• Published 21st Jun 2016
  • 946 Views, 9 Comments

Little Tia - Lord King Cocoon

After Celestia and Discord get into a heated argument (and generally being cranky), a magical discharge makes them regress in age. You are a member of Luna's royal guard. And you have been tasked with being little Tia's caregiver until this is fixed.

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1 An Old Acquaintance

“You want me to do WHAT?!” you exclaim in shock at Luna’s instruction. Normally you wouldn’t turn down an order from Luna. But Luna has never given you an order like this before.

“Do I need to repeat myself?” Luna replies with a stern voice, “I have never known you to turn down a request from me.”

You try to recompose yourself. But the situation prevents you from succeeding, “I apologize, Luna. But…It’s not that I’m turning down your request. It’s just…” you keep stumbling on your words.

“Do you believe my trust in you is misplaced?” Luna says, causing you to feel guilty. You honestly don’t know if this duty is something you’d be able to do.

“I don’t want to say you’re judgement is wrong. But I have no experience with foals!” you point out, “Are you sure I’m fit to be your sister’s caregiver?”

“She may have regressed to the form of a filly. But she still has the knowledge and wisdom of somepony who has lived several thousand years. So she knows the difference from right and wrong,” Luna explains as her expression softens, “And besides, I trust you to this task not because of your ability to do so. I trust you because of the fact that out of all my guards, I know you will take this task seriously, and not just do it because you’re told to.”

Luna’s words are flattering. You know that Luna trusts you more than the other guards. It’s why she talks to you if she needs to vent her feelings. She trusts you not to tell anypony else. And she’s right. You would take the task seriously. You just hope that you’re up to the task.

Tia, who had been outside the door listening, comes in and looks up at you with large, pink, puppy dog eyes. It was so cute, how could you not accept the task? “I’ll do my best,” you say with a defeated sigh.

“Thank you, Anon. And this is only for while I’m busy with my…with my sister’s royal duties,” Luna says. But then she came close to whisper something into your ear so Tia couldn’t hear, “But if it is true that her mind has regressed to the mindself of a filly, keep on your guard. Believe it or not, when we were fillies, it was Tia who was the more mischievous one of us.”

After hearing Luna’s words, you suddenly get the feeling that Tia’s puppy dog eyes had ulterior motives.

“What about me?” the three of you turn to see that Discord was now awake. When did he wake up? “Am I gonna have to be babysitted too?”

“If anything, you need to be babysitted more than me,” Tia says, a bit of venom in her voice, “I am a princess and will behave as such. You just do whatever you want whenever you want.”

You look to Luna with pleading eyes. Tia is one thing. But Tia and Discord would be too much for you to handle.

“Perhaps I’ll suspend your duties as caregiver until tomorrow. I’ll take today off from royal duties to take care of Tia,” Luna says as she grabs a roll of parchment, “Today, your task is to take Discord to Fluttershy. She can take care of him until we can figure out how to fix this. While you’re at that, I’ll send a letter to Twilight Sparkle informing her of the…situation.”

“I don’t need to be escorted to Fluttershy like a child!” Discord says before snapping his claws…and nothing happening. This catches Discord off guard as he snaps his claws several more times with no results.

“First of all, you are a child, dummy!” Tia said, “And second, your powers are far weaker than they had been.” Tia stuck her tongue out at Discord, receiving a glare from Luna.

You accept the task of taking baby discord to Fluttershy. You think it would be good to get in touch with her again and see how she’s been.

You’re almost to Fluttershy’s cottage. And you’re thankful that this ride is almost over, seeing as how troublesome Discord can be even as a child.

“I want a cookie!” Discord whines.

“I don’t have a cookie to give you!” you exclaim in frustration, “And besides, are you saying that your powers are so weak, you can’t even make a simple cookie appear?”

“Oh,” Discord says a little sheepishly. He then snaps his claws and a cookie appears, “Thanks.”

“What are you thanking me for?” you ask as you look down to the draconequus youngling, “Technically, you did it yourself.”

“Well…you reminded me I could do it,” Discord says, “So I’m thanking you for that.”

“Fair enough,” you say as the carriage you’re riding comes to a halt as it lands, “We’re here.” You get out of the carriage before picking Discord up and carrying him. You can tell he’s not fond of being treated like a child. And you’re enjoying it.


You knock on the door. At first, you don’t hear anything. Any other pony might assume nopony’s home. But you know better than to just assume that. You know Fluttershy well enough to know that she tends to be the quiet, shy type that may not always answer the door. Which is why you have a trick up your sleeve…if you had any.


That’s a special knock you came up with so that Fluttershy would recognize that it’s you.

“We don’t want any!” a male voice came from inside the cottage.

“Zephyr, don’t be rude! That’s an old…friend…of mine,” you’d recognize that gentle voice anywhere. Though you’re curious as to who Zephyr was. Did Fluttershy get married during their time apart?

Your thoughts are derailed as the top half of the door opens up. There she is, just as you remembered her. That kind, gentle, butter yellow pegasus, “Anon! You’re here!” she exclaims.

“It’s great to see you again, Fluttershy! We should catch up with each other while I’m here!” you exclaim before returning to a serious expression, “But I am here on official royal business. Last night, Discord and Celestia got into an argument. And there was a magical mishap, and both Celestia and Discord were affected.”

“Oh?! Are they okay?” Fluttershy asks with concern.

“That depends on how you want to look at it,” you say before holding Discord in front of you.

Fluttershy is shocked to see Discord as a child. She then grabs him herself, “Discord, what happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Discord mopes.

Fluttershy then surprises you when she smiles and hugs Discord, “You’re just so cute as a child, Dissy!” You smile as you see the blush on Discord’s face. You can see that he’s embarrassed, but his lack of struggling shows that there’s a part of him that likes it.

“Luna feels that you are the best choice for taking care of Discord,” you explain, “Luna will be taking on Celestia’s job until this issue can be fixed.”

“Hey, mom, who’s at the door?” a female voice says from inside. The words ‘mom’ rings in you’re head as you realize Fluttershy is a mother.

“You have a daughter?!” you exclaim at the realization, “Does that mean that Zephyr is your husband?”

You watch as Fluttershy’s cheeks go a cute shade a pink, “What? No! Zephyr isn’t my husband! He’s my brother!”

“Oh…heh,” Now it’s your time to blush.

“But perhaps you should come in. There’s other things we should talk about,” Fluttershy suggests. You’re curious as to what this could imply, so you take her up on her offer.

Author's Note:

Now you see why I wanted this to take place in the future. Fluttershy's a mother. But there's more to it than this. So see you next time.