• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 4,297 Views, 105 Comments

Everypony Loves - Kaii-Leiko

A story based around the canon stuff of the series, what`s off screen. RainbowPie and Twishy

  • ...

Some Friendly Advice

It had only been a few days but Pinkie pie truly felt as though it had weeks. Her relationship with Rainbow Dash was in limbo. They'd never talked after what she'd said so she wasn't sure whether Rainbow Dash was done with her or not. The way she'd been acting it seemed as though she were, and the idea that her possible former marefriend was not even willing to try and talk and work things out broke Pinkie Pie's heart even more than the actual possible break-up.

It wasn't like they hadn't seen each other either. They'd crossed paths on more than one occasion. Their eyes would meet, but only for a moment before they were quickly averted and each returned to whatever they'd been doing. In these situations it took all of Pinkie Pie's control to not run over and hug Dash, begging for things to return to normal. Then the darker side of her mind reminded her Rainbow Dash would never forgive her. All she cares about is appearances, don't ever forget that. She tried to come up with a good argument for that but she never could.

Now she would go to work miserable and despite her best efforts to keep the charade of happiness up others were beginning to see through her deception. She was distracted and often caught daydreaming. There had been no mention of parties from her lips since the Rainbow Dash incident and all, if not all, of her free time was spent moping in her room (although when asked she maintained that she was not moping.) She was at her wits end, nothing seemed to make her happy and there was nopony she could talk to about it without further angering Rainbow Dash; although part of her was inclined to let her friends in on the secret just to spite the Rainbow pegasus. Left with no recourse she kept her pain to herself until she realized there was a solution.

She was on her way to the library, to talk to Twilight. Surely speaking to Twilight couldn't possibly anger Rainbow Dash anymore, at least that's what she figured. She was almost there now; ponies had been watching her for most of her trek there. She seemed more thoughtful than anything, there was no bouncing, no cheerful 'hello's' to the other residents of Ponyville and they were taking notice. Some even tried to talk to her but Pinkie brushed them off claiming she had something important to do. She would speed up just until she was out of the other ponies' line of vision then resume her slow pace until finally she reached twilight's library.

Her pink roof rose as she prepared to knock on the door but she hesitated when she heard giggling. Pinkie frowned and pressed her ear to the door. She honestly didn't think she was intruding until she heard a little more of what was going on. There was more giggling, and shuffling then a loud cry.

"Twilight, stop, that tickles!" there was no mistaking Fluttershy's voice, which now that Pinkie heard her speak sounded a little winded.

"Isn't that sort of the point?" Twilight replied and Pinkie could practically hear the smile on her face.

Pinkie's heart skipped a beat and all of a sudden her face felt very, very warm. Her cheeks flushed crimson, although the additional colour was mostly hidden by her pink fur. She'd just overheard Twilight and Fluttershy doing...Inappropriate things. There was initially a wave of guilt, then shame at the eavesdropping. What they were doing was risky, Pinkie though to herself. Sure, Twilight lived there but the library was still open. Anypony could have walked in an caught then. Pinkie heard another loud yelp and her cheeks flushed more. She turned around with the intention of leaving quickly but she tripped and fell to the ground with a loud scream of her own. The pink mare groaned and forced herself back to her hooves.

"Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked curiously. "What are you doing?"

Pinkie Pie was mortified.


Rainbow Dash was in the middle of performing one hell of a dive, she was heading headfirst towards the water at an unknown yet ridiculous speed, with the intent of pulling up at the last minute. She was in the zone, master of the air, the best flyer in all of Equestria. Until a certain pink pony popped into her head, her mind went fuzzy and she only came to when she crashed into the water.

Her frustrated scream couldn't be heard from under the water but the moment she burst through the angry yell echoed across the entire area. Dash wasn't sure if anypony had heard her but she hoped not, it would be difficult to explain. Okay, maybe not that difficult she could just say she was frustrated she messed her trick up. She shook her head to bring herself back to reality. That wasn't what was important. What was important is that she needed to talk to Pinkie Pie. She'd known that for days yet couldn't go find the pink mare because she knew exactly how that conversation would go.

Pinkie Pie would (very reasonably) want to make their relationship open, there was no possible way Rainbow Dash could go back to her if she wasn't ready for that. She didn't feel ready, but maybe she would never feel ready and she would just have to jump in. Would it really be worth it to save her relationship. She sighed. Thinking about all this stuff wasn't her idea of a fun evening.

Rainbow Dash slowly lifted off the ground and began flying. She wasn't sure where she was going or what she was going to do. All she knew is she hoped that things would get better soon.


"You thought we were WHAT!?" Twilight screamed, completely scandalized. Fluttershy's own face was hidden behind her mane, but she probably looked more mortified than Pinkie had when Twilight had opened the door.

"It was an honest mistake, okay?" Pinkie Pie whined. She wanted the subject to be dropped. Twilight already knew even if they had been doing that Pinkie Pie wouldn't have had a problem with it. "It has nothing to do with why I came here" Pinkie hoped to ends this specific topic with that.

Pinkie pie had been wrong in her assumption of what Twilight and Fluttershy had been up to. She'd thought they had been doing...lewd thing. What Twilight had actually been doing was tickling Fluttershy. Which made a lot more sense than what Pinkie Pie had thought they were doing. They were just having fun being together, neither of them was overly worried about being caught and Pinkie found herself jealous of their relationship. Jealous, but still happy for two of her best friends.

"Are you here to talk about Rainbow Dash again?" Twilight asked, clever as always. Then again, it hadn't been hard to tell it was painted all over Pinkie Pie's face and the pink mare nodded in response to Twilight's question.

"They're...?" Fluttershy's question trailed off but it was pretty obvious what she was going to ask.

Twilight was about to answer her but Pinkie Pie answered for herself "We used to be..."

Saying it outloud was painful, one of the most painful things Pinkie Pie had ever had to say. Her bottom lip quivered and she could feel herself about to cry but she mustered up all the inner strength she could and held the tears back.

"I don't know what to do anymore. She's rude and doesn't want people to know about us. She yelled at me when she found out that I told you, Twilight, but I love her. I really, really do."

"I see...I wish I could help Pinkie pie, but I don't really have any advice."

"Well, what would you do if you found out Fluttershy had told somepony else that you liked dating other mares?"

There was an awkward pause before Twilight answered because she was wrestling honesty with making Pinkie feel better. "Well, I know Fluttershy would never do that, so..."

The two lovers exchanged a glance and a smile was shared between them, Pinkie's jealous rose up again "Oh, why don't you two just get a room!?"

Her two friends turned to her with shock on their faces. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Pinkie quickly stammered out.

"It's okay." Much to pinkie's surprise it was Fluttershy had spoke. "Um, I'm sorry if i'm sticking my muzzle where it doesn't belong, but..." Pinkie Pie nodded encouragingly; any advice was welcome. "If being Twilight has taught me anything it's that you should always be able to be who you are around your significant other. I'm not saying you can't be with Rainbow Dash but if she's just not ready I don't think pressuring her is the best solution...N-not that I'm an expert or anything..I just...With Twilight..." Fluttershy felt as though she'd rambled on a little too much and her words had devolved to a squeak at the end.

"I think the best solution is to talk to Rainbow Dash, Pinkie." Twilight chimed in.

Pinkie Pie sighed and muttered under her breath "It all comes down to talking to Rainbow Dash..."

Author's Note:

This chapter has been a long time coming guys. Not much happened in it but it's actually set up a few things that are going to happen over the next few chapters. This story is special to me, it's the first one I published here and it still has a long way to go, but looking back I feel like I've already learned a lot about writing since the first chapter of this.

Expect updates to keep coming and thank you all for your support.