• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 1,045 Views, 14 Comments

Miss Quiet - Nadir

Quiet Time rolled poorly in life. Not only is she mute, but as unlucky as can be. But sometimes, even the smallest of us can find love. This is her story.

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The Meeting

Three Days Later

I shuffled my hooves, the chair not the most comfortable one I had ever sat on. Imagine my surprise when just a few days ago, I had received a letter from the castle itself. Expecting it to be just another dismissal, I had put off opening it. Thankfully, I had finally peaked inside of it, only to have my heart soar!

Imagine how awful it had been if I had simply checked the letter a day later. Then, my chance would’ve been gone, and it would’ve been back to the unemployment line with me. At least Mini had let me live with her, my stomach getting all warm and fuzzy from thinking about my best friend. Mini had always been there for me, always supported me since we first met back in high school, before things got so bad.

But that wasn’t important right now! Things were finally turning around and I smiled brightly to myself, the best way to keep my spirits up! So it may have been thirty minutes after the letter had said the meeting was going to happen, but Celestia was a busy pony! She was the princess, of course she’d have a hard day. The room wasn’t bad either, just a few chairs right in front of her office. I was barely a few feet away from the princess herself, so waiting was almost a wonderful game of anticipation instead of worry. The simple fact that the ruler of Equestria was meeting me made that warm and fuzzy feeling come back. I wasn’t anything special, and she was setting aside time for me. Me! Could you believe it?

Naturally, I was dressed to impress as well. I had worn my nicest outfit, a lovely scarlet dress with a low collar and full skirts, a wide sash forming a bow around my mid back. The bow also served to house a series of little pouches, holding my spare chalk sticks. Unfortunately, the chalk board tethered around my neck kind of ruined the pretty illusion, but oh well. That wouldn’t kill my mood!

I still had a dopey grin on my face as my name was called. In fact, I was so caught up in it that I didn’t even hear it the first time. A light tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality, and the brown furred, grey maned stallion in front of me. I blinked as he cleared his throat.

“Miss Quiet, the princess will see you now.” He intoned, in that old, stuffy voice of his. I nodded happily and gave him a light hug before darting off, leaving the stallion quite flustered behind me.

Perhaps a bit too brashly, I pushed through the door on the other side of the room. I supposed this was the right one, and thank my lucky stars I was right. I burst through into the room beyond.

And that was where my luck ran out. Apparently, Celestia had already been getting up to come fetch me. That meant, when I pushed the door open, she was right on the other side. I didn’t hit her with the door, thank.. Well, Celestia. But, I did hit her with myself instead, which was somehow even worse.

The Solar princess looked down upon me as I bounced of her legs, landing on my rump with a high pitched and very quiet squeak. Little vague noises like that were all I could ever produce now. My blackboard also tilted, the chain that kept it hanging jarring around my neck and leaving it pressed against the side of my neck instead of the front. And worst of all, half my chalk sticks fell out of their pouches and shattered on the floor. The other half nearly fell out, but they mercifully stay intact.

I looked up, tears starting to rise to my eyes. How had I managed to mess up such a meeting within seconds?

To my eternal surprise, her royal highness, champion of the sun, defender of Equestria, author of the Pax Equestria, diarch of all the land, duchess of Canterbury, the Solar Invictus, vanquisher of Nightmare Moon, and many, many other titles giggled.

I looked up, a little dumb-founded. I didn’t even think to move until the princess had levitated me up, up into a chair seated at a desk. This one was a fair bit more comfortable, more akin to an armchair than to something she expected in a meeting room. That at least shook me enough to take a tiny peek around.

For a room that housed the diarch of the sun for a good part of the day, I kinda expected more. It was small, first of all, really small. The wall behind me only had the door, while the left and right were plain. The left had a book case, and the right a small fireplace, though the smoke didn’t seem to have an escape route. The desk in front of me was the ‘busiest’ part. Papers were piled high on one side, while the middle was mostly clear. A tea set took up that space, with two cups, one unfilled. On the right, a single picture from sat, though I couldn’t see of who it was.

I finished my little inspection just as Celestia took her seat across from me. I hastily levitated up one of my unbroken pieces of chalk and started to scrawl a message across the board. It came out hastily, almost like chicken scratch instead of my usual, neat writing.


The princess chuckled again, and lifted up the tea set. “Would you like tea, my little pony? You seem quite nervous, and it always seems to help me relax.” The princess’s voice was like the essence of tranquility, washing across my entire being. My own ears twitched just the tiniest bit at the words and I nodded numbly. “Sugar?” The princess prodded. I bit my lip and shook my head as the princess started to pour my own cup of tea. Once down, she gently slid it across the table, giving me what I considered to be the most comforting smile in the world.

Before even thinking of taking a sip, I wrote something else across my little board. This time, I managed to keep my magic grip from shaking quite so much.

Thank you. With that, I took my first sip. The tea was something fairly light. Chamomile, perhaps? And there was definitely the taste of honey. It seemed like the princess was trying to make me feel better… But, how had she known I’d be so nervous?

“You may be wondering why I called you in rather than mailed you a letter of acceptance or denial.” The princess started, her tone quite light and conversational. My eyes followed her mane as she spoke, never having quite seen it up so close. Distantly, I nodded. I didn’t quite believe that every potential candidate got a personal interview after all!

“Partially, I think I have a gift for you. I intend to have a conversation with you, and I don’t think the black board will quite cut it.” I almost felt a little indignant at that. My cheeks started to puff out in a little pout. My board had served me well for years, what did she mean it wasn’t good enough? It wasn’t like I could talk!

The princess seemed to catch my anger and cut me off with a raised hoof. “I mean no offense, just that I may have something better if you’ll let me show you.” I let out that angry breath, albeit hesitantly, and nodded. I could trust the princess, she wouldn’t lead me astray. With my acceptance, the Princess’s horn began to glow that soft, yellow light. It encapsulated my own, though I could really only tell that by a feeling. Within seconds, the light disappeared, leaving me quite perplexed.

I cocked my head at her, and silently asked what she had done. “I want you to trust me for a second, little one.” Celestia started. “The spell I cast is a little telepathy spell. You may not believe me at first.” I did, despite what she said. “But, think of a number. Any number.”

Alright, easy enough. I concentrated hard, and thought of a number. “Seventeen.” The princess said, near instantly. My eyes widened in wonder, in awe of what she had done.

Y-you can hear me? I thought, staring intently at the white alicorn. Surely something like this was impossible, surely somepony would’ve shown this to me!

Celestia nodded softly. “Indeed I can, just direct your thoughts towards me and I’ll be able to hear you loud and clear.” A single tear came to my eye. Where had this been all my life? I didn’t need the stupid black board anymore? I could just.. Use this spell with everypony!?

H-how do I do it? I finally managed to get my thoughts in order enough to ask that.

“I’m afraid I can’t teach you. Something like this requires decades of work, and I’ll only be able to cast it for you. It’s a drain as well, a normal unicorn would run out of energy within minutes. I’m sorry, but conversations with me are the best I can give you.” Celestia did look quite regretful. Yet, even the dour response cutting off my hope didn’t bring my happiness to bear. If anything, it made the gift more meaningful, more personal. Another tear joined the first, and I stared at the alicorn in adoration.

Thank you, more than anything, thank you. For the first time in my life, I had a voice. I could even hear it inside my head. It was quiet, just like me, and soft. It may not be the prettiest voice in the world, but it was mine. And that was all that mattered. I swallowed a lump that had seemingly developed in my throat, even that movement painful.

Celestia smiled, that wonderful smile coming back after expecting to hear only of my disappointment. She’d never have to fear that for the rest of my days. “It’s the least I could do, Miss Quiet. If you don’t mind sharing, why exactly do you want to work for me?” She asked, her eyes gleaming.

I looked up, meeting those kind, warm eyes again. You’re the best in all of Equestria. The pay may not be as good as other places, but is there anything better in the whole wide world than serving the princesses themselves? I asked, though it was clearly rhetorical. I’ve tried everywhere else, your highness. Nopony will accept somepony like me. I thought.. I thought maybe you would though, with all the stories I’ve heard.

It was rather true the princess tended to take pity on those born with.. Disabilities. Her personal pianist was blind, her cook deaf. It wasn’t like her ranks were formed only of the misfortunate, but it was a very strong trend.

That isn’t to say that I think working for you is bad! She quickly corrected. I, um, just let my pride get in the way, your highness. I wanted to prove that I was more than my muteness, more than just a failure. I shuffled a little uncomfortably in the chair. I wasn’t doing a good job of proving that. I hoped you’d at least give me a chance. I can be a good maid, honest.

Celestia let me finish, though she did nod along with my explanation. “Miss Quiet, I am afraid that you have been horribly mistreated. I can see what kind of mare you are, and I think you’re a mare that deserves not one chance, but a second, and a third, and as many as you need. As long as you’re willing, I would be thrilled to have you as part of my staff.”

Celestia told me later that my mental scream gave her a headache for hours. But, she was kind enough to not mention it at the time

Author's Note:

Side project. This chapter will likely be revised.

Comments ( 14 )

I love this story! Please continue


I should keep writing it! Progress will be a *bit* slow however, as Student gets priority.

Ah. I gotcha.

Can't say no to this.

But, I think you need a proofreader or an editor.

dahh! another one of my good ideas beaten to. i was working on a combat vet named mr. quiet. your's is cuter. can't wait to see where your mare goes in this story.

Hope this continues


I believe the edited chapter has been uploaded ^^


It should. I'm outlining it now ^^


It should. I'm outlining it now ^^

one year later no update im not calling you a liar but im not calling you a truther

Hey, just wondering if this is gonna continue or whether you've lost your drive for this story? Feel free to ignore this if you want.

I don't know. I love quiet it's just... I dunno. No decision one way or the other. Life is making it hard to write lately unfortunately.

Fair enough, life has this funny way of fucking people sideways when they try to do what they love, for instance, I got a new bass and a few weeks later my amp died, anyway, I understand what you mean, hope you can get round what life's thrown at you, may your chaos spread through the winds of time.

What's the shipping? Twilight x Quiet?

How did I not notice this was yours when I stumbled across it. Interesting premise, I hope you decide to come back to it once you've finished other things.

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