• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 3,933 Views, 51 Comments

A Tale of the Misplaced Guard - CyclicStoryWriter

While his cousins are out fighting dragons, he is stuck in some place called Equestria. Humanized

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Defense of Whiterun

Defense of Whiterun

Ulfgar smiled when he finally reached the plains of Whiterun. Since the Civil War had begun in Skyrim, his life has not been the best. First off; the thieves’ guild had reached its dark claws into his old home of Solitude. Not only that, but the Imperials had removed him from guard duty in an attempt to have more control over the city. His options were to be like the homeless men out in the markets from now on, or move to Whiterun and possibly get a job there. With his cousin in the guard it would be simple enough to become a guard there. He shifted the weight of the pack as he grew closer to the city of the Companions. The trip had been long but profitable. A few thieves tried to rob him but their light armor stood no chance against his blade. Other than the stolen goods from other poor travelers, he had managed to take a mysterious blade from one of the bodies. The jagged edges on the blade boasted how it was a Daedric dagger but he could feel powerful magic flowing through the blade. Ulfgar was just glad that he never ran into any trolls along the way. He might have been able to take down an entire bandit group, but a troll would just be too much. It was not long before he stood inside the walls of Whiterun, home of the Companions. Ulfgar's first stop was the guard headquarters to find his cousin. Then he could focus on this mysterious dagger.
"A Solitude Guard, what would bring you out here?" A woman asked as he passed the market stands.
"Various things, do you know where I can find Fjolfrin? I believe he is a guard here."Ulfgar said as he slowed down.
"You would have to ask a guard for that one. They look and sound the same to me." The woman said before preaching about her vegetables and fruits.
Ulfgar decided that when he got up to Dragonreach he would ask one. They would be swarming like bees up there close to the jarl. Villagers of Whiterun seemed to have pushed the thoughts of the Civil War to the back of their heads from what Ulfgar could hear. He only heard bits and pieces of what worried them most, dragons had been seen around the area and it would only be a matter of time before one would attack Whiterun. He walked up through the districts passing the mead hall of the companions and a preaching Talos worshiper. The immense size of the Dragonreach amazed Ulfgar as he came up to the palace and began stepping inside. As he began walking up into the main chamber a man in a dark blue cloak, that marked him a court mage, came up to him.
"Excuse me but could I ask where a solitude guard like you got a dagger like that?" He began as he motioned towards Ulfgar's curiosity.
"I pulled it off the corpse of a thief, could you possibly help me with it? There is some strange magic around it and I can't tell one enchantment from another." Ulfgar replied as he held it out to the court mage.
"Follow me to my work area where I can get a better look at this." The court mage replied as he began walking away.
"What is with all the guards here? I understand that there is a Civil War going on but I never realized that Whiterun was so prepared for what's to come." Ulfgar said as he made his way through a throng of local guards.
"Whiterun is still undecided on the Civil War. These men are for the defense of Whiterun and other towns in the hold against Dragons." The court mage answered while deep in thought about the dagger.
"Let's see what makes you so special..." The court mage said to the blade more than to anyone else.
"This blade was made by some powerful smithy and enchanter. Other than being a Daedric blade it is also enchanted with two different powers. One that pulls the energy out of an opponent and one that steals their life away. Never before have I seen such a blade before. I am willing to buy it off you for a good price." The court mage said after a few minutes of tinkering around with the blade.
Before Ulfgar could give an answer a fierce roar pierced the air and sent everybody into a panicked frenzy. Guards were running out into the town streets and servants were running to find some place to hide from the creature.
"If you’re going to fight off the dragon then I suggest you take this blade back. I may be a wizard but I am no good around such weaponry." The mage said as he handed back the blade before running out into Whiterun proper.
Ulfgar placed the blade back in its place and started for the large doors of Dragonsreach. Outside the town could be seen in chaos; houses were burning, villagers were running here and there, and guards and other citizens had their bows drawn trying to land a shot on the dragon up above. He raced down the steps leading to the houses of Whiterun while pulling out an elven bow, another little treat from the thieves he met on the road. Ulfgar was only able to fire a few arrows off before hiding behind a house for cover. The flames engulfed an unlucky villager who was running towards a group of companion warriors. A Whiterun guard standing behind him tapped his shoulder.
"Psst, I know who you are..." The guard began before the dragon landed in the street beside them.
"We can finish this chat latter, but we have a dragon to take care of." Ulfgar cut in before charging the dragon with his sword and shield out.
He did not notice how he was the only one charging towards the dragon or the man standing in the street wearing blue robes. Ulfgar only thought of avoiding the burning flames and the powerful jaw of the dragon in front of him. Behind him, the man in blue struggled to find some scroll in his pack. Once he found the one he needed a burst of blue and purple magic engulfed Ulfgar and the dragon. The magic engulfed them both in a magic ball and quickly shrunk until the magic dissipated and nothing stood in the street anymore. The citizens of Whiterun cheered the man on as it seemed he had destroyed the dragon. If only they had realized that the spell was made by one of his friends at the Mage Collage to conjure up a group of magical warriors.


Ulfgar saw the magic closing in around him and the dragon until it pulled the dragon through a strange magical portal. He was left alone in the closing magic sphere until another portal opened behind him and sent him flying through. Seconds turned to minutes as he was pulled through the giant magical hole. The magic hole began to fade and flicker before dropping him down in the middle of a thick forest. He stayed right on the ground where he was until he finally caught his breath. Slowly he got up and took a look around, all he could see was trees, weeds, and darkness. Everything seemed foreign where he was. Even the colors of everything around him seemed to pop out at him. He pushed himself up off the ground and tried to find his way with the stars he knew so well. To no avail, what little the trees allowed him to see, even those celestial bodies, was foreign. All he could trust in now was what he had with him, well maybe not the dagger but everything else should be fine. Off into the woods he went chopping away the underbrush with his sword on a trip he was sure was hopefully just a dream. Through the woods he went until he came upon a clearing with a road leading through a small pass with a group of 6 young women, wearing very strange clothing, walking down the path. He gave a sigh of relief and sheathed his sword.
"Hail Travelers." Ulfgar shouted out as he waved his now free hand.
The travelers stopped their progress on their trip and stood there to stare at him.
"Could I join you in your journey? I just need to follow you until we reach the next town then I'll be on my own way." Ulfgar began to say.
Halfway through his inquiry a roar shook the trees that surrounded the clearing. All of their heads turned to see what looked like a daedric spawn. It looked like a saber cat but with large bat wings and a strange multi-part tail with an interesting end. Ulfgar did not need anyone to tell him that this was a threat. Without a second thought he pulled out his sword and took up a defensive stance.
"A Manticore!" The traveler dressed in a variety of purple shouted out.
Ulfgar gave the traveler a questioning look before looking back at the 'manticore'.
"The longer I'm here the more I think this isn't Skyrim." Ulfgar mumbled to himself.