• Published 26th Jun 2016
  • 495 Views, 2 Comments

Shakespony: Merchant of Romane - Even Evil Has Standards

Thomas wants to meet the princess, but needs 3000 bits to do so. His merchant friend can't help. But the merchant's enemy might...for a price.

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First Suitor, Reminiscence, and Another Companion


It was a day for Twilight to allow a suitor to try his hoof at the caskets. According to Night Light's will (in case you wanted to read this chapter first for some reason), Twilight had to pick a husband by placing in one of three caskets: one gold, one silver, and one lead. Whoever selected one that contained a portrait of Twilight and her 5 friends would marry her. The good thing for her was that any pony could try so long as they had 3000 bits.

That was also a bad thing. Most suitors with that kind of money were bound to be spoiled rotten princes trying to further their so-called fame, or snobbish nobles trying to fix her up with their sons, or sleazy con's after her wealth. Some were more good-hearted, but refused to run the risk of the caskets. The first suitor happened to be the first of the 3.

Derpy flew up and announced, "Prince Bluebood of Canterlot!"

Rarity groaned inwardly. She remembered this prince and couldn't believe that she herself had been attracted to him. He was one of Canterlot's biggest snobs, always thinking that he was above everything, making others pay for things he could pay for himself, taking advantage of mares, the like. She never liked him after that.

At any rate, he entered the room. "Hello Princess," he drawled, not bothering to bow. "It is an honor to meet you."

"And me you," lied Twilight, "but as you should know by now that who ever wins me does so by selecting the correct casket. But you, O Renowned Prince, should have a good chance at this, given what I've heard about you."

"Thank you Princess," said Blueblood, "I will not lie when I say that I'm not surprised that my reputation proceeds me. The battles I've won. The prizes I've received. The praise I was given. I could go on."

"I'm sure you could," hissed Rarity.

"Before you try the caskets, heed this," warned Twilight, "choose poorly and never-I mean NEVER-go courting mares again."

"That won't happen," snorted Blueblood, "now give me a chance."

"Before that happens," said Twilight, "why don't you dine with us?"

Rarity looked appalled, but the Prince looked pleased... Not in the usual sense of the word. "Good fortune, then." Twilight put on a fake smile while Rarity wasn't so successful.


Percy was trotting around the street, doing some thinking. "I know that I shouldn't be Zorran's underpaid valet. He hates the Stars and those who are friends of them. My conscience will tell me to leave him. But I can't. He also mistreats his daughter Pinkie Pie. She could use a bit of cheering up. Every pony tells me to leave the Zeros. But of Pinkie Pie. It breaks my heart to see someone who was so full of cheer to now be so out of it. I stay for her."

Just then, an elderly green earth pony carrying a basket wobbled up. She was using a walker, not because she wasn't as young as she use to be, but because her orange eyes (Aren't they orange?) had a milky white tinge to them so that it looked like she was staring out. "Beg pardon, young man, but would you mind directing me to the Zero's dock house?"

"Well I'll be ding dong danged," thought Percy, "Tis Granny Smith! She be the one who took me in. But lo! She is blind. I best play straight with her. The Zero's dock house is a left and a right and straight on. Then you take a right to it."

"Thank you kindly. Could you guide me there? Mine eyes ain't what they use to be."

Percy brightened. "But of course."

"And while we're going, you can tell me of the young lad, Percy."

"Tell of the young man, Percy? She must be real blind or she's putting me on".

"Yes. He is a good stallion. I took him in after he lost his father. It was like he was my own. He was so helpful and kind. He was always cheering us up with his cuteness and his naivety."

Percy had mixed feelings about that. He felt like blushing when she described him as cute, but felt indignant at being called naive. "Do you know me?"

"Alas no. Not with mine eyes. But I wish to know if he's dead or alive."

"Do you not know me, Granny?"

"I'm afraid not. I be blind as a bat in the daytime."

"I am Percy."

Granny snorted. "Do you expect me to believe that?"

Percy shook his head. "Not exactly. But I am indeed he."

"I cannot think you are the pony I took in."

"What of Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh, your children? They are my step siblings."

"Every pony knows they're my children. That don't make you my stepson."


The green earth pony was suddenly tackled by blurs of banana yellow, orange, and bright white. Applejack's younger sister Apple Bloom was with her 2 friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle when they spotted Granny and Percy. Apple Bloom recalled the days he had spent with her family. He'd play with her and her friends and would sometimes help with their Cutie Mark Crusade. They also developed a small crush on him.

"Hello... Girls," coughed Percy, "Can't breathe." Giggling the 3 girls released him.

"Apple Bloom! What in tarnation are you and yer friends a doin' here?"

"Sorry Granny. We were out looking fer jobs when we found you and Percy here."

"So you are Percy? My apologies."

Percy smiled. "Tis kay, Granny. You are blind."

"What does he look like, Apple Bloom?"

"He's grown," said Apple Bloom.

"He's gained some muscle," said Scootaloo.

"And just as handsome," gushed Sweetie Belle.

Percy coughed, his face as red as James. "If you 3 don't mind, we're heading to Zorran's."

The others were shocked. "Why would you want to go to that scary place?" demanded Scootaloo.

"I'm his valet," answered Percy.

"Ah need to talk to Zorran," answered Granny, "Percy is helping me there."

"Why would you want to be his valet?" asked Sweetie Belle, "You should run and leave."

Percy smiled sadly. "My friends tell me that. And I tells them that it is his adopted daughter. I hear she's not as happy as they say she is."

The fillies nodded somberly. "Poor Pinkie."

"Once she's free, I'll quit and find a new master; particularly him."

Thomas was heading their way, toting the bag that contained 3000 bits. "Ah, good morrow, you 3 and to you too Granny. Hello Percy."

"Here boy," said Granny, "Percy is helping me to Zorran's. We are of haste."

"I figured. I just came from there."

"Is that where you got the remaining bits?" asked Percy.

"No, I got 500 more from Ten Cents' friend Sunshine. Ten Cents persuaded Zorran to lend me 1800 more."

"Wowee," said Scootaloo, "how'd he do that?"

"They made a little deal."

"Ah don't like the sound of that," remarked Granny, "any pony who makes a deal with Zorran pays one way or another. He's got friends on the other side." That left a chill in the air.

"Welp I am off to Bellmare," announced Thomas. The others wished him luck and farewell, then they all went there separate ways.


Thomas was walking along to Bellmare when he heard his name being called. He looked behind him and saw James flying as though he was trying to rival Rainbow Dash. "Thomas...," he panted.

"What is it James? I am in haste."

"I want to go with you to Bellmare."

Thomas sighed. Talking James out of going with him was easier said than done. "Alright James, you can come. But hear this: thou art a great speaker with too bold a voice. You must tone down a little. Or else I'll send thee back."

"Hear me," said James, "I may be what you say, but I can try. After all, we are friends. But at least I speak with respect."

"Aye," agreed Thomas. "We leave tonight. But first I have some business."

"Right," said James, "I'll call the others. We shall feast with them before leaving."

Author's Note:

As you probably know, Percy is both Launcelot and Lorenzo.

James is Gratiano, due to the fact that they both got big mouths.

Shout out to the Deviant art series "TAFA in MLP", what with the CMC having a crush on Percy.