• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 2,098 Views, 167 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 5 - EquestrianKirin

  • ...

The Call

"My Diamond?" Asked Pearlis. White Diamond sighed.

"How embarrassing. To be defeated by a normal Lapis Gem - a cracked Lapis Gem no less ... And where's Starlight?"

"She left during the mayhem ... Shall I notify the science chamber yet?"

"No need. Onyx, go to Homeworld. Try and see how much has changed within Homeworld," ordered White Diamond Onyx nodded and went on her way, leaving just WD and Pearlis.

"B-But, that planet. Isn't that the same one?"

"It is. Consider this another test. If they can, somehow, manage to solve this problem ... Then perhaps they do deserve to stay after all."


"... Why didn't you tell me about that, Garnet? That mom shattered Pink Diamond?" Steven finally asked. Garnet knew there was no hiding now.

"Rose did a lot of things that she wasn't proud of. But it was all for the Earth. For Amethyst to be herself. For Pearl to be free. For me to be together. And for you to exist. She did what she had to."

"Even if it meant shattering someone?"

"... Yes."

Steven took a moment to place his hand on his own gemstone. One can't change the past, can one? Steven only had one thing to say, as they all went home ...

"Thanks for telling me."


The months came and went. Winter had lasted for quite a while really, but eventually, it began to loosen its grip on the world around it. Snow began to melt, flowers began to bloom, the air began to warm up. Grass turned green, and flowers bloom. Yes, spring time had finally come around, and for some, not a moment too soon. Winter had been a little bit of a roller coaster for some, and now with warmer weather, some relaxation away from the cold would suit many good. For those out in the countryside, namely pass the barnhouse, springtime woken up plenty of animals from their hibernation: squirrels, rabbits, and stuff of that nature. Over at the Beach City beach, the springtime weather had begun to take its grip on the land. Still, while many a resident was getting the spring fever, some were still on the more prominent edge of things. Along the shores, one kid, Steven, was sitting on a seaside rock, waiting a bit for a friend to come back around. His view was facing the ocean, his feet going back and forth as he was waiting it out. As far as many of the residents go, Steven would probably had the biggest life changer over winter ever. His mind had a lot on it: Pink Diamond being the biggest candidate, along with the human zoo, and White Diamond's science chamber. As he was sitting there, someone began to come towards him on his mail route.

"Morning, Jamie," said Steven. Jamie tipped his hat to him.

"Morning, Steven. Nice spring day," said Jamie, stopping for a moment.

"Nice day. Is that for us?" Steven asked, once he saw the bag. Inside it, Steven could see that there was a small package inside it, small and actually gift-wrapped. Jamie followed his eyes down to the package, and pulled it out of his mailbag.

"This little thing? Oh, yeah, it's for Lapis actually. Uh, Steven? Do you mind giving this to her when you see her?" Jamie asked, slightly shy about the subject. Steven though was more quiet than usual once the name was said. Before Steven could answer though, the ocean surface began to ripple oddly. Steven and Jamie heard the splashing, and when looking out, the two began to see someone starting to come in. Unaffected by the water, and walking in casually from the surf, a tall Gem Garnet started to come in. Steven jumped off his rock to see her, as a simple flex removed any water from her body.

"Garnet, you're back!" Steven said.

"Steven, Jamie."

"Any news?" Steven asked, hopefully. Garnet just shook her head.

"No, Steven, not a thing," Garnet said. Steven's moment of hope was dashed, and he just sat back down in a slump on the sand. Jamie saw that Steven was a bit sadder than usual on that matter.

"What we're you doing?" Asked Jamie. Garnet adjusted her shades before answering.

"I've been out in the ocean, looking for Lapis and Jasper," replied Garnet. Ever since Lapis and Jasper had left during winter, different Gems and their friends had been going around trying to find the two. So far though, they had found no sign of either one, and this investigation was no different. Things just hadn't been quite the same since they had left the picture, and if they can find out where they were, it'll be all the difference. Jamie didn't realize that Lapis had actually gone missing though. Sure, she had been a bit quiet for the last couple of months, but missing?

"What happened?"

"Don't worry about it, Jamie. They've been on a mission together, and hadn't come back yet," said Garnet. This wasn't exactly true, but Garnet didn't want Jamie to end up as troubled as some of Lapis's friends were. Jamie sighed.

"Ok then. For a second, I thought she was missing or something. Well, can you give it to her when she comes back?" Jamie asked.

"I'll be glad to," replied Garnet. Jamie nodded, and after giving the package to Garnet, he tipped his hat to them, and went off on his route. Steven waited until Jamie was far enough away until he got up and looked to Garnet.

"But, Lapis is missing. Why did you tell him that?"

"I didn't want his life to be tainted while she is away," said Garnet. When the fusion looked to Steven, she saw that the boy was looking out to the ocean, climbing back onto his rock and sitting back down.

"Steven, don't worry about Lapis and Jasper. We'll find her, I promise you," Garnet assured him.

"I know ... I just hope she and Jasper are okay. Is it dangerous being fused like that?" Steven asked, worried sick over both Gems in question. Garnet took a moment to look out to the ocean again, before looking back to him ...

"Here, why don't you go and play in Equestria? You hadn't been there in a while."

Did ... did she just dodged the question? Steven knew Garnet, and he knew she would be more honest with him, so why did she dodge it now? She was right though - he hadn't been in Equestria in a while. Steven got off his rock.

"Ok. Hey, maybe Pinkie Pie made some new cupcakes today," Steven figured. Such a sweet loving mare would be the type of pony to make such things on her own time.

"She just might," Garnet agreed. Steven, now more interested in something else, went off on his way, as Garnet looked on. She knew well that Steven had a lot on his mind, but just isn't willing to show it yet. He didn't want to trouble anyone, same as anybody or anypony. Either way, Garnet just turned and began walking back to the temple.


Garnet herself didn't take very long until the fusion was back at the temple, dry and tired from the searching. Once inside the Beachhouse, a few other Crystal Gems were there. In the room were only about five including Garnet: Pearl, Star Quartz, Emerald, and Peridot. With Jasper and Lapis gone, there was a total of twelve Crystal Gems, seven of them out of the temple at the moment.

"Ah, Garnet you're back. Any news?" Asked Pearl. Garnet just sighed.

"I looked within a hundred miles out to sea, even around the Galaxy Warp. There's no sign of them anywhere," reported Garnet.

"Dang it! You clod cheater," Peridot griped, who was playing a game with Emerald, who pretty much cheated as far as Peridot was concern. Emerald was simply sitting there full of pride.

"You just don't got it, P, admit it," said Emerald, fluffing her hair. Peridot was just simply bugged with him, as they all heard the Warp Pad go off from just down the room. From there, they then saw more of the Crystal Gems arrive: Flint, Bismuth, Diopside, Jade, and Fulgurite. Flint moved up to Garnet once he saw her.

"Hey, Garnet. Anything from you?"

"No. Any luck from your group?" asked Garnet

"We tried all sorts of places: the Battlefield, communication tower, the geode, that Blue Diamond ruins, the galaxy warp, nothing. How can such a big fusion just go missing that fast?" wondered Fulgurite.

"I just hope they're ok. Being in a fusion is one thing, but being fused with a cracked Gem? You're just asking for damage," Flint said, as he sat down, hand to his head. Star Quartz scooted over to let him sit down next to her.

"... What's so dangerous? You've fused before. Right?" Star asked, curiously. Flint just sighed and turned to her.

"Star, it's more complicated than that. Being in a fusion is hard enough for some Gems, but this is a normal quartz Gem and a unstable Lazuli. It makes for a disaster waiting to happen."

"He's right, Star," agreed Garnet, "A fusion is a strong connection between two Gems. Some would call it a simple strength advantage, but others would call it a powerful bond between eachother. showing how much you care for eachother. If one becomes unstable, it can affect both sides. Hard to say what happened between them both, even now."

"THANK YOU, Garnet," Flint said. It was a rare moment that Garnet and Flint agree on anything on such situations, so it was nice that he and Garnet came to terms on something like this without hours of bickering. Still, Garnet and Flint were not wrong about the situation at hand for Jasper and Lapis to be stuck together this way. They weren't sure if they were even alive, let alone still fused, and even if they were down on Earth, where would they go?

"Speaking of missing Gems, where's Amethyst? Haven't seen her since we left this morning," asked Bismuth.

"She went to Equestria. I tried to get her going, and she decided to look there ... Least that's what she told me," Pearl simply said. If they know Amethyst though, she probably just said that to play around with her ponies.

"Are you serious? Alright, who wants to get her?"

"Hey, dude, leave her be. She's been running around for days, you know that," said Bismuth.

"It's about time we all had a rest for a bit. We'll look some more later," agreed Garnet. Normally, flint would blow off again, but instead, Flint just stood up.

"Well, you all do that then, I'm gonna keep looking," decided Flint. Amongst the group, Flint was doing the hardest in trying to find them both, not spending much time to rest.

"You sure, Flint? You've been searching for days and nights on end," Diopside said, she and Jade going up to him.

"Don't worry, Jade, Dio, I'm fine. You all just rest up and do what you wish, I won't be long," Flint replied, walking over to the front door. The Gems were going to protest, and have him relax for a while, but Flint was not going to stand there and hear that. Flint got the door open, but just before he could go, the Gem only took a few steps forward then his foot hit something down on the floor of their porch. Flint stopped and looked down to his foot, only to find something was dropped off at their front step. The small object appeared to be a disk of sorts, marked with the tri-diamond insignia. It was about as big as a plate, and the same shape, pure silver in color of metals, and the Yellow Diamond symbol blinking. Odd to see out of nowhere like this. Flint went on and picked it up, turning back into the Beachhouse for the others to see.

"Any of you expecting a delivery from the diamonds?" asked Flint, as Garnet took the disk. It appeared to be very new, and up to date unlike the usual message machines they had to gather up before. Both times it was from before the Gem war even started, and it was a surprise that they'd get this, especially after White Diamond before ...

"Ready, everyone?" Garnet asked. Everyone was about as ready as they could ever be. Garnet got the disk to activate after a bit, clicking on the blinking symbol on it. She placed it over in the center of the room, and as Garnet expected, a large hologram appeared. This was a pure yellow figure of Yellow Diamond herself! So this was a message directly from the Diamond Authority itself then. Yellow Diamond seemed to look as serious as she usually is, though many of them wondered exactly what the message actually is, especially if it's coming from Yellow Diamond herself. All of them were just sitting there and ready to hear what she had to say.

"Greetings, Crystal Gems. You may be a bit ... stressed, about recent events with the leading Diamond of the Diamond Authority. While word hadn't gone around on what particular events had happened there, White Diamond herself was generous enough, to lend me a information just before departure. Since you are on more reasonable terms with Homeworld, even after the event, you should be forewarned of the event coming. There is a object hidden within the planet that I believe you should be aware of, since you are so bent on protecting Earth. A weapon. A giant, Gem weapon deep within Earth, that will destroy your planet once activated. When exactly is unclear, but Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG should be able to elaborate on it for you. Good day."

The message came to an end, the hologram had disappeared, and the disk became inactive. Everyone in the room was silent about this supposed doomsday device now being told to them. A Gem weapon, buried in the earth, that will destroy the entirety of the planet the minute it activates. THAT is a scary thought, and if this was true, this weapon was given all the time in the world to go off and they would've never known about it at all. Most of the reactions within the Crystal Gems was absolute shock, especially for the original Crystal Gems. Pearl was visually shaken up, Garnet just stood there speechless, and Bismuth was actually feeling deceived. Homeworld was on better terms, and they pull something like this at them? Bismuth's fist clenched up.

"A weapon that could destroy everything ..." Bismuth simply said.

"Well, that's new," commented Fulgurite. As they were talking, Peridot began to slowly creep to the door ...

"We've been running around for months with our friends probably getting corrupted, just to hear there's a doomsday time bomb! DANG, can't we catch a break?" Added Emerald. Pearl stated to think.

"Peridot facet 2F5L. cut 5XG ... WAIT A MINUTE."

Suddenly Pearl turned around, and everyone then saw their proof: Peridot standing outside, looking at them like some scared cat, her hand on the door as if just quietly shutting it. If that doesn't scream guilty, nothing else would. Peridot just stared like a deer in a headlight for the next five seconds before ...



And off she went.

The beach would normally be quiet as a mouse aside from the waves, but now a faint sound of Peridot's screaming echoed around the beach. Peridot had a head start in this sudden foot race she was doing, the green Gem in complete panic, arms out in front and everything. Of course, being on the small side, the other Gems didn't had to worry too much about speed. Flint and Bismuth were the ones going after her first, and the two soon caught up with her. Flint grabbed her, and gripping her arms back.

"AH! No no no, wait wait, please, I-if you just let me explain -"

"Explain what?! You knew about this doomsday device all along, and you didn't tell us once!" Bellowed Bismuth. Peridot gulped, sweat pouring from her worried face.

"O-ok, maybe it kinda ... slipped my mind? - OWowowowow!" Peridot's response only got Flint pulling her arms back more.

"Slipped your mind?! How can an apocalypse just 'slip your mind'?!"

"B-but there's so much I had to handle while I was here, and there's Equestria, I-I didn't think it would be too bad, maybe you wouldn't mind."

Wrong answer.

"Wouldn't mind?! Being exploded!?!" Screamed Flint. Ok, her mind was not helping her, so Peridot went for broke.

"... I'm. S-Sorry?"

"No you're not. Not yet." Bismuth turned her hand into a pick axe, and once that came up, it was clear what was going to happen. At this point, the others began to arrive, as Peridot scrambled and struggled in panic, Bismuth ready to cut that Gemstone right off her head. As she thrashed and kicked, she finally whacked Flint in the knee, making him loosen his grip just enough so the green Gem got free. She didn't get too far though before Bismuth and Flint got to her again. Before either Gem could finish Peridot off, the small Gem suddenly was inside a bubble, and pulled away by Garnet. Peridot breathed a sigh of relief.

"Garnet, thank you so much. I would've been shattered if you -"

Peridot only needed to see Garnet's ticked off eyes after she removed her shades to shut her mouth. She wasn't out of the woods yet.


"Peridot, how could you not tell us anything about this weapon? It could've gone off at anytime, and you've been with us for over a year and a half!" Garnet yelled, the sheer power in her voice humbling the green Gem into huddling in her bubble. Seemed all the Gems were out to get her. All but one.

"... Excuse me?"

"Yes. Star?" Asked Flint.

"... Yellow Diamond said she knows about it. She is the only one who knows out of all of us. Right? Yellow Diamond said herself. Didn't she?" Star pointed out. Peridot stayed quiet in her bubble, praying and hoping that Star Quartz can somehow get her out of this. It was a long shot. Garnet looked over to Peridot for a minute or two. Star Quartz had a point there, even if she may not understand the situation entirely ...

"... We'll get back to you. Peridot."

With one tap of the finger, Peridot and the bubble suddenly disappeared! Star was spooked at first, but Pearl then addressed the others.

"Yellow Diamond said the weapon is buried within the Earth. So a good place to start is to make a method to get us there. There's plenty to use back at the barn, and we can spare a bit of metal from the Galactic Ray if we have to," explained Pearl. The weapon isn't something that they can walk to, they're gonna have to dig down deep to even get to it.

"Should I get Steven and Amethyst for this, or no?" Asked Fulgurite to Garnet.

"Leave him be. He's got enough on his mind already ..."

"... Why not?"

"Guys, look. Steven's been going through a lot through these past few months already. Rose, Pink Diamond, Lapis going missing. Telling him about this would just make things worse for him ..." No more reminders were needed there. Steven had a lot to think about already, and as Garnet said, he was indeed having a lot on his plate. It wouldn't be well to add the dangers of a doomsday device would just make him more paranoid about things. Even Flint couldn't argue with that logic.

"And if he finds out before we tell him?" Flint asked.

"Then we'll tell him straight."

"What if he ends up at the barn during our project? He's bound to see our work if he gets there."

Garnet took a moment to think, but then Bismuth got an idea.

"I know! How about we give Steven some more missions to do? It can easily keep him busy til were done, and hey, maybe he'll even find Lapis and Jasper while gone. It'll be ... what was that saying again?"

"Killing two birds with one stone, we gotcha," Emerald finished.

"... Well, that sounds pretty good actually. He hasn't gone out on missions much, so this could get him back in the game. You know what, we'll do that."


And in such thoughts on the matter, they were not alone. As the group started to go to the barn, two snakes peered out from behind some mountain rubble, undetected by anyone there. After they've completely gone, the two snakes suddenly slithered out. They both looked the same overall, but with some slight differences. both snakes were fairly large, five feet long altogether from head to tip of tail, both bodies covered in green scales. One of the snakes was light green, while the other dark green, and while the light green snake had two black stripes down her back, the other had a row of black diamonds. Both snakes looked like vipers in shape as well.

"Did you understand all that, Acid?" asked the lighter snake.

"I don't know how, Cyanide, but yes," replied the darker one.

"So did I. Shame on the Gems, isn't it?"

"Oh yes. You do realize what this means?" Acid quizzed, as she slithered along the beach a little bit alongside Cyanide.

"Indeed. Those Crystal Gems and ponies will be so occupied, they won't have any time to watch over their little home. Be a shame if they are to come back to even more trouble, won't it?" Cyanide figured, giggling and hissing.

"Such a deep shame. And they have O so much stress as it is. Just as well: they're the only ones who have knowledge about this creature," said Acid.

"True, true. And if they fail, Equestria will have two more residents," Cyanide hissed.

"Meantime, maybe we should help things along. Keep the humans busy. What do ya say?" suggested Acid. Cyanide giggled on hearing that.

"I'd be glad to. Lead the way, my dear fellow serpent."


Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up, let's finish our holiday cheer.
Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up, cuz tomorrow spring is here.~

As Earth was in springtime, Equestria too was going through the seasonal shift. As one would've guessed though, Equestria had it's differences: as the Alicorns changed day to night, winter here had to be manually handled by the Pegesi and Earth Ponies of Ponyville: the Pegesi up in the sky, moving the clouds to add more heat down to the ground, and the Earth Ponies themselves working down on the ground, plowing away the snow and adding new seeds into the dirt. With the busy town just outside, one of the resident Alicorns, Twilight Sparkle, was going around with a checklist levitated with her magic, and going over what needed to be done over the course of Winter Wrap-Up.

"Ok, let's see. Animal Team?"

Twilight looked over to one part of the groups, which had some various ponies waking up some hibernating animals with some soothing bells. Fluttershy was amongst them, waking up a family of ferrets. Twilight nodded and checked them off her list.

"Right on schedule. And the weather team ..."

Twilight looked up above her head, seeing the pegesus moving away the clouds to let Celestia's sunshine beam down to help melt the snow below, with Rainbow Dash leading the team herself, and getting plenty of clouds cleared up. Twilight marked them off as well.

"Alright, going well. And the plant team is ..."

Twilight trotted over to a nearby field, seeing the plant team in question going to work. Different Earth ponies were working the fields, some pulling carts full of seeds while others planted them down in place. They had it easier actually, Amethyst actually helping them out by digging and putting in the seeds her own way. Twilight was glad to see everything was going just as planned, and marked them all down on the list in front of her. Animal, Plant, and Weather teams were all doing well this year. As the Alicorn was going through the list, suddenly, she heard someone familiar coming her way.

"Hey, Twilight!" Steven called, coming over to her. However, Steven wasn't exactly aware that Equestria was still cold and full of snow, so he was not dressed properly for the situation, right down to sandals on his feet.

"Steven, hey Steven! What's up, dude?" Amethyst called, as she took a break and went over to Steven. Twilight took a moment to see him too, but rather than a simple hello, Twilight went right up to the little issue Steven was in.

"Steven, aren't you cold?" Twilight asked. Steven looked down to his feet for a quick second, his toes and feet having just a little bit of snow on them.

"I thought spring got here already," Steven admitted, embarrassed, and only now feeling a bit chilly. As he was standing there, suddenly a scarf was wrapped around his neck, and boots were put on his feet, coming from a white unicorn, Rarity.

"There you go, darling, you'll catch a cold if you come in like that," Rarity advised.

"Oh, thank you, Rarity. So, what's going on? Wanna hang out?" Steven asked, seeing everypony going around and handling the cleanup of spring.

"Oh, you don't know yet do you? Sorry, but we're in the middle of Winter Wrap-Up right now," Twilight said, hoof out as if presenting the event to him. Steven saw a pair of Pegasus pushing away clouds as five Earth Ponies were getting the snow piles together, away from the trees so they could melt faster.

"Winter Wrap-Up? Is that another Equestria holiday?" Steven asked.

"Not exactly a holiday, Steven: everypony comes together and helps clean up winter. Wake up the animals from hibernation, clearing the clouds, planting seeds. It's a Ponyville yearly tradition," Twilight explained.

"Yeah, another gig to get spring here a little quicker. They got me working with the planters over there," Amethyst said, thumb aimed to the Plant team. Amethyst was casual with it, but Steven looked over to the lake, and saw that some ponies were still skating along it.

"What're they doing?"

"They're skating to break the ice up. Why, you wanna lend a hoof?"

"YES," Steven simply said. Amethyst, playfully agreeing to the idea, lifted Steven right up for him to end up sitting on her shoulders. Skating about on ice was probably a better, more exciting thing to do than dealing with seeds.

"Now we're talking. Come on, kiddo, the ice awaits," Amethyst said. She was just about to head right on down to the lake when ...


All of a sudden, a yellow blur rushed by, Twilight, Rarity, Amethyst and Steven caught completely by surprise. Amethyst and Steven ended up in a cartoonic tail spin, until the two were on the ground side by side, completely dizzy, as the figure skidded to a halt after a U-turn. The figure, as it turned out, was Fulgurite. However, skidding to a stop kinda tossed up a ton of snow at the group too, burying them in it.

"Oh. Sorry gang. Been looking for you two," Fulgurite said, as the group got themselvers out of the snow.

"Perhaps not so sudden of a stop next time, darling?" Rarity suggested, wiping off snow from her fur. Amethyst shook her head to get rid of the snow like a dog before looking to Fulgurite.

"Sup with you?" Amethyst asked.

"Amethyst, Steven, got something for ya," Fulgurite said, getting out a unique list from her pocket to give to them. The list on the paper was written by Pearl, and made up of various tasks and locations listed down in a very neat pattern only Pearl would bother herself to do. It was a rather short notice list to make, but easy to understand as Twilight, Steven, and Amethyst looked it over.

"What do we have here?"

"It's a list of missions Garnet wanted you guys to do. Both of you hadn't been given very much lately, and Since the others are so busy with their own missions as of late, you guys can go around and handle these for us," Fulgurite explained. Of course, this wasn't entirely true, but Garnet still wanted to get them away for a while until this weapon problem is over and done.

"All of them?" Asked Amethyst in a groan.

"All of them," insisted Fulgurite. The list had quite a number of targets to catch, and a number of places to wander off from, some they had never even been to before. Be that as it may, however, Garnet probably knew a lot more about this, and knew well what she was doing.

"But what're the rest of you doing?"

"Don't worry about that, Steven, you just keep to your little list, take all the time you need, and go from there. So, eh, good luck."

Before either Amethyst or Steven could stop her, Fulgurite was suddenly gone like a light, leaving them with their list. Well, looking at the list, Steven and Amethyst had a bit more to take care of than they thought.


For Steven and Amethyst, things had kicked off rather quickly with their own little task at hand. With the list in hand, both Gems had to return right away, straight back to the Temple. With every other Gem out and busy, and with the Mane Six still doing Winter Wrap-Up, Amethyst and Steven had the place to themselves. The two were sitting on the couch, and had the list out on the table. With them looking it over, the list had a bit of direction and specifics, which included a picture of the targets, and the exact locations where they would be at. Looking at the order they were in and the locations, they already got a basic order on where they should go to first. Although it was a bit out of nowhere for Steven and Amethyst, the two were pretty excited about doing this. This is the first HUGE mission that both Crystal Gems were given, and they couldn't wait to get rolling.

"So, Garnet wants us to deal with all of these monsters by ourselves?" Amethyst summed up, admittedly excited, and looking over what they got going for them. Each monster looked different, freaky, and strong by the looks of things, except for a few. In fact, the first one they see looked like just a simple insect of all things.

"Wonder what they're doing that's got them so busy," wondered Steven.

"Beats me, but DANG, look what we got here! We gotta be higher up on the team level than we thought to get all these," amethyst replied, pointing to all the monsters they got to face and handle. Amethyst may be right about that, seeing what kind of strange creatures and what places they had to go to. Steven continued packing things up in his cheeseburger backpack, which included plenty of snacks, and a number of extra survival things: compass, water bottle, and so on. As they were busy doing that, they both heard someone come up to the door.

"Hey, Steven, Amethyst!"

"Oh, Connie, hi," Amethyst said. Sure enough, Connie was here for a visit, and Connie was quick to see that Steven and Amethyst was packing up for something.

"What's going on here?" Connie asked. Steven simply answered her by showing her the list they were given.

"Garnet is having me and Amethyst on a monster scavenger hunt!" Steven revealed. Connie looked over the list up and down for a little bit, seeing what they got to handle.

"Wow, Steven. You have to get ALL of them? That's quite a lot," Connie noted.

"Yeah, we know. Garnet's got us on a BIG time mission now!" Amethyst said, coming in between the two. Amethyst was about as psyched about getting things started as anybody else would be.

"How long are you going to be gone for?" Connie asked.

"Oh. Actually, I dunno. Could take a while to get all of these guys, but we'll be sure to stop by during our trip, right Amethyst?"

"You bet. Come on, let's go catch us some beasts!" Amethyst said, already heading out the door to begin their big hunt. Steven and Connie had a short moment together, before Steven started walking out himself. Connie was a little bummed out, but not too undeterred, as she watched Steven and Amethyst go off to start their big mission.

"Good luck!"

Author's Note:

Alright, Season 5 starting up. Hope you're all are prepared: this season's formula's gonna be a little different. You're so used to the basic formula, but now let's see how it'll be turned on it's head, eh? Give it a chapter or two and you'll get what I'm talking about :raritywink: