• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 537 Views, 26 Comments

Chineighs Word of the Day - Super Trampoline

They say the best way to learn a language is to actually use it, so each day I'll post a short story featuring a Chineighs word in place of an Equestrian one. This will be focusing on Pinyin as opposed to characters, because characters are a pain!

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Shān (山): Mountain

"Wow, Maud, look at how rounded and worn down those shān are! I bet they're really old!"

"Pinkie, did you just slip into Chineighs?"

"Yeppers, it's the central conceit of this story collection! Learn Chineighs one word at a time. The author already remembers that shān means mountain! A few thousand entries later, and BAM! He'll know Chineighs. Easy peasy don't be a Breezie!"

"I don't know, that sounds like quite a shān of a task."

Author's Note:

山: mountain

Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: 中国有很多大山。
Sentence meaning: There are many big mountains in China.
Pinyin word: shān
Pinyin sentence: Zhōngguó yǒu hěnduō dà shān.