• Published 22nd Jun 2016
  • 404 Views, 2 Comments

Conversations of Immortals - MarchPony

Hetalia x MLP crossover. Romano aka South Italy, did not want his Monday to go like this. Damn England. Well, at least his tour guide is nice.

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I hate Mondays.

My name is Italy Romano. Most nations call me Romano or South Italy. You humans call me Lovino Vargas.

Don't you DARE call me Lovi or I'll kill you in your sleep you bastard.

Where was I? Right. I was about to tell you the time I went to hell where I met an angel. Did I say hell? I ment Canterlot High.

Before you ask, yes this was the tea bastard England's fault. We just happened to be having a meeting at his place and I just happened to arrive early.

No it wasn't so I could sit next to Spain, you're crazy!


I was walking around, trying to find the meeting room, (England's house is so different from mine damnit!) when I stumbled upon England. With a wand. Standing in what looked like one of those cursing circles.

"Uh. . ." I did not know what to say. I knew England could do magic, I just thought he didn't use it any more. Guess I was wrong.

B-but it's not like I was the only one in the wrong, America doesn't even know England can do magic!

So I was just standing there like an idiot when he turned around.

"Oi! You! Romano!"

"What bastard?"

"Come in here for a second!"

Being the fool that I was, I did just that. He guided me to the center of the curse circle.

"Can I ask a question?" I asked, suddenly feeling a sense of impending doom.

"Ask away old chap." He replied fiddling with something.

"What are you doing bastard?" The curse circle was glowing now, and I couldn't get out.

"I'm testing inter-dimensional travel. I needed a test subject and you happened to be here. I would suggest doing exactly what I say." England kept fiddling with that thing. "Don't move until the light fades. You're going to become younger, 18 at the oldest, so don't freak out. These are humans so please use your human name." The room was turning white.

"What?!" I hoped and prayed someone heard that and was coming to rescue me.

"You're a transfer student from Italy and are getting shown around the school. I'll have cameras on you at all times, so you should be safe."

"WHAT?!" I could see more and more white and less of the room.

" Follow these instructions. I just need to know if this dimension is safe. I'll be able to bring you back when I'm done." Then England whispered,"Hopefully. . ."

"WHAT?!!!" Then the door opened and I could barely see the faintest glimpse of America and Germany before the world turned completely white.

I (luckily) remembered that bastard's warning about not to move before the light was completely gone. By the time it was I couldn't tell because EVERYTHING WAS SO DAMN BRIGHT. From the houses to the DAMN GRASS. Everything was so damn fluorescent.
After about fifteen minutes of me just standing there getting used to light, I realized I was a teenager again.
The damn tea bastard was right. I. Am. 18. Again. Someone kill me. Hold on England said something about me being a transfer student?
Before I could understand THAT, I saw the people. THEY WERE EVEN BRIGHTER THAN THE GRASS. Did that person have purple skin? How in the name of god was he still alive?

Then, and only then, did I notice the school. All that pink. . .

Out of nowhere a piece of paper appeared next to me. This is what it said:

Dear Romano,
Sorry about doing that so suddenly. I would bring you back but the machine is acting up, so it could take a while. Since you're there, here's what I need you to do. You see that building with the words Canterlot HIgh on it? Go there. It has the most magic and we might be able to get you back quicker if you go there. Also, you're signed up as a transfer student and will be given the tour soon. TAKE THE TOUR. We need to learn if the people in this dimension are harmful. And don't worry. Everyone will be watching so you will be fine.

Well shit. I was stuck here in this very bright world and could not back to my own. And I had to go back to school. And my school was pink. Oh joy. I sighed and went into the school. I started looking around for someone who would look like a tour guide. As I was looking I ran into someone and we both ended up on the floor.

"Watch it shit-face!" I yelled. I was not in the mood for this, And apparently, they weren't either.

"Well excuse me! I'm just trying to go show someone around like an awesome person like me should , and you happened to be in my way!"

I looked up and saw a girl with rainbow hair and blue skin. She looked like an athlete and was very angry. Hold up. Did I just yell at a girl?
Oh would Grandpa Rome be ashamed. And did say 'go show someone around'? Great. This mix of Prussia and America would be my tour guide.

"Sorry. I'm new here. I just transferred here from Italy bella." I'm so lucky I'm italian. I know how to deal with girls.

"Oh, I guess you're the person I'm showing around." She paused and looked me over. "But that doesn't mean I like you."

And that's how our tour began.

My name is Rainbow Dash. You can call me Rainbow or Dash, but NOT Dashie. You call me Dashie and you're dead, got that?

This is the story about how I got wrapped up in showing some guy around and got a new friend because of it.

You see my friends, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, (geniuses, both of them.)had noticed something was weird with the magic here, like it was being used for some other-worldly purpose. And it had something to do with the new student from Italy. So they thought, he must be dangerous!

Who they never met, by the way. Hypocrites.

Anyway, they made me sign up to show the guy around. Why me and not someone else who'd be better at this? Maybe because I was the one who figured out how to hack the computers here. I don't know.

So there I was showing trying to find this guy because I had no idea what he looked like and I ran into someone. Turns out this is the guy I showing around. And I must say, he was suspicious. Yelling at me one minute, flirting with me the next.

He and Rarity would get along.

But magic stuff? Nope. He seemed like a normal human. Except for that one curl of his that seemed to defy gravity.

We were about half way though the tour when I remembered to ask his name.

"So dude, what's your name?" He looked at me, annoyed before answering.

"Ita- I mean, Lovino Vargas. Yours?" Okay, he was about to say something before that. Also, how did he pronounce his name? Lovine? Lovini? Screw it I'm calling him Lovi.

"I'm the awesome Rainbow Dash! Nice to meet you Lovi." He looked at me likeAre you serious? and started laughing.

"Rainbow Dash? What kind of name is that?" He kept laughing. "Wait, did you just call me Lovi?"

"Uh. . .yeah."

"Never. Call. Me. Lovi." His glare could kill.

"What can only your boyfriend call you that?" He blushed. Oh. OH. OH. If Rarity were here. . .

That little bitch. She had the nerve to call me that. And then she had the audacity to ask if only my boyfriend could call me that. Well if she wanted to go there I would go there and back.

"No. Come on Dashie, I don't want to spend anymore time with you than I have to." I started to leave and she just stood there. Next she ran after me claiming 'if you call me that again they won't find your body.' But, I can run fast if I want to.

So can Dashie.

The rest of the tour was her chasing me through the school, which, by the way, was a lot less pink on the inside.

I would never admit this out loud, but it was actually fun.

By the time she caught me, both of us were too tired to do anything to each other. And then she touched me and said, "You're it Lovi."

It was so on.

I didn't know what everyone else was thinking, Dashie and I chasing each other around the school. Both of us yelling and cursing. And yelling our new nicknames. In the end the vice principal made us stop. She gave us a long lecture about running in the halls.

"Now Miss Dash, I would appreciate if you gave our new student a PROPER tour." We nodded.

She was in the middle of talking about the music program when I noticed them. It took a while from her arms slow down enough so you could see them, but they were there. Faint white scars. Scars from cutting. I knew those scars, I had them myself. Why would she do it though? She was obviously self-consis about them. Was she still cutting? Why did I care? I didn't know her very well, I wasn't her friend. And she acted so much like Prussia and America. She would't do that. Right? No shame in asking.

"And that is our awesome music program. Uh. . . Lovi? HELLO. EARTH TO LOVI!" She was waving her hand in front of my face.


"Good. I thought I'd lost you!" She laughed. Oh this poor girl. I grabbed her arm and pointed at the scars.

"What are these?"

He noticed. Oh god. What do I do? No one noticed before.

"Uh...well... you see...I...soccer scrapes?" Wow. Worst lie award went to me.

"No they're not. Tell me the truth." He was being so serious. And why did he care? No one cares unless they've. . . been through it themself.

"You first." He growls.

"Fine. But not here."

"I agree. Uh. . . hey Lovi?"


"Could you let go of my arm now?"

Dashie and I went into an unused classroom to talk about. . .feelings. Neither of us wanted to go first. Damn. If she were a country, everyone would think she's my little sister. After a lot of fighting, yelling, and begging, I went first. I really did not want to go, with all those other nations watching me. However, I saw her waiting eagerly and instead of Dashie, I saw me. Back when I was with Spain and he would tell me stories about his adventures. I forgot about all the others and started the shitty tale that is my life.

"Well...let's start with my brother. He's perfect in every way. He can draw, sing and pretty much everything else with ease. Meanwhile I'm. . . me. It only made since everyone liked him more. Even our grandfather, who raised us. I got so used to it that I just shut people out insted of let them in and get hurt." Dashie nodded, like she understood. I couldn't see her however, I was in my own world. " There was this one guy. He kept trying to be friends with me. I wasn't making it easy, I thought he was like everyone else. But. . . after a while, I let him in. He was the only one who I ever let in. That's why it hurt when I found out, he WAS like everyone else. It was the last straw. I starting small, only a few cuts. They wouldn't last. A few days at the most. Then, one day, I hung myself. I remembered. I can't die." I stopped then, covering my mouth. What did I just do? But, before I could freak out, this happened.

"You too?" It was quite, barely a whisper. "You can't die either?" She had tears in her eyes and looked desperate. I couldn't lie to her.

"No. No I can't."

What was I thinking. Telling Lovi I can't die like that. And on top of that, he can't either! He was waiting for me to talk. Man this day was weird.

'Oh, is it my turn?"


"Okay. Here it goes. First of, I was adopted. My foster parents never hid that fact from me. I loved them and they loved me. It was great until... they got murdered. I was there and saw the whole thing. The murders wanted me because of me birth parents. I. . . still don't know why. After the funeral, I went to live with my grandparents, also adoptive. It was. . . okay I guess. Then my grandfather got murdered by the same people who killed my foster parents and all my friends left me for, I still don't know why. I did about two weeks of cutting before I took a gun and shot myself through the mouth. No one can survive that. Yet here I am." I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I hadn't told anyone about that. I guess I needed to. "I still cut, but they just heal faster."

Lovi sighed. "Me too."

I thought I had a shitty life. Then Dashie told me about her's. I don't think so now. There we were hugging and crying because that was the first time both of us ever told anyone that. She was crying into my shoulder, I guess she wasn't as ready to share as I thought she was.

Then again, neither was I.

But, I didn't like seeing Dashie cry. So I tapped her shoulder and said,"You're it." And then I took off down the hallway. The rest of the day we laughed, cried, and played tag.

It was one of the best days of my life. And I was in a pink school. Playing tag. With a teenage girl with rainbow hair.

Why not?

My friends probably think I'm crazy. I came back from leaving class early to give a tour to some transfer student and come back HOURS later after playing tag with said transfer student. Also, I was pretty sure my eyes were SUPER red from crying. Everyone looked at me like, Holy shit , what did he do to her? Yeah, Lovi had rubbed off on me. Oh man Fluttershy was not going to like that.

"Rainbow! What in tarnation happened to you?" Applejack asked. "Did that weirdo hurt you?" I was about to say something like, Bitch please. But then Rarity decided to speak.

"I knew I should have gone. I could have handled that italian." I laughed. To think! I thought Lovi and her could have gotten along! Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Now for the real question. Was he dangerous? Did he hurt you?"

"He has a name. It's Lovino." Holy crap I said his name right. Pinkie tilted her head in confusion.

"Lov what now?" She asked. I laughed again. Poor Lovi. He had the worst name.

"And he's cool." I said to Twilight. Rarity came up to me.

"Is he hot? I heard italians are hot." I thought for a minute before replying.

"Yeah. But he's also 100% gay." The way he talked about the one guy. . . If I ever met him I would break his neck. "And DAMN that boy can run." Everyone looked at me.

"Language Dash." Applejack sternly said.

Dashie was so cool, I never wanted to leave. She understood me in ways the other nations couldn't. She was like an angel on Earth. She deserved to know the truth. I needed to tell her tomorrow. Was the world getting whiter? I needed to hurry.

My name is England. And on a Monday I successfully sent someone into another dimension. His name was Italy Romano but everyone called him Romano. The rest of the nations monitored him while Norway, Romania, and I tried to bring him home. There was a problem. His soul was tied to the girl Rainbow Dash's. No matter what we did we couldn't change that. Now all we can do is hope he'll be fine.

He's gone. I spilled my life story to him and he left. Everyone else didn't care, they were kinda relived. When all hope seemed lost, a piece of paper landed in front of me. It said:
Dear Dashie,
I sorry for leaving so suddenly. I wanted to tell you this in person but I guess you reading it is better than not hearing it at all. I'm from a different dimension. The reason I have to leave so soon is because of my job there. I'm the personification of Southern Italy. Someone sent me here against my will and the same bastard made me leave against my will. I'll always remember you. DAMN THAT TEA BASTARD ENGLAND! HE WON'T LET ME WRITE MORE!
I looked up and realized I was crying. No one noticed, but I didn't care. I have a new friend. He won't forget me and I won't forget him.

And that's how I became friends with Rainbow Dash. We still keep in touch, using our friends machines. And our convesations are always on Mondays.

Author's Note:

Lovi and Dashie are so cute! I :heart: them!

Sorry about OOCness and no italian. But, I only speak American!