• Published 9th Jun 2016
  • 6,899 Views, 1,192 Comments

Flying to the Future - moguera

Dawn and Scootaloo face new challenges and difficulties as they reach adulthood and build their own lives.

  • ...

A Gala Affair

Chapter 14: A Gala Affair

"Now hold still, Scootaloo," said Rarity firmly, needles and scissors hovering in her magic, menacing the young mare from almost every conceivable angle.

"Yes ma'am," said Scootaloo, standing rigidly at attention. She had stood for a few dress fittings over the past few years. Despite that, she'd never found the experience to be any less daunting. The fact that Rarity seemed to approach the task with renewed enthusiasm every time only made it more difficult.

Rarity grinned as she worked and manipulated the fabric she was currently draping over Scootaloo's form. "It's your own fault, you know. Your performance at the Best Young Fliers Competition inspired me. I haven't seen such a magnificent sight since Rainbow Dash learned the Wings of Light. It was only natural that my muse would drive me to create."

"You have my deepest sympathies," deadpanned Scootaloo.

"Tut tut, dear," admonished Rarity. "You shouldn't complain. After all, I wonder just what sort of reaction your coltfriend will have when he sees you. This should be a treat for his eyes, among other things."

Scootaloo blushed. "Yeah, I guess that's true," she admitted. In spite of her reservations about being used as a living ponyquin, she had to admit that she was more than a little eager to see the finished design of Rarity's dress. She just wished she didn't have to spend so much time posing in order for it to be finished.

It took another hour of waiting while Rarity measured, snipped, and pinned, carefully shaping the fabric to fit Scootaloo's body. Finally, Scootaloo was freed from her confinement and allowed to step off the pedestal and take her leave with a reminder from Rarity that she was due for a final fitting in a few days when it was time to head up for the Gala. As she was leaving, Scootaloo passed Coco Pommel, who was hard at work on her own dress. Coco and Scootaloo shared a friendly smile before Scootaloo took her leave.

"And what about you, dear?" asked Rarity, coming up behind Coco to watch her former apprentice at work. "How is your dress coming?"

"Wonderfully," said Coco with a happy sigh. She took a step back to examine her handiwork with a smile of satisfaction.

"Are you making a suit for your wonderful coltfriend as well?" asked Rarity.

Coco nodded, blushing, still feeling a bit new to the idea of being in a committed relationship with Perlin Bluestreak. Being with him made her giddy, but every time she set hoof outside of the Boutique, speculative whispers and strange looks, varying from jealousy to disappointment and disapproval, seemed to follow her everywhere.

Perlin's circumstances were known only to a scant hoofful of ponies and would probably never be made public. Because of that, there were at least a few judgmental ponies who subtly scorned Coco for "shacking up with a random stallion" after turning down so many potential suitors who said ponies judged to be infinitely more worthy. Coco wasn't exactly in a rush to correct their views of Perlin, since revealing his history would only make things more complicated for them. But it didn't change the fact that their looks and mutterings were discomforting.

"I'm a bit surprised that Perlin would agree to come to the Gala," said Rarity. "I imagine that being in the Royal Palace could be a rather uncomfortable experience for him."

"Actually, he's been to the Palace a lot of times since he was sentenced," said Coco. "He had to report to the Princesses regularly so that they would be satisfied with his progress."

"I see," said Rarity, blinking. "Where is he now, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm not sure," admitted Coco. "Perlin doesn't always tell me where he goes. I think he's helping Arkenstone and Dawn keep an eye on things in case that Moonstone mare tries sending more thugs to Ponyville."

"Very helpful of him," said Rarity. "Do you know what he plans on doing, now that he's completed his sentence?"

Coco shrugged. "Not yet. I don't think either of us really thought all that far ahead. I think he might be interested in continuing to work as the Crown's agent."

"Interesting," said Rarity, the corners of her mouth turning up in a smile. "It almost sounds as though he might have the makings of being a Knight, if he so chooses. He's apparently spent the past few years fulfilling their duties, even if he doesn't have their authority and autonomy."

"I'm not sure he plans on going that far," said Coco. "I think Perlin believes he might not be worthy of such a prestigious position."

"Well, I wouldn't worry too much about it," said Rarity. "Whatever course he chooses, I imagine that he'll settle on one that will allow him to stay close to you." She paused and tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Actually, I imagine it might be a good idea, concerning Carousel Boutique's growing popularity and your increasing renown as a designer, to hire a bodyguard of sorts, a pony whose job is to ensure your safety and security. I think we even have a promising prospect in that regard."

Coco giggled and nodded. She supposed that such a job would work as a placeholder until Perlin settled on whatever he wanted to actually do with his life. Not that Coco actually thought she was in that much danger. For all that she was making a name for herself as a fashion designer and as Rarity's partner, she figured that the odds of herself being foalnapped or threatened were rather low, considering that she no longer had ties to a certain Baron (on account of said Baron being dead).

Rarity wrapped her arms around Coco's shoulders and hugged her tightly. "Ooh, I'm so happy for you, darling. Ever since your stallion came back, you've been positively glowing. In fact, I think your designs have become even bolder since he came back. Case in point..." Rarity looked over Coco's latest design with an approving eye.

Coco flushed redder at her mentor's praise. "Thank you for saying so."

"Well now," said Rarity, "I think our work for the day is concluded. Shall we pay a visit to the teahouse for some refreshment?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," said Coco.

Finally, the day of the Grand Galloping Gala dawned. One of the perks of Twilight Sparkle's new status as a Princess of Equestria was that she was able to call upon pegasus-pulled chariots to ferry herself and her friends to Canterlot for the Gala.

Naturally, Twilight was going with Arkenstone. Pinkie Pie and Mayweather would also be attending, as would Applejack and Red River. Rarity and her husband joined them, along with Fluttershy and Caramel, the latter couple having arranged a sleepover at Sweet Apple Acres, where Larksong and Pepita would be watched over by Ditzy Doo and Big Macintosh, with the help of an enthusiastic Dinky, who absolutely adored little Pepita in particular. Rainbow Dash and Soarin' would meet the rest of them at the Gala, along with Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts.

Dawn and Scootaloo would also be attending, albeit somewhat reluctantly on Dawn's part. Spike, naturally, was accompanied by Apple Bloom. Bloom felt somewhat troubled by the prospect of attending such a high-class affair, but was reassured by Spike that everything would be fine. Riding along with them were Coco and Perlin. In spite of her normally shy demeanor, Coco was actually a veteran of a few previous Galas, having attended as Rarity's partner in the running of the Carousel Boutique. It helped that Coco got on rather well with Princess Cadance, who was frequently in attendance as well. Like Rainbow and Soarin', Sweetie Belle and Rumble would be meeting up with the group in Canterlot.

Thanks to the time being saved by traveling via pegasus-drawn chariot, the group made it to the Palace before noon, giving them plenty of time to get ready for the Gala, which would start shortly after sundown. Rather than risk their dresses and suits getting ruined by wind and turbulence on the chariots, Rarity had insisted that their garments be packed away and carried separately so that their owners could change into them when they arrived.

Celestia and Luna were on hoof to greet them personally as they stepped off the chariots. "Friends," said Luna, smiling widely, "it is good to see you again. How go things in Ponyville?"

"As well as can be expected," said Twilight, sharing a nuzzle with Celestia and Luna. "Things have been fairly quiet. There have only been a couple minor disturbances lately."

"Yes, I heard about the episode with the hidebehind," said Celestia, her smile faltering slightly. "I am sorry that it had to be put down." She gave Fluttershy a sympathetic glance.

"So am I," said Twilight. "Still, we gained a wealth of knowledge by studying its remains."

"Indeed so," said Celestia, "The professors in the Department of Cryptozoology are considering awarding you another principle for your work."

Twilight blushed profusely at the thought of receiving yet another accolade to go with the number that she'd already accumulated over the years. As the group headed into the Palace, she whispered to Celestia. "By the way, after the Gala is mostly over, do you think we could have a chance to get everypony together? I have something I want to tell them."

"That shouldn't be difficult to arrange," said Celestia. "So you have an announcement to make? Does this mean that your parents and I are finally getting our wish?”

Twilight flushed redder still. "You'll have to wait and find out," she said teasingly, though she figured her nearly luminescent blush gave things away pretty well.

Behind them, Luna was bending an attentive ear to Dawn as he spoke to her. "So you've been warned that this mare is planning something during the course of the Gala?" she inquired.

Dawn nodded. "If my source is correct about her intentions, then she will meet my refusal with some sort of reprisal. However, I can't say how far-reaching said reprisal will be? Certainly my family and friends might be targets. However, I think it's possible that her response could be even more indiscriminate."

"Perhaps," said Luna, "However, from what you have told me of the situation, I imagine that she could be quite discriminating. After all, she is interested in advancing her status. Being too indiscriminate would instead serve to damage what status she has.

"It's particularly showing that, in her reprisal for your initial refusal, she left the library and Rarity's boutique out of her list of targets. What ponies and businesses she did target shows that she has a fairly extensive knowledge of your associations. Twilight Sparkle's status as a Princess naturally would be reason enough to not target her..."

"Rarity tells me that she has done business with members of the Gust Clan, including Moonstone herself," said Dawn.

"Rather hypocritical, considering that this mare and her ilk are supposed to be ardent tribalists," said Luna with a sniff.

"Having a dress made by Rarity is a mark of status in most circles," observed Dawn. "I think that means more to them than clinging too stubbornly to their ideology."

"Indeed," Luna. "That said, it means that Moonstone should not be too indiscriminate in any retaliation she tries to take tonight, as it would tread on a great many hooves that would threaten her present and future status. However, I agree that we should arrange security to prepare for the worst-case scenario."

"That's all I can ask for," said Dawn with a grateful smile. "I would much prefer it if we could intercept any agents she might send in before they enter the Gala."

"That will be difficult," said Luna. "Naturally, we do our best to provide security for everypony. But with so many ponies entering and leaving, it becomes almost impossible to track them all, even with the Royal Guard on high alert. The best we can do is ensure that nopony comes to harm." She snorted. "Besides, my sister is probably of the opinion that such an event would liven things up, so long as no innocents are harmed as a consequence."

"That last clause would be the sticking point," said Dawn, shifting nervously.

"If you believe you can protect the ponies you need to protect, the Guard can handle the rest," said Luna. "That will reduce the division of labor between you and them and will ensure that nopony is harmed...save for those that are trying to perpetrate said harm."

Dawn nodded. "I will do my best."

The members of the group were no strangers to staying in the Royal Palace. As it was, Celestia had a suite of rooms set aside for them, enabling Rarity to set up and make any final adjustments to dresses or suits before their wearers entered the Gala.

As the day progressed, the common areas of the Palace began to fill as guests and staff arrived. Decorations were set up. Musicians tuned their instruments. Caterers set up tables loaded down with all manner of delicacies, including offerings from Sweet Apple Acres, which had scored an impressive contract for the event, thanks to Applejack's status as a holder of the Royal Warrant. This year, nopony would be snubbing the Apple Family products. If anything, the absolute snobbiest of ponies would be tripping over themselves to praise Applejack's work in order to secure favor for future purchases.

Ponies arrived, dressed in a plethora of outfits, many of them purchased from Carousel Boutique. More than a few had been designed either by Rarity or Coco. Granted, as the franchise expanded, the increased demand meant that the number of dresses they could provide was exceeded by the number of ponies that wanted them. Now that the Boutique had branches in Manehattan and Canterlot, Rarity had been required to hire ponies to mass produce her most popular products.

If there was one thing that Rarity regretted about her success, it was that she could no longer simply produce a custom design for every pony that came in through her doors. However, she nonetheless did what she could. Inspired by her experience in helping to mentor Coco, Rarity maintained connections with multiple Trade Schools, always on the lookout for ponies with talent and vision. Carousel Boutique had gained a reputation as an excellent place for Trade School students to intern and hone their craft, many of them staying on after their graduation.

The sun made its way serenely across the sky, slowly dipping towards the horizon. The day gradually drew to a close and the Gala's beginning loomed ever nearer.

"Rainbow Dash!" squealed Scootaloo, throwing herself at her honorary big sister.

Rainbow laughed and caught Scootaloo in a tight hug. "Good to see ya, squirt. How's Ponyville's Weather Team been treating you."

"Not bad," said Scootaloo, backing out of the embrace.

Hugging Rainbow when she was in uniform felt a bit weird, mostly because Scootaloo felt her fur brushing against metal rings linked together to form a suit of mail so fine that it almost felt like cloth. In fact, Rainbow Dash's flight suit was forged from links of pure mithril, a metal renowned for its lightness, its strength, and its capacity to resist magic and electricity. Every Wonderbolt's uniform was made out of the same material. It afforded them protection that exceeded that of the heavy plate armor worn by the Guard without compromising their mobility in the slightest.

"And how's Dawn doing?" asked Rainbow, her smile dropping. Scootaloo and the others had kept Rainbow informed about Dawn's altercation with his biological parents.

"He's doing okay," she said with a shrug. "I'm worried though. Dawn says that they're going to try something tonight." She was a bit dubious, especially considering who Dawn's source had been. But it didn't hurt to be cautious.

"It sounds like he's got everything in hoof though," said Rainbow. "Last I heard, the Royal Guard is being primed to keep an eye out for suspicious characters. Even us Wonderbolts are supposed to keep our eyes open."

"Which I notice you are using as an excuse to avoid being fitted by continuing to wear your outfit instead of changing into a proper dress after your performance," said Rarity sardonically as she worked on Fluttershy nearby.

"What can I say?" said Rainbow with a grin. "I have to stay on my guard after all."

"Spitfire is going to be wearing a dress," retorted Rarity, smirking triumphantly as she saw Rainbow falter and fumble, now that her initial excuse had been shot down.

"Um...well...With all the Wonderbolts stuff I have going on, I didn't have time to get anything fitted." Rainbow grinned sheepishly, shrinking back away from Rarity a little.

Rarity gave Rainbow a pointed stare before sighing. "I suppose you have a point and I would never allow you to entrust one of my dresses to some random tailor."

Rainbow chuckled awkwardly. Turning back to Scootaloo, she decided to change the subject. "By the way, squirt, are you excited about coming to the next Academy session? Spitfire's been looking forward to it."

"You bet!" exclaimed Scootaloo.

"Just remember to take it easy," said Rainbow. "If you get too caught up in being competitive, you could end up like Lightning Dust."

Scootaloo blinked and canted her head. "But isn't she your wingmare now?"

Rainbow laughed. "Yeah, but remember that she had to take the Academy over again because of what she did the first time. Do your best and remember that it's not about showing the others up."

"I know," said Scootaloo.

"What about Dawn?" asked Rainbow. "Is he excited?"

Scootaloo's face fell. "I don't really think so," she said. "He doesn't talk about the Academy all that much. I don't think he's really all that interested. I think he's just going because I'll be there."

"I see," said Rainbow, frowning. She wasn't exactly surprised. "Hey, don't worry about it. I'm sure Dawn will do fine."

"Yeah, but...what if he doesn't want to go?" asked Scootaloo. "What if he feels that I'm forcing him to go just because I'm so excited about it?"

"Whoa there!" protested Rainbow. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Scoots. I know that Dawn wouldn't feel that way. He knows that you'd never force him into anything. If anything, he's going as a favor to Spitfire, since she was the one who issued the invite."

"Maybe..." said Scootaloo, her mood falling further. What is wrong with me? I'm turning into one of those mares who can't be satisfied no matter what the answer is. If Dawn's going because of me, I'm upset because I'm afraid I'm forcing him to go. But if he's going because of Spitfire, I'm upset because he isn't doing it for me. Geez...

"A-anyway..." said Rainbow, looking for a new topic, seeing as the current subject was being something of a mood killer, "...that dress of yours looks totally awesome. I see Rarity liked your performance at the competition."

"Yeah," said Scootaloo, her ears rising and her smile returning.

Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief. Love can be tough sometimes, she thought ruefully. Even ponies who clearly cared for each other and were as wonderfully compatible as Dawn and Scootaloo were had their ups and downs.

A rumbling boom shook the everypony down to their bones, drawing their gazes upward as a ring of shimmering color washed across the sky. As the sound and color faded, fireworks shot upward to explode against the backdrop of stars, their dissipating clouds of sparks and significantly smaller booms seeming a meager followup to Rainbow's trademark Sonic Rainboom. From her position on a balcony, Luna made a mental note to revise the opening ceremonies for next year's Gala to put the Sonic Rainboom after the fireworks show. In any case, the Grand Galloping Gala had begun.

Yet another advantage to having the privileges accorded to being with a Princess, Twilight and her friends were able to skip the line, having already been in the Palace to begin with. In fact, Twilight stood with Celestia at the top of the entryway stairs, standing beside her as Celestia greeted numerous important guests. Thankfully, the number of guests waiting to be greeted by the Princesses was smaller than it had been the first time that Twilight had gone to the Gala. The absence of the Noble Court meant that there was an absence of preening, self-important stallions and mares to clog up the whole affair.

The absence of the nobles also meant that many of the stodgy old traditions that had dogged the Gala for centuries were finally dispensed with. The musicians were able to play a wider selection of pieces, even using the Gala as a stage to debut some of their own compositions, no longer bound to simply replaying the same "classic" songs over and over again. In place of the nobles, Celestia solicited Luna's input in inviting promising artists and artisans, who were then free to showcase their creations to dozens of potential sponsors. In the years since the fall of the Noble Court, the Grand Galloping Gala had become enlivened and reinvigorated.

Dawn appreciated the artistry on display, but his eyes kept returning to his date. Scootaloo, in his opinion, was unquestionably the most stunning thing there. Rarity had outdone herself with her latest creation, inspired by the finale of their performance at the Best Young Fliers Competition. Scootaloo's body was wrapped in loose, light fabric that seemed to float off the floor as she moved, drifting around her like an ethereal current. It shimmered with spectral blues and greens, the light making it seem to flicker like the veils of aurora that Dawn had draped across Scootaloo's body during their performance. The bodice clung to Scootaloo's chest, curling up over to her shoulders, looking almost as though it was held there by the pressure of the air itself. The loose ends of the train trailed behind Scootaloo, twisting and dancing in her wake as she walked.

The fabric was a refinement of Rarity's shimmersilk, the fabric that she'd developed that, among other things, had helped her to win the Royal Warrant. It responded to a pony's innate magic, which could be used to alter its form and color by the wearer at will. In the years since she'd debuted it, Rarity continued to refine the design with the help of Twilight. In the past, the dresses could only be created with the assistance of unicorn magic, which was used to "set" each of the different forms the dress could take. Likewise, it had only responded to unicorn magic to initiate the change between forms. With further development, Rarity had enabled ponies of other tribes to work with the fabric and even broaden the range of potential effects. Coco Pommel now worked with the fabric regularly, though, owing to her preferences, she often went with more subtle alterations and shifts. The variant Scootaloo wore was not designed to shift between different forms, but to instead react to her natural pegasus magic, lightening it and inducing it to move as if it were constantly being caressed by a light breeze.

As she noticed Dawn's captivation, Scootaloo couldn't help but smile. Being fitted for a dress was a pain, but the results were well worth it, especially when she saw her stallion shiver every time she let the drifting strands of fabric brush against his body, tantalizing his coat with feather-light touches, the faint scent of mingled spices rising from it teasing his nose.

She giggled and kissed him on the lips. "You look like such a dork every time you do that," she admonished playfully.

"I can't exactly help it," said Dawn. "It's your fault."

"You're a dork," Scootaloo repeated. "You have to be the dorkiest coltfriend ever."

"But still yours" said Dawn.

"Still mine," agreed Scootaloo, leaning in and kissing him more deeply.

The two of them lingered like that, briefly forgetting everything that was going on around them. Their behavior wasn't inviting all that many stares (as opposed to those drawn by Scootaloo's spectacular dress). Couples using the Gala as a scene for romance had become even more frequent in recent years and attendees had grown used to seeing happy couples wandering the halls of the Palace.

Their kiss ended, but Dawn and Scootaloo were content to take a few seconds to simply rest their foreheads together, eyes blissfully shut as they breathed in unison.

"I can't ever get over how cute the two of you are together," observed a familiar voice wryly.

Scootaloo and Dawn pulled away from each other to look at the source of the voice. Spitfire stood there, clad in a scintillating dress that seemed to be woven from tongues of flame, primarily orange and yellow, but flashing with tints of blue, green, and vivid purple, reminding Dawn of Ouranos' colors, which, admittedly, was probably the whole idea.

"Hey," said Scootaloo, lifting a hoof in greeting.

"You look brilliant," said Spitfire, grinning. "Another Rarity original?"

"Yep," said Scootaloo.

Chuckling, Spitfire fell in beside them as they continued to wander the Palace halls. "I imagine some mares here are jealous," she observed. "You're wearing a dress that most of them would pay a small fortune for."

"Yeah," said Scootaloo blushing. "I keep saying that I can pay, but Rarity always turns me down. I think she does that for most of her friends."

"Part of the privilege of being the one running your own business," said Spitfire. "Though, from what I hear, she doesn't discourage her designers from doing much the same for their friends. It's one of the benefits of being in the business for the sheer artistry of it, rather than just profits."

"I think having the Royal Warrant grants her a lot of leeway in that regard," observed Dawn. "She can afford to indulge her muse and allow the designers working under her do the same because so many customers are simply drawn by reputation alone."

"That's part of it," said Spitfire. "It helps that her friends, including you, Scootaloo, are basically walking advertisements. After seeing you wearing that, you can bet that Rarity's gonna be raking in commissions by dozens of ponies who'll want to wear the same kind of dress."

"Even though none of them will wear it even half as well as she does," Dawn noted, making Scootaloo blush.

"So sappy," she groaned, despite her evident pleasure at the compliment.

"So, how have things been going in Ponyville?" asked Spitfire.

"Actually, they've gotten rather interesting," said Dawn.

"Rainbow mentioned that," said Spitfire, "something about your biological parents showing up."

"There's that," said Dawn, inclining his head. "But I was actually speaking about something else."

"Really, what?" asked Spitfire.

Dawn told her about the program that he and Cheerilee had been working on, including its adoption by the Board and the fact that he would be becoming a supplemental instructor at Ponyville's school, starting next semester.

"That sounds really exciting," said Spitfire after listening, a grin spreading across her face. "I actually think there might be quite a few pegasus foals who could benefit from that. I'm curious. Would you be interested in maybe expanding the program to include Cloudsdale foals?"

Dawn blinked and tilted his head. "Maybe," he said. "But I'm still just one pony. Even if Scootaloo helps, there are only so many ponies we can do this for at a given time. It took us years of practice and refinement of the Gale King's techniques to reach the point where we can safely do that, so it's not as though we can easily teach the method to other ponies."

"Maybe not," said Spitfire. "But there are ways besides obscure martial arts techniques to generate and sustain a stable updraft capable of lifting a young pegasus. Also, rather than having you move around to other locations, it may be better to arrange things so that foals are brought to you. You might consider looking into a staff position at a beginners' flight camp. This sounds like a really good exercise to help foals get a feel for getting off the ground."

"It's actually based on the first exercise he taught me," Scootaloo said. "I remember having to hold my body and wings like that the first time Dawn talked me off the ground. It's basically a beginner flying lesson."

Dawn nodded. "It's the best way to ensure their safety and stability while they're in the air."

Spitfire tapped her chin. "Yeah, this is sounding even better the more I hear. How about this, why don't we see how the program pans out in Ponyville and what it does for the foals there? We'll keep an eye on their development and see how well your work pays off and then we'll look into expanding the scope."

"I like the sound of that," said Dawn with a smile.

They continued to chat, winding their way through the Palace halls. Plenty of ponies watched them, amazed by the sight of Spitfire chatting with the pair of young pegasi. However, it didn't take ponies long to recognize Dawn and Scootaloo from the papers, so there weren't any objections.

"So," said Spitfire, "have you two been giving thought to that other thing we've talked about?"

"I have..." said Dawn, lowering his eyes. "...But I'm still not sure that it's for me."

"So have I," said Scootaloo. "I'd like to, but...I'm not sure."

Spitfire nodded. "A little hesitation is understandable. I'd just like to clarify that you don't have to go wandering about the width and breadth of Equestria if you don't want to. Those of us that do generally do it because that's the way we are. I think Swift Stride is one of us specifically because he can use it as an excuse to go traipsing all over the place. I haven't seen the jerk in years."

"I thought you'd like that," noted Dawn.

"I do," said Spitfire. "But I was using that as an example. He doesn't do that because he has to. He does it because he wants to. Look at Arkenstone. He's so settled now that nothing short of a direct order from the Princesses could probably budge him."

"I'm not sure he's that settled," said Dawn.

"My point is that you don't have to be the kind of pony who goes all over the place looking for trouble. The Knights who choose to stay put are just on call for if they're needed. If anything, they're more essential to preserving Equestria's safety than the wanderers. If an emergency comes up and Celestia needs a pony there fast, it works better to have a Knight she knows she can reliably contact, instead of having to track one down wherever they happen to be." Spitfire smiled. "I understand that it's still a lot of responsibility to undertake. But I think that it's a good choice for you two. It's a lot of responsibility and I think you're both up to it. More to the point, I think you'll need it because you're not the kind of ponies to stand around when others are in need of help. This gives you the power and authority to do something about it."

"I do like the sound of that," admitted Scootaloo.

"Look...I don't want you two to rush this decision. I just want you to keep thinking about it." Spitfire grinned. "You're adults now, but you're still young. I was at least three years older than you two when I took my vows."

"Okay," said Dawn.

"We'll talk some more after the Academy," said Spitfire. "It's probably the next chance we're gonna have."

"Right," said Scootaloo. "By the way, how are Cyclone and Sunflower doing? Since they live in Cloudsdale, they must be getting more press."

"A little," said Spitfire with a chuckle. "But they weren't the ponies who won the competition, so the spotlight doesn't come down on them all that much. It balances things out. They're doing okay. Now that your grandparents are out of the picture, I've noticed a considerable improvement in Cyclone's attitude. I don't think you'll recognize her when you see her again. Sunflower is doing just fine. Last I saw, she's been working hard. I'm looking forward to seeing all four of you at the Academy."

"I can't wait," said Scootaloo. "It's gonna be awesome. I'm gonna try and break every record there."

"You'll have to break all of Rainbow's records then," said Spitfire wryly. "Last I checked, she held most of them."

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to pay a visit to the snack table," said Dawn, looking from Scootaloo to Spitfire. "Can I get anypony anything?"

Scootaloo paused, giving her coltfriend a worried look. It wasn't like him to try and disengage from the conversation so awkwardly. Going to the snack table sounded like an excuse...

Then she felt it. Her range wasn't as broad as Dawn's, but she was getting close. Ponies crept around at the edge of her wind-sense. They moved through the crowd, mingling with the guests, but they were undoubtedly moving in a broad circle that had the three of them at its center. Scootaloo shifted her weight nervously and glanced at Dawn. He smiled and lightly flicked his wing, sending a breeze that caressed her back, reassuring her.

Spitfire looked back and forth between them. She might not have had wind-sense, but she did have a heightened sense of awareness that came from years of training and fighting as a Knight of the Celestial Order. Though she couldn't pin down their locations exactly, she felt the presence of ponies watching them. "Sure," she said in answer to Dawn's question. "I love those little salmon pinwheels. Bring me back a few of those please."

"S--some for me too," said Scootaloo, swallowing.

"I'll be right back then," said Dawn, turning to head towards the tables carrying the food for the Gala attendees, which were in another room. Actually, there were several such tables scattered throughout the Palace rooms being used for the Gala. Dawn was simply heading to the closest ones.

As he walked, Dawn could sense a few of the ponies that had been circling their little group break off and head after him. In addition, there was one other pony he sensed, one whose shape and presence he found familiar. Having met only once, Dawn still found it all too easy to recognize the mare who had given birth to him. Any "might" there might have been about it had been put to rest by his conversation with Swift Bolt. However, that meant little to Dawn. No matter what she said, she was not his mother.

Dawn stepped out of the hallway he'd been traveling down and into another room. Over in the corner, he saw a familiar quartet playing. In particular, he recognized Octavia, playing her trademark cello. Glancing down at the base of the stage, Dawn saw a familiar white-coated unicorn watching her with enraptured attention. Prince Blueblood, ex-duke of the Noble Court went to as many of his wife's performances as he could manage. Had his circumstances been different, Dawn would have considered passing by to greet Blueblood and Octavia, once her group finished their current set. However, now was not the time.

Dawn turned and moved along the wall, watching the doorway he'd entered through in order to see his pursuers as they came through. He marked each one of them, getting an idea of what they looked like. He didn't really need to, but Dawn wanted to be absolutely certain. He also wanted to observe Moonstone Gust with his own eyes.

She came through the door, wearing a beautiful dress, composed of a single piece of smooth fabric that looked as though it had been made out of nacre. The lights hit the fabric's surface, sending pearlescent colors washing across it. He blinked in surprise, remembering that the dress was actually one of Coco Pommel's designs. He found it hard to believe that a tribalist would willingly wear a dress that had been designed by an earth pony.

Moonstone turned to regard a sculpture that had been set up near the doorway, pretending to examine it, even as she sent furtive glances in his direction. Dawn sighed and rolled his eyes, wondering how long it would take for her to work around to "accidentally" bumping into him, given how subtle she was trying to be. The other ponies that were following him were also moving about the room, some of them even starting up conversations with the other guests and doing a much better job of tracking Dawn without making it look like they were trying to keep track of him. Professionals then, he thought.

Dawn was reaching the point where he was about to head over to the snack table and start loading up a couple of dishes, simply for the sake of keeping up appearances. But it seemed that Moonstone had finally grown tired of pretending to be subtle. Breaking off from looking at a painting mounted on the wall, Moonstone sauntered over in a curving walk that brought her around to approach Dawn from what would have been his blind spot, had he not been able to track her every move through the wind.

"My goodness," said Moonstone, coming to a stop almost directly behind him, "I had no idea that we would bump into each other here. What a wonderful coincidence, Storm Shadow."

Dawn rolled his eyes, turning around to regard the mare, seeing her once again wearing that plastered-on smile that couldn't look more forced if she tried. "I would have preferred it if you had bumped into me two rooms ago, if only so that we could get this farce over with."

"What on earth are you talking about, dear?" asked Moonstone, trying (and failing) to affect an expression of innocence.

"You need to work on your stealth skills," said Dawn, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure that you've had all manner of instructors in all kinds of subjects over the years, as befits a mare of your status. But it's quite clear that none of them taught you the basics of tailing a pony."

Moonstone's smile remained fixed rigidly in place, but the flaring of her nostrils betrayed her anger. Dawn could also feel the quickening of her breath. "I can assure you that I have no idea what you're talking about," she said. "I'm surprised to see you at such a distinguished event. I figured that, given the caliber of the ponies you associate with, you're probably more accustomed to going to a barn social than the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Clearly you don't actually think that or you wouldn't have arranged to 'run into me’ here," said Dawn. "I know that you've done at least a small amount of research on the ponies I associate with, though, obviously, you didn't bother to investigate in-depth."

Moonstone's smile was so rigid that Dawn was amazed that it wasn't cracking and flaking off of her face like old plaster. "In any case, I'm glad that we were able to meet again," she said. "I have some very good friends of mine who I would like to introduce you to. They would all be thrilled to learn that I've finally found you, my dear son."

"No thank you," said Dawn, drawing a small degree of satisfaction in the sight of Moonstone's facade finally breaking as her lips curled back in a silent snarl. The lapse was brief and her smile forced itself back into place quickly. Dawn continued, "I'm going back to my fillyfriend right now. I've kept her waiting long enough."

"That will not be necessary," said Moonstone imperiously, as though Dawn had not outright refused her. "As it so happens, I will also be introducing you to a lovely young mare of much better stock. Once you meet her, I'm sure you'll forget all about that lowly waif you've been spending your time with."

"Again, no thank you," said Dawn. "I am not going anywhere with you and you are not introducing me to anypony, least of all as your son. You are not my mother and my name is not Storm Shadow." He leaned in closer. When he spoke again, his voice was a low, angry growl. "If you wish to salvage anything from this farce, you should leave and do your utmost to not appear in my sight again. Your presence is a blight and an insult to my friends and family, my real family. Begone!"

Moonstone's eyes widened and she reared back, fanning her wings, barely managing to settle back on all fours before her display of outrage caught everypony's attention. Her cheeks were ruddy with anger and embarrassment. "I should have known it would come to this, you ungrateful whelp," she hissed. Her anger faded, replaced by a superior smirk. "It's such a pity that I doubt you'll have much of a future then."

"I have no need of your influence or wealth," replied Dawn.

"Oh, I wasn't speaking about that," said Moonstone. "I was speaking of particular mistakes you've made, mistakes that could reflect very poorly on you."

She must have had some form of pocket or bag hidden within or beneath her dress. As Dawn watched, her wing tucked in and returned with what looked to be a phtograph of some sort pinched between her feathers. "Take a look for yourself." With a flick of her wing, she sent the picture spinning through the air so that Dawn could catch it between the feathers of his own wing.

Dawn examined the picture and, immediately, his eyes narrowed in anger. The image was of him and his sister, standing outside their home. Larksong was hovering high in the air over Dawn's back. The photographer apparently had a very good camera, as the picture clearly captured Larksong's expression of excited joy. Judging by the distance, Dawn figured that the picture had been taken from outside the range of his wind-sense, which was most likely a helpful coincidence for the photographer. It would have been a lovely picture, had the implications of the fact that Moonstone possessed said image not been clear. Dawn examined the scene, trying to place the day and time, but wasn't able to figure out exactly when the picture had been taken.

"Such an adorable scene," said Moonstone, evidently enjoying her position now. "It's unfortunate that foals don't have a proper appreciation for the dangers of a situation. The poor dear has no idea of just how much danger she is in. I shudder to think what kind of parent would permit somepony to take such dangerous liberties with her daughter. Why, it's a case of simply disgraceful negligence on the part of...what was that mare's name again?"

Dawn pursed his lips, annoyed that Moonstone was insulting his mother without even bothering to remember her name.

"Clearly, such a mare is unfit to call herself a mother if she cares so little for her foal's safety. Nor can you be called much of a brother for endangering her so. Why, if this little thing found its way into the hooves of the diligent ponies working in the Department of Foal Protections, then your mother might even lose custody of her daughter, though that would probably be doing her a favor."

"And what do you want?" asked Dawn, now trying to keep his angry expression in place and having to fight against the urge to laugh.

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Moonstone. "You come with me, meet with the ponies I want you to meet, break off any contact with that false family of yours and return with me to Cloudsdale. Be the grateful, obedient son that you are obligated to be and I will...shall we say...lose track of this lovely little piece of incriminating evidence."

"I...see..." Dawn was barely able to contain his mirth. "Well...I'm going to have to refuse your generous offer."

"I see you have no regard for your 'mother's' wellbeing," said Moonstone, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. "I send this to Foal Protections and she is finished. The scandal will destroy that pretend family of yours and bury both her and your reputations. You'll have no hope of getting into the Wonderbolts after this gets out. I'll see that every newspaper in Equestria gets a copy to help things along."

"Well, seeing as you have so many copies, do you mind if I keep this one?" asked Dawn, waving the photo pinched in his feathers. "It really is a cute picture. I think Mom and Dad would love to see it framed and put on the mantlepiece."

"Don't you care at all?" demanded Moonstone. "I thought you adored those filthy peasants you've taken up living with. How could you allow something to ruin them?"

"The mistake is yours, actually," said Dawn. "I'd thought you'd done some research on my living conditions, but not nearly enough. You could send that picture to Foal Protections, but nothing will come of it. I obtained their approval when I first conceived of the activity. It helps that the current director is a good acquaintance of mine and that one of her proteges is one of my best friends. I've had the activity reviewed by doctors and I've even made arrangements to expand the practice to help young pegasi at Ponyville's school, starting next semester." His smile widened at the shocked look on Moonstone's face. "What's more, Spitfire has shown an interest and has actually asked if I would be willing to take on a staff position at a flight camp to provide the activity for even more foals."

Moonstone's jaw worked silently, her wings flicking out to retract to her sides again. She'd clearly invested a lot in this threat, hoping to use it to guilt Dawn into returning to the Gust Clan out of a desire to protect his Ponyville family. She obviously hadn't expected it to be utterly worthless.

"The papers!" she snapped, snatching up any scrap of hope of salvaging the situation that she could. "Even if you say that, the papers will still tear you and that mare apart. You'll be savaged in the court of public opinion. Her friends will abandon her and you and your name will be poison. Spitfire won't even want to hear your name mentioned in the same sentence as her own after that."

Dawn rolled his eyes. "Again, a pointless threat. My mother does not care about the public opinion of ponies outside of Ponyville and will always have the full support of her close personal friends, including one Princess Twilight Sparkle I might add. I would also like to add that Spitfire does not bow to the fickle currents of public opinion. Her associations are not beholden to their approval." He sighed. "I have already wasted enough time on this farce. If you don't mind, I will be on my way."

"You'll regret this," snarled Moonstone. "Your stubbornness will cost you everything you care about, starting with that precious 'family' of yours." She lifted her head up and flashed her gaze about the room. "Get him!"

Author's Note:

And this is why it's important to do your homework before you attempt blackmail kids. :twilightsmile:

Next chapter: An unexpected hero arrives on the scene.