• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 7,087 Views, 28 Comments

Dragon Sadness - Lord Dico

Spike get's blackmailed, then heartbroken.

  • ...

The Secret's Out!


As sunset was finally coming, Scootaloo finally came in good range of the boutique, rang the doorbell, and was now panting heavily.

"Come on, Sweetie Belle," she said, "Please be home!"

As the door opened, to reveal Sweetie Belle, her eyes were in shock, at seeing her friend.

"Sweetie Belle, you'll never believe what I found out!" She said, looking serious.

"What is it?" she asked, eyelids lowered, "Another person's secret? Look, we have to drop the blackmail thing. I mean, just look at how much trouble I got into!"

"But it's about why Spike is upset!"

"Well, it was because YOU just had to make him eat green peppers, when he told us it would be dangerous!"

"Curiosity kills the cat, you know?" she said, getting a growl and glare from Opalescence, "But that's not the point! The point is, Rarity had said horrible things about Spike, when we left!"

"How do you know?"

"Because, I just came back from Twilight's, and I heard him say it himself!"

Sweetie Belle looked at her friend with a suspicious look, but something didn't feel right to her. If Spike really WAS hurt by Rarity's words, then she needed to find out.

"I'll need proof," she said.

"Okay, I'll be right back," Scootaloo said, then rushing back to Twilight's.

After a while, Scootaloo returned with Applebloom, still crying heavily, due to the dragon sadness still. Sweetie Belle, was now starting to get worried.

"Is Applebloom okay?" she asked.

"She's fine," Scootaloo said, "Now Applebloom, could you tell Sweetie Belle what you heard from Spike?"

"*sniff*...o-*hic*-okay," she said, sniffling.


A small teardrop falls onto a picture of Rarity, that Spike was holding in his claws. Just seeing the pictures that he drew of her, only made him sadder. If she was mad at him for what he did, then maybe not seeing her again, was for the best. He then gathered up all of his drawings, and started to tie them all up with string. He then noticed Owloysius right by the bed post, and walked over to him.

"Owloysius," he said, trying his best not to break down again, "Would you *hic*...would you take these pictures away from me?"


"I don't care who, just take them away from ME!"

Owloysius then started flapping his wings, and grabbed hold of the strings, which were a little heavy for him, as Spike opened the window for him. As Owloysius flew off, Spike could only watch, as his friend carried off the many drawings he made of the one he loved so dearly. He then looked over the stairs, hearing some of the others, who were still crying, start to head off for home. As he returned to his bed, all he could do was cry himself to sleep.


Nightime came, and everyone was now in bed, or just inside. Along the path, Rarity was now arriving back home, after her trip from Canterlot. She looked exhausted, like she barely got any sleep at all.

"Oh, thank GOODNESS," she yawned, "I'm finally home."

As she opened the door to the boutique, she saw sitting in one of the stools, was Sweetie Belle, who had a sour expression on her face.

"Sweetie Belle? What are you doing up this late?" She asked, irritated.

"Sis, we need to talk," Sweetie Belle answered, getting off the stool.

"Look, can we at least talk about it in the morning?" Rarity said, very tiresome, walking towards the stairs.

"But it's about Spike," Sweetie Belle said, following her sister, "He's been very upset ever since the accident."

"Well, he might be upset, because you blackmailed him into you and your friends' shenanigans, and DESTROYING my room!"

"Well, Applebloom and Scootaloo-"

"Didn't I say that you weren't allowed to be playing with them, since you're grounded?" Rarity exclaimed, turning around.

"Well, Applebloom was brought by her sister, to fix up the roof," Sweetie Belle said in defense, as they continued up the stairs, "They were originally going to get Twilight, but when Scootaloo brought Applebloom, she told me that you had said something mean to him."

Rarity was then struck by what she had explained, and looked at her curiously.

"I don't remember saying anything bad about Spike, this past week."

"Well, Applebloom told me that you called Spike a...'royal, no good, unforgivable, jerk, who had ruined your one chance at happiness', or something like that."

Rarity then stopped dead in her tracks, which was just a few steps from the door. Her eyes were wide, as she looked at her little sister with worry and shock, like she was a ghost or something.

"Uh...Sweetie Belle, are you SURE Spike heard that?"

"I'm sure of it. Why?"

"Oh dear," Rarity said, placing a hoof on her cheek, "Uh, I think I need to explain something."


As Spike and the others started to exit Rarity's room, she then started to use her magic to pick up the balloon, and pieces of wood.

"I couldn't believe that they got Spike involved with this," she said, "I mean, why HIM of all people? I would've expected Rainbowdash to be the one to get into all of this. Though, then again, it's not as bad as what happened at the gala..."

She then started to remember the events from last week. She then started to feel her inner rage started to rise at a rapid speed. She tried to hold it back, but since she was alone, she decided to let it all out.

"To think Prince Blueblood could be such a spoiled brat! I mean, the things I would have imagined him would've worked out, but NOO, he just had to go and RUIN everything! If I ever see that royal, no good, unforgivable, jerk, who had ruined my one chance at my happiness, yet it's wasted because of him!..." she then stopped herself, as she calmed down, and finished up cleaning up.

"Oh jeez, frustration's really making my words jumbled."

As she finally got the place cleared up, she then put away her now destroyed dress, giving it a sad look. The dress she worked so hard on and that her friends helped finish. She then sighed and looked up at the hole. But her thoughts were interrupted, when she heard her cuckoo clock go off five times.

"Oh no!" she exclaimed, "It's Five o'clock! I've got to get the delivery done!"

She then grabbed her bag, and closed the door. She then used her magic to create a barrier around it, and dashed downstairs. As she was exiting, she noticed that the others probably left. Before she left, she used another spell to have a written letter for Sweetie Belle, placing it on the table, and dashing out the boutique.


"So...You DIDN'T insult Spike?" Sweetie Belle said, in shock about the explanation.

"Yes," Rarity answered, "But I don't think Spike would've taken something like that TOO hard, if he misheard."

"He did, Rarity! More than you think!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"And why is that, young lady?" Rarity said, using her magic to take down the barrier.

"Because..." the little filly paused, remembering about Spike, begging not to let his secret be told. She had to tell her.

As she was about to say it, she and Rarity saw a pile of papers, right in the middle of the room. They walked over to it, and were both wide eyed by it. The top paper was a picture, and not just any picture.

It was a drawing of Rarity and Spike, with a heart in the background.

Rarity found it a little weird, and started to check the other papers. It was another drawing of Spike and Rarity. And the next one. And the next one. And the one after that. And the one after THAT. Rarity was now in deep awe at this, seeing an entire pile of drawings, with her and Spike and a lot of hearts and kissy stuff.

"He loves you," Sweetie Belle said.

"What?" Rarity asked, turning towards her.

"He loves you. That's why he took it so hard, because he feels like you hate him, because of the accident."

Rarity now felt very guilty about herself. Even with the simplest insult she gave wouldn't affect him, but if he broke down after hearing her rant, then he must really love her. She then used her magic to shrink down the drawings into her bag, and started to head out.

"Where are you going?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"To fix up a problem I made," Rarity answered, exiting the boutique.
