• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 4,546 Views, 126 Comments

The Hero They Need - MetalJrock

Batman ends up in a world of colorful talking ponies.

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Living Situation

"You have a castle?"

Nodding to Batman's question, Twilight answered, "Yes. It's large enough and has plenty of rooms that I can spare for you. It's the least I can do for helping us save Ponyville. Twice." she explained, opening the giant doors to her castle. Batman looked at the seemingly endless hallway ahead of them.

'I have to keep track of this place.' he noted, observing every door to the best of his ability, 'It is too big for its own good. That should mean I'll have space to perform an investigation should that be necessary.'

Twilight guided the entranced Batman to his room. The Dark Knight noted how spaced out it was. There was a bed in the corner, not tall enough for him, 'Like I need a bed anyhow...' he mocked. There was a desk on the other corner, looking big enough for him to place any gadgets he has there and perform any tasks needed with his Cryptographic Sequencer should he find any clues. And a window, allowing him to tell the time of day, 'If I figure out how time flows in this dimension, I can use that to my advantage.'

Batman knelt down next to the desk, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome, Batman." said Twilight as she left him on his own.

"Wait..." he said.

"Do you have a map? If I'm going to help you, then I need to figure out what lies beyond the two towns I've been to." Batman questioned. The alicorn stepped out of the room for a moment. Eventually she came back with a rolled up piece of paper floating in a purple aura made with her horn. She levitated it toward Batman, who snatched it out of the air. Without saying another word to her, he opened it up and began to analyze the map himself, hoping to memorize it by morning. "Hm..." he hummed, his eyes scanning the paper.

"You're welcome." mumbled Twilight sarcastically.

Twilight walked out of the room, leaving Batman to do as he wished. The Dark Knight opened up his Cryptographic Sequencer, 'I can use this as a temporary Batcomputer until I get back home.' standing up, Batman placed the map on the desk, holding up his handheld device above it.

"Scan the map." he ordered.

The Cryptographic Sequencer's AI did as it was told and took a picture of the map, downloading any data into the handheld. A holographic version of the map popped up on the handheld and the detective placed it down, trying to memorize the locations of all the towns and cities. 'It's going to be a longer night than I thought...'

Twilight knocked on the door to Batman's room, "Batman. It's morning you can come out now..." when she got no answer, she waited. Eventually, she got confused by the silence and opened the door, seeing Batman observing the map that he had downloaded, trying to figure out the location of each landmark and city that lied around Equestria. "Uh... What is that you're using?" the alicorn wondered, having not seen technology of the caliber before.

Batman finally noticed the alicorn standing in the room and put away his handheld, "Nothing important for you to know. I had to learn the location of every city around the map and figured it all out. Now, what's so important that you had to barge into my room for?" he asked Twilight.

"I thought you could use some breakfast."

Not responding, Batman stepped out of his room with Twilight rolling her eyes at his permanent attitude. The princess led Batman to the crystal throne room, where plates filled with what looked like food sat on the center. Spike was already underway with eating his own plate and took a bite out of the pancake looking food, "What is that?" the vigilante asked.

"Haycakes." answered Twilight and Spike at the same time.

'It'll have to do." thought Batman.

The Dark Knight crouched down next to Spike and looked at the haymade food, 'It appears that the ponies here are mainly herbivores if their pancakes aren't made of hay instead of our own ingredients.' despite its strange appearance, Batman took a bite of it, feeling like this was going to be the best food he can get while stuck in Equestria. He swallowed the food and picked up the fork and knife cutting it into easier to bite pieces.

"So are you a superhero?" Spike blurted out, astonished by Batman. The Caped Crusader raised a brow at the kid dragon's sudden question, since he had no actual answer. But chose to play along with the young dragon, feeling that he should be innocent as long as he could.

"You could say that." he replied, taking another bite.

"Do you have any cool powers?"

Shaking his head, Batman answered, "No."

"Aw... But that's still cool." Batman managed a thin smile at the compliment, "Are there any other heroes like you where you're from?" the dragon asked, genuinely curious.

"Yes. Plenty of them have powers and are too strong for their own good. But there are villains that like to challenge us all the time." answered Batman.

"This sounds like the Power Ponies! I told you Twilight?' Spike taunted, getting an amused eye roll from said mare. He held out a comic book in his hand, the new one that he got just a few days ago.p, "These are the Power Ponies. They help protect Maretropolis from the forces of evil!"

'Maretropolis. Clark would find that amusing.' mused Batman, looking at the book. "Hm... Seems pretty accurate." he lied, Spike smiling like a fanboy at Batman. Once he finished eating, Batman got up and walked out of the room, 'I should see how Ponyville's faring since I began to study.' he said.

"Oh, Batman. If you're leaving go to Sugarcube Corner," said Twilight lifting up the empty plates, "Pinkie mentioned that she wanted to see you."

The Dark Knight stepped out of the castle into the bright, sunny day. He covered his eyes once he noticed that the sun was directly in front of him. He made his way around Ponyville, ignoring the confused stares that were aimed at him. He looked up to see a cloud covering his entire being in shadow. And with that a snicker was heard from above. "Rainbow Dash..." he growled, seeing the pegasus laughing on the cloud above him. Batman was tempted to pull out his Batclaw to pull her down, but opted not to, deciding to ignore her instead.

"Aw, man. I'm sorry, but it totally fit your mood!" laughed the cyan pegasus, wiping a tear from her face.

Batman rolled his eyes at the laughing pegasus, "You can leave me alone now."

"What? You can't take a joke? Aw, lighten up, Bats."

Hearing that phrase brought back dark memories of an old foe to the Dark Knight, but he chose to ignore those thoughts, "Besides the discussion of you're annoying and stupid practical jokes, that pink pony friend of yours wanted to see me. Where is Sugarcube Corner... I can only hope that it's nothing too annoying."

"Right down there! Ya can't miss it!"

Batman nodded and walked in the direction Rainbow Dash was pointing, ignoring her prank all the while. 'I'm really starting to regret staying here. Should've used the Batclaw when I had the chance, wipe that smirk off her face.' he grumbled in his head, seeing the cloud still above him as he moved.

He also noticed that despite being the target of two supervillain attacks two days in a row, the town was faring pretty well. It was for the most part completely fixed and back to normal.

"Princess Celestia! We just got reports of another town being attacked by what they believed to be a changeling army!" a messanger revealed to the princess.

"That's the second town this week..." pondered Celestia.

"What shall we do, sister. We know that this was not Batman's doing." Luna asked. "Perhaps thou shall ask him for help sister?"

"We shall investigate on our own. We'll not put this on somepony we cannot even fully trust. But from what Twilight told me and you, he's staying in Ponyville so he should prove to not be another problem for us to worry about. We'll observe these towns and see how much damae is done, and once we return we shall prep ourselves for the inevitable changeling invasion should these rumors be true." Celestia said, opening her balcony with Luna behind her.

"Should we reveal ourselves and attack?" Chrysalis asked.

Ra's nodded, "No. Your army must be completely ready for the ambush when the time comes. There cannot be any error once we do. In the meantime, there is another town that could be used as food. We'll distract Batman once again while we head out."

"Who do you have in mind?"

"I can make a bargain with a certain man. His heart is as cold as his suit. And even he will have no choice but to agree to my offer, as it is one he cannot refuse."