• Member Since 24th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen May 20th


I live life deliciously.


It has been a difficult year for Alexi. After the death of Gregory whatever humor he used to have is long gone. He finds himself to be jealous and bitter about much of life. It was Olivia who suggested they start looking into orphanages to find someone who might be able to bring some sense of joy and closure to their lives

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Очень хорошая история

Nice Orphan reference too!

7320507 Well, I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

I appreciate the fact that you went for a twist here, but I thought the parts leading up to that twist were much stronger than what came after. The pre-twist tone was heavy and atmospheric, and I was eager to see what it was building toward. The twist itself is humorous and interesting. But I didn't feel like there was enough groundwork laid for the twist to be what it is ; as it is, it seemed almost random, rather than something I could have guessed at. I found myself wishing the scene had ended after he sat down at the piano, because that would have ended it as a heartwarming slice of cute.

... I realize that might come off as dumping on it, and I want to be clear that that isn't my intention. Rather, I think you came very close to executing something quite good here, and I'm trying to pick at the things that I feel hold it back from achieving its full potential.

Overall, I enjoyed it, and it made me want to read more of your take on humans and their interactions with Equestrians.

7347432 I appreciate what you're saying. I don't even necessarily disagree with you. This story was more of a reaction to a series of stories, art, etc. that I'd had come my way over a week or so. See, I'd been getting a lot of, "Poor orphan Scootaloo," popping up for whatever reason. I'm not necessarily sure why but, I was.

So, this was ultimately my response, just so I could say it was out there. It wasn't about trying to do high art or even anything emotional it was more about shifting the narrative a little bit, even if it were just for me. For the most part I was surprised anyone liked it at all.

7347662 Ahh, yes, I don't usually follow the Rage Reviews group contests, but their recent "Orphan Scootaooloo" prompt yielded results that were difficult to ignore.

7348011 I hate to play the ignorance card but I didn't know that was a prompt. I will say though that it does explain why all of a sudden I was seeing so much more of it! :derpytongue2:

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