• Published 25th May 2016
  • 4,456 Views, 13 Comments

Sunset Of The Bay - Grasshopper Keller

Sunset Shimmer and a new man begin a brand new relationship that only slightly escalates to something better than friendship

  • ...

Dance Towards The Future

Sunset Shimmer. If any word had existed for what she truly was, it was loneliness.

Indeed, her friends Twilight (from Crystal Prep), Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had all become dating material for most of the boys that would make certain comments on how cute, beautiful, or even hot, the women were in their eyes.

But none of those boys said quite the same thing for Sunset. This was evident by how they all kept their distance from her. But not because of the demon thing (of which she was already forgiven by her friends and fellow classmates), nor for being a bully (to which she already made her way out of being ever again).

Instead, they all saw her as the type of girl that they all had to stay away from. The whole 'look, but don't touch' ideal was becoming the norm for all of the idiotic students. And such distancing had made the woman tremble from fear.

"Am I really that undesirable?" Sunset almost cried to herself while keeping her voice as low as one of her friends was known to be. "Why am I only to be looked at, but not commented on? Or even put on a post for 'hottest chick'? Why?" she sniffled while pulling out her backpack from her locker. And after closing the door gently with her combo-lock locked up, she perked her head up and moved to the front entrance.

As the sun hit her eyes after pulling the door, she had begun to be a little blinded before her retinas had been corrected to see the horse statue above where the portal was. When she noticed it, her heart had begun to feel a heavy feeling.

She missed her homeland. And she also missed being with the Princess that changed her life for the better all those months ago. Sure she had some friends that really helped her out, but it was just nothing compared to how lonely she truly was.

What she had wanted, more than to come back and be with the Princess of Friendship or to even come back to her native place... was the touch of a special somepony. 'Urgh! I gotta remember that it's someone in this world,' Sunset corrected herself as her feet, protected by her boots, moved towards the sidewalk to get to her home.

"How is it that I am not desired by any of the students?" Sunset began to ask herself in her turmoil. "I mean, I wouldn't have a care in the world if it was a boy or a girl who wanted to date me," she said out loud while keeping her voice low. She had rationalized that she was a sexy looking girl, that she was confident, friendly, and willing to help her friends out of any bad situation. As she made her way to a bus stop, her head lowered to look at the cold concrete below her. "But.... why is it that no one wants to talk to me, let alone date me?" After asking that question, her heart had once again told her to let her tears flow from her eyes.

"Who won't date you?" a new, mysterious voice asked from behind her.

With a slight scream and a jump, she looked behind her to see a man that was twenty feet away from her.

"Oh! Geez! I am so sorry, miss," the man politely apologized to her with a quick bow. "And I am also sorry for eavesdropping on you, but I couldn't help but overhear some problem of yours," he explained himself while keeping his distance with the same apology in his speech.

"You heard how I don't have a boyfriend, didn't you?" Sunset asked with a perplexed look.

"Again, I apologize for dropping in," the same man said again as he tried to move away.

"No, no, no! Don't be," Sunset waved her hands at him while trying to keep him where he was at. "It's just.... just..." she sighed as a tear fell down from her eyes to the ground.

"Here," the guy sighed as he pulled up a tissue for her to use.

As soon as she saw the tissue, Sunset took it from him and wiped off the tear streams, along with some of the mascara that streaked out as well, before blowing out her nose and said, "Thank you." to him. Seeing that there was a trash can near her, she disposed the used tissue by crumbling it into a ball before tossing it like a basketball. When it reached the hole, the man half-shouted "Three points for the team!" with a slight chuckle.

Sunset could not help but giggle from the small speech that he made for her accomplishment.

"What?" he asked with his own smile.

"I'm sorry, but... no one ever made a comment like that," Sunset admitted after gaining her composure back.

"Seriously?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"Not even my good friends could say that," she nodded.

"Well, uh..." he chuckled before shaking his head. "Oh, crap!" he gasped out loud with a slap to his forehead.

"What is it?" she asked him with her brow raised up.

"I had completely forgotten to introduce myself to you," he chastised himself while pointing to himself and her.

"Heh, we both didn't. Whoops,” Sunset giggled while hearing him laugh for a little bit before they cleared their throats. “I'm Sunset Shimmer,” she introduced herself with her hand out to him.

“I'm Lark Bay,” the man greeted her while taking her hand to shake it.

“So, you waiting for the bus as well?” Sunset asked after moving her hand back when the greetings were made.

“I just got out of work for the day,” he confirmed to her. “I work at Regal Mart, on Stirrup Street and 7th Lane, as one of the people who stocks the boxes of merchandise to pay my way through college,” he further explained himself.

“Whoa...” Sunset gasped. In her mind, she could not believe that the one person who had connected with her today was a college student. “How long have you been in this college, huh?” she asked him as she felt her heart fluster up a little bit.

“I'm a sophomore at Canterlot U.,” he said to her with a slight nod.

“Any degrees you're going for?” she asked again.

“Like the one that I should hang on my wall to congratulate myself for meeting such a beautiful high school senior student today?” he replied with a nearly sheepish smirk on his face. The same remark allowed the two of them to laugh a little louder than before. After allowing themselves to get it out of their systems, they both calmed down enough to realize what was just said. The two of them had begun to blush with a cherry red tone of color on their faces while giving out a few nervous chuckles. This was just a little bit awkward for them both.

“You... you meant it, didn't you?” Sunset asked him while keeping her eyes on him.

“What I just said?” Lark asked rhetorically.

“Mm-hmm,” she nodded.

“Yes,” he admitted to her.

Soon, the hiss of the bus had prompted the waiting pair to look where the bus had finally stopped. When they saw the door open, Lark allowed her to enter first. But as he entered behind her, he pulled up four bits to pay for the fare to use the transportation. When they moved up to a seat that had been unoccupied, Lark allowed her to seat herself next to the window with a gesture.

“Thanks, Lark,” Sunset thanked him as she sat herself on the seat.

“No problem,” Lark nodded to her. “May I sit next to you, if you please?” he then asked her.

“Go right ahead,” she beamed while pointing to the seat next to her. As soon as the two got comfortable, the sudden push from the bus had alerted them that they were now being moved from the stop.

“So, uh....” Lark began to speak as his face had begun to blush up.

“Yes?” Sunset looked to him from her spot.

“I do apologize, again, but... am I correct in assuming that I heard how you don't... uh... have a boyfriend?” he asked her while feeling awkward again. He always knew better than to eavesdrop on someone speaking either to themselves or another person. And such a question had prepared him for the worst possible outcome.

“Well... yes, you are correct,” she nodded painfully. “And I really don't understand why none of the boys won't even talk to me. Heck, even a few girls had some comments about how good I look, but....”

“But none of them wanted to go near you, right?” he finished for her.

“How did you figure it out?” Sunset gasped from his answer.

“I have those days, too,” Lark nodded.

“So then....” she trailed off before giving him a teasing smirk. “You have no girlfriend at all?”

“Single since middle school,” he deadpanned.

“So then, uh....” she stopped herself to think for a moment.

This was the opportunity of a lifetime, and she was not going to delay herself just because of how nervous he was.

“Yeah?” he raised his brow.

“Would you like to be that kind of friend of mine? You know, boyfriend and girlfriend?” she proposed to him at that moment.

“You know.... As much as I'd like that, I think we should just start out as friends first,” Lark replied, knowing what she was saying to him. But even his slightly older self wanted to get that closer to her.

“And you also want to know about me, right?” Sunset grinned, knowing that she was becoming successful with her attempts.

“Yep,” he said plainly.

“Oh! I just can't stand it! Come here!” she beamed out before rushing her arms to wrap around him and lock him in a passionate embrace before kissing his lips with hers that had the same emotions that really allowed her to let go of her walls.

The same display of affection had come as a complete surprise to Lark, but even he knew that the girl who was giving him her own kiss was just as much of a loner as he was. And for the last few years, he could only dream of having such a sexy woman coming onto him with such a display. But even with how it was considered quite rude to do the same thing for her within the bus, he threw aside the social norm and allowed his arms to wrap around her shoulders and kissed her back.

Within those moments, their tongues had brushed each others lips before allowing them to dance, completing the final stage of the kiss that sealed them as an official couple. And the same display of affection had not gone unnoticed. Some of the passengers had given a few 'Eww' jeers while some of the adults were either giving golf claps or telling them both to stop. But none of the two wanted to stop.

Within a few moments, the bus driver made a sudden stop that halted the bus, pushing the two of them from their seats from the force of the stop.

"Out with you two until you can be civilized on my bus, understood?" the driver rudely said to them with a sneer.

With their affections displayed, they cared not for what had been done. As they got out of the bus, they both saw that they were at an empty park. And with their sights only on each other, there was only one thing to be said between them both.

"I'm sorry for doing that back there," Sunset blushed while looking at him sheepishly.

"Actually.... I enjoyed that a lot," he admitted while donning the same look.

"You did?"

"I did."

The two looked to where the park was in front of them and saw that there was nothing to do but see about passing the time before they all had to get a different bus. And hopefully, they would be able to keep things calmed down between them.

"Can't wait for the next time we can do that," Lark said with a growing smile before shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "After a few dates, of course."

"Movies?" Sunset suggested.

"Chick-flick?" Lark said, going along with her thoughts.

"Medium sized tub of popcorn?"

"Back row seating?"

"Share those same kisses?"

The two of them had then giggled and chuckled from how they were planning it all out.

"I really believe that I can love you, Sunset," Lark confirmed after letting his laughs go.

"I feel the same way about you, Lark," Sunset agreed.

Then, while the sun was setting on the horizon, they moved in for another kiss. This time, there was no letting go. Upon wrapping their arms around each others shoulders and waist, their lips had once again met for a really romantic setting of affection that had otherwise been impossible for them to speak about. Not even to their own friends.

The slight moans coming from the both of their throats allowed them to know that their passion was real. Not some magic from her land, or even some chemical reaction. Their souls were dancing around the prospects of the distant future as their affection had not been interrupted by any person or thing.

Within ten minutes, though it felt like more than an entire lifetime for them, Lark and Sunset had allowed their inability to breath to make them part for the sweet air. Upon doing this, they each had a contact high that alleviated their minds into a state of enlightenment that allowed them to realize that their attraction was not only mutual but just right for each other.

"I really see us doing this more often," Lark confessed to her.

"You do?" Sunset asked.

"And I will make the time, even if my boss is a dick to me," he professed in a soft tone that had his new girlfriend giggle.

"And I'll be waiting for you, hon," Sunset giggled from her pet name to him.

"I'll be there, babe," Lark chuckled with a name given to her.

"It's official, then," Sunset nodded as he did. "But I do have to ask you something, though," she then said with her finger pointing to the sky before that finger moved to him.

"What's up?" Lark wanted to know.

"What do you do when you're not working?" she asked him.

"I sail my boat on the lake within the Everfree National Park," he answered her simply.

"And I take it that you're wanting to study up on some things pertaining to your hobby?"

"Marine biology is one of the things that I will be studying while I'm at my classes."

"Oh, I love you."

Those words... had finally been said to him. But he enjoyed them a lot.

"I love you, too."

A single kiss had been given, allowing their lips to smack with the most beautiful of echoes going around them.

"Sunday afternoon at Light Show Cinema?" Lark then suggested.

"A light lunch before entering?" Sunset went along with his thoughts.

"I'll find the time for the two of us," he nodded.

"And I'll make sure that my friends take me there," she nodded as well.

"No bus?" Lark smirked, knowing what went on a few moments ago.

"No," Sunset grinned as well.

With that said, they embraced and kissed each other for the last time before deciding to leave each other for the impending night. And after twenty minutes of this, they departed.

"Good night, Sunset," Lark whispered before moving in on her face.

"You too, Lark," Sunset softly said back.




(Some moments later, at Pinkie Pie's house, within the living room....)

"Yo, Sunset! Where were you today?" Rainbow Dash almost yelled out before seeing Sunset's face practically glowing with happiness. "Uh, okay, what's going on here?" she then asked Rarity, who was about ready to bust out from the happiness of what she was able to figure out.

"Our dearest Sunset has just gotten a boyfriend," Rarity squealed as her feet jumped up from the carpet.

"Oh, my! A boyfriend?" Fluttershy asked meekly with a gasp.

"Whoa! Talk about a step up!" Rainbow noticed.

"Ya did good, girl! Ya did good," Applejack congratulated her with a pat on her back.

"So whose the lucky guy, Sunny? Who is he, who is he? Huh?" Pinkie Pie asked rapidly as her smile threatened to split her face apart.

"Okay girls, listen up," Sunset beckoned them with her hands motioning to the girls for them to join in on her story. "Okay, it started out with my stop to the bus stop...." she said as she began her side of the tale that only recently been made true for her.

Author's Note:

For you, Harms Way! I wanted to make this story as good as I could, given that I was inspired to do this within a day!

Also, for those of you who enjoyed this one, feel free to leave a comment below and like it!

Love y'all! :heart:

Comments ( 13 )

For every like, a dozen cookies and a six pack of beer will be given! :pinkiehappy:

Moved a bit fast it seemed, though a very sweet story at times and I did feel for Sunset.

Awwww cute, if not a bit fast

Cute, i like it

Loved it,didnt really find anything wrong with the story itself but i tend to overlook stuff like that when it comes to Sunset fics,what can i say im a sucker for Sunset storys :heart: Also im glad that you made the Male character a seperate entity,all those "Anon" storys were getting a bit boring. Overall pretty good first attempt i would say,hope to see more like this.

7244402 you think you can link me to this friend of yours. I'd love to read his stuff, and you kinda didn't do that in the description.:pinkiehappy:

Dude. I have only one word to describe this story.......

AWESOME!!!!!!! :rainbowdetermined2:

Thank you so much for writing this. :twilightsmile:

Hmm it was fun to read, that's without a doubt.
The only problem I have with this is their relationship: it looks too rushed and unrealistic ("we should first be friends and then start dating" -> they start making out; "we should wait a couple dates before making out again"-> 2 minutes afterwards they are making out for 10 minutes; they haven't even had a date and they say they love each other :unsuresweetie: ). And based on my experience, those types of relations burn fastly and end quickly :duck:
But that just might be my perception of how people get to know and start dating and yada yada yada.
It was fun to read and it made me smile. So nice job :twilightsmile:

7244402 I'd tell you to fork over the beer and cookies, then see how many beers I can handle in a single hour and how cookies and beer tastes, but this didn't grab me... That's not to say that this wasn't well written, I'm just personally more of a fan of the Fics where they first become friends then hit it off then melt either onto or into each other. That's just personal preference... You know what? You owe me cookies and beer because this was well made. Gimme The Booze And Sugar Discs!

I've read some fics where that actually seems possible. Just read Thunder and Lightning, a second person fic where Rarity's your dream girl and you find her in a time of mass need. That ends in a make out session, but I could see it happening.

7811735 hmm I'll check that fic later but that doesn't change my point. If what you say it's true, the fanfic about Rarity is a bit more realistic. But this one still feels too rushed.

This is great. I mean the pacing is fast and I feel like they say I love you waay too quick considering they just met.
Still I enjoyed it. Nice work. :twilightsmile:

Fair point. First attempt and all.

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