• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 767 Views, 19 Comments

The Quest for Family - CartoonNerd12

You know what happen to Rumble now found out what happen to his brother.

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was just one simple job. It should have been easy to do… But something went wrong… "RUN!" I had to tell him. "Just run!" That was the last time I ever saw my little brother…

Thunderlane woke up with a startle and looked around his surroundings that belonged to the Leota Forest. It was nighttime as he was next to the dying campfire with his girl Flitter, who was sleeping until she woke up to see Thunder wide awake.

"The dream again?" she asked.

"It's more than a dream… but a memory."

"We will find him, Thunder."

"It's been six years, Flit. I'm starting to think I'll never see him again."

"Don't say that."

"But he was my responsibility. With our parents gone, I had to take care of him, and I failed."

"It was just one mistake."

"A mistake I paid for."

Thunderlane and Rumble were flying around Equestria. Since their parents' unfortunate weather accident, Thunder was now responsible for Rumble's upbringing. He knew how hard it had been for his little bro, so he tried to give him the best there was.

"Thunder, I'm getting tired, and I'm hungry. When are we going to stop…?"

"Soon, Rumble, I promise." He looked down and spotted a town below them, "Down there." He pointed and started going down with his brother right behind him.

They didn't realize it, but someone saw them.

"Whatcha looking at, Boss?" a steer asked.

Longhorn answered, "You see those flying ponies?"

"Yeah…? What about them?"

"That big one might be useful for our cause."

"But how would you get him to help us?"

"Oh. I got something in mind…" Longhorn smirked evilly.

Thunderlane and Rumble landed in the town of Appleloosa, where a friendly earth pony, who was wearing a vest and cowboy hat, greeted them, "Howdy! Name's Braeburn and welcome to A-a-ppleloosa!"

"Thanks." said Thunder, "Tell me - is there an inn we can stay at?"

"For free?" Rumble babbled out, causing his big brother to cover his mouth.

Thunder nervously chuckled, "Kids. Always joking around…"

"Well, golly, if you're short on bits, you're always welcome to stay at my place."

"Really?" Thunder smiled. "That's very generous of you."

"Think nothing of it, since I can see you're taking care of a young colt there."

"Rumble, my little brother, and my name is Thunderlane." he extended his hoof.

Braeburn shook it, "Well, it's mighty nice to meet the both of you. Come on, I'll show you around."

Rumble cheered, causing the two older stallions to laugh.

Braeburn fed his guests at his homestead and asked where they were heading off to.

Thunder answered, "The truth is I don't know, but I do know is that we want to be as far away from Cloudesdale as possible."

"How come?"

Thunder lowered his head in sadness, "There was… an incident… that involved our parents…"

"I getcha. You don't have to say anymore."

"Thank you…" He looked to his little brother, who was sleeping on the sofa, as he whispered, "It's been tough on him… He misses them terribly."

"Not a day goes by when I think of my folks… I've been living on my own for a long time now."

"I just don't know what I'm going to do with him. I know he needs to be in school and should around other ponies his age. If I could just get a job that would support the both of us and a place where we can live without any more bad things happening to us."

Braeburn pondered on this until he grinned and suggested, "Hey, why don't stay here in Appleloosa?! We got a school, and fillies and colts!"

Thunder's eyes widened, "Do you think we could?"

"Sure! Appleloosa's always looking to hire ponies!"

"Great!" he started heading out until he realized, "Oh, do you think maybe you could watch my brother for a bit?"

"I'd be happy to! Now, go on."

Thunder nodded, quickly went to his sleeping bro, and whispered, "I'll be right back, and hopefully when I do, we'll get to start a whole new life…" He nuzzled him before he went out.

He was walking through town looking for any building that was looking to hire some pony. He didn't see where he was going till he bumped into someone hard.

"OW!" he and the pony exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't…" Once he got a good look, he saw a Pegasus mare with a bow in her mane, "…see you there…"

"No, it's my fault," insisted the mare.

"I guess it's both our faults."

She giggled.

He smiled as he introduced himself, "My name is Thunderlane."

"Flitter." she said.

"That's a cute name."

"Yours is not bad, either."

"So… uh…" he rubbed his neck, "You live around here?"

"I do. Well, not here in town, but on the outskirts where the buffalo tribe is. I live there."

"Wait… you live with the buffalo?"

"Yeah… it's a long story."

"I got some time."

"Well, you see, I was raised in the tribe because they found me out in the desert as a baby. I don't think I would be around if it weren't for them."

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"It is." she smiled. "A nice buffalo who was already a mother took me in after the Chief gave his consent, so I got a sister named Strongheart."

"I got a little brother name Rumble."

"You do?!"

"Yeah, it's just him and me since our parents were in this weather accident…"

"Oh, dear… I'm so sorry."

"Which brings me to why we're here. I'm trying to find a job so we can stay here."

"Really?! That's great!" Then she blushed, realizing she was getting too excited, "I mean…"

But he just smiled, "That's okay. If anything, just meeting you made me want to find a job more than ever."

She blushed further. "Well, I hope you do." Then she flapped her wings, "I have to get going. Good luck with the job hunt!" She flew off.

"Thanks!" he called back.

No matter where he went, there was nothing that would get him a job. He was feeling down that he wouldn't be able to move in with his brother and that he wouldn't get to see Flitter after all. Suddenly, he heard a psst sound and saw a large bull in the alleyway.

"Hey, kid."

"Who me?"

"Yes, you! Now, get over here."

Thunderlane cautiously approached the large animal.

The bull spoke again, "I hear you're looking for a job."

"That's right."

"I can help you."

"You can?!"

"Not so loud! Yes, I can help, but you have to do me a favor."

"Sure! I'll do anything at this point!"

"Good. Now, you see that building across from us? I want you to deliver this letter to the clerk." Longhorn handed Thunder a folded note. "You bring that, and then you get your job."

"Oh, thank you, sir!" he ran off.

Longhorn smirked, "No… thank you…" He turned to his gang, "Boys! Get ready to rob a bank!"

The steers cheered.

Thunderlane was flapping for his life. One minute, he was handing a note to the clerk, and the next moment, the sheriff was called for and the pegasus was about to be placed under arrest. He panicked and took off, causing a posse to chase after him. He took a turn when he smacked into his brother and they both landed on the ground.

"Rumble! What are you doing out here?!"

"I came looking for you! Braeburn told me you had gone out and I was afraid the same thing had happened to you like Mom and Dad!"

Thunder could hear them coming closer. The posse would capture them together. He had to protect his brother. If he ended up in jail, chances were they would take Rumble away! He couldn't let that happen. His brother had been through so much already. There was only one thing to do…



"Just run!"

"But… Thunder…"

"Rumble, you have to get out of here! Now, go!"

Rumble didn't waste a second and flew out of there.

Sheriff Silverstar was interrogating Thunderlane, who was behind bars.

"And you expect us to believe that you were not an accessory to the crime? The bank was robbed by the Longhorn gang shortly after you had us chasing you around the place!"

"I was framed!" Thunder kept insisting.

"That's what they all say…" He sat back at his desk while Thunder groaned and lied down on his cot.

Over the next couple of days, Flitter heard about what happened to Thunderlane and she found it hard to believe. Braeburn was the only one who agreed with her because they were the only two ponies who met Thunder. The fact that Braeburn was the only one to have seen Rumble gave Flitter all the more reason to believe that Thunderlane was innocent.

Flitter asked, "Did you talk to the sheriff?"

"I tried, but he reckoned that Thunderlane pulled the wool over my eyes and that Rumble was just some kid he was using, but I don't think so. I saw how Thunder was affectionate toward him. Why would he need to pretend?"

"He wouldn't. I came across him just when he was looking for work and he told me how he was trying to support his brother. Let's face it, Thunderlane accidently got in with the wrong crowd and they used him for their own notorious plans!"

"Longhorn is one of the toughest outlaws there is. Capturing him won't be easy."

"Which is why we're going to need help…" She whispered her plan to him.

It was late at night as Thunder was lying on the cot while on the other side of the bars, Sheriff Silverstar was sleeping behind his desk. Thunder was too guilt-ridden to sleep when he heard flapping outside his jail window and a girl's voice started calling out to him.

"Thunderlane… Thunder…" Flitter made her appearance at the window.

"Flitter!" he cried out before he realized he was being too loud and checked on the sheriff, who was still sleeping. He whispered, "Why are you here? I thought you would hate me like everyone else in town."

"No, and I'm not the only one. Braeburn knows you didn't help rob that bank."

"Well, I'm glad you both believe in me, but it won't do me any good. I'm stuck here until they can capture those outlaws."

"Which is why we got a plan."

"What plan?"

"The plan that's going to set you free so you can go find your brother."

He gave a sad smile, "Flitter, thank you, but I couldn't ask you to risk yourself out there, especially for someone you hardly know."

"Thunder, in my tribe, we were always taught to look for each other, even strangers. I want to help you." Then, she handed him an apple through the window bars, "Here. Braeburn had me bring this to you. It's from one of his apple trees."

He took it, "Tell him I said thanks and that he's been a real pal, and so have you…"

She smiled as she took her leave. In moments, she met Braeburn back at his house, who was waiting with her tribe sister Little Strongheart. From the looks of things, the buffalo and pony were getting along well before Flitter came up to them.

Strongheart told Flit, "The Chief's ready when you are."

"I am."

"Let's go." said the small buffalo as they went.

By the time dawn rose, the Longhorn gang was battered and beaten as the buffalos were behind them, escorting them to the jail. The sheriff was surprised by this development while Thunder was smiling when he saw Flitter and Braeburn leading the way.

Flitter told the sheriff, "Here are the bank robbers, sheriff. We overheard them gloating about how they were able to use Thunderlane to take the fall."

Braeburn confirmed, "It's true. Heard every word of it."

Silverstar was a bit taken aback by this information until he grabbed his keys and headed to Thunder's cell, "Well, son, I reckon I owe you an apology. You're free to go." He opened the cell and Thunder, Flitter, and Braeburn rejoiced.

When they were outside, Thunder told Strongheart and Braeburn, "I can't thank you two enough!"

Strongheart mentioned, "Think nothing of it."

"Now, don't you have a brother to look for?" Braeburn mentioned.

"I do." he sighed. "I sure hope he hasn't gone too far."

Flitter told him, "I'll come with you to help."

"You will?"

"Of course, and I would love to meet your little brother."

He smiled.

Flitter remembered that day all too well as Thunderlane lied on the ground in despair. For six long years, he couldn't find Rumble. She could see his pain and tried to remind him of all they had done during their search for Rumble. The two got closer and fell in love, which eventually Thunder promised that he would marry her once they found his brother. While on their search, they made many allies.

At one point, the two came back to Appleloosa in time for Strongheart and Braeburn's wedding. Once the newlyweds learned their friends still couldn't find Rumble, they decided to join them on their quest.

Flitter saw the two of them sleeping nearby, along with Maud Pie.

It was an interesting story about how they met her.