up.

The bedroom clock finally hit the appointed time to wake us up, and started to chime. "Come on sleepy-head, time to get up!" I said lightly.

She groaned, and shifted her body. "Mmmm... I don't wanna."

"Sorry hon, but it's time to start the day."

"Not gonna." She said, turning back over.

"If you won't get up..." I put my hand under my chin, in the classic 'thinker' position. "I'll just have to tickle you awake!" I then hook my fingers, and start to run them teasingly along her neck and along parts of her legs.

She starts to giggle and shake. "No-o-o-o-o. Sto-o-op! That tickles!" I continue on, unabated, watching as she starts to really laugh. "Stop! I'm going to pee myself if you don't!" She gasps out. I finally stop, and watch as she catches her breath.

"That was evil of you. How'd you like for me to tickle you awake?" She puffs.

"I'd put up with it for a while, then wrestle you into submission, turning the tables. Anyways, I'll go get the hot water running now that you're up." I finally get out of bed, then slithered down to the boiler to light the fire. I lit it, then channeled some heat into the boiler to jump start it.

"Try the water, Violet! It should be somewhat warm at least." I yell up to her.

"Thanks, Marty! It's good!" She shouted back down.

I did a bit of light cleaning about the house, waiting for her to get done with her shower.

Fifteen minutes passed, then Violet called out. "Marty! I'm done!"

I hear her clopping down the hall, away from the shower. Time to get clean.

I slithered into the tub-shower, and turned it on. I'm a piece in a game of ascendants. And I'm Oponn's piece. I'm nowhere near as subtle as Kruppe, and not as ignorant as Paran was. They were completely honest with me, which means they either are terrified of me, or are dismissive of my abilities. I've killed gods before, so it might be a mix of those. I mused, showering off the night-sweat from the my body.

I soaped up my hair and the rest of my body, noting the semi-flowery smell. Going to have to get some soap that doesn't smell like a woman. I washed the soap from my body, watching as it went down the drain. I grabbed a towel, and channeled a bit to assist in the drying process.

I grabbed a kilt, shirt, and apron, and headed down to breakfast. Violet had once again beaten me to using the horn. The delicious smell of fruit, quiche, and various meats flooded my senses as I flicked my tongue out.

"So, tickling aside, how'd you sleep last night?" I asked her.

"Pretty good, though I remember something about toffee and a bath." She said with a confused expression on her face.

"Heh, you said something about that in your sleep." I said with a smile.

"I. I. I-I talk in my sleep? Why am I just finding out about this?" She said, annoyed and perplexed.

"I don't know, and it might be a recent development on your part. The mind is forever changing and being changed." I sat there for a moment, then continued. "I know I talk in my sleep now, but for the longest time I didn't. It was probably about the time I turned ten-thousand years old. I don't know what triggered it."

She looked at me, then said. "Yeah, I definitely know about your talking in your sleep. Well, less talking and more yelling."

I felt a bit of shame, and probably looked chagrined. "Sorry about that."

She noticed, and a reassuring smile appeared on her face. "It's okay, Marty. I know you don't like it."

We continued eating, and had just about finished when she looked at me, with a curious expression. "Marty? Why do you hate so much?"

I winced. "Violet, I don't want to talk about it." With that, we finished breakfast in peace.

I went to the forge, and I could hear Violet starting to practice behind me.

This continued on for the next few days, with the only thing of interest was Violet asking me why I had so much hate.