• Published 18th Jun 2016
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A much deserved vacation - Ponelover

The burden of ruling Equestria has been getting to Celestia in these past days, Luna decided it would be a good idea for a much needed vacation.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The small town of Sandy Shores is a small settlement built on the banks of Horseshoe Bay, rarely anyone recognizes the town due to it’s location and it has some of the best scenery Equestria has to offer. Sad that only a select few ponies know of this town’s presence, the community around this town is very engaging and open, willing to greet someone new just to break their isolation at least temporarily.

And one of the inhabitants of this town is currently harvesting seaweed.

“Nnggh!!” grunted Seawave Froth as she pulled another batch of seaweed floating off the coast. She is one of the few seaweed harvesters of the town and being the daughter of a seaweed farmer herself, she naturally developed a passion for seaweed farming.

“I think that’s enough for today” voiced Seawave, with her saddlebags packed to the brim with freshly harvested seaweed, she waded her way out of the shores of Horseshoe Bay, beelining towards the location of the local market of Sandy Shores.

The town market, as usual is highly populated. With ponies from all over town buying foodstuffs and whatever commodities they desire. As she trotted through the town, she was greeted with a bunch of ‘Hello’s’ and ‘Greetings’ she is now used to. Always nice to have a community like this, way better then Baltimare at least, thought Seawave as she finally reached her destination.

The doorbell into the local seafood shop rang as Seawave entered the store. It was one of the few seafood stores in town and Seawave could see her pony of interest, a gruff looking stallion named Soaring Sails.

They were really good friends ever since they met each other, with both having a passion for the ocean. This coupled with their highly fruitful business partnership meant that sometimes the locals occasionally mistook Seawave as the special somepony of Soaring. Much to her denial of course.

“Ah Seawave!” greeted Soaring, already expecting her, “So how’s today’s catch? Did it go well?” the gruffy looking Stallion asked.

“Oh yes Soaring, this batch of seaweed has been very easy to catch. The town’s gonna love it!” replied Seawave as she lowered her saddlebags and brought it into the table for the stallion to see.

“Hmmm…...this is indeed a good batch, good work Seawave. How much do you want?” the stallion asked, expecting some high prices judging by the quality of the seaweed.

“Well….nothing much, I think 200 bits would suffice?”

“That’s…..actually lower than expected” replied Soaring as he opened the store’s register and handed Seawave the appropriate amount of bits.

“Meh, 200 bits per day is not a bad income, mind if I look over the store a bit? I needed to do a grocery run anyway”

“Sure Seawave, I need to go unpack the seaweed so take your time” replied Soaring as he takes the batch of seaweed from Seawave’s saddlebags and dumps it into the local pool of enchanted water.

As Soaring busily prepares today’s batch of seaweeds, Seawave Froth scanned over the aisles of the seafood shop. Due to the fact that ponies don’t eat meat, seafood shops tend to not have a lot of visitors due to their lack of variety. the only edible seafood ponies eat were naturally plants, with Kelp, Seaweed and dried Algae being to most common. Outside of towns like Sandy Shores, most ponies usually kept to growing their food on the ground instead of harvesting them from the oceans.

“Such a sad thought, Algae is actually quite good if you cook it right” muttered Seawave as she grabbed a cart and starts strolling through the shop, grabbing dried seaweed, seasoned kelp and dried algae along the way.

The chugging of the train slowed as they neared their destination. Celestia knew that there is no direct route from Canterlot to Horseshoe bay and they need to walk the rest of the journey by hoof. Personally she finds this can be potentially relaxing or potentially life threatening as Horseshoe Bay was not only famous for their pristine beaches, but also for the storms that occasionally hammer the region.

Not that it would matter anyway, I’ve flown into many a hurricane before in my life. Still not an experience I want to repeat though thought Celestia as the train slowed down to a halt.

“Princess Celestia, Luna. We have reached our closest point to Horseshoe Bay by rail, from now on you have to travel by hoof.” the intercom said.

“Don’t worry too much Steamy Stacks” Luna replied, “We have walked to Horseshoe Bay many times in our lifetime, this won’t be our first walk anyway, isn’t that right Celly?”

“Right you are Lulu” replied Celestia, “Steamy Stacks, once me, my sister and mother have left, you are to return to Canterlot immediately. If anyone asks you where you went just say the Crystal Empire, this is a royal order and it cannot be altered in any way. Is that understood?” ordered Celestia, intent on confusing the nobles in any way she can.

“Of course Princess” replied the intercom.

“Good, very good” said Celestia as she nodded to both Luna and Harmony. Getting only smiles as a response

“So...is that all of them?” asked Luna as Celestia lifted the final bag from the traincar.

“Yep, that’s all of them. Mother?”

“Of course Celestia, I’ll tell the driver that everything has been unloaded.”

A short time later, the royal train suddenly reversed course and only in a matter of minutes was gone from sight.

“Okay, now with Equestria not knowing the location of their diarchs, where exactly are we going Luna?”

“Oh, I think mother will take care of this. Mother?”

“Of course Luna, just after my return, I began extensively researching everything about Equestria, from society to culture to economy to politics. One of the funny things I found during my researches was that Horseshoe Bay does have other, smaller towns other than Baltimare, and when I was informed by Luna about her plans. I decided to pitch in to offer a special place for our little outing”

“And what town are we going Mother?” Celestia asked

“A small town by the name of Sandy Shores. It’s location is about a couple of miles from here, should be reachable in a couple hours walk, give or take of course”

“Oh, meeting a town of ponies who I haven’t been too, that should be interesting.” Celestia wondered, “And should I assume that Luna has made the arrangements for our stay?”

Luna’s heart sank after her sister asked her that question

“Well?” Celestia questioned, looking intently to her eyes.


“I assume that is a no then”

She didn’t like to admit it, but although she did plan for all eventualities in Canterlot. She didn’t plan out the trip all too well.

“Yes sister, I didn’t plan our stay” Luna reluctantly replied. Which is met by a small sigh from Celestia.

Shaking her head, Celestia replied. “Well, we have to improvise then. Won’t be the first we’ve done it, won’t be the last either.”

“Then why don’t we start moving then my daughters, we still have a long day ahead of us and I don’t want to waste it all on small talk”

“Of course mother” both sisters replied.

“I’m home!” Exclaimed Seawave as she entered her house, the smell of the ocean still ever present, she entered the house and unpacked her saddlebags now laden with goods and produce.

Her house is nothing special, a sturdy home made with wood, thatch and some brick and mortar to keep things in one place. She loved her home, but one thing she even loved more are the inhabitants of said home.

Before she could even react, a small pegasus filly suddenly flies into her face and tackles her on the ground.

“Hi mommy!!!” the little filly exclaimed, excited that her mother has returned from work.

“Yes, it’s nice to meet you as well Flying, did you do well at school?” Seawave asked, curious about her daughter’s performance at school.

“Well, Wide Seas is being a meany meanypants but we can handle them, I got a C on my test though.” Pouted the filly.

The filly herself was named Flying Winds, the pegasus daughter of Seawave and….someone Seawave met at a bar apparently in Baltimare, admittedly Seawave was a bit shocked when she tested positive but eventually she came to love her much beloved daughter, she was a real joy when Seawave came back from her hard days at work, I still have to find the husband though, he might be shocked that his one night stand might have reached an ‘undesirable’ conclusion.

“Well you gotta study more young filly, but first, why don’t we go to the park?” Seawave said, her only response was a happy squeal from the young filly, which is more than enough indication for Seawave to drop her bags, open the door and go to the park alongside her little angel.

The local park of Sandy Shores is nothing special, with walkways criss crossing what is practically a sectioned off forest. Properly manicured and maintained, the park is a definite spot for relaxation for the ponies who, after a long day’s work, needed someplace to nap, rest and have fun.

One of these ponies wandering around is Seawave Froth and her little filly, Flying Winds. The lack of rainy downpours also lightens up the mood as Celestia’s bright sunrays is filtered by the thick forest canopy, giving the forest a mysterious but welcoming atmosphere.

“Wow mommy! The forest sure looks ummm, I think the word is ‘atmospheric’ right?” Flying asks, flying around her laughing mother.

“Yes, I think that’s the proper word little filly, now why don’t we sit down and have some lunch?”

“Yay lunch!! Are we eating daisy sandwiches? I love daisy sandwiches”

“No Flying, we’re instead eating something better. Kelp sandwiches!!” proclaimed Seawave, much to the disgust of the little filly.

“Ewwww, but I hate kelp, it always looked so….so icky.” Responded Flying, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

“Oh not true, it’s only sticky once you get it off the sea, once you've dried it, trust me Flying, it’s even tastier than daisies!!” Seawave smiled, not convincing her daughter one bit.

The sour face of her daughter eventually brought Seawave over, she only gave her daughter a deadpan look and sighed.

“But, if you want to I did bring daisy sandwiches, it’s not like they taste any better than-”

“Yay!!! Daisy Sandwiches! Mommy is the best” squealed Flying. Much to the disappointment of her mother, she always wanted to get her daughter to love seafood, but so far all attempts have been constant failures. One day Seawave, one day.

They eventually founded a place in a clearing between two trees, and Seawave immediately put down the picnic covers and set about organizing the picnic. A couple of minutes later, with orange juice poured and sandwiches in place, she called her daughter for lunch and sure enough, her daughter came.

As both ponies ate their lunch, Seawave could only chuckle as Flying effectively devoured daisy sandwich after daisy sandwich, Seawave occasionally wandered how Flying could eat so much, only to remember how much she effectively flies everyday. Makes me wonder how she will become, will she become a Wonderbolt? Oh I hope she does, that will definitely make me a very happy mother Seawave thought as she took another bite from her Kelp sandwich, looking around her surroundings and feeling at peace.

“The forest sure looks peaceful, I need to congratulate the mayor for this, he really did his work designing this park”

“Mommy, who are you talking to?”

“Oh….n-nothing sweetie, just...play around will you, you have the clearing all to yourself”


And with that, the little filly took off, happily flying around the clearing like bees from a hive, her mother looking at her happily from the distance. Occasionally cheering every time Flying did a cool trick or two.

With lunch over, Seawave quickly packed her bags and slowly walked home, it would’ve been an uneventful and serene walk if not for what’s about to happen.

As Seawave walked through the forests, she could see a silhouette of three rather….tall ponies, curious into who they might be, she closed in around the three figures.

“Stay behind me Flying, if they look menacing then fly away okay, mommy will be fine” Seawave ordered, judging by the size of these three ponies, they must be definite giants, comparable to the princesses themselves. As for why they are doing here. Seawave doesn’t know but something in her mind is telling her to be wary.

Flying, already getting seawave’s tone slowly nodded as they slowly approached the three beings. As their distance shrinks, Seawave could hear some voices emanating from the three giant ponies. Probably smalltalk.

A couple of seconds later, the three beings immediately spotted Seawave, her heart sank as Seawave trembled at the sheer size of these ponies, they could do……...anything to her.

“Look mother, that pony is clearly terrified. I tell you, our size can definitely scare some ponies straight to submission”

“Oh nonesense Celestia, let me talk some sense to her, hello there my little pony, what is your name?”


“Seawave Froth? Now that is a lovely name if I can say. My name formerly is Solaria Sol, but you can call me Harmony” the creature said, approaching closer into Seawave.

As the creature approached, Seawave slowly realized that those large creatures are apparently the Princesses themselves, alongside somepony…..else?

“P-p-p-Princess? W-what are you doing here?” Seawave asked, bowing as fast as she could to both the rulers of the Sun and the Moon.

“Please, we are not here on any formal visit, so please rise and don’t do more formalities. I’m getting kinda sick with all the bowing really” Princess Luna said.

Just like lightning, Seawave ceased her bow and just stared at the two most powerful creatures in Equestria, a million questions are flowing through her mind as to why the Princesses of Equestria would come to such an…..isolated town like Sandy Shores, but before she could ask any of them, the Princesses asked a question so propestorous, so out of left field that she was left without an answer.

“Anyway, hello there Seawave, I know this next question will sound bizzare, but can you please provide us with temporary accomodation? I expected Luna to arrange things, but alas my sister had not done that” Celestia asked, much to the shock of Seawave.

Seawave stared at the princessess. The princess is asking ME of all ponies for a place to stay, h-how should I respond to that, I know it would be a great honor but…..Im not sure if the house has enough space to house three ancient deities….oh buck it!! Flying would love the company anyway.

“T-that’s a certainly odd request p-princess……..I would be honored b-but I don’t know if I have-”

“Then it is settled!! Looks like this vacation won’t be ruin by my lack of planning!!” Luna declared triumphantly, “Now my little pony, can you please direct us to your house, I’m sure your house would be the talk of the town after this”

Seawave could clearly see a happy Flying jumping around and having some smalltalk with the…..unicorn? With the Princesses giggling at such an adorable sight, she would’ve squee’d to if not for that one line said by the princess of the night.


The proud spires of Canterlot is certainly a majesty to look at, it serves as a beacon of hope for a nation that has endured so much. It is home to countless historical figures such as Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Cadence, Bright Seas, Stout Defense, and more famous ponies to match.

And right now, with two of these figures gone, Blueblood is essentially fuming over his ruined plans.

“Just where in the world is Celestia?!? it’s impossible that she could just be…..gone in just a day!! There must be some clues left behind, some form of evidence! The diarchs couldn’t just…..leave!!”

“Settle down Blueblood, you’re being a bit annoying, I’ve already talk to Raven before submitting my complaint and there’s no stopping her and her adamant refusal to let us in, she also told me that the investigation is currently underway, so by the looks of it we’re stuck here, incapable of doing anything, I know it sounds frustrating but it’s the only thing we can do Blueblood.” Jet Set replied, frustrated by the current condition as well.

“At least we still have Princess Cadence in case we need another monarch, poor mare is already busy managing the Crystal Empire. I wonder what she will think about the politics of Canterlot” Upper Crust said.

“Well I can’t just stand here and drink Upper Crust, I have a mission to rescue Princess Celestia from definitely certain danger. The Canterlot Herald will absolutely love having a dashing prince save the Princess from definite danger”

“Well...at least you have motivation”

All eyes turned towards the newly arrived pony.

“Excuse me, but do understand that you are intruding into my property, would you please kindly lea-”

“No need for any of that Jet Set, I’m the investigator hired to search for Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and their mother. And I have a proposition you might not ignore”

All three ponies’s judging eyes turned into interest. “Please…...speak, you might interest us with your…..proposition” Upper Crust said, a glint in her eye hinting that she might be interested in finding the princesses after all.

“Okay then let me introduce myself. My name is Dark Cloak. investigator from the Equestrian Royal Intelligence Service. or ERIS for short. I am in need for field informants, and I assure you the tabloids would certainly love nobles who would risk their lives to find the Princesses”

“This intrigues me, go on then” Blueblood replied.

“I’ll send you a letter later in the evening, on it will contain directions for a mission I specifically designed for nobles, don’t worry on any potential conflicts or shootouts, I’ve already taken care of that”

“Alright then ERIS agent, we’ll see your letter later on the evening, any more potential notes you might want to inform us?” Jet Set asked.

“No, just…..be wary, there might be other agents watching us”

“Hmpf, fine then agent. You may leave.” Said Upper Crust, more than enough indication for Dark Cloak to tip his hat and leave the mansion

The trip to Seawave’s house has been rather eventful for all three ponies, just the arrival of the two princessess was a shock to the little town, the fact that the third unicorn was, in fact their mother put the entire town to chaos. Ponies scrambled as they took their cameras to snap pictures of the princesses just casually strolling alongside Seawave to her home.

Seawave had to admit, the attention of an entire town directed at her was a bit….overwhelming.

“And here we are Princess, my humble….house.” Seawave awkwardly smiled, letting the princesses check on her house.

“Most sturdy construction, I’m impressed, would you mind if you could show us your guest room?” Luna asked.

“Oh nononono not at all Princess, please come in.” Seawave replied, ushering the leaders of Equestria to come at her house.

With the princesses inside and the crowd not dying down, Seawave gave a short tour of her house to the princesses and their….mother, eventually ending at the guest room of her house.

“And here it is, thankfully the guest room could house all of you. NOT that it’s a bad thing for you princess.” Seawave quickly added, worried that she could offend the princess at any moment.

“Oh think nothing of it Seawave,” Celestia replied. “Countless ponies have had problems housing us due to our size, it can be troublesome really.”

Luna only lightly chuckled, “I still remember that time when we first visited Zebrica, they had a most hard time finding us suitable accommodations. It’s kind of funny really, watching all those zebras running, renovating our room as fast as possible.”

“Oh yes that time, thankfully we established good relations with that nation. Would be a shame to sour relations just because of accommodations.”

“Of course sister.”

As both princesses continue their smalltalk, the giant unicorn glanced at Seawave and smiled.

“Why don’t you take me on a tour to see the sights? Celestia and Luna tend to be really…...focused when they talk about the past. And surely a town located in such an exquisite location would be host to many a wonderful sight?”

“O-oh, of course. I don’t know if we can shake the local townsponies though.”

“Think nothing of it, I have a simple spell that will do the trick.”

Harmony’s horn glowed and a bright flash could be seen, Seawave raced to the house’s window to see the effects, and just as Harmony promised. The crowd begins to disperse.

“W-what did you do?” Asked Seawave, curious into what spell did Harmony cast.

“Only a simple normalization spell, makes everypony react just the way they see a neighbor for quite some time. Very useful for calming down the paparazzi in my experience at least.” Harmony replied.

She continued, “Now...about that trip.”

“Oh of course, follow me, Flying why don’t you…..hang out with the princesses.” Ordered Seawave as she and Harmony left the house.

“Yay!!! I get to play with the Princesses!!” squealed the little filly as she rushed to the guest bedroom.

Author's Note:

WOOT!!! New chapter's out.