• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 3,832 Views, 64 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Dust - Mr Foster

A Fallout: Equestria story, based 400 years after the mega-spells, about getting the Mane 6 home

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Chapter 4: Invasion

I walked in, and I saw that the desk pony was dead, a bullet through her head. It looked like the handy-work of a trained assassin, maybe a Legionnaire. I ran up the stairs, pulling my gas mask over my face. I busted open the door to the second floor, my goggles glowing a bright red. I saw a number of legionnaires had knocked all the ponies out, and were now dragging them out. I pulled my massive .454 Casule from my holster, and fired six shots, all hitting their mark.

“Damnit! I knew this was going to happen!” I shouted, using my revival magic to wake up the 4 ponies in the hallway. Four? I counted Rarity, Twilight, Apple Jack, and Pinkie Pie. No Rainbow Dash? I stomped my hoof hard, looking around on the ground. I saw a small blood trail, leading to the door. I ran up the stairs pulling bullets out of my pack, and clumsily used my magic to reload the handgun. I got to the roof access, seeing the blood trail had leaded me up to it. It was barricaded, and I swore extremely loud. Bad idea. Bullets flew through the door, tearing at my armor, and one hitting me square in the chest, penetrating my armor. I spit up blood, but I didn’t falter, seeing as how I had been through worse. I slammed my body against the door, and it easily budged. The looks on the Legionnaires’ faces were priceless, seeing as how they didn’t expect a Stallion ranger to be pursuing them. I raised my handgun, quickly firing, and dodging at the same time.

In 5 seconds flat, I had fired all 6 shots, and picked up a combat shotgun, fully loaded, from a dead legionnaire. I knew that their armor would make buckshot at a range seem like BB’s, so I needed to get closer. I dolphin dived from my cover, firing shots at the Legionnaires, seeing their blood red cloaks be spattered with even more blood, and their Zebra faces ripped apart. Zebras? Oh right, they only sent their most elite soldiers to infiltrate the NCR, and those were always Zebras. After I had finished them all off, I looked around, trying not to focus on the pain of the bullet in my chest. I looked over at something shimmering in the moonlight, and I realized it was a Gyro Copter. And it was taking off. I ran towards it, trying to make sure it didn’t take off with Rainbow Dash. It was already too late, as the Gyro Copter took to the sky, but not before unleashing a hail of lead onto me. It tore into the bottom of my duster, and my forehooves. I fell to my knees, and screamed in agony. I had just lost one of the Ponies of Harmony, and now all they had to do was capture Fluttershy, and they would have both Pegasi. Then again, they could have captured her as well. I pulled a stimpack from my saddlebags, and injected it into my forhoof. Bullets spat out of my body, and then the wounds closed up. I slumped in pain, as the Gyro Copter flew off into the night sky.

Then I heard it. A sonic boom.

A marvelous red circle emitted from the sky, sending an electric shockwave from all directions. Out of it, I saw a Pegasus, ribbon like auras trailing him. He slammed into the Gyro Copter, grabbing Rainbow Dash on the way out. The Gyro Copter exploded in a massive yellow and orange ball of fire, hitting the desert outside of Camp Alicorn. I looked into the sky, seeing the Red aura trailing upwards, and then coming down. I pulled a flare from my bag, lighting it, then throwing it down. I watched the Pegasus pull down, and come in for a landing on the rooftop. He had a dark red coat, and a light orange mane, a cutie mark of an explosion, and metal wings.

Metal wings? Who could afford that in this day and age? I mean, seriously, the art of auto-mail limbs died off long ago. He landed softly on the pavement, dropping Rainbow Dash from his teeth. He obviously had a very strong jaw if he could just hold another pony with his teeth.

“Howdy.” Said the Pegasus, who was brushing the ash from his coat.

I didn’t know how to respond. He had just saved Rainbow Dash, destroyed a Gyro Copter, and then acted like nothing happened. By now NCR forces were pouring onto the rooftop, and they didn’t look too happy about having some Zebras get into the compound.

“Dust! Who is this, and why in the hell did these Zebras breach our defenses!” Shouted a voice, which I recognized as Chief Mallow’s. He came out of the crowd of ponies, his red mane bristling, his eyes full of rage.

“Ah’m sorry for the intrusion, sirs, but I was just happenin’ to be flyin’ on by Camp Alicorn, when ah’ saw the fire faht’ on the roof top. I swung bah’ to see if anyone was hurt, and I saw the Gyro Coptah’ unleash on this here soldier. So I decided to destroy it. On mah’ pass by the Gyro Copter, I saw them danm Zebras were beatin’ this young mare, so I decided to save her as well.” Said the Pegasus, who had a battle saddle on, which were loaded with flame throwers. Seemed like he had a knack for explosives or things that cause explosions.

“Yeah, well, I suggest you steer clear of us from now on! You could have killed someone from NCR, and we would have held you solely resp-.” I cut off Mallow with a raise of my hoof.

“Mallow, calm the hell down, old timer.” I said, then turning to the Pegasus.

“Thanks for the help, sir. It’s greatly appreciated, seeing as how you saved a grade A asset.” I said, pulling off my Gas mask out of courtesy. I hung it off the side of my saddle bags, and the Pegasus scoffed.

“No need to call me ‘sir’, just call me Napalm. And you’re very welcome, sir.” He said, his accent slightly more formal. He must have come from somewhere near Appleoosa, seeing as how he had that accent.

“Well, Napalm, I suggest you get outta here, before I have you formally executed.” Said Chief Mallow. I face hoofed, and sighed. Then, I saw something out of the regular. Where was Mallow’s cutie mark? Where he once had a pure white star, there was just a barren flank. I looked at him, and I saw his eyes flash green.

He was a changeling.

Obviously he hadn’t been a changeling for long. When I saw him last, which was when I got off the Amtrak about two hours ago, he still had the cutie mark. Perhaps he had been killed, and this changeling had taken his place. Most likely was that scenario.

Napalm saw his eyes flash green as well, and raised his Flamethrowers.

Except they weren’t flame throwers.

The dual incinerators fired massive 20mm fire balls at the changeling, almost immediately scattering the changeling into black dust, and weird black goo. The NCR soldiers raised their weapons, aiming strait at Napalms forehead. The fire from the incinerator lit the night sky from a light purple, to a harrowing red above us. It was almost hypnotizing, watching the fire’s reflection dance across the clouds. The soldiers looked at the black goo, and lowered their weapons.

“What happened to Mallow? How could he have been replaced by a changeling?” Asked one of the lower soldiers, a scrawny unicorn, which was having trouble steadying his Assault rifle with his magic.

“He’s dead.” I heard Darin’ say from the back. The crowd parted, and he was carrying a bloody rag, or what looked like a rag, on his back. He dropped it down, letting the rag hit the ground with a thump.

It wasn’t a rag. It was Mallow, his head torn off, and his stomach cut open.

“Ugh, what the buck?” I gagged, seeing his intestines wobble a bit.

“It’s a message from the legion. They want the ponies.” Said Darin’, his face a bit flustered. I sighed deeply, looking at the startled faces of the soldiers.

“Alright everyone! Parties over! Get back to your stations! I want 24/7 over watch on the skies, the ground, even the god danm underground! You hear me? I don’t want another piece of crap Legionnaire to breach our defenses! We are on security level red, so that means everyone is suited up for when the crap hits the fan, you got it?” I shouted to the men, and they went off to their positions. The alarm was raised, and ponies came out of their quarters, still getting their uniforms on. It was like we were preparing for another god danm apocalypse.

“Uh, ‘scuse me?” Asked Napalm, who was still standing there, his eyes looking across the compound, unimpressed.

“Yeah, what is it?” I asked, turning back to him.

“Yeah, ah’m not exactly sure how a bunch of untrained soldiers, like the ones who were just aimin’ guns at me, are gonna hold off a bunch of well-trained reds.” Said Napalm, kicking a bullet casing around.

I pondered that for a moment, and I realized it was hopeless. While we did have the numbers, and the technology, we were screwed. They were more trained then us, and they obviously knew what they were doing. They even killed the most paranoid pony in New Canterlot, who kept a shotgun trap by his door, right under our noses. And they would do it all to get the six ponies of harmony. My head spun, thinking about how we would fight them, if we could get some steel ranger help, or if I should just run away with the ponies. But wait, didn’t the six ponies come through a portal? Even though it worked for incoming teleports, it didn’t work for outgoing. But there was one that would work, and send them back to their own time, perhaps to stop the apocalypse.

“I need to see Luna.” I said quickly, and Napalm looked at me funny.

“Ah’ was just headin’ that way! You are welcome to tag along, if you want!” said Napalm, who was now smiling.

“Well, I guess you could help me escort them. But why are you offering your help to us again?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Well, ah’m in a helpful mood, and plus you seem like a swell guy, so ah’ feel like I should help you. You kinda remind me of mah’self.” Said Napalm, fluttering his metal wings.

“Alright, but first I gotta gather them up.

First stop was the hotel room. The four ponies, Pinkie, Twilight, Apple Jack, and Rarity were all paranoid, and throwing up due to a hangover. I gave them some pills to take, to reduce the sickness, and then we went back up to the roof to gather Rainbow Dash.

Then was the hospital, which was now bustling, making sure there were no changelings in the area. It was a mess. Ponies were screaming, being trampled on, and even killing themselves. It’s like they were expecting a Mega spell. Napalm and the 5 ponies looked at me weird, and I sighed.
“Buckin’ fabulous.” I said, pulling a handgun from my holster. I held it up in the air, firing a single shot. Within the hospital, the .454 made a huge bang, and made every quiet down.

“Shut the hell up!” I shouted, and they all simmered away. We walked down the corridor, until we reached a nice pink room, where Fluttershy was sleeping.

I was about to enter the room, when a doctor pulled me away.

“You can’t go in there. She’s sleeping.” Said The doctor, giving me a defiant stare.

I snickered a bit, then gave her a menacing stare.

“Shut up.” I said, pushing her away, and then pulling the door open. Fluttershy laid there, her chest rising up and down slowly. I nodded to Twilight, who was looking a little sick, and she walked over to Fluttershy. She woke her up, and they whispered to each other quietly. Fluttershy nodded, and slowly got out of bed, and limped over to us. She didn’t say anything, but by the way she was looking around, I could tell she was scared.

“It’s okay, nothing bad is going to happen to us.” Said Rainbow Dash, who was trying to comfort her. I sighed, and walked towards the stairs. I opened the stair access point, and walked down, then out the door. By now, the sun was coming up over the horizon, and I could see silhouettes in the distance, on top of the closest sand dunes.

“C’mon, keep up the pace. We don’t want to get shot in the ass by these buckers.” I said, making all the ponies cringe. I have to admit, when I’m under pressure, my mouth turns dirtier than a whore’s pussy on a Friday night. I saw the Amtrak pull up on the curb, and we sprinted towards it. Except for Fluttershy, who was limping. Napalm brought up the pack. I was kinda surprised he was still here. He seemed like the type of guy who wouldn’t want to get wrapped up in the petty battles of the Legion and the NCR.

We piled into the Amtrak, and we started to pull away from the curb, when a sniper rifle round flew through the window. It hit the driver square in the chest, and he leaned on the steering wheel, hoof still on the gas. We were heading straight for the gates.

“Buck!!” I shouted, jumping up, and pulling the driver out of the seat, then pulling a hard right, steering away from the building. Our back end clipped the side of a pole, and launched everyone to the right side of the cabin. Then, to make matters worse, the rusty hinges on the Amtrak’s cabin door, snapped, sending the door flying behind us.

“Napalm! Cover our ass!” I screamed, and I heard the whirring of his dual incinerators.

“Gotcha Cap’n!” Shouted Napalm from the back.

We tore through the destroyed outer ruins of New Canterlot, being followed by multiple Zebras, and ponies. Or what had been ponies. If they had wings, they were torn off. If they had a horn, it was sawed off. Kinda stupid, if you ask me, seeing as how those gave you and edge in combat. The sound of incinerator grenades exploded behind us became like a scenery sound, it was so regular.

“Hey, Dust? Where exactly are we going?” asked Twilight, who was using a magic shield to block her friends from taking on lead.

“Inner New Canterlot. I got to warn Luna about the threat, and find a way to get you back to your time.” I said, and I heard a number of gasps from the back. But I got no resistance.

“Uhh, Dust, we got some fast movers!” Shouted Napalm, and then I heard a crack. Napalm whinnied in pain, as I turned around, looking into the cabin. There were changelings flying towards us, their battle saddles equipped with hunting rifles. .308’s were going to tear through unarmored ponies like a scalpel through skin.
One of the changelings landed on the front, grinning like a psycho. He lowered his rifle, and I turned hard left, slamming through the ruins of was once a fashion parlor. I heard Rarity sobbing as we smashed through the fine workshop, which was still mostly intact. Finally, we hit a wall, sending the changeling on the front sprawling onto the wall. I then backed up, and crunched over the changelings head.

“Everyone alright?” I asked, unbuckling myself. The Amtrak was okay, but it needed a little bit of engine tweaking, since we had probably gotten a bit of rubble in it, while smashing through the building. I walked out and looked around. The lights in the building were still working, so it was easy to look through the dust.

“Alrighty, it’s all clear.” I said, motioning for the ponies to get out of the Amtrak. Napalm walked out, a hole in his armor, which was no longer bleeding.

“Stimpack?” I asked.

“Stimpack.” Answered Napalm, and we walked out. The changelings gave up their attack on us, and flew back to their regiment.

“Napalm, blow up the Amtrak. Leave no evidence.” I said, walking out of the hole.
I heard the sound of explosives behind me, then an even larger explosion then the ones previously.

“Inner city is just ahead. Keep strong.” I said, as I looked on the horizon. It was going to be a clear day, which was unusual. It would give me good visibility, seeing as how sniping was my thing. We walked along on the street, until we found the back entrance to inner city. It was guarded by RoboDragons.

“NCR business, we need to see Luna.” I said, but the RoboDragons didn’t budge.

I sighed, and I turned to Apple Jack, looking at her revolver. She nodded, and took it into her mouth, and walked around the corner. She fired two shots, and then walked back over to where we were.

“Hey, there’s a bunch of raiders over there.” Said Apple Jack, slightly smiling. It was unlike her to lie, but I guess a pony’s got to do, what a pony’s got to do.

The RoboDragons rolled around the corner, and we slipped in the back gate. As we walked through the tunnel, we drew closer to the sounds of announcements that the Casino’s and the Whore houses were making over the inner city intercom.

“Invasion imminent. Please leave the casino, and return to your hotel rooms.
Same announcement each time, different voice. We walked out into the morning sun, looking at Canterlot tower. I sighed.

This mission is going to be a bitch.

Footnotes: 67% to next level!

Thanks to Kkat, Somber, and No-one