• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 838 Views, 9 Comments

Days of the Night - Petro

A story about a unicorn stallion who can only use magic during the night. And Pinkie Pie Parties.

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Hi there! Petro! here, I want to thank all you who read this!
I'm also giving a big shoutout to my friend Dracomis for knocking enough sense into me (over the internet) to get me to write this. Thanks dude.

BTW there will be some Swedish and Latin in my notes.
This is my thoughts
This is me yelling at my brain
But anyway, Lets get this show on the road! Låt oss vara av!

Have you ever been unconscious? No? Well, trust me, it's not much fun. It's like one of those naps where you wake up after five hours but it feels like five minutes, except more humiliating. I hope I didn't ruin her floor, I mean, nice hardwood flooring is hard to come by. Okay time to wake up. I attempted to open my eyes, but they didn't respond. O-kay, well, now what. Meh, time to sing in my head. After years of being in my school's marching band, it didn't take me long to find the right song: Kashmir.


[POV: Apple Bloom]

"I he gonna be OK?" I asked Dr. Strongheart.

"Yes, for the tenth time, yes! He'll be fine, it's only a minor concussion. Your friend Scootaloo has had worse." he grumbled.

He doesn't have to be so mean... I had been in the hospital room with the strange stallion, whose name was Moonglow apparently. After Applejack and I got him to the hospital, a letter fell out of his vest pocket. According to it, he was related to Twilight, but he looked nothing like her. He was silver and red, not purple and purple! The letter was addressed to Trottingham, which explained his funny accent. I looked up at him laying on the bed, I hope he'll wake up soon, Twilight was coming to see him. She was apparently very excited to 'interrogate' (her word of choice) him about his side of the family.

"Ugh... where are my waffles?" I heard him mumble.

[POV: Moonglow]

As I sang the final notes in Kashmir, I was able to open my eyes. I gave the room a quick once-around. Hospital. I hate hospitals. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the filly from earlier looking at me with concern. Since I didn't see or smell waffles, I did the only reasonable thing.

"Ugh... where are my waffles?" I mumbled. Damn, can't fully speak yet! "why am I in a hospital?"

"Mah sister Applejack and I brought you here after ya passed out" she yelled, earning a small gasp from me as she jumped up and put me in a one-way bear hug. "Ahm so glad you're OK, Ah thought you were gonna die." she whispered in my ear.

"Pfft! Are you kidding me? It takes more than a little blood loss to take me down!" I claimed triumphantly.

"I can see that." came an annoyed voice from the door way. He had a dark grey coat and dull brown made. He had a medical cross for a cutie mark, so I deduced that he was my doctor.

"What's up doc?" I said.

"I just reviewed your medical history, and I must say, how are you still alive? I mean, it says here that you had a house dropped on you?"

"Meh, I ducked in one of the windows when it landed. Dragons don't think things through."

"You fell in a tub of acid!?"

"It only had a pH rating of 6, higher than vinegar."

"And this, you set yourself on fire?"

"Umm... yeah... It was a bet. I got more than enough to pay the bill out of it though."

He just looked at me like I was crazy and walked off. I looked over to see the filly staring at me with her jaw open. I reached down and shut it for her.

"So, I never did get your name." I stated calmly.

"Ahm Apple Bloom, one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and heir to the Apple family farm: Sweet Apple Acres." Apple Bloom Responded in kind.

"Wait, THE Sweet Apple Acres, producer of the best apples in Equestria?" I gawked.


Holy shit! I'm in the presence of farming royalty! I got out of the stretcher/bed thing and bowed down to her, earning me a funny look.

"I'm honored to be in your presence."I stated, awe clearly in my voice.

"Um, why?" she asked.

"You and your family are farming royalty!" I exclaimed.

"O-kay then. Wait! You don't look like a farmer, how do ya know that?" Apple Bloom looked at me suspiciously.

"Well, you see, I'm a potato farmer, so I learned it from agricultural news." I explained.


"Agricultural, it's from the Romane words for field and cultivation, it pretty much means farming." I expounded.

"What are you, a dictionary?" she scoffed under her breath.

"No, I'm a humble potato farmer." I replied.

And... BAM! Awkward silence.

5-6 minutes of silence later...

Well, this is awkward. No dip Sherhoof! STBU brain. I can normally hold a conversation for at least 10 minutes. Maybe you scarred her with your medical history. Do you want me to kill you?Wouldn't that kill you too? Buck you brain, buck you. Hehehe! I looked over to See Apple Bloom staring at me like I was a madpony.

"Did I say all of that out loud?" I sheepishly inquired.


"I'll take that as a yes."

Another long awkward silence later...


Dr. Strongheart opened the door rather quickly, enough to have it break some of the plaster on the wall, causing AB and I to jump. She landed on her hooves, while I fell to the ground with a thud. What did I tell you? STBU.

"Great news! Oh, are you OK?" he said.

"Just dandy, now what's the news?" I commented.

"You're being released!"

"Good. This pleases me."

He turned to leave.

"Wait!" I said.

"What do you want?" he snapped. Strange, he was so happy a second ago.

"Firstly, are you bipolar? Second, can I get something to eat? Third, can you hit me on the head with your clipboard?" I pleaded.

"First: no, Second: cafeteria's down the hall on the left, Third: I'd be happy to" He said as he whacked me on the head with the clipboard.

Ow! Take that brain!

It just so happened that while he was hitting me, two nurses saw him and pulled him out of the room, muttering something about how they need to reevaluate his résumé. Apple Bloom and I started rolling on the floor with laughter. I haven't laughed this hard in ages! I think I'm going to like this place.

"Excuse me, but why was a doctor being dragged away from here?" said a new voice.

I looked up to see a lavender unicorn with a darker purple mane. Who's this?

"And you are?" I said, still lying upside down on the floor.

"Oh, hi Twilight!" AB said excitedly.

Twilight, Twilight, where have I heard that before? Oh, right! The letter. I quickly regained my composure and stood up. Only to hit my head on the foot of the stretcher-thing.


"Are you OK?" Twilight asked.

"I'm good, how are you, Miss Sparkle" I replied.

"While you two catch up Ahm gonna go home." AB said.

"If it's OK with you Miss Sparkle, I'll walk home with Apple Bloom, I do have to thank her sister for taking me here, after all." I said while turning to Twilight.

"That's perfectly fine with me, and please, just call me Twilight or Twi, we don't need such formalities among family." She replied.

"Okie doke! Let's get a move on Apple Bloom!" I ushered her on. "Before the sun sets!"

"Be careful you two." I heard Twilight say as we left the small room.

Soon enough, we were out of the hospital and into the cool air.

"Lead the way!" I said to Apple Bloom, after all, I had no clue as to where anything was. Except for the library, I could see the top branches from here.

As the sun began to set on my first official day in Ponyville, I had a good feeling about the place. Ruining my train of thought, my stomach roared at me as we walked down the road.

"Oh hush you!" I scolded it, earning another growl from it that sent AB into a fit of laughter.

Faster than one could say "antidisestablishmentarianism" and pronounce it correctly, Apple Bloom was getting tired. One thing led to another and she ended up laying on my back, giving me directions. Faster than expected, she fell asleep, but it didn't really matter, I could see the sign that said "Sweet Apple Acres" and slowly walked to the small red farmhouse and knocked on the door. From inside I heard a muffled voice with a thick country accent saying,

"Ah sure do hope that's Apple Bloom, it's past her bedtime."

The door squeaked open and an orange earth pony mare with a blond mane and a Stetson looked at me, then to the sleeping filly on my back.

"Thank ya kindly" she said as she remove AB from my back. "Do ya have a place to stay?"

Still out of breath from carrying Apple Bloom, I just shook my head.

"Well, you can stay on the couch again tonight if ya want."

"Thank you very much Miss..."


"Thank you Miss Applejack" I said as I slumped down on the couch and fell into the warm caress of dreams.