• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 2,968 Views, 113 Comments

Diamonds Aren't Forever - Magicolt808

After a terrible tragedy, Rarity must now cope with her life.

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Chapter 4:

Rarity raised her head as her eyes met the monitor screen. The usual jagged line had gone flat and was now accompanied by a horrendously loud screech. The long, flat beep echoed in Rarity’s head as she contemplated what was happening.

“Oh no...” she whispered quietly. She gazed upon Spike’s still body, partially covered by sheets and plastered with tubes of all sorts. “What a horrible way to live,” she thought, “If he even still is...” Rarity’s face was expressionless as her eyes traveled to Spike’s face. The moonlight from the window reflected brightly off of Spikes scales, making them shine beautifully. She could not bear to witness this any longer. She turned her head from Spike, but as the noise of the monitor reached her, his image was still in her mind.

Rarity made her way to the window, the moonlight shining through, lighting the room. The grand white full moon cast its light over the sleeping town of Ponyville, throwing shadows across the houses. Rarity tried to enjoy the beauty of the scene, but the high pitched ringing continued to block her thoughts. Rarity could not take it any longer, this whole moment was like agonizing torture, far worse than any physical pain. She opened the window and let the cool breeze fill the room around her. Looking down, she saw the great distance between her and harsh ground below.

“Would it be quick or slow?” Rarity asked herself as she imagined hitting the grass below with a small thud. Just the thought alone made her cringe. But then again, why should she care. Just a few seconds of pain surely was a good price to pay to escape this nightmare. As she gazed out of the window, the night air blew and made her mane whip her face as she cried softly, watching the tears fall to the ground. With one last look, she steadily tried to lift herself over the sill and let gravity take her. She had lost track of everything in the world.

And then she heard it, actually, it was what she didn’t hear. The sharp heart monitor noise had been stopped, leaving the air still and calm.

“Man, that was getting really annoying.”

Rarity turned away from the window to see Spike leaning up with his hand on the monitor screen and his other hand propping his body up for support.

“Oh my Celestia,” Rarity said quietly before running across the room. She did not care if she was hallucinating. Rarity wondered if she had just died and this was Pony Heaven, but the thoughts left her mind quickly, Spike was back.

Spike chuckled softly as his arms embraced Rarity, pulling her into him. “I thought I was never going to see your green eyes again...” Rarity whispered.


July 7,


I fell asleep leaning on Spike’s bed, the doctor had to wake me up the next morning. Spike was making a tremendous recovery and was hopefully going to be allowed to leave soon. The hospital staff had no clue how Spike’s injury was healing so fast, or how he was able to move around so easily, but then again, they didn’t know a lot about dragons in the first place...



“He’s coming home?!?!” Twilight yelled. Behind her, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were anxiously waiting outside the hospital doors. As the doors opened, a bouncing smiling Pinkie Pie hopped through them. Following her, Spike stumbled out the door with Fluttershy and Rarity at his sides. Twilight and the others ran to Spike, hugging him and laughing, ecstatic that he was okay.

“Oh Spike....” said Twilight, “I’m so glad you’re alright!”

Fluttershy was reminding Spike about what the Doctor had told him on the way to the Library. “Don’t overexert yourself! And make sure you don’t do any heavy lifting!” Fluttershy went on.

“I know, I know,” Spike laughed. Rarity happily trotted alongside him as they made their way to the Library for Pinkie Pie’s welcome back party.


Balloons and streamers hung around the room, confetti strewn about the floor. The party had been great for everypony. Rarity had clung to Spike the whole time, hardly joining any of the party games.

Rarity was leaning her head on Spike as he was enjoying some gems Dash had got for him. “Spike, I’m so glad you’re alright, I thought I’d never see you again,” she whispered. Spike smiled at her, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer to him.

“Well I owe my life to you...” said Spike. “When I was injured, it was black and dark, and I could feel nothing, but then I heard your voice, and all I had to do was follow it...” he said. Rarity remembered how she cried over Spike for all that time, and now he was finally back.

“My life was so empty without you Spike...like a vacancy in my heart...” said Rarity. “What was it like? In your slumber?” Rarity had often thought of what Spike was thinking as she stared at his blank, sleepy expression.

“It sure rains a lot,” Spike said, as him and Rarity walked out of the library.


The small streams of light pierced Rarity’s windows as she woke the next morning. She rolled over in her bed, right into Spike. He was sleeping next to her in bed, his arm still wrapped tightly around her. Rarity looked at him and smiled, laying back into his loving embrace.

As she nuzzled at his neck, Spike opened his eyes and gazed into her peaceful face. His mouth cracked into a grin and he moved in closer to Rarity, hugging her close to his chest.Rarity noticed the shift in movement and knew right away that he was awake.

“How did you sleep Dear?” said Rarity in her sweetest voice.

Spike kept staring and shook his head with the same grin on his face. “I’ve never slept better in my life.”


As days went on, Rarity and Spike lived happily together, as did the rest of Ponyville. The crisis had been averted. Rarity and the others returned to their blissful lives of luxury, and friendship. With their new-found peace came an even bigger boost in confidence as everypony began their day, unprepared for what would happen next.


Rainbow Dash swerved above Spike who was returning from Bon Bon’s store with flowers and chocolates. Spike looked up and smiled at the familiar face.

“How’s it goin’ Rainbow Dash?” asked Spike, wondering why she would be out so late.

“Nothin’ much. I’ve just been practicin’ some tricks. I’m not as young as I used ta be, ya know? What about you? Got anything planned for tonight?” asked Dash, teasingly.

“I bought these for her. Do you think she’ll like them?”

“Spike, I’m sure she’ll like anything you give her.” laughed Rainbow.

The two talked together as Spike made his way to Rarity’s house as the sun started to set.



Darkness surrounded Dash as she flew nimbly to the boutique. She ignored everything in her path, streaking to the front door of Rarity’s house. Blasting through the doors she found the gray pony sitting alone, drawing some sort of design.

Rarity stared up at Dash, “Rainbow wh-” Rainbow cut her off.

“Rarity! The dragons took him! The dragons took Spike!”